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git-svn-id: https://svn.microneil.com/svn/PKG-SNF-CS-NIX/trunk@1 233e721a-07f6-49eb-a7da-05e0e16828fc
madscientist vor 15 Jahren
96 geänderte Dateien mit 27930 neuen und 0 gelöschten Zeilen
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  96. 42

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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/AUTHORS Datei anzeigen

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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/BUGS Datei anzeigen

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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/COPYING Datei anzeigen

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Artistic License 2.0

Copyright (c) 2000-2006, The Perl Foundation.

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
license document, but changing it is not allowed. Preamble

This license establishes the terms under which a given free software
Package may be copied, modified, distributed, and/or
redistributed. The intent is that the Copyright Holder maintains some
artistic control over the development of that Package while still
keeping the Package available as open source and free software.

You are always permitted to make arrangements wholly outside of this
license directly with the Copyright Holder of a given Package. If the
terms of this license do not permit the full use that you propose to
make of the Package, you should contact the Copyright Holder and seek
a different licensing arrangement. Definitions

"Copyright Holder" means the individual(s) or organization(s) named in
the copyright notice for the entire Package.

"Contributor" means any party that has contributed code or other
material to the Package, in accordance with the Copyright Holder's

"You" and "your" means any person who would like to copy, distribute,
or modify the Package.

"Package" means the collection of files distributed by the Copyright
Holder, and derivatives of that collection and/or of those files. A
given Package may consist of either the Standard Version, or a
Modified Version.

"Distribute" means providing a copy of the Package or making it
accessible to anyone else, or in the case of a company or
organization, to others outside of your company or organization.

"Distributor Fee" means any fee that you charge for Distributing this
Package or providing support for this Package to another party. It
does not mean licensing fees.

"Standard Version" refers to the Package if it has not been modified,
or has been modified only in ways explicitly requested by the
Copyright Holder.

"Modified Version" means the Package, if it has been changed, and such
changes were not explicitly requested by the Copyright Holder.

"Original License" means this Artistic License as Distributed with the
Standard Version of the Package, in its current version or as it may
be modified by The Perl Foundation in the future.

"Source" form means the source code, documentation source, and
configuration files for the Package.

"Compiled" form means the compiled bytecode, object code, binary, or
any other form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation
of the Source form. Permission for Use and Modification Without

(1) You are permitted to use the Standard Version and create and use
Modified Versions for any purpose without restriction, provided that
you do not Distribute the Modified Version. Permissions for
Redistribution of the Standard Version

(2) You may Distribute verbatim copies of the Source form of the
Standard Version of this Package in any medium without restriction,
either gratis or for a Distributor Fee, provided that you duplicate
all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers. At
your discretion, such verbatim copies may or may not include a
Compiled form of the Package.

(3) You may apply any bug fixes, portability changes, and other
modifications made available from the Copyright Holder. The resulting
Package will still be considered the Standard Version, and as such
will be subject to the Original License. Distribution of Modified
Versions of the Package as Source

(4) You may Distribute your Modified Version as Source (either gratis
or for a Distributor Fee, and with or without a Compiled form of the
Modified Version) provided that you clearly document how it differs
from the Standard Version, including, but not limited to, documenting
any non-standard features, executables, or modules, and provided that
you do at least ONE of the following:

(a) make the Modified Version available to the Copyright Holder of the
Standard Version, under the Original License, so that the Copyright
Holder may include your modifications in the Standard Version. (b)
ensure that installation of your Modified Version does not prevent the
user installing or running the Standard Version. In addition, the
Modified Version must bear a name that is different from the name of
the Standard Version. (c) allow anyone who receives a copy of the
Modified Version to make the Source form of the Modified Version
available to others under (i) the Original License or (ii) a license
that permits the licensee to freely copy, modify and redistribute the
Modified Version using the same licensing terms that apply to the copy
that the licensee received, and requires that the Source form of the
Modified Version, and of any works derived from it, be made freely
available in that license fees are prohibited but Distributor Fees are
allowed. Distribution of Compiled Forms of the Standard Version or
Modified Versions without the Source

(5) You may Distribute Compiled forms of the Standard Version without
the Source, provided that you include complete instructions on how to
get the Source of the Standard Version. Such instructions must be
valid at the time of your distribution. If these instructions, at any
time while you are carrying out such distribution, become invalid, you
must provide new instructions on demand or cease further
distribution. If you provide valid instructions or cease distribution
within thirty days after you become aware that the instructions are
invalid, then you do not forfeit any of your rights under this

(6) You may Distribute a Modified Version in Compiled form without the
Source, provided that you comply with Section 4 with respect to the
Source of the Modified Version. Aggregating or Linking the Package

(7) You may aggregate the Package (either the Standard Version or
Modified Version) with other packages and Distribute the resulting
aggregation provided that you do not charge a licensing fee for the
Package. Distributor Fees are permitted, and licensing fees for other
components in the aggregation are permitted. The terms of this license
apply to the use and Distribution of the Standard or Modified Versions
as included in the aggregation.

(8) You are permitted to link Modified and Standard Versions with
other works, to embed the Package in a larger work of your own, or to
build stand-alone binary or bytecode versions of applications that
include the Package, and Distribute the result without restriction,
provided the result does not expose a direct interface to the Package.
Items That are Not Considered Part of a Modified Version

(9) Works (including, but not limited to, modules and scripts) that
merely extend or make use of the Package, do not, by themselves, cause
the Package to be a Modified Version. In addition, such works are not
considered parts of the Package itself, and are not subject to the
terms of this license. General Provisions

(10) Any use, modification, and distribution of the Standard or
Modified Versions is governed by this Artistic License. By using,
modifying or distributing the Package, you accept this license. Do not
use, modify, or distribute the Package, if you do not accept this

(11) If your Modified Version has been derived from a Modified Version
made by someone other than you, you are nevertheless required to
ensure that your Modified Version complies with the requirements of
this license.

(12) This license does not grant you the right to use any trademark,
service mark, tradename, or logo of the Copyright Holder.

(13) This license includes the non-exclusive, worldwide,
free-of-charge patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell,
sell, import and otherwise transfer the Package with respect to any
patent claims licensable by the Copyright Holder that are necessarily
infringed by the Package. If you institute patent litigation
(including a cross-claim or counterclaim) against any party alleging
that the Package constitutes direct or contributory patent
infringement, then this Artistic License to you shall terminate on the
date that such litigation is filed.


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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/ChangeLog Datei anzeigen

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2009-02-06 Alban Deniz <adeniz@skidmark.localdomain>

* SNFMulti/SNFMulti.cpp: Replaced with file from Pete, Jan 29,

* DEVELOPER_NOTES: Update list of required software (curl replaces
gzip and wget).

* configure.ac: Removed check for wget and gzip, added check for

* cleanForDist: Added script to clean developer distribution.

* Scripts/getRulebase.in: Modified to use curl instead of wget and

2009-01-27 Alban Deniz <adeniz@skidmark.localdomain>

* DEVELOPER_NOTES: Renamed user tarball name from SNFServer to

* configure.ac: Changed docs to Docs.

* Makefile.am (SUBDIRS): Changed docs to Docs.

* DEVELOPER_NOTES: Updated to include prerequisites for building,
and other new features (OTL #19).

2008-12-18 Alban Deniz <adeniz@skidmark.localdomain>

* Scripts/Makefile.am: Install snfServer in final destination.

2008-12-17 Alban Deniz <adeniz@skidmark.localdomain>

* Scripts/Makefile.am (snfServerControl.sample): Replace
configuration file path and name

2008-12-16 Alban Deniz <adeniz@skidmark.localdomain>

* INSTALL: Added instructions for integration with sendmail.

* Scripts/Makefile.am: Added snfSnifferFilter script.

2008-12-09 Alban Deniz <adeniz@skidmark.localdomain>

* Scripts/snfSniffer.in: Generate additional temporary filenames
by adding a suffix to MSGFILE rather than a prefix.
* SNFServer/main.cpp: Made VERSION_INFO const char *.

* SNFClient/main.cpp: Made VERSION_INFO const char *.

* SNFMulti/SNFMulti.cpp (enum PatternResultTypes): Remove

(snf_EngineHandler::scanMessageFile): Make XHDRInjState const char *.
(snf_EngineHandler::scanMessage): Make DebugInfo const char *.

* SNFMulti/GBUdb.cpp (GBUdbAlert::toXML): Make FlagName a pointer
to const char *.

* SNFMulti/FilterChain.hpp (class FilterChainHeaderAnalysis): Pass
const char * to SetFollowPattern. Make MatchPattern a pointer to
const char *.

* Scripts/snfSniffer.in: Copied from

* SNFServer/Makefile.am: Moved configuration files to

* Makefile.am (SUBDIRS): Added config_files.

2008-12-08 Alban Deniz <adeniz@skidmark.localdomain>

* SNFServer/main.cpp: Use PACKAGE_VERSION for version string.

* SNF2Check/main.cpp: Removed reference to SNF_Service in #include

* SNFClient/main.cpp: Removed reference to SNF_Service in #include
directives. Use PACKAGE_VERSION for version string.

* configure.ac: Split SNF_Service into CodeDweller and SNFMulti

2008-10-01 Alban Deniz <adeniz@skidmark.localdomain>

* snf.openbsd: Start with /bin/sh rather than /bin/bash. Rename
function stop to stopFunction. Removed $ from beginning of string

2008-09-30 Alban Deniz <adeniz@skidmark.localdomain>

* compile: Added -O3 switch, and change first line back to

2008-09-30 Alban Deniz <adeniz@skidmark.localdomain>

* compile: Changed first line back to /bin/sh.

2008-09-30 Alban Deniz <adeniz@skidmark.localdomain>

* compile: Changed first line back to /bin/sh.

2008-09-30 Alban Deniz <adeniz@skidmark.localdomain>

* install: Changed the first line to /bin/sh.

* clean: Changed the first line to /bin/sh.

* build: Changed first line to /bin/sh.

2008-09-24 Alban Deniz <adeniz@snuffy.localdomain>

* snf.freebsd (stop_cmd): Added message when stopping.

2008-09-24 Charlie Root <adeniz@snuffy.localdomain>

* DEVELOPER_NOTES: Corrected installation for FreeBSD.

2008-09-21 Alban Deniz <adeniz@skidmark.localdomain>


2008-09-20 <adeniz@puffy.localdomain>

* snf.openbsd: Initial revision.

* snf.freebsd: Renamed from snf.bsd.

2008-09-20 <adeniz@puffy.localdomain>

* install (destdir): Added -m to su command on last line.

* DEVELOPER_NOTES: Updated for OpenBSD.

2008-09-15 Alban Deniz <adeniz@skidmark.localdomain>

* snf.redhat (snfStartCmd): Use su to start daemon, and specify

* snf.suse (SNFServer_BIN): Specify shell when issuing su command.

2008-09-13 Alban Deniz <adeniz@wormy.home>

* snf.bsd: Tested.

2008-09-13 Alban Deniz <adeniz@wormy.home>

* DEVELOPER_NOTES: Initial revision.

2008-09-10 Alban Deniz <adeniz@sleepy.localdomain>

* snf.ubuntu: Tested start, stop, reload, status commands.

2008-09-09 Alban Deniz <adeniz@>

* FilterChain.hpp: Included string.h.

* GBUdb.hpp: included stdlib.h.

2008-09-09 Alban Deniz <adeniz@sleepy.localdomain>

* snf.suse: Added description to structured comment after

2008-09-09 Alban Deniz <adeniz@>

* snf.suse: Initial revision.

2008-09-09 Alban Deniz <adeniz@sleepy.localdomain>

* install (destdir): Create the user and group first.

2008-09-09 Alban Deniz <adeniz@>

* install (destdir): Corrected useradd command.

2008-09-08 Alban Deniz <adeniz@skidmark.localdomain>

* compile: Removed .exe extension.

2008-09-08 Alban Deniz <adeniz@skidmark.localdomain>

* compile: Removed the .exe extension.

2008-09-08 Alban Deniz <adeniz@skidmark.localdomain>

* compile: Removed the .exe extension.

2008-09-08 root <adeniz@skidmark.localdomain>

* getRulebase: Removed .exe from program names.

* snf.redhat: Initial revision.

2008-09-08 Alban Deniz <adeniz@skidmark.localdomain>

* clean: Create script to remove executables generated by build.

* install: Created script to install applications, files, and
download rulebase.

* build: Created script to build applications.

SNF Command Line & SNFMulti Engine / Client Change Log

20080710 - Version 3.0.1

Minor change to SNFServer main.cpp:59 - removed cast to (int) which caused
a precision loss error when compiling on 64 bit systems. This changes the
thread pointer info in debug mode slightly (better).

20080626 - Version 3.0, It's official.

Changed build information.
Removed extraneous comments from configuration file.

20080524 - Version V2-9rc2.25.7

Optimized networking library for additional speed & stability by moving
receive buffer allocation from heap to stack (automatic).

Optimized timing parameters in SNFClient for improved speed. Polling dealys
are now reduced to 10ms from 30ms.

Removed speed-bug in SNFClient, 100ms guard time between retries was always
executed after an attempt (even a successful attempt). The guard time is now
condition and only fires on unsuccessful attempts.

Updated XCI server logic to ensure non-blocking sockets for clients in all
socket implementations.

20080424 - Version V2-9rc2.24.6

Refactored snfScanData.clear() to reduce heap work and fragments.

Added mutex to scanMessageFile() entry point just in case some app attempts to
put multiple threads through a single engine handler. scanMessage() is already
protected and fully wraped by the new scanMessageFile() mutex.

Added non-specific runtime exception handling to XHDR injection code.

Added 2 retries w/ 300ms delay to remove original message in XHDR inject code.
If remove fails after 3 attempts the injector throws.

Added 2 retries w/ 300ms delay to rename temp file to msg in XHDR inject code.
If rename fails after 3 attempts the injector throws.

20080416 - Version V2-9rc2.23.6

Fixed bug where SNCY open() would fail on some Win* platforms with
WSAEINVAL instead of the standard EINPROGRESS or EALREADY which were expected.
Also added WSAEWOULDBLOCK to cover other "ambiguities" in windows sockets
implementations. InProgress() on Win* now test for any of:


20080413 - Version V2-9rc2.22.6

Fixed bug in TCPHost.open() where EALREADY was not counted as a version of
EINPROGRESS. This would cause open() to throw an unnecessary exception when
an open() required extra time.

20080413 - Version V2-9rc2.21.6

Extended timeout for SYNC session open() to the full session length. This way
if a session takes a long time to open it still has a shot at success.

20080411 - Version V2-9rc2.20.6

Adjusted snfNETmgr to use non-blocking open in SYNC sessions. Open timeout
is 1/3 of the session timeout. Session timeout is 2 * Session pacing. Open
polling uses golden spiral delay from 10ms to 340ms.

20080410 - Version V2-9rc2.19.6

Adjusted XCI manager to use new snfCFGPacket paradigm in checkCFG().

Adjusted snf_RulebaseHandler::addRulePanic() to use MyMutex and eliminated
the AutoPanicMutex and waiting scheme.

Refactored scanMessage() to use a ScopeMutex() rather than lock()/unlock().

Refactored scanMessage() to use MyCFGPacket.isRulePanic() test.

Redesigned snfCFGPacket handling to automate grab() / drop() functions.

Fixed lock-up bug: Redesigned AutoPanic posting and checking mechanisms to
eliminate potential dead-lock condition. Under some conditions a precisely
timed auto-panic posting could cause the RulebaseHandler mutex and the
AutoPanicMutex to become intertwined leading to a cascading deadlock. When
this occurred all XCI processing threads and eventually the XCI listener
thread would become blocked waiting to get the current configuration.

20080409 - Version V2-9rc2.18.6

Enhanced XCI exception handling and logging to provide additional detail.

Added code to explicitely check for zero length files in scanMessagFile().
Previously a zero length file would cause the CBFR module of the filter
chain to throw an invalid buffer exception. Now if the message file is empty
scanMessageFile() will throw a FileError stating FileEmpty!.

20080407 - Version V2-9rc2.17.6

Enhanced exception reporting in snfXCImrg

20080405 - SNFServer V2-9rc2.16.6

Reduced safetly limits on status reports to 100K for status reports and 100K
for samples. Previous values were 10M. Most full sessions from the busiest
systems are < 50K total.

Recoded sendDataTimeout() to break uploads into 512 byte chunks and insert
delays only when a chunk is fragmented. This methodology improves reliability
on Win* systems without any significant penalty on systems that don't need
socket sends() to be in smaller chunks.

Fixed TCPClient::transmit() and TCPHost::transmit() bug where returned byte
count might be -1. Now returned byte counts can only be 0 or more.

20080403 - SNFServer V2-9rc2.15.5

Minor modifications to networking module to better support non-blocking open()

Updated SNFClient with new timing and non-blocking open(). Worst case return
time from SNFClient estimated at 200 seconds (theoretically impossible). No-
connection return time from SNFClient estimated at 20 seconds.

20080326 - SNFServer V2-9rc2.15.4

Refactored snfNETmgr::sync() to consolidate non-blocking io routines.

Added detailed thread status data to XCI listener thread.

Fixed minor bug in main (not changing revision), Debug flag for internal use
was left on in the last build cycle. It is commented out now.

20080325 - SNFServer V2-9rc2.14.4

Updated snfNETmgr with comprehensive thread status data.

Refactored snfNETmgr::sync() to check a Timeout, removed TCPWatchdog.

20080325 - SNFServer V2-9rc2.13.4

Upgraded TCPWatcher code to use new threading features (type, status).

20080324 - SNFServer v2-9rc2.12.4

Added a "Rulebase Getter" feature as part of the snf_Reloader. When enabled
the Rulebase Getter will launch a user defineable system() call whenever a
new rulebase file is available. The call will be repeated until the condition
is cleared by a successful update of the rulebase file. The Rulebase Getter
will wait a configurable "guard time" between attempts. The default system()
call is "getRulebase" with a guard time of 3 minutes. In most cases this will
launch the provided getRulebase script which should be present in the start
location of SNFServer on most systems. Best practice is to configure the full
path to the update script. The system() call is made in a separate thread so
that if the system() call hangs for some reason only the Rulebase Getter is

Built thread monitoring function for SNFServer.exe (Full status report / sec).
The thread monitoring report is turned on when the program is renamed to
SNFDebugServer.exe or if "debug" appears in the file path to the program.

Refactored XCI channels to leverage new thread monitoring.

Refactored Threading to eliminate inline code.

Improved exception handling/reporting in scanMessageFile().

Updated scanMessagFile() header injection code to accommodate messages with
no body. Previous version would throw an exception when it could not find an
injection point. The new version makes the injection point byte 0 and puts
the injected headers at the top of the message using it's best guess about the
type of line endings (CRLF or LF) to use.

Updated Threading library to include high level thread state tracking and
naming. Also creates a global Threads object that can produce a real-time
status report on all threads.

Updated Networking library to use SO_REUSEADDR by default on listeners.

20080318 - SNF2-9rc1.11.exe Consolidated several mods/fixes

Corrected scan error logging bug. Was posting <s/> now posts <e/>.

Updated scan error logging to be more uniform with non-scan errors.

Developed various script prototypes for postfix integration & automated
updates on win* systems using the new UpdateReady.txt file mechanism.

Fixed a bug in scanMessageFile() where an \n\n style insertion point
would never be detected.

Modified scanMessageFile() header injection to strip <CR> from line ends
when the message file provided does not use them. The line-end style of
the message file is detected while locating the insertion point. If the
insertion point (first blank line) does not use <CR><LF> then the SNF
generated X-Headers are stripped of <CR> in a tight loop before injection.

Enhanced error and exception reporting in SNFMulti.cpp scanMessageFile().

Enhanced exception handling in networking module. All exceptions now
throw descriptive runtime_error exceptions.

20080306 - SNF2-9rc1.8.exe (FIRST RELEASE CANDIDATE for VERSION 3!)

Added Drilldown Header Directive Functions - When the candidate source IP
comes from a header matching a drilldown directive the IP is marked "Ignore"
in GBUdb and the candidate is no longer eligible to be the source for that
message. This allows SNF to follow the trusted chain of devices (by IP) down
to the actual source of the message. It is handy for ignoring net blocks
because it can match partial IPs but it is designed to allow SNF to learn
it's way through the servers at large ISPs so that the original source for
each message can be evaluated directly.

Added Source Header Directive Functions - This feature allows SNF to acquire
the source IP for a message from a specific header rather than searching
through the Received headers in the message. This is useful when the original
source for a message is not represented in Received headers. For example:
Hotmail places the originating source IP in a special header and does not
provide a Received header for that IP. This feature is protected from abuse
by a "Context" feature which only activates the source header directive when
specific content is found in a specific received header. Using the above
example, this feature can be configured so that a Hotmail source header would
only be read if the top Recieved header contained "hotmail.com [" indicating
that the ptr lookup for the header matched the hotmail domain. Note: When a
source is pulled from a header directive that source is put into a synthetic
Received header and injected into the scanning stream (not the message) as
the first Received header.

Added forced source IP to XCI - It is now possible to "inject" or "force"
the source IP for any message by providing that IP in the XCI request or
directly in a scan...() function call. This allows the calling application
to provide the source IP for a message ahead of any Received headers that
might be in the message. This is useful when the calling application knows
the original source IP for the message but that IP is not represented in
the Received headers and it is not desireable to use the Source Header
Directive mechanism.

Added forced source IP mode to SNFClient - It is now possible to call the
SNFClient utility with an IP4Address using the syntax:

SNFClient -source=

The -source mode of SNFClient exercises the forced source IP feature in
the XCI (see above)

Added Status Report features to SNFClient and XCI - It is now possible to
request the latest status.second, status.minute, or status.hour data via
the XCI and SNFClient. The syntax for requesting a status report using the
SNFClient is:

SNFClient -status.second
SNFClient -status.minute
SNFClient -status.hour

In addition to providing status reports the SNFClient in this mode will
return a nonzero value (usually 99) if it is unable to get a status report
from SNFServer. This feature can be used to verify that SNFServer is up
and responding. If SNFServer is OK then the result code returned is 0.

