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Created that should run on Windows.

git-svn-id: 233e721a-07f6-49eb-a7da-05e0e16828fc
adeniz 7 anos atrás

+ 8
- 5
SNF_CS_Developer_Package/SNF4SA/INSTALL Ver arquivo

@@ -14,11 +14,14 @@ following steps:
to meet your needs. See below for a description of the
configuration settings.
The module writes the email message to a temporary file in
/tmp/snf4sa. If this directory doesn't exist, the script creates it
with permission 777. This allows both the script and SNFServer to
write to that directory. If that directory already exists, ensure
that it has a permission of 777.
The module writes the email message to a temporary file in /tmp/snf4sa
(C:\TEMP\SNF4SA for Windows). If this directory doesn't exist, the
script creates it with permission 777. This allows both the script
and SNFServer to write to that directory. If that directory already
exists, ensure that it has a permission of 777.
Windows users: Install the file, renaming it to in the installation directory.
The plugin uses the SNFServer results to calculate a plugin score.
For SpamAssassin with a version of 3.2.0 or later, this plugin score

+ 775
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package/SNF4SA/ Ver arquivo

@@ -0,0 +1,775 @@
# SpamAssassin SNF4SA Plugin for SNFServer.
# This plugin implements a SpamAssassin rule to use SNFServer to test
# whether an email is spam.
# Copyright (C) 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
# The plugin implements a single evaluation rule, which passes the
# email message through SNFServer. The communication with SNFServer
# is through XCI and a temporary file on disk which contains the email
# message truncated to the frist 64K bytes.
package Snf4sa;
use strict;
use Mail::SpamAssassin;
use Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin;
use Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus;
use Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::File;
use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;
our @ISA = qw(Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin);
# Convenience variables and pseudo-constants
my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a";
# translation table for SNF rule codes
my $rule_code_xlat = {
0 => 'Standard White Rules',
20 => 'GBUdb Truncate (superblack)',
40 => 'GBUdb Caution (suspicious)',
47 => 'Travel',
48 => 'Insurance',
49 => 'Antivirus Push',
50 => 'Media Theft',
51 => 'Spamware',
52 => 'Snake Oil',
53 => 'Scam Patterns',
54 => 'Porn/Adult',
55 => 'Malware & Scumware Greetings',
56 => 'Ink & Toner',
57 => 'Get Rich',
58 => 'Debt & Credit',
59 => 'Casinos & Gambling',
60 => 'Ungrouped Black Rules',
61 => 'Experimental Abstract',
62 => 'Obfuscation Techniques',
63 => 'Experimental Received [ip]',
sub new {
my ($class, $mailsa) = @_;
$class = ref($class) || $class;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($mailsa);
bless ($self, $class);
# Name of evaluation rule.
$self->register_eval_rule ("snf4sa_sacheck");
# Use localhost.
$self->{SNF_Host} = "localhost";
# Use default port.
$self->{SNF_Port} = 9001;
# Timeout.
$self->{SNF_Timeout} = 1;
# Directory for files containing emails read by SNFServer.
$self->{Temp_Dir} = 'C:\\TEMP\\SNF4SA';
# Maximum email message size (including headers).
$self->{SNF_MaxTempFileSize} = 64 * 1024;
# Key for confidence in mail header inserted by SNFServer.
$self->{GBUdb_ConfidenceKey} = "c=";
# Key for probability in mail header inserted by SNFServer.
$self->{GBUdb_ProbabilityKey} = "p=";
# Key for GBUdb maximum weight in the configuration file.
$self->{GBUdb_MaxWeightKey} = "gbudb_max_weight";
# Key for SNFServer code in configuration file.
$self->{SNF_CodeKey} = "snf_result";
# Key for SA score increment in configuration file.
$self->{SA_DeltaScoreKey} = "sa_score";
# Key for short circuit in configuration file.
$self->{SA_ShortCircuitYesKey} = "short_circuit_yes";
# Key for no short circuit in configuration file.
$self->{SA_ShortCircuitNoKey} = "short_circuit_no";