Added result codes to SNFClient -test and XCI IP test functions - The XCI
engine has been upgraded to provide the range value for the IP under test
as well as the symbolic result code associated with that range. This allows
the -test function to provide results that are consistent with the GBUdb
configuration without additional processing: For example, if the IP falls
in the Caution range then the Caution result code will be returned just
as if a message had been scanned with the same IP and no pattern match
occurred. The same is true for Truncate and Black range hits.

Added Timestamp and Command Line Parameter data to SNFClient.exe.err - When
an error occurs with SNFClient that may not appear in the SNFServer logs an
entry is appended to the SNFClient.exe.err file. That in itself is not new.
The new feature is that the entries added to the SNFClient.exe.err file now
include timestamp and command line data to aid in debugging.

Added BIG-ENDIAN Conversion - When the SNFServer program is compiled on a
system that uses a BIG-ENDIAN processor (such as a power-mac) the rulebase
load process now includes a routine to convert the token matrix from it's
native LITTLE-ENDIAN format to a BIG-ENDIAN format. This solves a bug where
Power-Mac (and presumably other BIG-ENDIAN systems) could compile and run
the SNF* software but were unable to capture spam because the token matrix
in the rulebase file was misinterpreted.

Note: The BIG-ENDIAN Conversion feature is still considered experimental
because it has not yet been thoroughly tested.

Updated the Configuration Log to include all of the current configuration
features and to improve it's readability.

20080207 - SNF2-9b1.7.exe

SYNC Timeout now 2x SYNC Schedule

SNFServer now produces an UpdateReady.txt file when the UTC timestamp on
the SYNC server is newer than the UTC timestamp of the active rulebase. It
is presumed that a suitable update script or program will run periodically
and download a fresh rulebase file if the UpdateReady.txt file is present.
The update script should remove the UpdateReady.txt file when it completes
a successful download of the new rulebase file.

Added available rulebase UTC in status reports <udate utc.../>

Added Automatic path fixup for ending / or \

Added option to use local time in log rotation <rotation localtime='no'/>
The default is still utc.

20071102 - SNF2-9b1.6.exe

Increased MAX_EVALS from 1024 to 2048.

Adjusted defult range envelopes in snf_engine.xml to be more conservative.

20071017 - SNF2-9b1.5.exe

Added a missing #include directive to the networking.hpp file. The
missing #include was not a factor on Linux and Windows systems but
caused compiler errors on BSD systems.

Corrected a bug in the GBUdb White Range code where any message with a
white range source IP was being forced to the white result code. The
engine now (correctly) only forces the result and records the event when
a black pattern rule was matched and the White Range IP causes that
scan result to be overturned. If the scan result was not a black pattern
match then the original scan result is allowed to pass through.

Corrected a bug in the Header Analysis filter chain module that would
cause the first header in the message to be ignored in some cases.

Corrected an XML log format problem so that <s/> elements are correctly
open ended <s ....> or closed (empty) <s..../> according to whether they
have subordinate elements.

Adjusted the GBUdb header info format. The order of the Confidence
figure and Probabilty figure is now the same as in the XML log files
(C then P). The confidence and probability figures are now preceeded
with c= and p= respectively so that it's easy to tell which is which.

20071009 - SNF2-9b1.4.exe

Tightened up the XCI handler code and removed the watchdog. The watchdog
would restart the listener if there were no connections in 5 minutes. It
was originally added to provide additional stability, however in practice
there have been no "stalled listeners". Also, a stalled listener would
likely be a sign of a different problem that the watchdog would tend to

Modified and refactored the XCI configuration management code. All XCI config
changes and up-down operations are now handled in a single function except
upon exit from the main XCI thread where XCI_shutdown() is always called.

Added some more detailed exception handling code to the XCI component so that
more data will be logged in the event of an error.

20071008 - SNF2-9b1.2.exe

Added support for passing Communigate Message Files directly. Communigate adds
data to the top of the message file. That data stops at the first blank line and
the rfc822 message begins. The SNFServer engine can now be told to ignore this
extra data using the following option:

<msg-file type='cgp'/> <!-- type='cgp' for communigate message files -->

If the msg-file type is anything other than 'cgp' then it will treat the message
file as a standard rfc822 message in the usual way. The default setting is

<msg-file type='rfc822'/>

+ 375
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/ChangeLog.txt Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
SNF Command Line & SNFMulti Engine / Client Change Log

20080710 - Version 3.0.1

Minor change to SNFServer main.cpp:59 - removed cast to (int) which caused
a precision loss error when compiling on 64 bit systems. This changes the
thread pointer info in debug mode slightly (better).

20080626 - Version 3.0, It's official.

Changed build information.
Removed extraneous comments from configuration file.

20080524 - Version V2-9rc2.25.7

Optimized networking library for additional speed & stability by moving
receive buffer allocation from heap to stack (automatic).

Optimized timing parameters in SNFClient for improved speed. Polling dealys
are now reduced to 10ms from 30ms.

Removed speed-bug in SNFClient, 100ms guard time between retries was always
executed after an attempt (even a successful attempt). The guard time is now
condition and only fires on unsuccessful attempts.

Updated XCI server logic to ensure non-blocking sockets for clients in all
socket implementations.

20080424 - Version V2-9rc2.24.6

Refactored snfScanData.clear() to reduce heap work and fragments.

Added mutex to scanMessageFile() entry point just in case some app attempts to
put multiple threads through a single engine handler. scanMessage() is already
protected and fully wraped by the new scanMessageFile() mutex.

Added non-specific runtime exception handling to XHDR injection code.

Added 2 retries w/ 300ms delay to remove original message in XHDR inject code.
If remove fails after 3 attempts the injector throws.

Added 2 retries w/ 300ms delay to rename temp file to msg in XHDR inject code.
If rename fails after 3 attempts the injector throws.

20080416 - Version V2-9rc2.23.6

Fixed bug where SNCY open() would fail on some Win* platforms with
WSAEINVAL instead of the standard EINPROGRESS or EALREADY which were expected.
Also added WSAEWOULDBLOCK to cover other "ambiguities" in windows sockets
implementations. InProgress() on Win* now test for any of:


20080413 - Version V2-9rc2.22.6

Fixed bug in TCPHost.open() where EALREADY was not counted as a version of
EINPROGRESS. This would cause open() to throw an unnecessary exception when
an open() required extra time.

20080413 - Version V2-9rc2.21.6

Extended timeout for SYNC session open() to the full session length. This way
if a session takes a long time to open it still has a shot at success.

20080411 - Version V2-9rc2.20.6

Adjusted snfNETmgr to use non-blocking open in SYNC sessions. Open timeout
is 1/3 of the session timeout. Session timeout is 2 * Session pacing. Open
polling uses golden spiral delay from 10ms to 340ms.

20080410 - Version V2-9rc2.19.6

Adjusted XCI manager to use new snfCFGPacket paradigm in checkCFG().

Adjusted snf_RulebaseHandler::addRulePanic() to use MyMutex and eliminated
the AutoPanicMutex and waiting scheme.

Refactored scanMessage() to use a ScopeMutex() rather than lock()/unlock().

Refactored scanMessage() to use MyCFGPacket.isRulePanic() test.

Redesigned snfCFGPacket handling to automate grab() / drop() functions.

Fixed lock-up bug: Redesigned AutoPanic posting and checking mechanisms to
eliminate potential dead-lock condition. Under some conditions a precisely
timed auto-panic posting could cause the RulebaseHandler mutex and the
AutoPanicMutex to become intertwined leading to a cascading deadlock. When
this occurred all XCI processing threads and eventually the XCI listener
thread would become blocked waiting to get the current configuration.

20080409 - Version V2-9rc2.18.6

Enhanced XCI exception handling and logging to provide additional detail.

Added code to explicitely check for zero length files in scanMessagFile().
Previously a zero length file would cause the CBFR module of the filter
chain to throw an invalid buffer exception. Now if the message file is empty
scanMessageFile() will throw a FileError stating FileEmpty!.

20080407 - Version V2-9rc2.17.6

Enhanced exception reporting in snfXCImrg

20080405 - SNFServer V2-9rc2.16.6

Reduced safetly limits on status reports to 100K for status reports and 100K
for samples. Previous values were 10M. Most full sessions from the busiest
systems are < 50K total.

Recoded sendDataTimeout() to break uploads into 512 byte chunks and insert
delays only when a chunk is fragmented. This methodology improves reliability
on Win* systems without any significant penalty on systems that don't need
socket sends() to be in smaller chunks.

Fixed TCPClient::transmit() and TCPHost::transmit() bug where returned byte
count might be -1. Now returned byte counts can only be 0 or more.

20080403 - SNFServer V2-9rc2.15.5

Minor modifications to networking module to better support non-blocking open()

Updated SNFClient with new timing and non-blocking open(). Worst case return
time from SNFClient estimated at 200 seconds (theoretically impossible). No-
connection return time from SNFClient estimated at 20 seconds.

20080326 - SNFServer V2-9rc2.15.4

Refactored snfNETmgr::sync() to consolidate non-blocking io routines.

Added detailed thread status data to XCI listener thread.

Fixed minor bug in main (not changing revision), Debug flag for internal use
was left on in the last build cycle. It is commented out now.

20080325 - SNFServer V2-9rc2.14.4

Updated snfNETmgr with comprehensive thread status data.

Refactored snfNETmgr::sync() to check a Timeout, removed TCPWatchdog.

20080325 - SNFServer V2-9rc2.13.4

Upgraded TCPWatcher code to use new threading features (type, status).

20080324 - SNFServer v2-9rc2.12.4

Added a "Rulebase Getter" feature as part of the snf_Reloader. When enabled
the Rulebase Getter will launch a user defineable system() call whenever a
new rulebase file is available. The call will be repeated until the condition
is cleared by a successful update of the rulebase file. The Rulebase Getter
will wait a configurable "guard time" between attempts. The default system()
call is "getRulebase" with a guard time of 3 minutes. In most cases this will
launch the provided getRulebase script which should be present in the start
location of SNFServer on most systems. Best practice is to configure the full
path to the update script. The system() call is made in a separate thread so
that if the system() call hangs for some reason only the Rulebase Getter is

Built thread monitoring function for SNFServer.exe (Full status report / sec).
The thread monitoring report is turned on when the program is renamed to
SNFDebugServer.exe or if "debug" appears in the file path to the program.

Refactored XCI channels to leverage new thread monitoring.

Refactored Threading to eliminate inline code.

Improved exception handling/reporting in scanMessageFile().

Updated scanMessagFile() header injection code to accommodate messages with
no body. Previous version would throw an exception when it could not find an
injection point. The new version makes the injection point byte 0 and puts
the injected headers at the top of the message using it's best guess about the
type of line endings (CRLF or LF) to use.

Updated Threading library to include high level thread state tracking and
naming. Also creates a global Threads object that can produce a real-time
status report on all threads.

Updated Networking library to use SO_REUSEADDR by default on listeners.

20080318 - SNF2-9rc1.11.exe Consolidated several mods/fixes

Corrected scan error logging bug. Was posting <s/> now posts <e/>.

Updated scan error logging to be more uniform with non-scan errors.

Developed various script prototypes for postfix integration & automated
updates on win* systems using the new UpdateReady.txt file mechanism.

Fixed a bug in scanMessageFile() where an \n\n style insertion point
would never be detected.

Modified scanMessageFile() header injection to strip <CR> from line ends
when the message file provided does not use them. The line-end style of
the message file is detected while locating the insertion point. If the
insertion point (first blank line) does not use <CR><LF> then the SNF
generated X-Headers are stripped of <CR> in a tight loop before injection.

Enhanced error and exception reporting in SNFMulti.cpp scanMessageFile().

Enhanced exception handling in networking module. All exceptions now
throw descriptive runtime_error exceptions.

20080306 - SNF2-9rc1.8.exe (FIRST RELEASE CANDIDATE for VERSION 3!)

Added Drilldown Header Directive Functions - When the candidate source IP
comes from a header matching a drilldown directive the IP is marked "Ignore"
in GBUdb and the candidate is no longer eligible to be the source for that
message. This allows SNF to follow the trusted chain of devices (by IP) down
to the actual source of the message. It is handy for ignoring net blocks
because it can match partial IPs but it is designed to allow SNF to learn
it's way through the servers at large ISPs so that the original source for
each message can be evaluated directly.

Added Source Header Directive Functions - This feature allows SNF to acquire
the source IP for a message from a specific header rather than searching
through the Received headers in the message. This is useful when the original
source for a message is not represented in Received headers. For example:
Hotmail places the originating source IP in a special header and does not
provide a Received header for that IP. This feature is protected from abuse
by a "Context" feature which only activates the source header directive when
specific content is found in a specific received header. Using the above
example, this feature can be configured so that a Hotmail source header would
only be read if the top Recieved header contained "hotmail.com [" indicating
that the ptr lookup for the header matched the hotmail domain. Note: When a
source is pulled from a header directive that source is put into a synthetic
Received header and injected into the scanning stream (not the message) as
the first Received header.

Added forced source IP to XCI - It is now possible to "inject" or "force"
the source IP for any message by providing that IP in the XCI request or
directly in a scan...() function call. This allows the calling application
to provide the source IP for a message ahead of any Received headers that
might be in the message. This is useful when the calling application knows
the original source IP for the message but that IP is not represented in
the Received headers and it is not desireable to use the Source Header
Directive mechanism.

Added forced source IP mode to SNFClient - It is now possible to call the
SNFClient utility with an IP4Address using the syntax:

SNFClient -source=

The -source mode of SNFClient exercises the forced source IP feature in
the XCI (see above)

Added Status Report features to SNFClient and XCI - It is now possible to
request the latest status.second, status.minute, or status.hour data via
the XCI and SNFClient. The syntax for requesting a status report using the
SNFClient is:

SNFClient -status.second
SNFClient -status.minute
SNFClient -status.hour

In addition to providing status reports the SNFClient in this mode will
return a nonzero value (usually 99) if it is unable to get a status report
from SNFServer. This feature can be used to verify that SNFServer is up
and responding. If SNFServer is OK then the result code returned is 0.

Added result codes to SNFClient -test and XCI IP test functions - The XCI
engine has been upgraded to provide the range value for the IP under test
as well as the symbolic result code associated with that range. This allows
the -test function to provide results that are consistent with the GBUdb
configuration without additional processing: For example, if the IP falls
in the Caution range then the Caution result code will be returned just
as if a message had been scanned with the same IP and no pattern match
occurred. The same is true for Truncate and Black range hits.

Added Timestamp and Command Line Parameter data to SNFClient.exe.err - When
an error occurs with SNFClient that may not appear in the SNFServer logs an
entry is appended to the SNFClient.exe.err file. That in itself is not new.
The new feature is that the entries added to the SNFClient.exe.err file now
include timestamp and command line data to aid in debugging.

Added BIG-ENDIAN Conversion - When the SNFServer program is compiled on a
system that uses a BIG-ENDIAN processor (such as a power-mac) the rulebase
load process now includes a routine to convert the token matrix from it's
native LITTLE-ENDIAN format to a BIG-ENDIAN format. This solves a bug where
Power-Mac (and presumably other BIG-ENDIAN systems) could compile and run
the SNF* software but were unable to capture spam because the token matrix
in the rulebase file was misinterpreted.

Note: The BIG-ENDIAN Conversion feature is still considered experimental
because it has not yet been thoroughly tested.

Updated the Configuration Log to include all of the current configuration
features and to improve it's readability.

20080207 - SNF2-9b1.7.exe

SYNC Timeout now 2x SYNC Schedule

SNFServer now produces an UpdateReady.txt file when the UTC timestamp on
the SYNC server is newer than the UTC timestamp of the active rulebase. It
is presumed that a suitable update script or program will run periodically
and download a fresh rulebase file if the UpdateReady.txt file is present.
The update script should remove the UpdateReady.txt file when it completes
a successful download of the new rulebase file.

Added available rulebase UTC in status reports <udate utc.../>

Added Automatic path fixup for ending / or \

Added option to use local time in log rotation <rotation localtime='no'/>
The default is still utc.

20071102 - SNF2-9b1.6.exe

Increased MAX_EVALS from 1024 to 2048.

Adjusted defult range envelopes in snf_engine.xml to be more conservative.

20071017 - SNF2-9b1.5.exe

Added a missing #include directive to the networking.hpp file. The
missing #include was not a factor on Linux and Windows systems but
caused compiler errors on BSD systems.

Corrected a bug in the GBUdb White Range code where any message with a
white range source IP was being forced to the white result code. The
engine now (correctly) only forces the result and records the event when
a black pattern rule was matched and the White Range IP causes that
scan result to be overturned. If the scan result was not a black pattern
match then the original scan result is allowed to pass through.

Corrected a bug in the Header Analysis filter chain module that would
cause the first header in the message to be ignored in some cases.

Corrected an XML log format problem so that <s/> elements are correctly
open ended <s ....> or closed (empty) <s..../> according to whether they
have subordinate elements.

Adjusted the GBUdb header info format. The order of the Confidence
figure and Probabilty figure is now the same as in the XML log files
(C then P). The confidence and probability figures are now preceeded
with c= and p= respectively so that it's easy to tell which is which.

20071009 - SNF2-9b1.4.exe

Tightened up the XCI handler code and removed the watchdog. The watchdog
would restart the listener if there were no connections in 5 minutes. It
was originally added to provide additional stability, however in practice
there have been no "stalled listeners". Also, a stalled listener would
likely be a sign of a different problem that the watchdog would tend to

Modified and refactored the XCI configuration management code. All XCI config
changes and up-down operations are now handled in a single function except
upon exit from the main XCI thread where XCI_shutdown() is always called.

Added some more detailed exception handling code to the XCI component so that
more data will be logged in the event of an error.

20071008 - SNF2-9b1.2.exe

Added support for passing Communigate Message Files directly. Communigate adds
data to the top of the message file. That data stops at the first blank line and
the rfc822 message begins. The SNFServer engine can now be told to ignore this
extra data using the following option:

<msg-file type='cgp'/> <!-- type='cgp' for communigate message files -->

If the msg-file type is anything other than 'cgp' then it will treat the message
file as a standard rfc822 message in the usual way. The default setting is

<msg-file type='rfc822'/>

+ 34
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/CodeDweller/Makefile.am Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
## $Id$
## Author: Alban Deniz
## Copyright (C) 2008 by MicroNeil Corporation. All rights reserved.


noinst_LIBRARIES = \

libCodeDweller_a_SOURCES = \
@top_srcdir@/CodeDweller/base64codec.cpp \
@top_srcdir@/CodeDweller/configuration.cpp \
@top_srcdir@/CodeDweller/networking.cpp \
@top_srcdir@/CodeDweller/threading.cpp \

noinst_HEADERS = \
@top_srcdir@/CodeDweller/base64codec.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/CodeDweller/configuration.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/CodeDweller/configuration.inline.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/CodeDweller/histogram.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/CodeDweller/networking.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/CodeDweller/networking.inline.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/CodeDweller/threading.hpp \

rm -f *.gcno *.gcov *.gcda *~

+ 276
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/CodeDweller/base64codec.cpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
// base64codec.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2009 MicroNeil Research Corporation
// See base64codec.hpp

//typedef vector<char> base64codec_buffer;
//typedef vector<char>::iterator base64codec_iterator;

#include "base64codec.hpp"

namespace base64codec {

char base64encode[65] = // Base64 encoding characters.

// The following table makes conversion fast because it's all lookups. The
// special value XX64 is used everywhere a bad byte is found in the table.

const static unsigned char XXXX = 0xFF; // Bad base64 character.
const static unsigned char PAD0 = 0xFE; // Pad base64 character.
const static unsigned char IGNR = 0xFD; // Ingoreable base64 character.
const static unsigned char STOP = 0xFC; // STOP -- all done.

// Note the special case '=' is used for pad. It is given the value 0xFE.
// Also the IGNR case is any whitespace (Tab, CR, NL) that can be ignored.

// The input to this table is the incoming byte. The output is either XX64
// or a valid base64 numerical value.

const static unsigned char base64decode[256] = {

// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

0x34,0x35,0x36,0x37,0x38,0x39,0x3A,0x3B,0x3C,0x3D,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,PAD0,XXXX,XXXX, // 3
XXXX,0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09,0x0A,0x0B,0x0C,0x0D,0x0E, // 4
0x0F,0x10,0x11,0x12,0x13,0x14,0x15,0x16,0x17,0x18,0x19,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX, // 5
XXXX,0x1A,0x1B,0x1C,0x1D,0x1E,0x1F,0x20,0x21,0x22,0x23,0x24,0x25,0x26,0x27,0x28, // 6
0x29,0x2A,0x2B,0x2C,0x2D,0x2E,0x2F,0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX, // 7

} // End namespace base64codec

using namespace base64codec;

//// to_base64 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void to_base64::convert(const unsigned char* bfr, const int len) { // Converts from a char buffer.
if(NULL == bfr || 0 >= len) { // If there's NULL or no length
BadConversion = true; // that was a bad conversion.
return; // lets get out of here.
int NewSize = (len / 3) * 4; // Base64 takes 4 bytes for every 3;
if(0 < len % 3) NewSize += 4; // If there are more, add an other 4;
reserve(NewSize); // Set aside enough memory for the job.
int cursor = 0; // Starting at zero chunk it off.
while(len > cursor) {

// Chunk off 4 bytes into an unsigned int for conversion.

enum EndGames { // Describe the end game for this
OneByte, // chunk as containing either one,
TwoBytes, // two,
ThreeBytes // or three bytes.
} EndGame; // We use this to code the end.

// Byte 0

unsigned long REGISTER = 0; // Start with a clear register.
REGISTER += bfr[cursor]; REGISTER <<= 8; ++cursor; // Load Byte 0.

EndGame = OneByte; // We've added a byte.

// Byte 1

if(len > cursor) { // If we've got bytes left.
REGISTER += bfr[cursor]; // load the next one and
++cursor; // move the cursor.

EndGame = TwoBytes; // We're up to 2 bytes.
REGISTER <<= 8; // Shift to the next byte.

// Byte 2

if(len > cursor) { // If we've got bytes left.
REGISTER += bfr[cursor]; // load the next one and
++cursor; // move the cursor.

EndGame = ThreeBytes; // That's a full house.

// No shift this time, the register is full ;-)

// Now that we have 3 bytes and a characterization we can encode the
// base64 bytes into our vector.

const int SixBitMask = 0x0000003f; // This is how far to shift.
char code3 = base64encode[(REGISTER & SixBitMask)]; REGISTER >>= 6; // Encode four characters for this
char code2 = base64encode[(REGISTER & SixBitMask)]; REGISTER >>= 6; // three bytes.
char code1 = base64encode[(REGISTER & SixBitMask)]; REGISTER >>= 6;
char code0 = base64encode[(REGISTER & SixBitMask)];

push_back(code0); // Push the first 2 encoded bytes onto
push_back(code1); // the vector in the original order.

switch(EndGame) { // Now handle the end game.
case OneByte: { // If the end contains one valid byte
push_back('='); // push back two = to indicate that
push_back('='); // the last two bytes are padding.
case TwoBytes: { // If the end contains two valid bytes
push_back(code2); // push back one more code byte and
push_back('='); // push back only one = indicating one
break; // byte of padding.
case ThreeBytes: // If we had the full three bytes to
default: { // work with then we have no padding.
push_back(code2); // Push back the remaining two
push_back(code3); // code bytes to capture the full
break; // encoding. This also works
} // in the middle of the input.
} // That's it for the end game.
} // That's it for this chunk.
BadConversion = false; // If we get here we've done good.

to_base64::to_base64(const vector<unsigned char>& bfr) : // Converts from a base64buffer.
BadConversion(true) { // No conversion yet ;-)
convert(&bfr[0], bfr.size()); // Recast the pointer and do it.

to_base64::to_base64(const vector<char>& bfr) : // Converts from a base64codec buffer.
BadConversion(true) { // No conversion yet ;-)
convert(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&bfr[0]), bfr.size()); // Do this to get it done.

to_base64::to_base64(const unsigned char* bfr, const int len) : // Converts from a uchar buffer.
BadConversion(true) { // No conversion yet ;-)
convert(bfr, len); // Do this to get it done.

to_base64::to_base64(const char* bfr, const int len) : // Converts from a char buffer.
BadConversion(true) { // No conversion yet ;-)
convert(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(bfr), len); // Do this to get it done.

to_base64::to_base64(const string& s) : // Converts from a c++ string.
BadConversion(true) { // No conversion yet ;-)
convert(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(s.c_str()), s.length()); // Do this to get it done.

to_base64::to_base64(const char* s) : // Converts from a c string.
BadConversion(true) { // No conversion yet ;-)
convert(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(s), strlen(s)); // Do this to get it done.

bool to_base64::Bad() { // Look at the flag.
return BadConversion;

//// from_base64 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

unsigned char from_base64::NextSixBits( // Get the next base64 byte.
int& cursor,
const unsigned char* bfr,
const int len) {

while(len > cursor) { // Prepare to eat IGNR chars.
unsigned char c = base64decode[bfr[cursor]]; // Get the next 6 bits.
++cursor; // Move the cursor for next time.
if(IGNR == c) continue; // If we should ignore it, eat.
if(XXXX == c) return c; // If it's bad, return it.
return c; // If it's ordinary return it.
} // If we run out of bytes
return STOP; // return STOP

//// Since the BadConversion flag is set on construction, if we bail out
//// of the convert() for any reason then the conversion will be bad.

void from_base64::convert(const unsigned char* bfr, const int len) { // Converts bfr from base64 to plaintext.
if(NULL == bfr || 0 >= len) { return; } // If there's nothing to do return bad.

// Estimate our conversion buffer size.

int NewSize = len / 4 * 3; // Four bytes of base64 could be 3 bytes.
reserve(NewSize); // Reserve that much space for speed.

// Start the conversion process.

int cursor = 0;
while(len > cursor) { // Go through the buffer and convert.

int REGISTER = 0; // We will use these to convert as we
unsigned char LOOKUP = 0; // go through the data.

// First two base64 bytes

const int MakeRoomFor6Bits = 6;
LOOKUP = NextSixBits(cursor, bfr, len); // Grab the next six bits.
if(STOP == LOOKUP) { break; } // If we ran out here it's ok.
if(XXXX == LOOKUP) { return; } // If the byte is bad bail out!
REGISTER += LOOKUP; REGISTER <<= MakeRoomFor6Bits; // Shift that one into place.

LOOKUP = NextSixBits(cursor, bfr, len); // Grab the next six bits.
if(XXXX == LOOKUP || STOP == LOOKUP) { return; } // If bad or empty here bail out!
REGISTER += LOOKUP; // Load in the six bits.

// Now we have 12 bits so we can grab our first byte.

const int GetMS8OutOf12Bits = 4;
const int BottomFourBits = 0x0000000F;
push_back(REGISTER >> GetMS8OutOf12Bits); // Push back the converted byte.
REGISTER = (REGISTER & BottomFourBits) << MakeRoomFor6Bits; // Make room for the next 6 bits.

// Grab the next 6 bits.

LOOKUP = NextSixBits(cursor, bfr, len); // Grab the next six bits.
if(XXXX == LOOKUP || STOP == LOOKUP) { return; } // If bad or empty here bail out!
if(PAD0 == LOOKUP) { break; } // If we've come to a pad we're done!
REGISTER += LOOKUP; // Load in the six bits.

// Now we have 10 bits so we can grab our Second byte.

const int GetMS8OutOf10Bits = 2;
const int BottomTwoBits = 0x00000003;
push_back(REGISTER >> GetMS8OutOf10Bits); // Push back the converted byte.
REGISTER = (REGISTER & BottomTwoBits) << MakeRoomFor6Bits; // Make room for the next 6 bits.

LOOKUP = NextSixBits(cursor, bfr, len); // Grab the final six bits.
if(XXXX == LOOKUP || STOP == LOOKUP) { return; } // If bad or empty here bail out!
if(PAD0 == LOOKUP) { break; } // If we've come to a pad we're done!
REGISTER += LOOKUP; // Load in the six bits.

// Now we should have our final 8 bits :-)
push_back(REGISTER); // push back the converted byte.
BadConversion = false; // If we get here we did ok.

from_base64::from_base64(const vector<unsigned char>& bfr) : // Converts from a base64buffer.
BadConversion(true) { // It's bad until we've done it.
convert(&bfr[0], bfr.size()); // Recast the pointer and do it.

from_base64::from_base64(const vector<char>& bfr) : // Converts from a buffer.
BadConversion(true) { // It's bad until we've done it.
convert(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&bfr[0]), bfr.size()); // This is how we do it.

from_base64::from_base64(const string& s) : // Converts from a c++ string.
BadConversion(true) { // It's bad until we've done it.
convert(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(s.c_str()), s.length()); // This is how we do it.

from_base64::from_base64(const char* s) : // Converts from a c_string.
BadConversion(true) { // It's bad until we've done it.
convert(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(s), strlen(s)); // This is how we do it.

bool from_base64::Bad() { // Look at the flag.
return BadConversion;

+ 49
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/CodeDweller/base64codec.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// base64codec.hpp
// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2009 MicroNeil Research Corporation
// BASE64 encoder decoder objects extending vectors

#ifndef base64codec_included
#define base64codec_included

#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

typedef vector<unsigned char> base64buffer;

class to_base64 : public base64buffer { // Converts binary data to base 64.
bool BadConversion; // True if something went wrong.
void convert(const unsigned char* bfr, const int len); // Does the actual work.

to_base64(const vector<unsigned char>& bfr); // Converts from a base64buffer.
to_base64(const vector<char>& bfr); // Converts from a buffer.
to_base64(const string& s); // Converts from a c++ string.
to_base64(const char* s); // Converts from a c string.
to_base64(const unsigned char* bfr, const int len); // Converts from a uchar buffer.
to_base64(const char* bfr, const int len); // Converts from a char buffer.
bool Bad();

class from_base64 : public base64buffer { // Convert base64 data to binary.
bool BadConversion; // True if the conversion didn't go well.
unsigned char NextSixBits( // Helper for decoding & ingoring spaces.
int& cursor,
const unsigned char* bfr,
const int len);
void convert(const unsigned char* bfr, const int len); // Does the actual work.

from_base64(const vector<unsigned char>& bfr); // Converts from a base64buffer.
from_base64(const vector<char>& bfr); // Converts from a buffer.
from_base64(const string& s); // Converts from a c++ string.
from_base64(const char*); // Converts from a c_string.
bool Bad(); // True if conversion wasn't complete.


+ 1242
- 0
Datei-Diff unterdrückt, da er zu groß ist
Datei anzeigen

+ 734
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/CodeDweller/configuration.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,734 @@
// configuration.hpp
// (C) 2006 - 2009 MicroNeil Research Corporation.
// This program is part of the MicroNeil Research Open Library Project. For
// more information go to http://www.microneil.com/OpenLibrary/index.html
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
// option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
// Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

// What about this =============================================================

// The configuration module provides a platform for reading configuration files
// (or string data) containing well-formed xml and mapping that data to program
// variables.
// The idea is to provide the ability for an object or application to provide
// a modular "configuration" object that models a hierarchical collection of
// "settings" that can be represented easily in code and in xml.
// The following is an example model of a configuration in code and that same
// configuration fully populated in xml.
// The code might look like this...
// int IntValue, DefaultInt = 3;
// double DblValue, DefaultDbl = 3.14159;
// bool BooleanValue, DefaultBool = false;
// string StringValue, DefaultString = "NoStringHere";
// SpecialConfigurator : public ConfigurationHandler { // Create a special handler to build a list
// ...
// public:
// ConfigurationHandler& Startup(ConfigurationElement& E) { // This function returns a handy handler to
// return MyStartupConfigurationHandler; // (re) initialize this handler ;-)
// }
// void Operator()() { // Each time the configurator is called
// ...
// }
// int Attribute1; // these items are interpreted and added
// double Attribute2; // to the list. A ConfigurationHandler COULD
// string Attribute3; // do something entirely different though ;-)
// string Contents;
// ...
// } Special;
// ConfigurationElement SampleConfig("SampleConfiguration"); // Define a sample config (doc element)
// SampleConfig // Populate the SampleConfig
// .atStartCall(Special.Startup())
// .Element("Integer", IntValue, DefaultInt).End() // Link an element to an int w/ default.
// .Element("Double", DblValue, DefaultDbl).End("Double") // Link an element to a dbl w/ default.
// .Element("String", StringValue, DefaultString).End("String") // Link an element to a string w/ default.
// .Element("ComplexElements") // Create a sub element.
// .Element("Complex1") // Sub element Complex1 has attributes.
// .Attribute("IntAtt", IntValue, DefaultInt) // Complex1 has an integer attribute.
// .Attribute("DblAtt", DblValue, DefaultDbl) // Complex1 has a dbl attribute.
// .Element("IntAtt", IntValue).End() // IntAtt can also be set by a sub element.
// .Element("DblAtt", DblValue).End() // DblAtt can also be set by a sub element.
// .End() // That's it for Complex1.
// .Element("Complex2") // Create the Complex2 sub element.
// .Attribute("C2I", IntValue, DefaultInt) // C2I attribute.
// .Attribute("C2D", DblValue) // C2D attribute - no default.
// .Attribute("C2S", StringValue, DefultString) // C2S attribute - string w/ default.
// .End("Complex2") // End of element throws if doesn't match.
// .Element("Complex3", Special.Contents) // Element 3 using a special configurator.
// .Attribute("A1", Special.Attribute1) // Set A1 and A2 and A3 and when the
// .Attribute("A2", Special.Attribute2) // element has been completed, Special()
// .Attribute("A3", Special.Attribute3) // will be called to record the entries.
// .atEndCall(Special) // Here's where we register the handler.
// .End() // Closing Complex3 to be ice.
// .End() // Closing ComplexElements to be nice.
// .End(); // Closing SampleConfiguration to be nice.
// The XML might look like this...
// <SampleConfiguration>
// <Integer>10</Integer>
// <Double>2.4</Double>
// <String>This is a sample string</String>
// <ComplexElements>
// <Complex1 IntAtt="4" DblAtt="2.1324">
// <IntAtt>24</IntAtt> <!-- changed IntAtt -->
// </Complex1>
// <Complex2 C2I='3' C2D='5.14' C2S='Some "string" we like' />
// <Complex3> stuff in here </Complex3>
// <Complex3> Another instance </Complex3>
// <Complex3> Each one gets passed to Special() on activation </Complex3>
// <Complex3> This way, Special() can build a list or some other </Complex3>
// <Complex3> interesting thing with all of these. </Complex3>
// <ComplexElements>
// </SampleConfiguration>

// Include This Header Once Only ===============================================

#ifndef configuration_included
#define configuration_included

#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <list>

using namespace std;

class ConfigurationElement; // Elements exist
class ConfigurationAttribute; // Attributes exist
class ConfigurationData; // Data exists
class ConfigurationTranslator; // Translators exist
class ConfigurationMnemonic; // Mnemonics exist
class Configurator; // Configurators exist

//// Configuration Element /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Elements make up the core of a configuration. That is, a configuration is a
// tree of elements. Elements translate directly to well formed xml elements in
// a configuration file or string.

class ConfigurationElement {


string myName; // Elements have a name.

// External important things I remember but don't touch...

ConfigurationElement* myParent; // They may have a parrent.

list<Configurator*> myStartConfigurators; // Call these when we start Interpret()
list<Configurator*> myEndConfigurators; // Call these when we finish Interpret()

// Internal / subordinate things I own and kill...

list<ConfigurationAttribute*> myAttributes; // They may have a list of attributes.
list<ConfigurationElement*> myElements; // They may have a list of sub-elements.
list<ConfigurationMnemonic*> myMnemonics; // They may have a list of mnemonics.
list<ConfigurationTranslator*> myTranslators; // They may have a list of translators.

// During Interpret() operations we keep track of where we are seen...

int myLine; // Last line number I was seen on.
int myIndex; // Last char position I was seen on.
int myLength; // Last segment length.

bool myCleanFlag; // Keep track of initialization.

bool myInitOnInterpretFlag; // Initialize() at each Interpret()?

void runStartConfigurators(ConfigurationData& D); // Does what it says ;-)
void runEndConfigurators(ConfigurationData& D); // Does what it says ;-)


ConfigurationElement(const char* Name); // Must be constructed with a name
ConfigurationElement(const string Name); // either c string or c++ string.

ConfigurationElement(const char* Name, ConfigurationElement& Parent); // Sub-elements are constructed with a
ConfigurationElement(const string Name, ConfigurationElement& Parent); // parrent.

// Upon desctruction an element will delete all subordinate objects:
// * All sub element objects.
// * All attribute objects.
// * All mnemonic objects.
// * All translator objects.
// It is important to use new when passing one of these objects to an
// element or attribute to prevent problems with the delete operation.
// NORMALLY these things would be created using factory methods on the
// element and attribute objects themselves - so be careful.
// It will not delete Configurators - they must
// be deleted elsewhere because they may have been
// re-used and this element wouldn't know about it ;-)

~ConfigurationElement(); // The descrutor clears and deletes all!

// Elements can be probed for some simple, useful things.

string Name(); // Get the name of this element.
ConfigurationElement& Parent(); // Get the parent of this element.
ConfigurationElement& Parent(ConfigurationElement& newParent); // Set the parent of this element.

// Note - if there is no parent (an element is the root) then it will
// return a reference to itself when Parent() is called.

int Line(); // Get the last line number.
int Index(); // Get the last data position.
int Length(); // Get the last length.

// Elements can contain either data or sub-elements.

ConfigurationElement& Element(const char* Name); // Add a new sub element by c string name.
ConfigurationElement& Element(const string Name); // Add a new sub element by c++ string name.

//// Mapping element factory methods for convenience.
//// Root-Node elements are _usually_ empty and without attributes in xml
//// so we don't make any of that type of convenience constructor here.

// char* versions

ConfigurationElement& Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
ConfigurationTranslator& newTranslator); // Add a Translator to this element.

ConfigurationElement& Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
string& x, string init = string("")); // Map to a string.

ConfigurationElement& Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
int& x, int init = 0, int radix = 0); // Map to an int.

ConfigurationElement& Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
double& x, double init = 0.0); // Map to a double.

ConfigurationElement& Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
bool& x, bool init = false); // Map to a boolean.

// string versions

ConfigurationElement& Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
ConfigurationTranslator& newTranslator); // Add a Translator to this element.

ConfigurationElement& Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
string& x, string init = string("")); // Map to a string.

ConfigurationElement& Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
int& x, int init = 0, int radix = 0); // Map to an int.

ConfigurationElement& Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
double& x, double init = 0.0); // Map to a double.

ConfigurationElement& Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
bool& x, bool init = false); // Map to a boolean.

// End methods for heading back up the tree at the end of an element.

class EndNameDoesNotMatch {}; // Throw when End(name) doesn't match.

ConfigurationElement& End(); // Return this element's parent.
ConfigurationElement& End(const char* Name); // Check the name and return the parent
ConfigurationElement& End(const string Name); // if the name is correct - or throw!

// Elements can have attributes.

ConfigurationAttribute& Attribute(const char* Name); // Add an attribute using a cstring.
ConfigurationAttribute& Attribute(const string Name); // Add an attribute using a c++ string.

//// Mapping Attribute factory methods for convenience.

// char* versions

ConfigurationAttribute& Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
ConfigurationTranslator& newTranslator); // Add a Translator to this element.

ConfigurationAttribute& Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
string& x, string init = string("")); // Map to a string.

ConfigurationAttribute& Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
int& x, int init = 0, int radix = 0); // Map to an int.

ConfigurationAttribute& Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
double& x, double init = 0.0); // Map to a double.

ConfigurationAttribute& Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
bool& x, bool init = false); // Map to a boolean.

// string versions

ConfigurationAttribute& Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
ConfigurationTranslator& newTranslator); // Add a Translator to this element.

ConfigurationAttribute& Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
string& x, string init = string("")); // Map to a string.

ConfigurationAttribute& Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
int& x, int init = 0, int radix = 0); // Map to an int.

ConfigurationAttribute& Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
double& x, double init = 0.0); // Map to a double.

ConfigurationAttribute& Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
bool& x, bool init = false); // Map to a boolean.

// Elements can Initialize() at each Interpret() call.

ConfigurationElement& setInitOnInterpret(); // Set the init on interpret flag.

// Elements can call external functions to aid in special operations
// such as building lists.

ConfigurationElement& atStartCall(Configurator& Functor); // Add an atStart call-back to this element.
ConfigurationElement& atEndCall(Configurator& Functor); // Add an atEnd call-back to this element.

// Extracting data from the element's contents is done with
// translators. A good set of primatives are built in, but the user
// can also make their own. If an Element is mapped to more than
// one then they are all called once the element's contents are
// collected. A translator takes the data provided by the element,
// converts it into the expected type, and sets one or more variables
// to the converted value. Usually - just one variable.

ConfigurationElement& mapTo(ConfigurationTranslator& newTranslator); // Add a Translator to this element.
ConfigurationElement& mapTo(string& x, string init = string("")); // Map to a string.
ConfigurationElement& mapTo(int& x, int init = 0, int radix = 0); // Map to an int.
ConfigurationElement& mapTo(double& x, double init = 0.0); // Map to a double.
ConfigurationElement& mapTo(bool& x, bool init = false); // Map to a boolean.

// An Element's contents may use some special mnemonics to make a
// configuration easier to understand and less error prone. When the
// contents match a mnemnoic then the translation of the mnemonic is
// passed to the Translators instead of the raw contents.

ConfigurationElement& Mnemonic(const char* name, const char* value); // Add a mnemonic using c strings.
ConfigurationElement& Mnemonic(const char* name, const string value); // Add a mnemonic using c & c++ strings.
ConfigurationElement& Mnemonic(const string name, const char* value); // Add a mnemonic using c++ & c strings.
ConfigurationElement& Mnemonic(const string name, const string value); // Add a mnemonic using c++ strings.

// The way data gets into an element tree is that it is Interpret()ed
// recursively. The data is loaded into a ConfigurationData object which
// is passed to the top Element. That element interpretes the data, moves
// the interpretation pointers, and passes the data on to it's subordinate
// elements in turn. They do the same recursively. When the last sub -
// element has had it's way with the data, the interpretation process is
// complete. The ConfigurationData object will contain the original data
// and a log of anything that happened during the interpretation process.
// Each time an element is asked to Interpret() data, it calls any atStart
// configurators, translates any attributes, then either translates it's
// contents or passes the data to it's children, then calls any atEnd
// configurators.
// To ensure that the correct default values are used the Initialize() is
// always called on all internal attributes and elements before any data is
// interpreted. To prevent this from being inefficient, a boolean flag is
// kept in each element to keep track of whether it is clean and if it is
// then the call to Initialize will simply return (skipping subordinate
// elements along the way).
// Interpret returns true if this object found itself at the current
// Data.Index and false if not. This helps keep the recursive parsing
// code simpler ;-)

void initialize(); // Reset all translators to defaults.

void notifyDirty(); // Set dirty (if translators change).

bool interpret(ConfigurationData& Data); // (re) Interpret this data.


//// Configuration Attribute ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Attributes translate directly to well formed xml attributes (within the
// start tag of an element).

class ConfigurationAttribute {


string myName; // Elements have a name.
ConfigurationElement& myParent; // They may have a parrent.

list<ConfigurationMnemonic*> myMnemonics; // They may have a list of mnemonics.
list<ConfigurationTranslator*> myTranslators; // They may have a list of translators.

int myLine; // Last line number I was seen on.
int myIndex; // Last char position I was seen on.
int myLength; // Last segment length.


ConfigurationAttribute(const char* Name, ConfigurationElement& Parent); // Sub-elements are constructed with a
ConfigurationAttribute(const string Name, ConfigurationElement& Parent); // parrent.

// Attributes delete their Mnemonics and Translators when they go.
// See Elements for similar warnings about objects provided to
// this object... you must use new to be safe, or better yet - stick to
// the built in factory methods ;-)

~ConfigurationAttribute(); // Crush, Kill, Destroy!

// Attributes can be probed for some simple, useful things.

string Name(); // Get the name of this attribute.
ConfigurationElement& Parent(); // Get the parent of this attribute.
int Line(); // Get the last line number.
int Index(); // Get the last data position.
int Length(); // Get the last length.

void notifyDirty(); // Attributes use this when they change.

// For convenience in building configurations, an Attribute offers
// some call-through methods to it's parrent Element. This allows for
// clear, concise .method() coding that mimics an outline of the
// configuration structure.

//// For switching back to the parent element and adding new sub-elements.