# Key for plugin score threshold in the configuration file.
$self->{Plugin_score_thresholdKey} = "pre_3.2_plugin_score_threshold";
return $self;
#sub extract_metadata {
# my ($self, $opts) = @_;
# print "***********************\n";
# print "extract_metadata called\n";
# print "***********************\n";
# $opts->{msg}->put_metadata("X-Extract-Metadata:", "Test header");
sub have_shortcircuited {
my ($self, $options) = @_;
if (defined($options->{permsgstatus}->{shortCircuit})) {
return $options->{permsgstatus}->{shortCircuit};
return 0;
sub parse_config {
my ($self, $options) = @_;
#print "parse_confg. key: $options->{key}\n";
#print "parse_config. line: $options->{line}\n";
#print "parse_config. value: $options->{value}\n";
# Process GBUdb_max_weight.
if (lc($options->{key}) eq $self->{GBUdb_MaxWeightKey}) {
# GBUdb maximum weight.
my $tempValue = $options->{value};
# Test that the value was a number.
#$self->log_debug("Found $self->{GBUdb_MaxWeightKey} . " value: $options->{value}, tempValue: $tempValue\n"; # DEBUG.
if ($tempValue =~ /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/) {
# Value was a number. Load and return success.
$options->{conf}->{gbuDbMaxWeight} = $tempValue;
return 1;
} else {
$self->log_debug("Invalid value for $self->{GBUdb_MaxWeightKey} " .
} elsif (lc($options->{key}) eq $self->{Plugin_score_thresholdKey}) {
# Plugin score threshold.
my $tempValue = $options->{value};
# Test that the value was a number.
#print "Found $self->{Plugin_score_thresholdKey} value: $options->{value}\n"; # DEBUG.
if ($tempValue =~ /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/) {
# Value was a number. Load and return success.
$options->{conf}->{pluginScoreThreshold} = $tempValue;
return 1;
} else {
$self->log_debug("Invalid value for $self->{Plugin_score_thresholdKey} " .
} elsif (lc($options->{key}) eq $self->{SNF_CodeKey}) {
# Relationship between SNFServer code and SA score delta.
my $snf = $self->parse_snf_sa_mapping($options);
if (defined($snf)) {
my @snfCode = @{$snf->{snfCode}};
#print "snf->{snfCode}: @snfCode\n"; # DEBUG.
#print "snf->{deltaScore}: $snf->{deltaScore}\n"; # DEBUG.
#print "snf->{shortCircuit}: $snf->{shortCircuit}\n"; # DEBUG.
# Save configuration.
foreach my $i (@{$snf->{snfCode}}) {
# Create (or update) an element in the mapping array
# that snfSaMapping is a reference to.
$options->{conf}->{snfSaMapping}->[$i] = {
deltaScore => $snf->{deltaScore},
shortCircuit => $snf->{shortCircuit}
#for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$options->{conf}->{snfSaMapping}}; $i++) {
# if (! defined($options->{conf}->{snfSaMapping}->[$i])) {
# print "No configuration for SNFServer code $i\n";
# next;
# }
# print "SNFServer code: $i, " .
# "deltaScore: " .
# "$options->{conf}->{snfSaMapping}->[$i]->{deltaScore}, " .
# "shortCircuit: " .
# "$options->{conf}->{snfSaMapping}->[$i]->{shortCircuit}\n";
# Successfully parsed.
return 1;
# Wasn't handled.
return 0;
# Parse a snf_result configuration line.
# Input--
# $line--String containing the snf_result line without the first word.
# Returns a reference with the following fields (if no error)--
# snfCode--Array of SNFServer result codes that this configuration
# line specifies.
# deltaScore--SA score increment for the codes in @snfCode.
# shortCircuit--True if a SNFServer code in @snfCode is to
# short-circuit the message scan, false otherwise.
# If the line cannot be parsed, the return value is undef.
sub parse_snf_sa_mapping
my ($self, $options) = @_;
my $value = $options->{value};
my $ret_hash = {
snfCode => undef,
deltaScore => undef,
shortCircuit => undef
# SNFServer codes found.
my @snfCode = ();
# Remove leading and trailing whitespace.
$value =~ s/^\s+//;
$value =~ s/\s+$//;
# Convert to lower case.
$value = lc($value);
# Split up by white space.
my @specVal = split(/\s+/, $value);
if (0 == @specVal) {
# No separate words.
$self->log_debug("No separate words found in configuration line '" .