ConfigurationElement& Element(const char* Name); // Add a new sub element by c string name.
ConfigurationElement& Element(const string Name); // Add a new sub element by c++ string name.

//// Mapping element factory methods for convenience.
//// Root-Node elements are _usually_ empty and without attributes in xml
//// so we don't make any of that type of convenience constructor here.

// char* versions

ConfigurationElement& Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
ConfigurationTranslator& newTranslator); // Add a Translator to this element.

ConfigurationElement& Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
string& x, string init = string("")); // Map to a string.

ConfigurationElement& Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
int& x, int init = 0, int radix = 0); // Map to an int.

ConfigurationElement& Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
double& x, double init = 0.0); // Map to a double.

ConfigurationElement& Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
bool& x, bool init = false); // Map to a boolean.

// string versions

ConfigurationElement& Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
ConfigurationTranslator& newTranslator); // Add a Translator to this element.

ConfigurationElement& Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
string& x, string init = string("")); // Map to a string.

ConfigurationElement& Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
int& x, int init = 0, int radix = 0); // Map to an int.

ConfigurationElement& Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
double& x, double init = 0.0); // Map to a double.

ConfigurationElement& Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
bool& x, bool init = false); // Map to a boolean.

// End methods for heading back up the tree at the end of an element.

ConfigurationElement& End(); // Return this element's parent.
ConfigurationElement& End(const char* Name); // Check the name and return the parent
ConfigurationElement& End(const string Name); // if the name is correct - or throw!

//// For adding new attributes to the parent element.

ConfigurationAttribute& Attribute(const char* Name); // Add an attribute using a cstring.
ConfigurationAttribute& Attribute(const string Name); // Add an attribute using a c++ string.

//// Mapping Attribute factory methods for convenience.

// char* versions

ConfigurationAttribute& Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
ConfigurationTranslator& newTranslator); // Add a Translator to this element.

ConfigurationAttribute& Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
string& x, string init = string("")); // Map to a string.

ConfigurationAttribute& Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
int& x, int init = 0, int radix = 0); // Map to an int.

ConfigurationAttribute& Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
double& x, double init = 0.0); // Map to a double.

ConfigurationAttribute& Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
bool& x, bool init = false); // Map to a boolean.

// string versions

ConfigurationAttribute& Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
ConfigurationTranslator& newTranslator); // Add a Translator to this element.

ConfigurationAttribute& Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
string& x, string init = string("")); // Map to a string.

ConfigurationAttribute& Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
int& x, int init = 0, int radix = 0); // Map to an int.

ConfigurationAttribute& Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
double& x, double init = 0.0); // Map to a double.

ConfigurationAttribute& Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
bool& x, bool init = false); // Map to a boolean.

//// Set Init On Interprete for the parent element.

ConfigurationElement& setInitOnInterpret(); // Set the init on interpret flag.

//// For adding configurators to the parent element.

ConfigurationElement& atStartCall(Configurator& Functor); // Add an atStart call-back to this element.
ConfigurationElement& atEndCall(Configurator& Functor); // Add an atEnd call-back to this element.

// Of course, the most useful thing about attributes is that they can
// be mapped to variables using translators. The same as those that
// apply to the parent element's contents. Here they are for use on this
// attribute.

ConfigurationAttribute& mapTo(ConfigurationTranslator& newTranslator); // Add a Translator to this attribute.
ConfigurationAttribute& mapTo(string& x, string init = string("")); // Map to a string.
ConfigurationAttribute& mapTo(int& x, int init, int radix = 0); // Map to an int.
ConfigurationAttribute& mapTo(double& x, double init = 0.0); // Map to a double.
ConfigurationAttribute& mapTo(bool& x, bool init = false); // Map to a boolean.

// Attributes can have mnemonics just like elements.

ConfigurationAttribute& Mnemonic(const char* name, const char* value); // Add a mnemonic using a c string.
ConfigurationAttribute& Mnemonic(const char* name, const string value); // Add a mnemonic using c & c++ strings.
ConfigurationAttribute& Mnemonic(const string name, const char* value); // Add a mnemonic using c++ & c strings.
ConfigurationAttribute& Mnemonic(const string name, const string value); // Add a mnemonic using a c++ string.

// Attributes participate in the Interprete() task just like elements.

void initialize(); // Reset all translators to defaults.
bool interpret(ConfigurationData& Data); // (re) Interpret this data.


//// Configuration Data ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// A ConfigurationData object holds on to the configuration source data and
// provideds a place to log any information about how the configuration was
// interpreted. It also creates and destroys a handy char[] to contain the
// data. To make this beastie easier to handle, we use the Named Constructor
// Idiom and hide the true constructor in the private section.

class ConfigurationData { // Configuration Data Source

char* myDataBuffer; // The actual data buffer.
int myBufferSize; // Size of the current buffer.
int myIndex; // The current interpretation index.
int myLine; // Current line number.


ConfigurationData(const char* FileName); // Constructor from c string file name.
ConfigurationData(const string FileName); // Constructor from c++ string file name.
ConfigurationData(const char* Data, int Length); // Raw constructor from text buffer.

~ConfigurationData(); // Destroys the internal buffer etc.

char Data(int Index); // Returns char from Data[Index]
int Index(); // Reads the current Index.
int Index(int i); // Changes the current Index.
int Line(); // Reads the current Line number.
int addNewLines(int Count); // Increments the Line number.

stringstream Log; // Convenient Interpret log.


//// Configuration Translator //////////////////////////////////////////////////
// A Translator converts the contents provided to it in string form into some
// other data type. The object here is a prototype for that, followed by a
// collection of the basic translators used for built-in mapTo()s.

class ConfigurationTranslator { // Translators exist
virtual void translate(const char* Value) = 0; // Pure virtual translator.
virtual void initialize() = 0; // Pure virtual initializer.

class StringTranslator : public ConfigurationTranslator {
string& myVariable; // Variable to map.
string myInitializer; // Initial/Default value.

StringTranslator( // Construct this with
string& Variable, // the variable to map,
string Inititializer); // and the default value.

void translate(const char* Value); // Provide a translation method.
void initialize(); // Provide an initialization method.

class IntegerTranslator : public ConfigurationTranslator {
int& myVariable; // Variable to map.
int myInitializer; // Initial/Default value.
int myRadix; // Radix for strtol()

IntegerTranslator( // Construct this with
int& Variable, // the variable to map,
int Inititializer, // and the default value.
int Radix); // For this one we also need a Radix.

void translate(const char* Value); // Provide a translation method.
void initialize(); // Provide an initialization method.

class DoubleTranslator : public ConfigurationTranslator {
double& myVariable; // Variable to map.
double myInitializer; // Initial/Default value.

DoubleTranslator( // Construct this with
double& Variable, // the variable to map,
double Inititializer); // and the default value.

void translate(const char* Value); // Provide a translation method.
void initialize(); // Provide an initialization method.

class BoolTranslator : public ConfigurationTranslator {
bool& myVariable; // Variable to map.
bool myInitializer; // Initial/Default value.

BoolTranslator( // Construct this with
bool& Variable, // the variable to map,
bool Inititializer); // and the default value.

void translate(const char* Value); // Provide a translation method.
void initialize(); // Provide an initialization method.

//// Configuration Mnemonic ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// A Mnemonic allows the actual contents of an element or attribute to be
// exchanged for a different "named" value to help eliminate "magic numbers"
// and "secret codes" from configurations. One way this might be used is to
// map an enumeration to the appropriate integer values, or things like YES and
// NO to boolean true and false (respectively) when turning on/off program
// options.

class ConfigurationMnemonic { // Mnemonics
string myName; // What is the Mnemonic?
string myValue; // What is the translation?

ConfigurationMnemonic(string Name, string Value); // To make one, provide both parts.
bool test(string Name); // Test to see if this Mnemonic matches.
string Value(); // If it does then we will need it's value.

//// Configurator //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// A configurator is a "functor" or "closure" or "callback" that can be used to
// support sophisticated interpretation options. The most basic and necessary
// of these is support for list building. Consider an object created to contain
// a list of records where each record might be represented as a collection of
// attributes and elements. The object would have data elements mapped to the
// attributes and elements in the configuration and then control elements which
// are functors for initializing the list and storing new entries as they are
// completed. The object here is a pure virtual prototype.

class Configurator { // Configurators exist
virtual void operator()(ConfigurationElement& E, ConfigurationData& D) = 0; // Pure virtual configurator.

//// Include our inline methods ////////////////////////////////////////////////

#include "configuration.inline.hpp"

//// Utilities /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// SetTrueOnComplete Configurator //////////////////////////////////////////////

class ConfiguratorSetTrueOnComplete : public Configurator { // Configurator set's a boolean true.
bool* myBoolean; // The boolean to set.
ConfiguratorSetTrueOnComplete(); // Must init to NULL for safety.
void setup(bool& Target); // Link to the target boolean.

void operator()(ConfigurationElement& E, ConfigurationData& D); // Handle the operation.


// End Of Include Only Once

+ 576
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/CodeDweller/configuration.inline.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
// configuration.inline.hpp
// (C) 2006-2009 MicroNeil Research Corporation.
// This program is part of the MicroNeil Research Open Library Project. For
// more information go to http://www.microneil.com/OpenLibrary/index.html
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
// option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
// Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

// See configuration.hpp for details

//// Configuration Element /////////////////////////////////////////////////////

inline ConfigurationElement::ConfigurationElement(const char* Name) : // Construct with a cstring.
myCleanFlag(true) {

inline ConfigurationElement::ConfigurationElement(const string Name) : // Construct with a c++ string.
myCleanFlag(true) {

inline ConfigurationElement::ConfigurationElement( // Construct sub element w/ cstring.
const char* Name,
ConfigurationElement& Parent) :

myCleanFlag(true) {

inline ConfigurationElement::ConfigurationElement( // Construct sub element w/ string.
const string Name,
ConfigurationElement& Parent) :

myCleanFlag(true) {

inline string ConfigurationElement::Name() { return myName; } // Get the name of this element.

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationElement::Parent() { // Get the parrent of this element.
if(NULL != myParent) { // If I have a parent
return (*myParent); // then I dereference and return it.
} // If I don't have a parent
return (*this); // then I return myself.

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationElement::Parent( // Set the parrent of this element.
ConfigurationElement& Parent) { // Given this parent
myParent = &Parent; // I take and store it's address
return (*myParent); // then dereference and return it.

inline int ConfigurationElement::Line() { return myLine; } // Get the last line number.

inline int ConfigurationElement::Index() { return myIndex; } // Get the last data position.

inline int ConfigurationElement::Length() { return myLength; } // Get the last length.

inline void ConfigurationElement::notifyDirty() { myCleanFlag = false; } // Attributes do this when they change.

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationElement::Element(const char* Name) { // Add a new sub element by c string name.
return Element(string(Name)); // Use the string name version

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationElement::Element(const string Name) { // Add a new sub element by c++ string name.
ConfigurationElement* N = new ConfigurationElement( // Create a new Element with the
Name, // name provided and
(*this)); // myself as the parent.

myElements.push_back(N); // Add it to the list.
return (*N); // Return the new element.

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationElement::Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
ConfigurationTranslator& newTranslator) { // Add a Translator to this element.
return Element(string(Name), newTranslator); // Use the string name version

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationElement::Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
string& x, string init) { // Map to a string.
return Element(string(Name), x, init); // Use the string name version

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationElement::Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
int& x, int init, int radix) { // Map to an int.
return Element(string(Name), x, init, radix); // Use the string name version

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationElement::Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
double& x, double init) { // Map to a double.
return Element(string(Name), x, init); // Use the string name version

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationElement::Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
bool& x, bool init) { // Map to a boolean.
return Element(string(Name), x, init); // Use the string name version

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationElement::End() { // Return this element's parent.
return Parent(); // Borrow Parent()

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationElement::End(const char* Name) { // Check the name and return the parent
return End(string(Name)); // Borrow End(string)

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationElement::End(const string Name) { // if the name is correct - or throw!
if(0 != Name.compare(myName)) { // If Name is not myName
throw EndNameDoesNotMatch(); // throw an exception!
} // If the names match then
return Parent(); // return the parent.

inline ConfigurationAttribute& ConfigurationElement::Attribute( // Add an attribute using a cstring.
const char* Name) { // Given this cstring name
return Attribute(string(Name)); // Convert it to a string and borrow
} // Attribute(string)

inline ConfigurationAttribute& ConfigurationElement::Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
ConfigurationTranslator& newTranslator) { // Add a Translator to this element.
return Attribute(string(Name), newTranslator); // Borrow the string name version

inline ConfigurationAttribute& ConfigurationElement::Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
string& x, string init) { // Map to a string.
return Attribute(string(Name), x, init); // Borrow the string name version

inline ConfigurationAttribute& ConfigurationElement::Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
int& x, int init, int radix) { // Map to an int.
return Attribute(string(Name), x, init); // Borrow the string name version

inline ConfigurationAttribute& ConfigurationElement::Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
double& x, double init) { // Map to a double.
return Attribute(string(Name), x, init); // Borrow the string name version

inline ConfigurationAttribute& ConfigurationElement::Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
bool& x, bool init) { // Map to a boolean.
return Attribute(string(Name), x, init); // Borrow the string name version

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationElement::setInitOnInterpret() { // Set the init on interpret flag.
myInitOnInterpretFlag = true; // Set the flag.
return(*this); // Dereference and return self.

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationElement::atStartCall( // Add an atStart call-back.
Configurator& Functor) { // Given this Functor,
myStartConfigurators.push_back(&Functor); // add it to my atStart list then
return(*this); // dereference and return myself.

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationElement::atEndCall( // Add an atEnd call-back.
Configurator& Functor) { // Given this Functor,
myEndConfigurators.push_back(&Functor); // add it to my atEnd list then
return(*this); // dereference and return myself.

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationElement::Mnemonic( // Add a mnemonic using c strings.
const char* name, const char* value) { // Given char* and char*
return Mnemonic(string(name), string(value)); // make strings and borrow that method.

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationElement::Mnemonic( // Add a mnemonic using mixed strings.
const char* name, const string value) { // Given char* and string
return Mnemonic(string(name), value); // make strings and borrow that method.

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationElement::Mnemonic( // Add a mnemonic using mixed strings.
const string name, const char* value) { // Given string and char*
return Mnemonic(name, string(value)); // make strings and borrow that method.

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationElement::Mnemonic( // Add a mnemonic using c++ strings.
const string name, const string value) { // Givent string and string
ConfigurationMnemonic* N = // Create a new Mnemonic
new ConfigurationMnemonic(name, value); // using the values provided,
myMnemonics.push_back(N); // add it to my list, then
return(*this); // dereference and return myself.

//// Configuration Attribute ///////////////////////////////////////////////////

inline ConfigurationAttribute::ConfigurationAttribute( // Attributes are constructed with a
const char* Name, ConfigurationElement& Parent) : // Name and a Parent.
myName(string(Name)), // We convert the name to a string.
myParent(Parent), // We just grab the parent.
myLine(0), // Everything else gets zeroed.
myIndex(0) {

inline ConfigurationAttribute::ConfigurationAttribute( // Attributes are constrictued with a
const string Name, ConfigurationElement& Parent) : // Name and a Parent.
myName(Name), // We grab them and zero the rest.
myIndex(0) {

inline string ConfigurationAttribute::Name() { // Get the name of this attribute.
return myName;

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationAttribute::Parent() { // Get the parent of this attribute.
return myParent;

inline int ConfigurationAttribute::Line() { // Get the last line number.
return myLine;

inline int ConfigurationAttribute::Index() { // Get the last data position.
return myIndex;

inline int ConfigurationAttribute::Length() { // Get the last length.
return myLength;

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationAttribute::Element( // Add a new sub element by c string name.
const char* Name) {
return myParent.Element(Name);

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationAttribute::Element( // Add a new sub element by c++ string name.
const string Name) {
return myParent.Element(Name);

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationAttribute::Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
ConfigurationTranslator& newTranslator) { // Add a Translator to this element.
return myParent.Element(Name, newTranslator);

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationAttribute::Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
string& x, string init) { // Map to a string.
return myParent.Element(Name, x, init);

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationAttribute::Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
int& x, int init, int radix) { // Map to an int.
return myParent.Element(Name, x, init, radix);

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationAttribute::Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
double& x, double init) { // Map to a double.
return myParent.Element(Name, x, init);

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationAttribute::Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
bool& x, bool init) { // Map to a boolean.
return myParent.Element(Name, x, init);

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationAttribute::Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
ConfigurationTranslator& newTranslator) { // Add a Translator to this element.
return myParent.Element(Name, newTranslator);

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationAttribute::Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
string& x, string init) { // Map to a string.
return myParent.Element(Name, x, init);

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationAttribute::Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
int& x, int init, int radix) { // Map to an int.
return myParent.Element(Name, x, init, radix);

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationAttribute::Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
double& x, double init) { // Map to a double.
return myParent.Element(Name, x, init);

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationAttribute::Element( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
bool& x, bool init) { // Map to a boolean.
return myParent.Element(Name, x, init);

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationAttribute::End() { // Return this element's parent.
return myParent.End();

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationAttribute::End(const char* Name) { // Check the name and return the parent
return myParent.End(Name);

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationAttribute::End(const string Name) { // if the name is correct - or throw!
return myParent.End(Name);

inline ConfigurationAttribute& ConfigurationAttribute::Attribute( // Add an attribute using a cstring.
const char* Name) {
return myParent.Attribute(Name);

inline ConfigurationAttribute& ConfigurationAttribute::Attribute( // Add an attribute using a c++ string.
const string Name) {
return myParent.Attribute(Name);

inline ConfigurationAttribute& ConfigurationAttribute::Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
ConfigurationTranslator& newTranslator) { // Add a Translator to this element.
return myParent.Attribute(Name, newTranslator);

inline ConfigurationAttribute& ConfigurationAttribute::Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
string& x, string init) { // Map to a string.
return myParent.Attribute(Name, x, init);

inline ConfigurationAttribute& ConfigurationAttribute::Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
int& x, int init, int radix) { // Map to an int.
return myParent.Attribute(Name, x, init, radix);

inline ConfigurationAttribute& ConfigurationAttribute::Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
double& x, double init) { // Map to a double.
return myParent.Attribute(Name, x, init);

inline ConfigurationAttribute& ConfigurationAttribute::Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const char* Name, // requires a name, of course,
bool& x, bool init) { // Map to a boolean.
return myParent.Attribute(Name, x, init);

inline ConfigurationAttribute& ConfigurationAttribute::Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
ConfigurationTranslator& newTranslator) { // Add a Translator to this element.
return myParent.Attribute(Name, newTranslator);

inline ConfigurationAttribute& ConfigurationAttribute::Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
string& x, string init) { // Map to a string.
return myParent.Attribute(Name, x, init);

inline ConfigurationAttribute& ConfigurationAttribute::Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
int& x, int init, int radix) { // Map to an int.
return myParent.Attribute(Name, x, init, radix);

inline ConfigurationAttribute& ConfigurationAttribute::Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
double& x, double init) { // Map to a double.
return myParent.Attribute(Name, x, init);

inline ConfigurationAttribute& ConfigurationAttribute::Attribute( // Mapping factory for convenience,
const string Name, // requires a name, of course,
bool& x, bool init) { // Map to a boolean.
return myParent.Attribute(Name, x, init);

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationAttribute::setInitOnInterpret() { // Set the init on interpret flag.
return myParent.setInitOnInterpret();

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationAttribute::atStartCall( // Add an atStart call-back to this element.
Configurator& Functor) {
return myParent.atStartCall(Functor);

inline ConfigurationElement& ConfigurationAttribute::atEndCall( // Add an atEnd call-back to this element.
Configurator& Functor) {
return myParent.atEndCall(Functor);

inline ConfigurationAttribute& ConfigurationAttribute::Mnemonic( // Add a mnemonic using c strings.
const char* name, const char* value) { // Given char* and char*
return Mnemonic(string(name), string(value)); // make strings and borrow that method.

inline ConfigurationAttribute& ConfigurationAttribute::Mnemonic( // Add a mnemonic using mixed strings.
const char* name, const string value) { // Given char* and string
return Mnemonic(string(name), value); // make strings and borrow that method.

inline ConfigurationAttribute& ConfigurationAttribute::Mnemonic( // Add a mnemonic using mixed strings.
const string name, const char* value) { // Given string and char*
return Mnemonic(name, string(value)); // make strings and borrow that method.

inline ConfigurationAttribute& ConfigurationAttribute::Mnemonic( // Add a mnemonic using c++ strings.
const string name, const string value) { // Givent string and string
ConfigurationMnemonic* N = // Create a new Mnemonic
new ConfigurationMnemonic(name, value); // using the values provided,
myMnemonics.push_back(N); // add it to my list, then
return(*this); // dereference and return myself.

//// Configuration Data ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

inline char ConfigurationData::Data(int Index) { // Returns char from Data[Index]
if(0 > Index || Index >= myBufferSize) { // Check that index is in range
return 0; // and return 0 if it is not.
} // If Index is within range then
return myDataBuffer[Index]; // return the byte requested.

inline int ConfigurationData::Index() { // Reads the current Index.
return myIndex;

inline int ConfigurationData::Index(int i) { // Changes the current Index.
if(0 > i || i >= myBufferSize) { // If i is out of range then
return myIndex; // return the current Index unchanged.
} // If i is within range then
myIndex = i; // change the Index to i and
return myIndex; // return the changed Index.

inline int ConfigurationData::Line() { // Reads the current Line number.
return myLine;

inline int ConfigurationData::addNewLines(int Count) { // Increments the Line number.
myLine += Count; // Add the number of new lines.
return myLine; // Return the current Line number.

//// Configuration Translator //////////////////////////////////////////////////

inline StringTranslator::StringTranslator( // Construct this with
string& Variable, // the variable to map,
string Initializer) : // and the default value.
myInitializer(Initializer) {

inline void StringTranslator::translate(const char* Value) { // Provide a translation method.
myVariable = string(Value); // String to String = simple copy.

inline void StringTranslator::initialize() { // Provide an initialization method.
myVariable = myInitializer; // Revert to the initializer value.

inline IntegerTranslator::IntegerTranslator( // Construct this with
int& Variable, // the variable to map,
int Initializer, // and the default value.
int Radix) : // For this one we also need a Radix.
myRadix(Radix) {

inline void IntegerTranslator::translate(const char* Value) { // Provide a translation method.
char* dummy; // Throw away ptr for strtol().
myVariable = strtol(Value, &dummy, myRadix); // Convert the string w/ strtol().

inline void IntegerTranslator::initialize() { // Provide an initialization method.
myVariable = myInitializer; // Revert to the initializer value.

inline DoubleTranslator::DoubleTranslator( // Construct this with
double& Variable, // the variable to map,
double Initializer) : // and the default value.
myInitializer(Initializer) {

inline void DoubleTranslator::translate(const char* Value) { // Provide a translation method.
char* dummy; // Throw away ptr for strtod().
myVariable = strtod(Value, &dummy); // Convert the string w/ strtod().

inline void DoubleTranslator::initialize() { // Provide an initialization method.
myVariable = myInitializer; // Revert to the initializer value.

inline BoolTranslator::BoolTranslator( // Construct this with
bool& Variable, // the variable to map,
bool Initializer) : // and the default value.
myInitializer(Initializer) {

inline void BoolTranslator::translate(const char* Value) { // Provide a translation method.
(0 == strcmp(Value,"on")) ||
(0 == strcmp(Value,"true")) || // on, true, yes, and 1 are
(0 == strcmp(Value, "yes")) || // interpreted as a boolean true.
(0 == strcmp(Value, "1"))
) {
myVariable = true;
} else { // Anything else is interpreted as
myVariable = false; // boolean false.

inline void BoolTranslator::initialize() { // Provide an initialization method.
myVariable = myInitializer; // Revert to the initializer value.

//// Configuration Mnemonic ////////////////////////////////////////////////////

inline ConfigurationMnemonic::ConfigurationMnemonic( // To make one, provide both parts.
string Name, string Value) :
myValue(Value) {

inline bool ConfigurationMnemonic::test(string Name) { // Test to see if this Mnemonic matches.
return (0 == Name.compare(myName)); // Return true if Name and myName match.

inline string ConfigurationMnemonic::Value() { // If it does then we will need it's value.
return myValue;

+ 60
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/CodeDweller/histogram.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
// histogram.hpp
// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2009 MicroNeil Research Corporation
// Class to capture a histogram of events using a <set>

#ifndef mn_histogram_included
#define mn_histogram_included

#include <set>

using namespace std;

/** The Histogram class is managed set of HistogramRecords.
*** We play some naughty tricks with pointers to break the rules and
*** directly manipulate the counts of HistogramRecords stored in the
*** set - thus saving space, complexity, and cycles. The set allows us
*** to add new records as needed and locate existing records quickly.
*** At any point in time, the set contains all of the event (hit) counts
*** ordered by key.

class HistogramRecord { // A record to assocate a key and count.
int Key; // Here is the key.
int Count; // Here is the count.
HistogramRecord(const int NewKey) : // We must have a key to make one.
Key(NewKey), Count(0) {} // and a new one starts at count 0.

bool operator<(const HistogramRecord& Right) const { // To live in a set we need to <
return (Key < Right.Key); // properly based on the key.

class Histogram : public set<HistogramRecord> { // A Histogram is a set of HistogramRecords
private: // and a private hit counter...
int HitCount;
Histogram() : HitCount(0) {}
// with a few extra public functions. The
int hit(const int EventKey, const int Adjustment = 1) { // hit() method increments a specific count.
HistogramRecord E(EventKey); // First, make a record for the event key.
insert(E); // Insert the new record (if it's not there).
set<HistogramRecord>::iterator iE = // Find either the pre-existing or the new
find(E); // record for this key.
int* C; // Play naughty pointer games to access
C = const_cast<int*>(&((*iE).Count)); // the Count for this record inside the
(*C) += Adjustment; // set and add our Adjustment to it.
HitCount += Adjustment; // Accumulate the adjustments overall.
return(*C); // Return the count for this key.

int Hits() { return HitCount; } // Return the sum of hits so far.

void reset() { // Reset the histogram to zero.
HitCount = 0; // That means no counts, and
clear(); // an empty set of records.


+ 630
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/CodeDweller/networking.cpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
// networking.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2006-2009 MicroNeil Research Corporation.
// This program is part of the MicroNeil Research Open Library Project. For
// more information go to http://www.microneil.com/OpenLibrary/index.html
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
// option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
// Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

// See networking.hpp for notes.
// See networking.inline.hpp for inlined methods & functions.

#include "networking.hpp"

Networking Network; // Finally creating the Network instance.

//// Platform Specific Stuff ///////////////////////////////////////////////////

#if defined(WIN32) || defined(WIN64)

//// Being Windows specific code

WSADATA WSSTartData; // Socket library data structure.

// Error description handling for humans.

string Networking::DescriptiveError(string Msg, int Errno) { // Form a descriptive error w/ errno.
char* s = 0;

switch(Errno) {
case WSA_IO_PENDING: s = "WSA_IO_PENDING"; break;
case WSAEINTR: s = "WSAEINTR"; break;
case WSAEBADF: s = "WSAEBADF"; break;
case WSAEACCES: s = "WSAEACCES"; break;
case WSAEFAULT: s = "WSAEFAULT"; break;
case WSAEINVAL: s = "WSAEINVAL"; break;
case WSAEMFILE: s = "WSAEMFILE"; break;
case WSAENOBUFS: s = "WSAENOBUFS"; break;
case WSAEISCONN: s = "WSAEISCONN"; break;
case WSAELOOP: s = "WSAELOOP"; break;
case WSAEUSERS: s = "WSAEUSERS"; break;
case WSAEDQUOT: s = "WSAEDQUOT"; break;
case WSAESTALE: s = "WSAESTALE"; break;
case WSAEREMOTE: s = "WSAEREMOTE"; break;
case WSAEDISCON: s = "WSAEDISCON"; break;
case WSAENOMORE: s = "WSAENOMORE"; break;
case WSA_E_NO_MORE: s = "WSA_E_NO_MORE"; break;
case WSATRY_AGAIN: s = "WSATRY_AGAIN"; break;
case WSANO_DATA: s = "WSANO_DATA"; break;


Msg.append(" ");
if(s) {
else {
ostringstream ErrNoMsg;
ErrNoMsg << " UNKNOWN ErrorNumber = " << Errno;
return Msg;

// Networking Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Handles any necessary setup of Network Module resources.

Networking::Networking() { // Upon initialization,
if(0 != WSAStartup(MAKEWORD (2,0), &WSSTartData)) { // startup the Winsock2.0 DLL.
throw InitializationError( // If that fails then throw!
"Networking::Networking() if(0 != WSAStartup(MAKEWORD (2,0), &WSSTartData))"

// Networking Destructor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Handles any necessary cleanup of Network Module resources.

Networking::~Networking() { // Upon shutdown,
WSACleanup(); // shutdown the Winsock DLL.

//// Emd Windows specific code


//// Begin GNU specific code

// Error description handling for humans.

string Networking::DescriptiveError(string Msg, int Errno) { // Form a descriptive error w/ errno.
Msg.append(" "); Msg.append(strerror(Errno));
return Msg;

// Networking Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Handles any necessary setup of Network Module resources.

Networking::Networking() { // Upon initialization,
// Nothing So Far... // nothing special required.

// Networking Destructor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Handles any necessary cleanup of Network Module resources.

Networking::~Networking() { // GNU sockets cleanup,
// Nothing So Far... // nothing specail to required.

//// End GNU specific code


//// Platform Agnostic Stuff

//// Useful Internal Bits & Pieces /////////////////////////////////////////////

const int LowestOctetMask = 0x000000FF; // The bits to look at.
const int OneOctetInBits = 8; // The bits to shift.

void splitIP( // Split an IP into octets.
unsigned long A, // The address in host format.
int& a0, // Reference to the first octet.
int& a1, // Reference to the second octet.
int& a2, // Reference to the third octet.
int& a3 // Reference to the forth octet.
a3 = A & LowestOctetMask; A >>= OneOctetInBits; // Get the lowest order octet & move.
a2 = A & LowestOctetMask; A >>= OneOctetInBits; // Get the next lowest octet & move.
a1 = A & LowestOctetMask; A >>= OneOctetInBits; // Get the next lowest octet & move.
a0 = A & LowestOctetMask; // Get the highest octet. That's IT!

//// IP4Address methods ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

IP4Address::operator unsigned long int() const { // Assign to unsigned long int.
return IP; // Return it.

IP4Address::operator string() const { // Assign to a string.
char stringbfr[IPStringBufferSize]; // Grab a temporary buffer.
memset(stringbfr, 0, sizeof(stringbfr)); // Null out it's space.
int a0, a1, a2, a3; // Grab some integers.
splitIP(IP, a0, a1, a2, a3); // Split the IP in the IP4Address.
sprintf(stringbfr, "%d.%d.%d.%d", a0, a1, a2, a3); // Format the octets.
return string(stringbfr); // Return a string.

//// SocketAddress methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// getAddress(str, len)

const char* SocketAddress::getAddress(char* str) { // Get the IP address into a cstring.
if(NULL == str) { // If the caller did not provide a
str = IPStringBuffer; // buffer to use then we will use ours.
int a0, a1, a2, a3, i=0; // Grab a bunch of handy integers.
getAddress(a0, a1, a2, a3); // Get the address as octets.
sprintf(str, "%d.%d.%d.%d", a0, a1, a2, a3); // Format as dotted decimal notation.
return str; // Return the output buffer.

// getAddress(int& a0, int& a1, int& a2, int& a3)

void SocketAddress::getAddress(int& a0, int& a1, int& a2, int& a3) { // Get the IP address into 4 ints
unsigned long A = getAddress(); // Get the address.
splitIP(A, a0, a1, a2, a3); // Split it into octets.

//// TCPListener methods ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////

TCPListener::TCPListener(unsigned short Port) { // Set up localhost on this Port.
LocalAddress.setPort(Port); // Establish the port.
LocalAddress.setAddress(LOCALHOST); // Set the address to LOCALHOST.
MaxPending = DefaultMaxPending; // Use the default inbound queue size.
ReuseAddress = true; // ReuseAddress on by default.
OpenStage1Complete = false; // This stage of open() not yet done.
OpenStage2Complete = false; // This stage of open() not yet done.

// Create a socket...

LastError = 0;

Handle = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); // Create the socket.
if(INVALID_SOCKET == Handle) { // If that operation failed then
LastError = Network.getLastError(); // grab the error code and
throw Networking::SocketCreationError( // throw.
"TCPListener::open().socket()", LastError));

TCPListener::TCPListener(SocketAddress& WhereToBind) { // Set up specific "name" for listening.
LocalAddress = WhereToBind; // Make my Local address as provided.
MaxPending = DefaultMaxPending; // Use the default inbound queue size.
ReuseAddress = true; // ReuseAddress on by default.
OpenStage1Complete = false; // This stage of open() not yet done.
OpenStage2Complete = false; // This stage of open() not yet done.

// Create a socket...

LastError = 0;

Handle = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); // Create the socket.
if(INVALID_SOCKET == Handle) { // If that operation failed then
LastError = Network.getLastError(); // grab the error code and
throw Networking::SocketCreationError( // throw.
"TCPListener::open().socket()", LastError));

// open()

void TCPListener::open() { // Open when ready.

if(OpenSucceeded) return; // If open already, we're done.

LastError = 0; // Clear the last error.
bool SuccessFlag = true; // Start optimistically.

// Set SO_REUSEADDR if turned on

if(!OpenStage1Complete) { // Do this stage only once.
int ReuseAddress_Flag = (ReuseAddress? 1:0); // Setup an appropriate integer flag.
int result = // Set SO_REUSEADDR before bind().
(char*) &ReuseAddress_Flag,

if(0 > result) { // If there was an error then
SuccessFlag = false; // we did not succeed.
LastError = Network.getLastError(); // Capture the error information and
throw Networking::SocketSetSockOptError( // throw.
"TCPListener::open().setsockopt()", LastError));
OpenStage1Complete = true; // Stage 1 complete now.
} // End of open() stage 1

// Next we bind it...

if(!OpenStage2Complete) { // Do this stage only once.
int result = // Bind our socket to the LocalAddress.

if(0 > result) { // If there was an error then
SuccessFlag = false; // we did not succeed.
LastError = Network.getLastError(); // Capture the error information and
throw Networking::SocketBindError( // throw.
"TCPListener::open().bind()", LastError));
OpenStage2Complete = true; // Stage 2 complete now.
} // End of open() stage 2

// Then we put it in a listening state...

int result = listen(Handle, MaxPending); // Listen for up to MaxPending at once.

if(0 > result) { // If an error occurred then
SuccessFlag = false; // we did not succeed.
LastError = Network.getLastError(); // Capture the error information and
throw Networking::SocketListenError( // throw.
"TCPListener::open().listen()", LastError));

OpenSucceeded = SuccessFlag; // So, did we succeed?

// acceptClient()

TCPClient* TCPListener::acceptClient() { // Accept a client connection.

LastError = 0; // Clear the last error.
socklen_t rsize = RemoteAddress.getAddressSize(); // Size as an int for accept().

hSocket NewHandle = // Accept a new connection if available.
Handle, // use our handle, of course,...
RemoteAddress.getPtr_sockaddr(), // and store the remote hosts
&rsize); // address for us.

if(INVALID_SOCKET == NewHandle) { // If there was an error then
LastError = Network.getLastError(); // capture the error value.
if(!Network.WouldBlock(LastError)) { // If it's not a EWOULDBLOCK error
throw Networking::SocketAcceptError( // then we need to throw.
"TCPListener::acceptClient()", LastError));
} else { // EWOULDBLOCK errors are normal in
return NULL; // non blocking mode so we return
} // NULL when we see them.

// If things have gone well we can do what we came for.

return new TCPClient(*this, NewHandle, RemoteAddress); // Create the new TCPClient object.


//// TCPClient methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

int TCPClient::transmit(const char* bfr, int size) { // How to send a buffer of data.
LastError = 0; // No errors yet.
if(0 == size) return 0; // Nothing to send, send nothing.
if(0 == bfr) // Watch out for null buffers.
throw Networking::SocketWriteError("TCPClient::transmit() NULL Bfr!");
if(0 > size) // Watch out for bad sizes.
throw Networking::SocketWriteError("TCPClient::transmit() 0 > size!");

int ByteCount = send(Handle, bfr, size, NOFLAGS); // Try to send and capture the count.
if(0 > ByteCount) ByteCount = 0; // Mask error results as 0 bytes sent.

if(size > ByteCount) { // If we didn't send it all check it out.
LastError = Network.getLastError(); // Grab the error code.
if(Network.WouldBlock(LastError)) { // If the error was WouldBlock then
return ByteCount; // it was a partial send - return.
} else { // If this was a different kind of error
throw Networking::SocketWriteError( // then throw!
"TCPClient::transmit()", LastError));
return ByteCount; // Ultimately return the byte count.

int TCPClient::receive(char* bfr, int size) { // How to receive a buffer of data.
if(ReadBufferIsEmpty()) { // If the read buffer is empty then
fillReadBuffer(); // fill it first.
} // Optimize our transfer to the smaller
if(DataLength < size) { // of what we have or the size of the
size = DataLength; // provided buffer. This way we ony check
} // one value in our copy loop ;-)
int RemainingDataLength = size; // Capture the length of data to xfer.
while(0 < RemainingDataLength) { // While we have work to do
*bfr = *ReadPointer; // copy each byte from our ReadBuffer,
bfr++; ReadPointer++; // move the pointers to the next byte,
DataLength--; // update our ReadBuffers's DataLength,
RemainingDataLength--; // and count down the bytes left to xfer.
return size; // When done, say how much we moved.

int TCPClient::delimited_receive(char* bfr, int size, char delimiter) { // How to receive delimited data.
if(ReadBufferIsEmpty()) { // If the read buffer is empty then
fillReadBuffer(); // fill it first.
} // Optimize our transfer to the smaller
if(DataLength < size) { // of what we have or the size of the
size = DataLength; // provided buffer. This way we ony check
} // one value in our copy loop ;-)
int Count = 0; // Keep our byte count in scope.
bool DelimiterNotReached = true; // Watching for our deliimiter.
while((Count < size) && DelimiterNotReached) { // While there is work to do...
*bfr = *ReadPointer; // copy each byte from our ReadBuffer,
DelimiterNotReached = (delimiter != (*bfr)); // check for the delimiter character,
bfr++; ReadPointer++; // move the pointers to the next byte,
DataLength--; // update our ReadBuffers's DataLength,
Count++; // and count up the bytes we have moved.
return Count; // When done, say how much we moved.

//// TCPHost methods ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// Constructors...

TCPHost::TCPHost(unsigned short Port) { // Will connect to localhost on Port.
RemoteAddress.setPort(Port); // Connect to Port on
RemoteAddress.setAddress(LOCALHOST); // Localhost.
ReadPointer = ReadBuffer; // Set the read position to zero.
DataLength = 0; // There is no data yet.
ReuseAddress = false; // ReuseAddress off by default.
OpenStage1Complete = false; // Stage 1 of open() not done yet.

// Create a socket to use.

LastError = 0; // Clear our last error value.

Handle = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); // Create the socket.
if(0 > Handle) { // If that operation failed then
LastError = Network.getLastError(); // grab the error code and
throw Networking::SocketCreationError( // throw.
"TCPHost::open().socket()", LastError));

TCPHost::TCPHost(SocketAddress& Remote) { // Will connect to Remote address/port.
RemoteAddress = Remote; // Capture the provided address.
ReadPointer = ReadBuffer; // Set the read position to zero.
DataLength = 0; // There is no data yet.
ReuseAddress = false; // ReuseAddress off by default.
OpenStage1Complete = false; // Stage 1 of open() not done yet.

// Create a socket to use.

LastError = 0; // Clear our last error value.

Handle = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); // Create the socket.
if(0 > Handle) { // If that operation failed then
LastError = Network.getLastError(); // grab the error code and
throw Networking::SocketCreationError( // throw.
"TCPHost::open().socket()", LastError));

// Methods...

void TCPHost::open() { // We provide open().

if(OpenSucceeded) return; // If open already, we're done.

LastError = 0; // Clear our LastError value.
bool SuccessFlag = true; // Begin optimistically.

// Set SO_REUSEADDR if turned on

if(!OpenStage1Complete) { // If we haven't done this yet:
int ReuseAddress_Flag = (ReuseAddress? 1:0); // Setup an appropriate integer flag.
int result = // Set SO_REUSEADDR before bind().
(char *)&ReuseAddress_Flag,

if(0 > result) { // If there was an error then
SuccessFlag = false; // we did not succeed.
LastError = Network.getLastError(); // Capture the error information and
throw Networking::SocketSetSockOptError( // throw.
"TCPListener::open().setsockopt()", LastError));
OpenStage1Complete = true; // Skip this section from now on.
} // Done with stage 1.

// Connect the socekt to the Host.

int result = // Connect to the remote host
connect( // using the socket we just
Handle, // stored in Handle and
RemoteAddress.getPtr_sockaddr(), // the Remote address.

if(0 > result) { // If there was an error then
SuccessFlag = false; // we did not succeed.
LastError = Network.getLastError(); // Record the error data.
if(Network.IsConnected(LastError)) { // If we actually did succeed then
SuccessFlag = true; // say so. (Silly Winsock!)
} else // But if that's not the case check
if( // to see if something bad happened -
!Network.WouldBlock(LastError) && // not just would-block, or
!Network.InProgress(LastError) // in progress...
) { // If it was something other than
throw Networking::SocketConnectError( // WouldBlock or InProgress then
Network.DescriptiveError( // throw!
"TCPHost::open().connect()", LastError));
} // If it was WouldBlock then it's
} // considered to be ok.

OpenSucceeded = SuccessFlag; // So, are we open now?

int TCPHost::transmit(const char* bfr, int size) { // How to send a buffer of data.
LastError = 0; // No errors yet.
if(0 == size) return 0; // Nothing to send, send nothing.
if(0 == bfr) // Watch out for null buffers.
throw Networking::SocketWriteError("TCPHost::transmit() NULL Bfr!");
if(0 > size) // Watch out for bad sizes.
throw Networking::SocketWriteError("TCPHost::transmit() 0 > size!");

int ByteCount = send(Handle, bfr, size, NOFLAGS); // Try to send and capture the count.
if(0 > ByteCount) ByteCount = 0; // Mask error results as 0 bytes sent.

if(size > ByteCount) { // If we didn't send it all check it out.
LastError = Network.getLastError(); // Grab the error code.
if(Network.WouldBlock(LastError)) { // If the error was WouldBlock then
return ByteCount; // it was a partial snd - return.
} else { // If this was a different kind of error
throw Networking::SocketWriteError( // then throw!
"TCPHost::transmit().send()", LastError));
return ByteCount; // Ultimately return the byte count.

int TCPHost::receive(char* bfr, int size) { // How to receive a buffer of data.
if(ReadBufferIsEmpty()) { // If the read buffer is empty then
fillReadBuffer(); // fill it first.
} // Optimize our transfer to the smaller
if(DataLength < size) { // of what we have or the size of the
size = DataLength; // provided buffer. This way we ony check
} // one value in our copy loop ;-)
int RemainingDataLength = size; // Capture the length of data to xfer.
while(0 < RemainingDataLength) { // While we have work to do
*bfr = *ReadPointer; // copy each byte from our ReadBuffer,
bfr++; ReadPointer++; // move the pointers to the next byte,
DataLength--; // update our ReadBuffers's DataLength,
RemainingDataLength--; // and count down the bytes left to xfer.
return size; // When done, say how much we moved.

int TCPHost::delimited_receive(char* bfr, int size, char delimiter) { // How to receive delimited data.
if(ReadBufferIsEmpty()) { // If the read buffer is empty then
fillReadBuffer(); // fill it first.
} // Optimize our transfer to the smaller
if(DataLength < size) { // of what we have or the size of the
size = DataLength; // provided buffer. This way we ony check
} // one value in our copy loop ;-)
int Count = 0; // Keep our byte count in scope.
bool DelimiterNotReached = true; // Watching for our deliimiter.
while((Count < size) && DelimiterNotReached) { // While there is work to do...
*bfr = *ReadPointer; // copy each byte from our ReadBuffer,
DelimiterNotReached = (delimiter != (*bfr)); // check for the delimiter character,
bfr++; ReadPointer++; // move the pointers to the next byte,
DataLength--; // update our ReadBuffers's DataLength,
Count++; // and count up the bytes we have moved.
return Count; // When done, say how much we moved.