$options->{line} . "'");
return undef;
# Convert each SNFServer result specification into an integer.
my $lastSpec;
for ($lastSpec = 0; $lastSpec < @specVal; $lastSpec++) {
# Check for next keyword.
if ($specVal[$lastSpec] eq $self->{SA_DeltaScoreKey}) {
# We've completed the processing of the SNFServer result
# codes.
# Get the code values.
my @codeVal = $self->get_code_values($specVal[$lastSpec]);
if (0 == @codeVal) {
# No code values were obtained.
$self->log_debug("Couldn't parse all the SNFServer code values " .
"in configuration line '" .
$options->{line} . "'");
return undef;
# Add to the list of codes.
@snfCode = (@snfCode, @codeVal);
# Sort the SNFServer result codes and remove duplicates.
@snfCode = sort { $a <=> $b } @snfCode;
my $prev = -1;
my @temp = grep($_ != $prev && (($prev) = $_), @snfCode);
$ret_hash->{snfCode} = \@temp;
# The $specVal[$lastSpec] is $self->{SA_DeltaScoreKey}. Return if
# there aren't enough parameters.
if ($lastSpec >= @specVal) {
# Not enough parameters.
$self->log_debug("Not enough parameters in configuration line '" .
$options->{line} . "'");
return undef;
# Extract the SA delta score.
$ret_hash->{deltaScore} = $specVal[$lastSpec];
if (!($ret_hash->{deltaScore} =~
/^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/)) {
# SA delta score isn't a number.
$self->log_debug("Value after '" . $self->{SA_DeltaScoreKey} .
"' ($specVal[$lastSpec]) must be a number " .
"in configuration line '" .
$options->{line} . "'");
return undef;
# Get short circuit spec.
$ret_hash->{shortCircuit} = 0;
if ( ($lastSpec + 1) == @specVal) {
# A parameter was specified.
my $shortCircuitSpec = $specVal[$lastSpec];
if ($self->{SA_ShortCircuitYesKey} eq $shortCircuitSpec) {
# Specified short-circuit evaluation.
$ret_hash->{shortCircuit} = 1;
} elsif ($self->{SA_ShortCircuitNoKey} ne $shortCircuitSpec) {
# Invalid short-circuit specification.
$self->log_debug("Invalid short-circuit specification: '" .
$specVal[$lastSpec] .
"' in configuration line '" . $options->{line} .
"'. Must be '$self->{SA_ShortCircuitYesKey}' " .
" or '$self->{SA_ShortCircuitNoKey}'.");
return undef;
} elsif ($lastSpec != @specVal) {
# Too many parameters were specified.
$self->log_debug("Too many parameters were specified in " .
"configuration line '" . $options->{line} . "'");
return undef;
return $ret_hash;
sub get_code_values
my ($self, $specElement) = @_;
my @snfCode = ();
# Split the specification.
my @codeVal = split(/-/, $specElement);
if (1 == @codeVal) {
if ($specElement =~ /^\d+$/) {
# Found a single code.
$snfCode[0] = 1 * $specElement;
} elsif (2 == @codeVal) {
# Check range.
if ( ($codeVal[0] =~ /^\d+$/) && ($codeVal[1] =~ /^\d+$/) ) {
# Found a range of codes.
$codeVal[0] = 1 * $codeVal[0];
$codeVal[1] = 1 * $codeVal[1];
if ($codeVal[0] <= $codeVal[1]) {
# Add these SNF codes.
for (my $i = $codeVal[0]; $i <= $codeVal[1]; $i++) {
push(@snfCode, $i);
return @snfCode;
# Output a debug message.
# Input--
# $message--String containing the message to output.
sub log_debug
my ($self, $message) = @_;
dbg("snf4sa: $message");
# Check the message with SNFServer.
sub snf4sa_sacheck {
my ($self, $permsgstatus, $fulltext) = @_;
my $response ='';
my $exitvalue;
# Make sure we have a temp dir
unless(-d $self->{Temp_Dir}) {
chmod(0777, $self->{Temp_Dir});
# Truncate the message.
my $mailtext = substr( ${$fulltext}, 0, $self->{SNF_MaxTempFileSize});
# create our temp file, $filename will contain the full path
my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile( DIR => $self->{Temp_Dir} );
# spew our mail into the temp file
my $SNF_fh = IO::File->new( $filename, "w" ) ||
die(__PACKAGE__ . ": Unable to create temporary file '" . $filename . "'");
$SNF_fh->print($mailtext) ||
__PACKAGE__ . ": Unable to write to temporary file '" .
$filename . "'");
$SNF_fh->close ||
__PACKAGE__ . ": Unable to close temporary file '" .
$filename . "'");
# Change permissions.
my $cnt = chmod(0666, $filename) ||
$self->cleanup_die($filename, __PACKAGE__ .