// End Platform Agnostic Stuff

+ 529
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/CodeDweller/networking.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
// networking.hpp
// Copyright (C) 2006-2009 MicroNeil Research Corporation.
// This program is part of the MicroNeil Research Open Library Project. For
// more information go to http://www.microneil.com/OpenLibrary/index.html
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
// option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
// Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

// The networking module abstracts network communications and provides a set
// of objects for handling most tasks.

// 20080313 _M Refactored to throw proper runtime_error exceptions.

// Include only once...
#ifndef M_Networking
#define M_Networking

#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

//// Platform specific includes...

#if defined(WIN32) || defined(WIN64)

//// Windows headers...

#include <winsock2.h>
typedef int socklen_t; // Posix uses socklen_t so we mimic it.
typedef SOCKET hSocket; // Winx handles Socket is opaque.


//// GNU Headers...

#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cerrno>

typedef int hSocket; // *nix uses int to handle a Socket.
const hSocket INVALID_SOCKET = -1; // -1 is the invalid Socket.


//// Tuning and Constants //////////////////////////////////////////////////////

const unsigned long LOCALHOST = 0x7F000001; // as an integer.

const int DefaultMaxPending = 5; // Default connection queue size.

const int TCPClientBufferSize = 4096; // TCP Client buffer size.
const int TCPHostBufferSize = 4096; // TCP Host buffer size.

const int NOFLAGS = 0; // Magic number for no flags.

// IP4address class
// The IP4address class makes it easy to manipulate IPs.

class IP4Address { // IP4Address manipulator.
unsigned long int IP; // The actual data.

IP4Address(); // Blank constructor IP =
IP4Address(const unsigned long int newIP); // Constructor given unsigned long
IP4Address(const IP4Address&); // Constructor given an IP4Address

IP4Address(const char* newIP); // Construcing with a cstring.
IP4Address(const string& newIP); // Constructing with a cppstring.

IP4Address& operator=(const unsigned long int Right); // Convert from unsigned long int.
IP4Address& operator=(const char* Right); // Convert from c string.
IP4Address& operator=(const string& Right); // Convert from cpp string.

operator unsigned long int() const;
operator string() const;

bool operator<(const IP4Address Right) const; // < Comparison.
bool operator>(const IP4Address Right) const; // > Comparison.
bool operator==(const IP4Address Right) const; // == Comparison.
bool operator!=(const IP4Address Right) const; // != Comparison.
bool operator<=(const IP4Address Right) const; // <= Comparison.
bool operator>=(const IP4Address Right) const; // >= Comparison.

/* static unsigned long int&
operator=(unsigned long int& Out, const IP4Address& In); // Assign to unsigned long

static string&
operator=(string& Out, const IP4Address& In); // Assign to cpp string

// Network Core class
// The Networking class acts as a central point for setup, cleanup, and access
// to network services. For example, when using WinSock, the DLL initialization
// must occur once when the program starts up and the shutdown must occur once
// as the program shuts down. The constructor and destructor of the "Network"
// instances of this class handles that work. There should only be one instance
// of this class anywhere in the program and that instance is created when this
// module is included. DON'T MAKE MORE INSTANCES OF THIS :-)
// Part of the reason for this class is to handle all of the cross-platform
// weirdness involved in handling sockets and conversions. This way all of the
// ifdef switched code can be consolidated into this utility class and the
// code for the remaining classes can remain nice and clean by using this
// class to handle those tasks.

class Networking {


class NotSupportedError : public runtime_error { // Thrown when something can't be done.
public: NotSupportedError(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class InitializationError : public runtime_error { // Thrown if initialization fails.
public: InitializationError(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class ControlError : public runtime_error { // Thrown if control functions fail.
public: ControlError(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class SocketCreationError : public runtime_error { // Thrown if a call to socket() fails.
public: SocketCreationError(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class SocketSetSockOptError : public runtime_error {
public: SocketSetSockOptError(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {} // Thrown if a call to setsockopt() fails.
class SocketBindError : public runtime_error { // Thrown if a call to bind() fails.
public: SocketBindError(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class SocketListenError : public runtime_error { // Thrown if a call to listen() fails.
public: SocketListenError(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class SocketConnectError : public runtime_error { // Thrown if a call to connect() fails.
public: SocketConnectError(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class SocketAcceptError : public runtime_error { // Thrown if a call to accept() fails.
public: SocketAcceptError(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class SocketReadError : public runtime_error { // Thrown if a socket read call fails.
public: SocketReadError(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class SocketWriteError : public runtime_error { // Thrown if a socket write call fails.
public: SocketWriteError(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}

static string DescriptiveError(string Msg, int Errno); // Form a descriptive error w/ errno.


int getLastError(); // WSAGetLastError or errno
int setNonBlocking(hSocket socket); // Set socket to non-blocking.
int closeSocket(hSocket socket); // closesocket() or close()

bool WouldBlock(int ErrorCode); // ErrorCode matches [WSA]EWOULDBLOCK
bool InProgress(int ErrorCode); // ErrorCode matches [WSA]EINPROGRESS
bool IsConnected(int ErrorCode); // ErrorCode matches [WSA]EISCONN


extern Networking Network; // There is ONE Network object ;-)

// End of Network Core Class

// SocketName class
// This class represents a communications end-point on a TCP/IP network. All
// conversions from/to strings and for byte orders are handled in this class
// as well as lookups for ports/services and IPaddresses/host-names.
// Note that the cstring conversions expect the buffer to be large enough.

const int IPStringBufferSize = 40; // Safe size for IP as text conversion.
const int PortStringBufferSize = 20; // Safe size for Port as text conversion.

class SocketAddress {
struct sockaddr_in Address; // Socket address structure.

char IPStringBuffer[IPStringBufferSize]; // Handy conversion buffer.
char PortStringBuffer[PortStringBufferSize]; // Handy conversion buffer.


SocketAddress(); // Constructor sets ANY address.

struct sockaddr_in* getPtr_sockaddr_in(); // Returns a pointer to sockaddr_in.
struct sockaddr* getPtr_sockaddr(); // Returns a pointer to sockaddr.
socklen_t getAddressSize(); // How big is that structure anyway?

void setAddress(unsigned long ipAddress); // Set the IP address from an unsigned int
void setAddress(char* ipString); // Set the IP address from a cstring
unsigned long getAddress(); // Get the IP address as an unsigned int
const char* getAddress(char* str); // Get the IP address into a cstring
void getAddress(int& a0, int& a1, int& a2, int& a3); // Get the IP address into 4 ints

void setPort(unsigned short port); // Set the port address from an int
void setPort(char* port); // Set the port address from a cstring
unsigned short getPort(); // Get the port address as an unsigned int
const char* getPort(char* str); // Get the port address into a cstring

void clear(); // Initialize the address.

// End of SocketName class

// Socket class
// This class abstracts the underlying socket and adds some functionality
// for this module. The derived class is expected to setup the socket before
// it can be opened. In fact, the derivative class must provide the open()
// function :-) Open is expected to call socket, bind it, and set the socket
// into the appropriate mode for it's use in the derived object.

class Socket {
hSocket Handle; // Our socket handle.
bool NonBlocking; // True if the socket is NonBlocking.
bool ReuseAddress; // True if SO_REUSEADDR should be used.
bool OpenSucceeded; // Successful open occurred.

int LastError; // Last error result for this socket.

SocketAddress LocalAddress; // Our local address data.
SocketAddress RemoteAddress; // Our remote address data.

Socket(); // Constructor sets initial state.
~Socket(); // Destructor closes Socket if open.

hSocket getHandle(); // Returns the current SocketId.
bool isNonBlocking(); // Returns true if socket is NonBlocking
void makeNonBlocking(); // Sets the socket to NonBlocking mode.
bool isReuseAddress(); // True if socket is set SO_REUSEADDR.
bool isReuseAddress(bool set); // Changes SO_REUSEADDR setting.
bool isOpen(); // True if the socket is open.
int getLastError(); // Returns the last error for this socket.

virtual void open() = 0; // Derived class specifies open();
void close(); // Close politely.

// End of Socket class

// MessagePort class
// Interface that Sends and Receives messages - possibly a bit at a time. This
// interface standardizes things so that multiple technologies can go beneith
// such as UNIX domain pipes or named pipes or sockets etc. There is also a
// special function to improve the efficiency of delimited transfers (such as
// email). The function checks for the delimited byte inside an optimized loop
// so that the port doesn't have to be read one byte at a time by the caller.
// In the case of non-blocking ports, these methods may return before all of
// the data has been transferred. In these cases the caller is expected to know
// if it's got the complete message and is expected to repeat it's call until
// it does.

class MessagePort {


virtual bool isNonBlocking() = 0; // True if we should expect partial xfrs.
virtual int transmit(const char* bfr, int size) = 0; // How to send a buffer of data.
virtual int receive(char* bfr, int size) = 0; // How to receive a buffer of data.
virtual int delimited_receive(char* bfr, int size, char delimiter) = 0; // How to receive delimited data.

// Message class
// This is a base class for representing messages that are sent to or received
// from MessagePorts. The basic Message has 3 modes. Unfixed width, fixed width,
// or delimeted. More complex messaging schemes can be built up from these
// basics. A message must know how to send and recieve itself using the
// MessagePort API and must be able to indicate if the latest transfer request
// is complete or needs to be continued. The MessagePort may be blocking or
// non-blocking. If it is blocking then a writeTo() or readFrom() operation
// should not return until the transfer is completed. If the MessagePort is in
// a non-blocking mode then writeTo() and readFrom() will do as much as they
// can before returning but if the transfer was not completed then the app
// lication may need to transferMore().

class Message {

char* Data; // Pointer to message data.
int DataBufferSize; // Size of buffer to hold data.
int DataSize; // Size of Data.
char* RWPointer; // RW position in buffer.
bool TransferInProgress; // True if read or write is not complete.
bool Delimited; // Delimited Message Flag.
char Delimiter; // Delimiter character.

/** All of this is yet to be built! **/
Message(const Message& M); // Copy constructor.
Message(int Size); // Construct empty of Size.
Message(int Size, char Delimiter); // Construct empty with delimiter.
Message(char* NewData, int Size); // Construct non-delimited message.
Message(char* NewData, int Size, char Delimiter); // Construct delimited message.

void writeTo(MessagePort &P); // Initiate an outbound transfer.
void readFrom(MessagePort &P); // Initiate an inbound transfer.
bool isBusy(); // True if the transfer isn't complete.
void transferMore(); // Do more of the transfer.
void abortTransfer(); // Forget about the transfer.

bool isDelimited(); // True if the message is delimited.
char getDelimiter(); // Read the delimiter cahracter.
char* getData(); // Access the data buffer.
int getDataSize(); // How much data is there.


// End of Message class

// TCPListener class
// This class represents a local socket used to listen for new connections. The
// application can poll this object for new inbound connections which are then
// delivered as TCPClient objects.

class TCPClient; // Hint about the coming client class.

class TCPListener : public Socket {

bool OpenStage1Complete; // First stage of open() complete.
bool OpenStage2Complete; // Second stage of open() complete.


TCPListener(unsigned short Port); // Set up localhost on this Port.
TCPListener(SocketAddress& WhereToBind); // Set up specific "name" for listening.
~TCPListener(); // Close when destructing.

int MaxPending; // Maximum inbound connection queue.

virtual void open(); // Open when ready.

TCPClient* acceptClient(); // Accept a client connection.

// End of TCPListener class

// TCPClient class
// This class represents a TCP network client connection. It is created by
// a TCPListener object if/when a TCP connection is made to the Listener and
// accepted by the application.

class TCPClient : public Socket, public MessagePort {
TCPListener& MyListener;

char ReadBuffer[TCPClientBufferSize]; // Buffer for delimited reading.
//int ReadBufferSize; // Size of buffer.
char* ReadPointer; // Read position.
int DataLength; // Length of data in buffer.

bool ReadBufferIsEmpty(); // True if DataLength is zero.
void fillReadBuffer(); // Fill the ReadBuffer from the socket.


TCPClient(TCPListener& L, hSocket H, SocketAddress& A); // How to create a TCPClient.
~TCPClient(); // Destructor for cleanup.

TCPListener& getMyListener(); // Where did I come from?

bool isNonBlocking(); // Provided for MessagePort.
virtual int transmit(const char* bfr, int size); // How to send a buffer of data.
virtual int receive(char* bfr, int size); // How to receive a buffer of data.
virtual int delimited_receive(char* bfr, int size, char delimiter); // How to receive delimited data.
virtual void open(); // We provide open() as unsupported.

unsigned long getRemoteIP(); // Get remote IP as long.
const char* getRemoteIP(char* str); // Get IP as string.
unsigned short getRemotePort(); // Get remote Port as unsigned short.
const char* getRemotePort(char* str); // Get Port as string.


// End of TCPClient class

// TCPHost class
// This class represents a TCP network server connection. A client application
// creates this object when it wants to connect to a given TCP service.

class TCPHost : public Socket, public MessagePort {
char ReadBuffer[TCPHostBufferSize]; // Buffer for delimited reading.
char* ReadPointer; // Read position.
int DataLength; // Length of data in buffer.

bool ReadBufferIsEmpty(); // True if DataLength is zero.
void fillReadBuffer(); // Fill the ReadBuffer from the socket.

bool OpenStage1Complete; // Skip stage 1 of open() after done.


TCPHost(unsigned short Port); // Will connect to localhost on Port.
TCPHost(SocketAddress& Remote); // Will connect to Remote address/port.
// TCPHost(SocketAddress& Local, SocketAddress& Remote); // Will connect to Remote from Local.
~TCPHost(); // Clean up when we go away.

bool isNonBlocking(); // Provided for MessagePort.
virtual int transmit(const char* bfr, int size); // How to send a buffer of data.
virtual int receive(char* bfr, int size); // How to receive a buffer of data.
virtual int delimited_receive(char* bfr, int size, char delimiter); // How to receive delimited data.
virtual void open(); // We provide open().


// End of TCPHost class

// UDPListener class
// This class represents a local UPD port set up to listen for UDP requests. In
// this case, each UDP packet that arrives is assumed to be a single request so
// for each a UDPRequest object is created that links back to this Listener.
// The application can then use that UDPRequest to .respond() with a Message.
// the response is sent back to the original requester and the UDPRequest is
// considered satisfied.

class UDPListener : public Socket {


// End of UDPListener class

// UDPRequest class
// This class is created by a UDPListener when a packet is received. The object
// contains all of the necessary information about the source for the request
// so that the application can .respond() to them through this object. The
// response UDP packtes are sent through the UDPListener socket.

class UDPRequest : public MessagePort {


// End of UDPRequest class

// UDPHost class
// This class represents a server/host on the network that uses the UDP
// protocol. The application can use this object to send a .request() Message
// and getReply(). Each request becomes a UDP packet. Each received UDP packet
// from the specified UDPHost becomes a reply Message. (Connected UDP socket).

class UDPHost : public Socket, public MessagePort {


// End of UDPHost class

// UDPReceiver class
// This class is used to receive UDP packets on a particular port, but does not
// create UDPRequest objects from them - they are considered to be simply
// Messages. A UDPReceiver is most likely to be used in ad-hoc networking and
// to receive advertisements and/or broadcasts from other peers.

class UDPReceiver : public Socket, public MessagePort {


// End of UDPReceiver class

// UDPBroadcaster class
// This class is used to advertise / broadcast Messages using UDP.

class UDPBroadcaster : public Socket, public MessagePort {


// End of UDPBroadcaster class

//// Include Inline methods and functions...

#include "networking.inline.hpp"

// End include Networking.hpp only once...

+ 368
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/CodeDweller/networking.inline.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
// networking.inline.hpp
// Copyright (C) 2006-2009 MicroNeil Research Corporation.
// This program is part of the MicroNeil Research Open Library Project. For
// more information go to http://www.microneil.com/OpenLibrary/index.html
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
// option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
// Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

// Inlined methods for Networking module. See networking.hpp for notes.

// Platform Specific

//// Windows platform

#if defined(WIN32) || (WIN64)

inline int Networking::getLastError() { // In windows you get the last error
return WSAGetLastError(); // from WSAGetLastError();

inline int Networking::setNonBlocking(hSocket socket) { // Set a winsock to non-blocking
unsigned long nonblocking = 1; // Create a flag...
int result = 0;
if(0 != ioctlsocket(socket, FIONBIO, &nonblocking)) { // Set the state of the socket.
result = -1; // If that fails then return -1.
return result; // Show 'em my motto!

inline int Networking::closeSocket(hSocket socket) { // Close a socket in winsock
return closesocket(socket); // wraps closesocket().

inline bool Networking::WouldBlock(int ErrorCode) { // ErrorCode matches [WSA]EWOULDBLOCK.
return (WSAEWOULDBLOCK == ErrorCode);

inline bool Networking::InProgress(int ErrorCode) { // ErrorCode matches [WSA]EINPROGRESS.
return( // [WSA]EALREADY also returns true.
WSAEINPROGRESS == ErrorCode || // In fact, on Win* platforms we could
WSAEALREADY == ErrorCode || // get any of these when retesting
WSAEWOULDBLOCK == ErrorCode || // open() for a connection.
WSAEINVAL == ErrorCode

inline bool Networking::IsConnected(int ErrorCode) { // ErrorCode matches [WSA]EISCONN.
return(WSAEISCONN == ErrorCode);


//// GNU platform

inline int Networking::getLastError() { // In GNU you get the last error
return errno; // from errno;

inline int Networking::setNonBlocking(hSocket socket) { // Set a socket to non-blocking
int flags, result; // Grab a place to hold the flags.
flags = fcntl(socket, F_GETFL, 0); // Get the current flags.
result = fcntl(socket, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); // Set the NONBLOCK flag & return.
return result; // Return the result.

inline int Networking::closeSocket(hSocket socket) { // Close a socket in GNU
return close(socket); // wraps close().

inline bool Networking::WouldBlock(int ErrorCode) { // ErrorCode matches [WSA]EWOULDBLOCK.
return (EWOULDBLOCK == ErrorCode);

inline bool Networking::InProgress(int ErrorCode) { // ErrorCode matches [WSA]EINPROGRESS.
return( // [WSA]EALREADY also returns true.
EINPROGRESS == ErrorCode ||
EALREADY == ErrorCode

inline bool Networking::IsConnected(int ErrorCode) { // ErrorCode matches [WSA]EISCONN.
return(EISCONN == ErrorCode);


// End Platform Specific
// Begin Platform Agnostic

//// class IP4Address //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

inline IP4Address::IP4Address():IP(0){} // Blank constructor IP =
inline IP4Address::IP4Address(const unsigned long int newIP):IP(newIP){} // Constructor given unsigned long
inline IP4Address::IP4Address(const IP4Address& newIP):IP(newIP.IP){} // Constructor given an IP4Address

inline IP4Address::IP4Address(const char* newIP) { (*this) = newIP; } // Construcing with a cstring.
inline IP4Address::IP4Address(const string& newIP) { (*this) = newIP; } // Constructing with a cppstring.

inline IP4Address&
IP4Address::operator=(const unsigned long int Right) { IP = Right; } // Convert from unsigned long int.

inline IP4Address& IP4Address::operator=(const char* Right) { // Convert from c string.
IP = ntohl(inet_addr(Right));

inline IP4Address& IP4Address::operator=(const string& Right) { // Convert from cpp string.
IP = ntohl(inet_addr(Right.c_str()));

inline bool IP4Address::operator<(const IP4Address Right) const { // < Comparison.
return (IP < Right.IP);

inline bool IP4Address::operator>(const IP4Address Right) const { // > Comparison.
return (IP > Right.IP);

inline bool IP4Address::operator==(const IP4Address Right) const { // == Comparison.
return (IP == Right.IP);

inline bool IP4Address::operator!=(const IP4Address Right) const { // != Comparison.
return (IP != Right.IP);

inline bool IP4Address::operator<=(const IP4Address Right) const { // <= Comparison.
return (IP <= Right.IP);

inline bool IP4Address::operator>=(const IP4Address Right) const { // >= Comparison.
return (IP >= Right.IP);

//// class SocketAddress ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////

inline void SocketAddress::clear() {
memset(&Address, 0, sizeof(Address)); // Zero out the address strcuture
Address.sin_family = AF_INET; // Internet Address Family ip4
Address.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); // Any IP address
Address.sin_port = 0; // Zero means any port.

inline SocketAddress::SocketAddress() { // Constructor sets up w/ wildcards
clear(); // Conveniently, we can use clear() :-)

inline struct sockaddr_in* SocketAddress::getPtr_sockaddr_in() { // Returns a pointer to sockaddr_in.
return &Address; // Simply return it's address.

inline struct sockaddr* SocketAddress::getPtr_sockaddr() { // Returns a pointer to sockaddr.
return (struct sockaddr*) &Address;

inline socklen_t SocketAddress::getAddressSize() {
return sizeof(Address); // Return the size of the structure.

inline void SocketAddress::setAddress(unsigned long ipAddress) { // Set the IP address from an unsigned int
Address.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(ipAddress); // Convert to network order and assign.

inline void SocketAddress::setAddress(char* ipString) { // Set the IP address from a cstring
Address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ipString); // Convert to number and assign.

inline unsigned long SocketAddress::getAddress() { // Get the IP address as an unsigned int
return ntohl(Address.sin_addr.s_addr); // Convert to host order and return.

inline void SocketAddress::setPort(unsigned short port) { // Set the port address from an int
Address.sin_port = htons(port); // Convert to network order and set.

inline void SocketAddress::setPort(char* port) { // Set the port address from a cstring
setPort(atoi(port)); // Convert to int and set.

inline unsigned short SocketAddress::getPort() { // Get the port address as an unsigned int
return ntohs(Address.sin_port); // Convert to host order and return.

inline const char* SocketAddress::getPort(char* str) { // Get the port address into a cstring.
if(NULL == str) { // If the caller did not provide a
str = PortStringBuffer; // buffer to use then we will use ours.
sprintf(str,"%d",getPort()); // Get the port and convert to cstring.
return str; // Return the string we got.

//// class Socket //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

inline Socket::Socket() : // When starting up we are
Handle(INVALID_SOCKET), OpenSucceeded(false) { // not yet valid.

inline Socket::~Socket() { // When shutting down, be sure
close(); // any open socket is closed.

inline void Socket::close() { // When we close,
if(INVALID_SOCKET != Handle) { // If the handle is open then
if(Network.closeSocket(Handle)) { // close the handle and check for error.
LastError = Network.getLastError(); // If there was an error record it.
if(!Network.WouldBlock(LastError)) { // If the error was not WOULDBLOCK
throw Networking::ControlError( // then throw a ControlError exception.
"Socket::close()", LastError));
} else { // If there was no error then
LastError = 0; // reset the LastError value.
Handle = INVALID_SOCKET; // and reset the handle to INVALID.
NonBlocking = false; // The default is Blocking.
OpenSucceeded = false; // After close, forget we opened.

inline hSocket Socket::getHandle() { // Returns the current Socket handle.
return Handle;

inline bool Socket::isNonBlocking() { // Returns true if socket is NonBlocking
return NonBlocking;

inline void Socket::makeNonBlocking() { // Sets the socket to NonBlocking mode.
if(0 > Network.setNonBlocking(Handle)) { // Feed the call through Network.
LastError = Network.getLastError(); // If it didn't work, go get the error.
NonBlocking = false; // We are NOT NonBlocking.
throw Networking::ControlError( // Throw a control error.
"Socket::makeNonBlocking()", LastError));
} else {
NonBlocking = true; // If we didn't throw, we're ON.

inline bool Socket::isReuseAddress() { return ReuseAddress; } // True if socket is set SO_REUSEADDR.
inline bool Socket::isReuseAddress(bool set) { return (ReuseAddress = set); } // Changes SO_REUSEADDR setting.

inline bool Socket::isOpen() { // True if the socket is open.
INVALID_SOCKET != Handle && // A valid handle and
true == OpenSucceeded // a successful open operation
); // means we're open.

inline int Socket::getLastError() { // Returns the last error for this socket.
return LastError;

//// class TCPClient ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

inline TCPClient::TCPClient(TCPListener& L, hSocket H, SocketAddress& A) : // How to create a TCPClient.
MyListener(L) { // Capture our listener.
Handle = H; // Capture the new socket handle.
RemoteAddress = A; // Capture the client address.
ReadPointer = ReadBuffer; // Set the read position to zero.
DataLength = 0; // There is no data yet.
OpenSucceeded = true; // We're getting an open socket.

inline TCPClient::~TCPClient() { // When destroying a TCPClient
if(isOpen()) close(); // Close when being destroyed.

inline void TCPClient::open() { // We provide open() as unsupported.
throw Networking::NotSupportedError( // Throw an exception if this is called.
"TCPClient::open()", LastError));

inline bool TCPClient::ReadBufferIsEmpty() { // True if the ReadBuffer is empty.
return (0 >= DataLength); // We can check that with DataLength.

inline void TCPClient::fillReadBuffer() { // Fills the buffer from the socket.
LastError = 0; // Clear the LastError value.
ReadPointer = ReadBuffer; // Reset the ReadPointer.
DataLength = recv(Handle, ReadBuffer, sizeof(ReadBuffer), NOFLAGS); // Try to read some data.

if(0 >= DataLength) { // If there was an error then
LastError = Network.getLastError(); // Grab the last error code.
DataLength = 0; // Correct the DataLength.
if(Network.WouldBlock(LastError)) { // If the error was WouldBlock then
return; // simply return - it's ok.
} else { // If it was a different error
throw Networking::SocketReadError( // then throw a ReadError.
"TCPClient::fillReadBuffer()", LastError));
} // If we succeeded then our ReadBuffer
} // assembly is in good shape.

inline bool TCPClient::isNonBlocking() { // Provided for MessagePort.
return Socket::isNonBlocking();

inline unsigned long TCPClient::getRemoteIP() { // Get remote IP as long.
return RemoteAddress.getAddress();

inline const char* TCPClient::getRemoteIP(char* str) { // Get IP as string.
return RemoteAddress.getAddress(str);

inline unsigned short TCPClient::getRemotePort() { // Get remote Port as unsigned short.
return RemoteAddress.getPort();

inline const char* TCPClient::getRemotePort(char* str) { // Get Port as string.
return RemoteAddress.getPort(str);

//// class TCPHost /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

inline TCPHost::~TCPHost() { // When destroying a TCPHost
if(isOpen()) close(); // Close when being destroyed.

inline bool TCPHost::ReadBufferIsEmpty() { // True if the ReadBuffer is empty.
return (0 >= DataLength); // We can check that with DataLength.

inline void TCPHost::fillReadBuffer() { // Fills the buffer from the socket.
LastError = 0; // Clear the LastError value.
ReadPointer = ReadBuffer; // Reset the ReadPointer.
DataLength = recv(Handle, ReadBuffer, sizeof(ReadBuffer), NOFLAGS); // Try to read some data.

if(0 >= DataLength) { // If there was an error then
LastError = Network.getLastError(); // Grab the last error code.
DataLength = 0; // Correct the DataLength.
if(Network.WouldBlock(LastError)) { // If the error was WouldBlock then
return; // simply return - it's ok.
} else { // If it was a different error
throw Networking::SocketReadError( // then throw a ReadError.
"TCPHost::fillReadBuffer()", LastError));
} // If we succeeded then our ReadBuffer
} // assembly is in good shape.

inline bool TCPHost::isNonBlocking() { // Provided for MessagePort.
return Socket::isNonBlocking();

//// class TCPListener /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

inline TCPListener::~TCPListener() { // Close when deleting.

+ 434
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/CodeDweller/threading.cpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
// threading.cpp
// (C) 2006 - 2009 MicroNeil Research Corporation.
// This program is part of the MicroNeil Research Open Library Project. For
// more information go to http://www.microneil.com/OpenLibrary/index.html
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
// option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
// Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

// For details on the Threading module and development history see threading.hpp

#include "threading.hpp"

using namespace std; // Introduce std namespace.

ThreadManager Threads; // Master thread manager.

void ThreadManager::rememberThread(Thread* T) { // Threads register themselves.
ScopeMutex ThereCanBeOnlyOne(MyMutex); // Protect the known pool.
KnownThreads.insert(T); // Add the new thread pointer.

void ThreadManager::forgetThread(Thread* T) { // Threads remove themselves.
ScopeMutex ThereCanBeOnlyOne(MyMutex); // Protect the known pool.
KnownThreads.erase(T); // Add the new thread pointer.

ThreadStatusReport ThreadManager::StatusReport() { // Get a status report, All Threads.
ScopeMutex ThereCanBeOnlyOne(MyMutex); // Protect our set -- a moment in time.
ThreadStatusReport Answer; // Create our vector to hold the report.
for( // Loop through all of the Threads.
set<Thread*>::iterator iT = KnownThreads.begin();
iT != KnownThreads.end(); iT++
) { // Grab each Threads' report.
Thread& X = *(*iT); // Handy reference to the Thread.
Answer.push_back(X.StatusReport()); // Push back each Thread's report.
return Answer; // Return the finished report.

bool ThreadManager::lockExistingThread(Thread* T) { // Locks ThreadManager if T exists.
MyMutex.lock(); // Lock the mutex for everyone.
if(KnownThreads.end() == KnownThreads.find(T)) { // If we do not find T in our set
MyMutex.unlock(); // then unlock the mutex and return
return false; // false.
} // If we did find it then
LockedThread = T; // set our locked thread and
return true; // return true;

// We use assert() in the code below because if these conditions fail then there
// is something seriously wrong and potentially dangerous with the calling code.

void ThreadManager::unlockExistingThread(Thread* T) { // Unlocks ThreadManager if T locked.
assert(0 != LockedThread); // We had better have a locked thread.
assert(T == LockedThread); // The locked thread had better match.
LockedThread = 0; // Clear the locked thread.
MyMutex.unlock(); // Unlock the mutex.

//// Scope Thread Lock allows for a safe way to lock threads through the Threads
//// object for delivering short messages. Just like a ScopeMutex, when the object
//// goes away the lock is released.

ScopeThreadLock::ScopeThreadLock(Thread* T) : // Construct a scope lock on a Thread.
MyLockedThread(0) { // To star with we have no lock.
if(Threads.lockExistingThread(T)) { // If we achieve a lock then we
MyLockedThread = T; // remember it. Our destructor will
} // unlock it if we were successful.

ScopeThreadLock::~ScopeThreadLock() { // Destruct a scope lock on a Thread.
if(0 != MyLockedThread) { // If we were successfully constructed
Threads.unlockExistingThread(MyLockedThread); // we can unlock the thread and
MyLockedThread = 0; // forget about it before we go away.

bool ScopeThreadLock::isGood() { // If we have successfully locked T
return (0 != MyLockedThread) ? true:false; // it will NOT be 0, so return true.

bool ScopeThreadLock::isBad() { // If we did not successfully lock T
return (0 == MyLockedThread) ? false:true; // it will be 0, so return false.

// Thread

const ThreadType Thread::Type("Generic Thread");
const ThreadState Thread::ThreadInitialized("Thread Initialized");
const ThreadState Thread::ThreadStarted("Thread Started");
const ThreadState Thread::ThreadFailed("Thread Failed");
const ThreadState Thread::ThreadStopped("Thread Stopped");
const ThreadState Thread::ThreadDestroyed("Thread Destroyed");

bool Thread::isRunning() { return RunningFlag; } // Return RunningFlag state.

bool Thread::isBad() { return BadFlag; } // Return BadFlag state.

const string Thread::MyFault() { return BadWhat; } // Return exception Bad fault if any.
const string Thread::MyName() { return MyThreadName; } // Return the instance name if any.
const ThreadType& Thread::MyType() { return MyThreadType; } // Return the instance Thread Type.
const ThreadState& Thread::MyState() { return (*MyThreadState); } // Thread state for this instance.

void Thread::CurrentThreadState(const ThreadState& TS) { // Set Current Thread State.
MyThreadState = const_cast<ThreadState*>(&TS);

const ThreadState& Thread::CurrentThreadState() { return (*MyThreadState); } // Get Current Thread State.

ThreadStatusRecord Thread::StatusReport() { // Get a status report from this thread.
ThreadStatusRecord( // Status record.

// launchTask() calls and monitors myTask for exceptions and set's the correct
// states for the isBad and isRunning flags.

void Thread::launchTask() { // Launch and watch myTask()
try { // Do this safely.
RunningFlag = true; // Now we are running.
CurrentThreadState(ThreadStarted); // Set the running state.
myTask(); // myTask() is called.
} // myTask() should handle exceptions.
catch(exception& e) { // Unhandled exceptions are informative:
BadFlag = true; // They mean the thread went bad but
BadWhat = e.what(); // we have an idea what went wrong.
} // We shouldn't get other kinds of
catch(...) { // exceptions because if things go
BadFlag = true; // wrong and one gets through this
BadWhat = "Unkown Exception(...)"; // is all we can say about it.
RunningFlag = false; // When we're done, we're done.
if(BadFlag) CurrentThreadState(ThreadFailed); // If we're bad we failed.
else CurrentThreadState(ThreadStopped); // If we're not bad we stopped.

// getMyThread() returns the local thread primative.

thread_primative Thread::getMyThread() { return MyThread; } // Return my thread primative.

// runThreadTask() is a helper function to start threads. It is the function
// that is acutally launched as a new thread. It's whole job is to call the
// myTask() method on the object passed to it as it is launched.

// The run() method creates a new thread with ThreadRunner() as the main
// function, having passed it's object.

// WIN32 and POSIX have different versions of both the main thread function
// and the way to launch it.

#ifdef WIN32

Thread::Thread() : // When constructing a WIN32 thread
MyThreadType(Thread::Type), // Use generic Thread Type.
MyThreadName("UnNamed Thread"), // Use a generic Thread Name.
RunningFlag(false), // Couldn't be running yet.
BadFlag(false), // Couldn't be bad yet.
MyThread(NULL) { // Null the thread handle.
Threads.rememberThread(this); // Remember this thread.
CurrentThreadState(ThreadInitialized); // Set our initialized state.

Thread::Thread(const ThreadType& T, const string N) : // Construct with specific Type/Name
MyThreadType(T), // Use generic Thread Type.
MyThreadName(N), // Use a generic Thread Name.
RunningFlag(false), // Couldn't be running yet.
BadFlag(false), // Couldn't be bad yet.
MyThread(NULL) { // Null the thread handle.
Threads.rememberThread(this); // Remember this thread.
CurrentThreadState(ThreadInitialized); // Set our initialized state.

Thread::~Thread() { // In WIN32 land when we destroy the
if(NULL != MyThread) { // thread object check for a valid
CloseHandle(MyThread); // thread handle and destroy it if
} // it exists.
RunningFlag = false; // The thread is not running.
Threads.forgetThread(this); // Forget this thread.
CurrentThreadState(ThreadDestroyed); // The Thread has left the building.

unsigned __stdcall runThreadTask(void* thread_object) { // The WIN32 version has this form.

void Thread::run() { // Run a WIN32 thread...
unsigned tid; // Thread id to toss. Only need Handle.
MyThread = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(NULL,0,runThreadTask,this,0,&tid); // Create a thread calling ThreadRunner
if(NULL == MyThread) BadFlag = true; // and test that the resutl was valid.

void Thread::join() { // To join in WIN32
WaitForSingleObject(MyThread, INFINITE); // Wait for the thread by handle.


Thread::Thread() : // POSIX Thread constructor.
MyThreadType(Thread::Type), // Use a generic Thread Type.
MyThreadName("UnNamed Thread"), // Use a generic Thread Name.
RunningFlag(false), // Can't be running yet.
BadFlag(false) { // Can't be bad yet.
Threads.rememberThread(this); // Remember this thread.
CurrentThreadState(ThreadInitialized); // Set our initialized state.

Thread::Thread(const ThreadType& T, const string N) : // POSIX Specific Thread Constructor.
MyThreadType(T), // Use a generic Thread Type.
MyThreadName(N), // Use a generic Thread Name.
RunningFlag(false), // Can't be running yet.
BadFlag(false) { // Can't be bad yet.
Threads.rememberThread(this); // Remember this thread.
CurrentThreadState(ThreadInitialized); // Set our initialized state.

Thread::~Thread() { // POSIX destructor.
RunningFlag = false; // Not running now for sure.
Threads.forgetThread(this); // Forget this thread.
CurrentThreadState(ThreadDestroyed); // The Thread has left the building.

void* runThreadTask(void* thread_object) { // The POSIX version has this form.

void Thread::run() { // Run a POSIX thread...
int result = pthread_create(&MyThread, NULL, runThreadTask, this); // Create a thread calling ThreadRunner
if(0 != result) BadFlag = true; // and test that there was no error.

void Thread::join() { // To join in POSIX
pthread_join(MyThread, NULL); // call pthread_join with MyThread.


// End Thread

// Mutex

#ifdef WIN32

// WIN32 Mutex Implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////////

// The original design of the WIN32 Mutex used critical sections. However after
// additional research it was determined that the use of a Semaphore with an
// initial count of 1 would work better overall on multiple Winx platforms -
// especially SMP systems.

Mutex::Mutex() : // Creating a WIN32 Mutex means
IAmLocked(false) { // Setting IAmLocked to false and
MyMutex = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 1, 1, NULL); // create a semaphore object with
assert(NULL != MyMutex); // a count of 1.

Mutex::~Mutex() { // Destroying a WIN32 Mutex means
assert(false == IAmLocked); // Make sure we're not in use and
CloseHandle(MyMutex); // destroy the semaphore object.

bool Mutex::tryLock() { // Trying to lock WIN32 Mutex means
bool DoIHaveIt = false; // Start with a pessimistic assumption
false == IAmLocked && // If we have a shot at this and
WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(MyMutex, 0) // we actually get hold of the semaphore
) { // then we can set our flags...
IAmLocked = true; // Set IAmLocked, because we are and
DoIHaveIt = true; // set our result to true.
return DoIHaveIt; // Return true if we got it (see above).

void Mutex::lock() { // Locking the WIN32 Mutex means
assert(WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(MyMutex, INFINITE)); // Wait on the semaphore - only 1 will
IAmLocked = true; // get through or we have a big problem.

void Mutex::unlock() { // Unlocking the WIN32 Mutex means
assert(true == IAmLocked); // making sure we're really locked then
IAmLocked = false; // reset the IAmLocked flag and
ReleaseSemaphore(MyMutex, 1, NULL); // release the semaphore.

bool Mutex::isLocked() { return IAmLocked; } // Return the IAmLocked flag.


// POSIX Mutex Implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////////

Mutex::Mutex() : // Constructing a POSIX mutex means
IAmLocked(false) { // setting the IAmLocked flag to false and
assert(0 == pthread_mutex_init(&MyMutex,NULL)); // initializing the mutex_t object.

Mutex::~Mutex() { // Before we destroy our mutex we check
assert(false == IAmLocked); // to see that it is not locked and
assert(0 == pthread_mutex_destroy(&MyMutex)); // destroy the primative.

void Mutex::lock() { // Locking a POSIX mutex means
assert(0 == pthread_mutex_lock(&MyMutex)); // asserting our lock was successful and
IAmLocked = true; // setting the IAmLocked flag.

void Mutex::unlock() { // Unlocking a POSIX mutex means
assert(true == IAmLocked); // asserting that we are locked,
IAmLocked = false; // clearing the IAmLocked flag.
assert(0 == pthread_mutex_unlock(&MyMutex)); // asserting our unlock was successful and

bool Mutex::tryLock() { // Trying to lock a POSIX mutex means
bool DoIHaveIt = false; // starting off pessimistically.
if(false == IAmLocked) { // If we are not locked yet then we
if(0 == pthread_mutex_trylock(&MyMutex)) { // try to lock the mutex. If we succeed
DoIHaveIt = IAmLocked = true; // we set our IAmLocked flag and our
} // DoIHaveIt flag to true;
return DoIHaveIt; // In any case we return the result.

bool Mutex::isLocked() { return IAmLocked; } // Return the IAmLocked flag.


// End Mutex

// ScopeMutex

ScopeMutex::ScopeMutex(Mutex& M) : // When constructing a ScopeMutex,
MyMutex(M) { // Initialize MyMutex with what we are given
MyMutex.lock(); // and then immediately lock it.

ScopeMutex::~ScopeMutex() { // When a ScopeMutex is destroyed,
MyMutex.unlock(); // it first unlocks it's mutex.

// End ScopeMutex

// Production Gateway

#ifdef WIN32

// Win32 Implementation ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

ProductionGateway::ProductionGateway() { // Construct in Windows like this:
const int HUGENUMBER = 0x7fffffL; // Work without any real limits.
MySemaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, HUGENUMBER, NULL); // Create a Semaphore for signalling.
assert(NULL != MySemaphore); // That should always work.

ProductionGateway::~ProductionGateway() { // Be sure to close it when we're done.

void ProductionGateway::produce() { // To produce() in WIN32 we
ReleaseSemaphore(MySemaphore, 1, NULL); // release 1 count into the semaphore.

void ProductionGateway::consume() { // To consume() in WIN32 we
WaitForSingleObject(MySemaphore, INFINITE); // wait for a count in the semaphore.


// POSIX Implementation ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

ProductionGateway::ProductionGateway() : // Construct in POSIX like this:
Product(0), // All of our counts start at zero.
Signaled(0) {
assert(0 == pthread_mutex_init(&MyMutex, NULL)); // Initialize our mutex.
assert(0 == pthread_cond_init(&MyConditionVariable, NULL)); // Initialize our condition variable.

ProductionGateway::~ProductionGateway() { // When we're done we must destroy
assert(0 == pthread_mutex_destroy(&MyMutex)); // our local mutex and
assert(0 == pthread_cond_destroy(&MyConditionVariable)); // our condition variable.

void ProductionGateway::produce() { // To produce in POSIX
assert(0 == pthread_mutex_lock(&MyMutex)); // Lock our mutex.
++Product; // Add an item to our product count.
if(Signaled < Waiting) { // If anybody is waiting that has not
assert(0 == pthread_cond_signal(&MyConditionVariable)); // yet been signaled then signal them
++Signaled; // and keep track. They will count this
} // down as they awaken.
assert(0 == pthread_mutex_unlock(&MyMutex)); // At the end unlock our mutex so
} // waiting threads can fly free :-)

void ProductionGateway::consume() { // To consume in POSIX
assert(0 == pthread_mutex_lock(&MyMutex)); // Lock our mutex.
while(0 >= Product) { // Until we have something to consume,
++Waiting; // wait for a signal from
assert(0 == pthread_cond_wait(&MyConditionVariable, &MyMutex)); // our producer. When we have a signal
--Waiting; // we are done waiting and we have
--Signaled; // been signaled. Of course, somebody
} // may have beaten us to it so check.
--Product; // If we have product then take it.
assert(0 == pthread_mutex_unlock(&MyMutex)); // At the end unlock our mutex so


// End Production Gateway

+ 440
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/CodeDweller/threading.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
// threading.hpp
// (C) 2006 - 2009 MicroNeil Research Corporation.
// This program is part of the MicroNeil Research Open Library Project. For
// more information go to http://www.microneil.com/OpenLibrary/index.html
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
// option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
// Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

// The "Threading" module is a basic, cross-platform, multi-threading tool kit.
// The differences between posix compatible systems and win32 based systems are
// abstracted. On win32 systems, native win32 primatives are used to construct.
// efficient, lightweight objects.

// On others we assume we can use pthreads. In either case the objects we have
// here are designed to cover all of the basics efficiently while hiding the
// required under-cover work.

// A lot of this module is coded here in the header with the inline keyword
// because it is likely that the more basic objects can be efficiently compiled
// as inline abstractions to native calls. Really basic systems won't need
// anything beyond what is in this file.

// 20070202.1601 _M Further research has suggested that using a Semaphore in
// WIN32 environments in place of a CRITICAL_SECTION may provide the best
// performance and stability on all platforms. Specifically, SMP platforms may
// race and waste resources with CRITICAL_SECTIONs and in those cases it is
// recommended that the CRITICAL_SECTIONs may be "throttled" using Semaphores
// to limit the number of threads that may contend for a critical section. It
// is also suggested that if the Semaphore has an initialization value of 1
// the CRITICAL_SECTION is redundant. So this code has been modified to do
// precisely that!
// This new version also includes a ProductionGateway object that simplifies
// the producer/consumer model. The object keeps track of the number of calls
// to produce() and consume() and ensures that threads will block on consume()
// until a sufficient number of calls to produce() are made. That is, for every
// one call to produce(), a call to consume() will be allowed to proceed. The
// object also allows for the potentially asynchronous nature of these calls.