": Unable to change permissions of temporary file '" .
$filename . "'");
# xci_scan connects to SNFServer with XCI to scan the message
my $SNF_XCI_Return = $self->xci_scan( $filename );
#print "header:\n\n$SNF_XCI_Return->{header}\n\n"; # DEBUG
# Remove the temp file, we are done with it.
# Check response from SNFServer.
if (! $SNF_XCI_Return ) {
die(__PACKAGE__ . ": Internal error");
# Check for success.
if (! $SNF_XCI_Return->{"success"}) {
die(__PACKAGE__ . ": Error from SNFServer: " .
# get the return code and translation
my ( $rc, $rcx ) = ( $SNF_XCI_Return->{"code"},
$rule_code_xlat->{ $SNF_XCI_Return->{"code"} } );
$rc = -1 unless defined $rc; # default values
$rcx = 'Unknown' unless $rcx;
my $rch = $SNF_XCI_Return->{"header"}; # the SNF header(s)
# for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$permsgstatus->{main}->{conf}->{snfSaMapping}}; $i++) {
# if (! defined($permsgstatus->{main}->{conf}->{snfSaMapping}->[$i])) {
# print "No configuration for SNFServer code $i\n";
# next;
# }
# print "SNFServer code: $i, " .
# "deltaScore: " .
# "$permsgstatus->{main}->{conf}->{snfSaMapping}->[$i]->{deltaScore}, " .
# "shortCircuit: " .
# "$permsgstatus->{main}->{conf}->{snfSaMapping}->[$i]->{shortCircuit}\n";
# }
# Initialize the change in the SA score.
my $deltaScore = 0.0;
# Add the score from the SNFServer return.
if (defined($permsgstatus->{main}->{conf}->{snfSaMapping}->[$rc])) {
$deltaScore +=
$permsgstatus->{shortCircuit} =
# Perform GBUdb processing.
if (defined($permsgstatus->{main}->{conf}->{gbuDbMaxWeight})) {
#print "gbudbMaxWeight: $permsgstatus->{main}->{conf}->{gbuDbMaxWeight}\n\n"; # DEBUG.
# Calculate the contribution to the scrore from the GBUdb results.
$deltaScore +=
# Add the headers.
$permsgstatus->set_tag("SNFRESULTTAG", "$rc ($rcx)");
# If dynamic scoring isn't supported, this rule fires if the score is
# above the threshold.
if (Mail::SpamAssassin::Version() le "3.2.0") {
my $pluginScoreThreshold = 2.5; # Default value.
if (defined($permsgstatus->{main}->{conf}->{pluginScoreThreshold})) {
$pluginScoreThreshold = $permsgstatus->{main}->{conf}->{pluginScoreThreshold};
#print "Before comparison. pluginScoreThreshold: $pluginScoreThreshold deltaScore: $deltaScore\n"; # DEBUG
if ($deltaScore < $pluginScoreThreshold) {
$deltaScore = 0.0;
# print "After comparison. deltaScore: $deltaScore\n"; # DEBUG
# Submit the score.
if ($deltaScore) {
$permsgstatus->got_hit("SNF4SA", "", score => $deltaScore);
for my $set (0..3) {
$permsgstatus->{conf}->{scoreset}->[$set]->{"SNF4SA"} =
sprintf("%0.3f", $deltaScore);
# Always return zero, since the score was submitted via got_hit()
# above.
return 0;
# Calculate the contribution of the GBUdb scan to the SA score.
# Input--
# $headers--String containing the headers.
# $weight--Weight used to calculate the contribution.
# Returns the contribution to the SA score (float).
sub calc_GBUdb
my ( $self, $headers, $weight ) = @_;
# Split the header into lines.
my @headerLine = split(/\n/, $headers);
# Find the line containing the GBUdb results.
my $line;
foreach $line (@headerLine) {
# Search for the tag.
if ($line =~ /^X-GBUdb-Analysis:/) {
# GBUdb analysis was done. Extract the values.
my $ind0 = index($line, $self->{GBUdb_ConfidenceKey});
my $ind1 = index($line, " ", $ind0 + 2);
if (-1 == $ind0) {
return 0.0;
my $c = 1.0 * substr($line, $ind0 + 2, $ind1 - $ind0 - 2);
#print "calc_GBUdb. line: $line\n"; # DEBUG
#print "calc_GBUdb. c: $c, ind0: $ind0, ind1: $ind1\n"; # DEBUG
$ind0 = index($line, $self->{GBUdb_ProbabilityKey});
$ind1 = index($line, " ", $ind0 + 2);
if (-1 == $ind0) {
return 0.0;
my $p = 1.0 * substr($line, $ind0 + 2, $ind1 - $ind0 - 2);
#print "calc_GBUdb. p: $p, ind0: $ind0, ind1: $ind1\n"; # DEBUG
# Calculate and return the score.
my $score = abs($p * $c) ** 0.5;
$score *= $weight;
if ($p < 0.0) {
$score *= -1.0;
#print "calc_GBUdb. p: $p, c: $c, weight: $weight\n";
#print "calc_GBUdb. score: $score\n";
return $score;
# Extract the specified header body from a string containing all the
# headers.
# Input--
# $headers--String containing the headers.
# $head--String containing the head of the header to extract.
# Returns the body of the header.
sub extract_header_body
my ( $self, $headers, $head ) = @_;
my $body = "";
if ($headers =~ /$head:(.*)/s) {
my $temp = $1;
$temp =~ /(.*)\nX-(.*)/s;
$body = $1;
return $body;
# xci_scan( $file )
# returns hashref:
# success : true/false
# code : response code from SNF
# message : scalar message (if any)
sub xci_scan
my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
return undef unless $self and $file;
my $ret_hash = {
success => undef,
code => undef,
message => undef,
header => undef,
xml => undef
my $xci = $self->connect_socket( $self->{SNF_Host}, $self->{SNF_Port} )
or return $self->err_hash("cannot connect to socket ($!)");
$xci->print("<snf><xci><scanner><scan file='$file' xhdr='yes' /></scanner></xci></snf>\n");
my $rc = $ret_hash->{xml} = $self->socket_response($xci, $file);
if ( $rc =~ /^<snf><xci><scanner><result code='(\d*)'>/ ) {
$ret_hash->{success} = 1;
$ret_hash->{code} = $1;
$rc =~ /<xhdr>(.*)<\/xhdr>/s and $ret_hash->{header} = $1;
} elsif ( $rc =~ /^<snf><xci><error message='(.*)'/ ) {
$ret_hash->{message} = $1;
} else {
$ret_hash->{message} = "unknown XCI response: $rc";
return $ret_hash;
# connect_socket( $host, $port )
# returns IO::Socket handle
sub connect_socket
my ( $self, $host, $port ) = @_;
return undef unless $self and $host and $port;
my $protoname = 'tcp'; # Proto should default to tcp but it's not expensive to specify
$self->{XCI_Socket} = IO::Socket::INET->new(
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => $port,
Proto => $protoname,
Timeout => $self->{SNF_Timeout} ) or return undef;
$self->{XCI_Socket}->autoflush(1); # make sure autoflush is on -- legacy
return $self->{XCI_Socket}; # return the socket handle
# socket_response( $socket_handle )
# returns scalar string
sub socket_response
my ( $self, $rs, $file ) = @_;
my $buf = ''; # buffer for response
# blocking timeout for servers who accept but don't answer
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "timeout\n" }; # set up the interrupt
alarm $self->{SNF_Timeout}; # set up the alarm
while (<$rs>) { # read the socket
$buf .= $_;
alarm 0; # reset the alarm
# report a blocking timeout
if ( $@ eq "timeout\n" ) {
__PACKAGE__ . ": Timeout waiting for response from SNFServer");
} elsif ( $@ =~ /alarm.*unimplemented/ ) { # no signals on Win32
while (<$rs>) { # get whatever's left
# in the socket.
$buf .= $_;
return $buf;
# return an error message for xci_scan
sub err_hash
my ( $self, $message ) = @_;
return {
success => undef,
code => undef,
message => $message
sub cleanup_die
my ( $self, $file, $message ) = @_;