// 20070530.1751 _M Added top level exception handling in threads along with
// isRunning() and isBad() methods.

// 20060528.1647 _M All of the basics are complete and tested on both WIN32 and
// RHEL4 single and multiple processors.

// Include MNR_threading Once Only =============================================

#ifndef MNR_threading
#define MNR_threading

#include <cassert>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class ThreadManager; // ThreadManager does exist.
extern ThreadManager Threads; // Master thread manager.

// Thread Status & Type
// ThreadState objects are constant static objects defined for each Thread class
// so that the thread can update it's state by changing a pointer. The state
// can then be compared between threads of the same type and can be read-out
// as text for debugging purposes.

class ThreadState { // Thread State Object.
const string Name; // Text name of thread descriptor.
ThreadState(string N) : Name(N) {} // Constructor requires text name.

// ThreadType objects are constant static objects defined for each Thread class
// so that classes can be identified by type using a pointer to the constant.

class ThreadType {
const string Name;
ThreadType(string N) : Name(N) {}

class Thread; // There is such thing as a Thread.

class ThreadStatusRecord { // Describes a Thread's condition.
Thread* Pointer; // A pointer to the thread.
ThreadType* Type; // A descriptor of it's type.
ThreadState* State; // A descriptor of it's state.
string Name; // Name of the thread if any.
bool isRunning; // True if the thread is running.
bool isBad; // True if the thread is bad.
string Fault; // Bad Thread's Fault if any.

ThreadStatusRecord( // Initialize all items.
Thread* P,
ThreadType& T,
ThreadState& S,
bool R,
bool B,
string F,
string N
) :

ThreadStatusRecord& operator=(const ThreadStatusRecord& Right) { // Minimal Assignment Operator
Pointer = Right.Pointer;
Type = Right.Type;
State = Right.State;
isRunning = Right.isRunning;
isBad = Right.isBad;
Fault = Right.Fault;
Name = Right.Name;

bool operator<(const ThreadStatusRecord& Right) { // Minimal Comparison Operator.
return (Pointer < Right.Pointer);

// How to get the details of the report.

const Thread* getPointer() { return Pointer; }
const ThreadType& getType() { return *Type; }
const ThreadState& getState() { return *State; }
bool getRunning() { return isRunning; }
bool getBad() { return isBad; }
string getFault() { return Fault; }
string getName() { return Name; }

typedef vector<ThreadStatusRecord> ThreadStatusReport; // Status report type.

// End ThreadDescriptor

// Win32 / POSIX abstractions

#ifdef WIN32

// When in WIN32 land...
// Remember to compile (on GNU anyway) with -mthreads

#include <windows.h>
#include <process.h>

typedef HANDLE thread_primative; // The WIN32 thread primative abstracts

typedef HANDLE mutex_primative; // The WIN32 mutex primative abstracts
// a HANDLE to a Semaphore.

inline void threading_yield() { // When we want to yield time in WIN32
SwitchToThread(); // we call SwitchToThread();


// When in POSIX land...
// Remember to compile (on GMU anyway) with -pthread

#include <pthread.h>
#include <sched.h>

typedef pthread_t thread_primative; // The POSIX thread primative abstracts
// pthread_t

typedef pthread_mutex_t mutex_primative; // The POSIX mutex primative abstracts
// pthread_mutex_t

inline void threading_yield() { // When we want to yield time in POSIX
sched_yield(); // we call sched_yield();


// End Win32 / POSIX abstractions

// The Thread class gets extended to do any specific work. The pure virtual
// function MyTask is overloaded by the derived class to define that work. It
// is expected that the class will be initialized with any parameters that
// will be used by the thread and that the thread will make available any
// results through public interfaces either during and/or after the thread
// has finished running.

class Thread {


ThreadState* MyThreadState; // Track current thread state.


const ThreadType& MyThreadType; // Identify thread type.
const string MyThreadName; // Name string of this instance.

thread_primative MyThread; // Abstracted thread.
bool RunningFlag; // True when thread is in myTask()
bool BadFlag; // True when myTask() throws!
string BadWhat; // Bad exception what() if any.
void CurrentThreadState(const ThreadState& TS); // Set thread state.


Thread(); // Constructor (just in case)
Thread(const ThreadType& T, string N); // Construct with specific Type/Name
~Thread(); // Destructor (just in case)

void run(); // Method to launch this thread.
void join(); // Method to Join this thread.
void launchTask(); // Launch and watch myTask().

virtual void myTask() = 0; // The actual task must be overloaded.

thread_primative getMyThread(); // Inspect my thread primative.

bool isRunning(); // Return the Running flag state.
bool isBad(); // Return the Bad flag state.
const string MyFault(); // Return exception Bad fault if any.

const string MyName(); // The thread's name.
const ThreadType& MyType(); // Thread type for this thread.
const ThreadState& MyState(); // Returns the current thread state.
const ThreadState& CurrentThreadState(); // Returns the current thread state.

ThreadStatusRecord StatusReport(); // Return's the thread's status reprt.

// Constants for Thread...

const static ThreadType Type; // The thread's type.

const static ThreadState ThreadInitialized; // Constructed successfully.
const static ThreadState ThreadStarted; // Started.
const static ThreadState ThreadFailed; // Failed by unhandled exception.
const static ThreadState ThreadStopped; // Stopped normally.
const static ThreadState ThreadDestroyed; // Safety value for destructed Threads.


// End Thread

// The Mutex class abstracts a lightweight, very basic mutex object.
// As with the Thread object, more ellaborate forms can be built up from
// this basic mechanism. An important design constraint for this basic
// mutex object is that it work even if the thread that's running was not
// created with the Thread object... that ensures that it can be used in
// code that is destined to function in other applications.

class Mutex {


mutex_primative MyMutex; // Here is our primative mutex.
volatile bool IAmLocked; // Here is our Lock Count.


Mutex(); // Construct the mutex.
~Mutex(); // Destroy the mutex.

void lock(); // Lock it.
void unlock(); // Unlock it.
bool tryLock(); // Try to lock it.
bool isLocked(); // Check to see if it's locked.


// End of Mutex

// ScopeMutex
// A ScopeMutex is a nifty trick for locking a mutex during some segment of
// code. On construction, it locks the Mutex that it is given and keeps it
// locked until it is destroyed. Of course this also means that it will unlock
// the mutex when it goes out of scope - which is precisely the point :-)
// The right way to use a ScopeMutex is to create it just before you need to
// have control and then forget about it. From a design perspective, you might
// want to make sure that whatever happens after the ScopeMutex has been
// created is as short as possible and if it is not then you may want to
// use the Mutex directly.
// The best place to use a ScopeMutex is where you might leave the controling
// bit of code through a number of logical paths such as a logic tree or even
// due to some exceptions. In this context it saves you having to track down
// all of the possible cases and unlock the mutex in each of them.

class ScopeMutex {


Mutex& MyMutex; // ScopeMutex has an ordinary Mutex to use.


ScopeMutex(Mutex& M); // Constructing a ScopeMutex requires a Mutex
~ScopeMutex(); // We do have special code for descrution.


// End ScopeMutex

// ProductionGateway
// A ProductionGateway encapsulates the thread synchronization required for a
// producer / consumer relationship. For each call to the produce() method one
// call to the consume() method can proceed. The object takes into account that
// these methods may be called out of sequence and that, for example, produce()
// might be called several times before any calls to consume.

#ifdef WIN32

// Win32 Implementation ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

class ProductionGateway {


HANDLE MySemaphore; // WIN32 makes this one easy w/ a 0 semi.


ProductionGateway(); // The constructor and destructor handle
~ProductionGateway(); // creating and destroying the semi.

void produce(); // Produce "releases" the semi.
void consume(); // Consume "waits" if needed.



// POSIX Implementation ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

class ProductionGateway { // Posix needs a few pieces for this.


mutex_primative MyMutex; // Mutex to protect the data.
pthread_cond_t MyConditionVariable; // A condition variable for signaling.

int Product; // A count of unused calls to produce()
int Waiting; // A count of waiting threads.
int Signaled; // A count of signaled threads.


ProductionGateway(); // The constructor and destructor handle
~ProductionGateway(); // creating and destroying the semi.

void produce(); // Produce "releases" the semi.
void consume(); // Consume "waits" if needed.



// End ProductionGateway

// The ThreadManager class provides a global thread management tool. All Thread
// objects register themselves with the Threads object upon construction and
// remove themselves from the registry upon destruction. The Threads object can
// produce a status report for all of the known threads on the system and can
// temporarily lock the existing thread so that it can be contacted reliably.
// locking and unlocking the ThreadManager is intended only for short messages
// that set flags in the thread or pass some small data packet. The lock only
// prevents the thread from being destroyed before the message can be sent so
// that the thread that owns the threadlock will not make any calls to a dead
// pointer. Most apps should be designed so that the threadlock mechanism is
// not required.

class ThreadManager { // Central manager for threads.
friend class Thread; // Threads are friends.

Mutex MyMutex; // Protect our data with this.
set<Thread*> KnownThreads; // Keep track of all threads.

void rememberThread(Thread* T); // Threads register themselves.
void forgetThread(Thread* T); // Threads remove themselves.

Thread* LockedThread; // Pointer to locked thread if any.


ThreadManager():LockedThread(0){} // Initialize nice and clean.

ThreadStatusReport StatusReport(); // Get a status report.
bool lockExistingThread(Thread* T); // Locks ThreadManager if T exists.
void unlockExistingThread(Thread* T); // Unlocks ThreadManager if T locked.


class ScopeThreadLock { // This is like a ScopeMutex for
private: // the ThreadManager.
Thread* MyLockedThread; // It needs to know it's Thread.

ScopeThreadLock(Thread* T); // Locks T in ThreadManager if it can.
~ScopeThreadLock(); // Unlocks T in ThreadManager if locked.
bool isGood(); // True if T was locked.
bool isBad(); // False if T was not locked.

// End Thread Manager


// End Of Include MNR_threading Once Only ======================================

+ 325
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/CodeDweller/timing.cpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
// timing.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2009 MicroNeil Research Corporation.
// See the corresponding .hpp file for descriptions and history.
// This program is part of the MicroNeil Research Open Library Project. For
// more information go to http://www.microneil.com/OpenLibrary/index.html
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
// option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
// Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

#include <ctime>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <cerrno>

// Platform Specific Includes //////////////////////////////////////////////////

#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>

#include "timing.hpp"

// Introduce the standard namespace ////////////////////////////////////////////

using namespace std;

// class Sleeper - An object that remembers how long it is supposed to sleep.
// This allows an application to create "standard" sleep timers. This also
// helps keep sleeper values within range to avoid weird timing problems.

// Abstracted doRawSleep() function ////////////////////////////////////////////

#ifdef WIN32

// In a WIN32 environment Sleep() is defined and it works in milliseconds so
// we will use that for doRawSleep(). It's important to note that under normal
// circumstances win32 Sleep() may be off by quite a bit (15ms or so) due to
// how timing is done in the OS. There are ways around this, but they are
// sometimes complex - so here I've left things basic. If more precise win32
// timing is needed then this method can be recoded using a workaround that is
// appropriate to the application.

void Sleeper::doRawSleep(int x) {
Sleep(x); // Use windows Sleep()


// If we are not in a win32 environment then we're likely on a posix/unix system
// or at least we have the standard posix/unix time functions so we'll redefine
// absSleep to use nanosleep();

void Sleeper::doRawSleep(int x) {
struct timespec sleeptime; // How much sleeping to do.
struct timespec remaining; // How much sleeping remains.
int result; // The latest result.
remaining.tv_sec = x/1000; // Divide ms by 1000 to get secs.
remaining.tv_nsec = (x%1000)*1000000; // Multiply the remaining msecs to get nsecs.
do { // Just in case we get interruped...
sleeptime.tv_sec = remaining.tv_sec; // Get our sleep time from the
sleeptime.tv_nsec = remaining.tv_nsec; // remaining time.
result = nanosleep(&sleeptime,&remaining); // Call nanosleep and get the remaining time.
} while(0>result && EINTR==errno); // If we were interrupted sleep some more.


Sleeper::Sleeper() // Constructed empty we set our
:MillisecondsToSleep(0) { // sleep time to zero.

Sleeper::Sleeper(int x) { // Constructed with a value we
setMillisecondsToSleep(x); // set the sleep time or throw.

int Sleeper::setMillisecondsToSleep(int x) { // Safe way to set the vlaue.
if(x < MinimumSleeperTime ||
x > MaximumSleeperTime) // If it's not a good time value
throw BadSleeperValue(); // then throw the exception.
MillisecondsToSleep = x; // If it is good - set it.

int Sleeper::getMillisecondsToSleep() { // Safe way to get the value.
return MillisecondsToSleep; // Send back the value.

void Sleeper::sleep() { // Here's where we snooze.
if(MillisecondsToSleep > 0) { // If we have a good snooze
doRawSleep(MillisecondsToSleep); // value then go to Sleep().
} else { // If the value is not good
throw BadSleeperValue(); // throw an exception.

void Sleeper::sleep(int x) { // Reset the sleep time then sleep.
setMillisecondsToSleep(x); // Set the sleep time.
sleep(); // Sleep.

void Sleeper::operator()() { // Syntactic sugar - operator() on
sleep(); // a sleeper calls sleep().

// class PollTimer - An object to pause during polling processes where the
// time between polls is expanded according to a Fibonacci sequence. This
// allows self organizing automata to relax a bit when a particular process
// is taking a long time so that the resources used in the polling process are
// reduced if the system is under load - The idea is to prevent the polling
// process from loading the system when there are many nodes poling, yet to
// allow for a rapid response when there are few or when the answer we're
// waiting for is ready quickly. We use a Fibonacci expansion because it is
// a natural spiral.

PollTimer::PollTimer(int Nom, int Max) { // Construction requires a
setNominalPollTime(Nom); // nominal delay to use and
setMaximumPollTime(Max); // a maximum delay to allow.

int PollTimer::setNominalPollTime(int Nom) { // Set the Nominal Poll Time.
if(Nom < MinimumSleeperTime || // Check the low and high
Nom > MaximumSleeperTime) // limits and throw an
throw BadPollTimerValue(); // exception if we need to.
// If the value is good then
NominalPollTime = Nom; // remember it.

if(MaximumPollTime < NominalPollTime) // Make sure the Maximum poll
MaximumPollTime = NominalPollTime; // time is > the Nominal time.

reset(); // Reset due to the change.
return NominalPollTime; // Return the new value.

int PollTimer::setMaximumPollTime(int Max) { // Set the Maximum Poll Time.
if(Max < MinimumSleeperTime || // Check the low and high
Max > MaximumSleeperTime) // limits and throw an
throw BadPollTimerValue(); // exception if we need to.
// If the value is good then
MaximumPollTime = Max; // remember it.

if(MaximumPollTime < NominalPollTime) // Make sure the Maximum poll
MaximumPollTime = NominalPollTime; // time is >= the Nominal time.

reset(); // Reset due to the change.
return MaximumPollTime; // Return the new value.

void PollTimer::reset() { // Reset the spiral.
FibA = NominalPollTime; // Assume our starting event.
FibB = 0; // Assume no other events.
LimitReached=false; // Reset our limit watcher.

int PollTimer::pause() { // Pause between polls.
int SleepThisTime = MaximumPollTime; // Assume we're at out limit for now.
if(LimitReached) { // If actually are at our limit then
mySleeper.sleep(SleepThisTime); // use the current value.
} else { // If we are still expanding then
SleepThisTime = FibA+FibB; // Calculate the time to use and
if(SleepThisTime >= MaximumPollTime) { // check it against the limit. If
SleepThisTime = MaximumPollTime; // we reached the limit, us that value
LimitReached = true; // and set the flag.
} else { // If we haven't reached the limit yet
FibB=FibA; // then shift our events and remember
FibA=SleepThisTime; // this one to build our spiral.
mySleeper.sleep(SleepThisTime); // Take a nap.
return SleepThisTime; // Tell the caller how long we slept.

// class Timer - This one acts much like a stop watch with millisecond
// resolution. The time is based on wall-clock time using gettimeofday().

#ifdef WIN32

// Here is the win32 version of getLocalRawClock()

#define TimerIsUnixBased (false)

msclock Timer::getLocalRawClock() const {
FILETIME t; // We need a FILETIME structure.
msclock c; // We need a place to calculate our value.
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&t); // Grab the system time.
c = (unsigned long long int) t.dwHighDateTime << 32LL; // Put full seconds into the high order bits.
c |= t.dwLowDateTime; // Put 100ns ticks into the low order bits.
c /= 10000; // Divide 100ns ticks by 10K to get ms.
c -= EPOCH_DELTA_IN_MSEC; // Correct for the epoch difference.
return c; // Return the result.


// Here is the unix/posix version of getLocalRawClock()

#define TimerIsUnixBased (true)

msclock Timer::getLocalRawClock() const {
struct timeval t; // We need a timval structure.
msclock c; // We need a place to calculate our value.
gettimeofday(&t,NULL); // Grab the system time.
c = t.tv_sec * 1000; // Put the full seconds in as milliseconds.
c += t.tv_usec / 1000; // Add the microseconds as milliseconds.
return c; // Return the milliseconds.


Timer::Timer() { // Construct by resetting the
start(); // clocks by using start();

Timer::Timer(msclock startt): // Construct a timer from a specific time.
RunningFlag(true), // Set the running flag,
StartTime(startt), // the start time and
StopTime(startt) { // the stop time clock to startt.

void Timer::clear() { // Stop, zero elapsed, now.
StartTime = StopTime = getLocalRawClock(); // Set the start and stop time
RunningFlag = false; // to now. We are NOT running.

msclock Timer::start() { // (re) Start the timer at this moment.
return start(getLocalRawClock()); // start() using the current raw clock.

msclock Timer::start(msclock startt) { // (re) Start a timer at startt.
StartTime = StopTime = startt; // Set the start and end clocks.
RunningFlag = true; // Set the running flag to true.
return StartTime; // Return the start clock.

msclock Timer::getStartClock() { return StartTime; } // Return the start clock value.

bool Timer::isRunning() { return RunningFlag; } // Return the running state.

msclock Timer::getElapsedTime() const { // Return the elapsed timeofday -
msclock AssumedStopTime; // We need to use a StopTime simulation.
if(RunningFlag) { // If we are running we must get
AssumedStopTime = getLocalRawClock(); // the current time (as if it were stop).
} else { // If we are not running we use
AssumedStopTime = StopTime; // the actual stop time.
msclock delta = AssumedStopTime - StartTime; // Calculate the difference.
return delta; // That's our result.

msclock Timer::stop() { // Stop the timer.
StopTime = getLocalRawClock(); // Grab the time and then stop
RunningFlag=false; // the clock.
return StopTime; // Return the time we stopped.

msclock Timer::getStopClock() { return StopTime; } // Return the stop clock value.

double Timer::getElapsedSeconds() const { // Calculate the elapsed seconds.
msclock e = getElapsedTime(); // Get the elapsed time in msecs.
double secs = (double) e / 1000.0; // Calculate seconds from msecs.
return secs;

bool Timer::isUnixBased() { return TimerIsUnixBased; } // Is this timer unix based?

msclock Timer::toWindowsEpoch(msclock unixt) { // Convert a unix based msclock to win32 based.
return (unixt + EPOCH_DELTA_IN_MSEC); // Going this way we add the epoch delta.

msclock Timer::toUnixEpoch(msclock win32t) { // Convert a win32 based msclock to a unix based.
return (win32t - EPOCH_DELTA_IN_MSEC); // Going this way we subtract the epoch delta.

// class Timeout - This one uses a Timer to establish a timeout value.

Timeout::Timeout(msclock duration):myDuration(duration) { } // Create, set the duration, start.

msclock Timeout::setDuration(msclock duration) { // Set/Change the duration in milliseconds.
myDuration = duration; // (re) Set the duration.
return myDuration; // Return the current (new) duration.

msclock Timeout::getDuration() { // Return the current duration.
return myDuration;

msclock Timeout::restart() { // Restart the timeout timer.
return myTimer.start(); // Restart the clock and return the time.

msclock Timeout::getElapsedTime() { // Get elapsed milliseconds.
return myTimer.getElapsedTime(); // Return the elapsed time.

msclock Timeout::getRemainingTime() { // Get remaining milliseconds.
msclock remaining = 0ULL; // Assume we're expired to start.
msclock elapsed = myTimer.getElapsedTime(); // Get the elapsed time.
if(elapsed < myDuration) { // If there is still time then
remaining = myDuration - elapsed; // calculate what is left.
return remaining; // Return what we found.

bool Timeout::isExpired() { // Return true if time is up.
return (!(myTimer.getElapsedTime() < myDuration)); // Check the elapsed time against myDuration.

+ 360
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/CodeDweller/timing.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
// timing.hpp
// Copyright (C) 2004-2009 MicroNeil Research Corporation.

// This program is part of the MicroNeil Research Open Library Project. For
// more information go to http://www.microneil.com/OpenLibrary/index.html
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
// option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
// Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

// The purpose of this module is to abstract timing functions for
// cross platform C++ development usning GNU compilers in *nix and
// win32 environments (minGW). Timing resolution is in milliseconds
// throughout to provide consistency and reasonable expectations.

// 20060404 _M Added Timer::start(msclock startt) for chaining.

// 20060403 _M This "timing" module has been completed and tested on
// win32 (compiled using CodeBlocks and minGW) and on RHES3 (g++).
// The bottom line is that this code is perfect for most applications that
// don't need real-time interaction on the win32 platform. That is, for
// any application that can accept 15ms or so of "wiggle" in their timing
// functions. On linux I was able to observe very consistent results with
// variations measured in 1-2ms.
// Aynone seeking real-time accuracy on the win32 platform will need to contend
// with all of the landmines in place against that and will need to write more
// ellaborate versions of Timer::getLocalRawClock() and Sleeper::doRawSleep()
// aa appropriate for their application. The existing code should work fine for
// almost all other applications.
// This code was written with that in mind to some extent. That is why all of
// the timing functions are measured in milliseconds rather than microseconds
// or something smaller. Milliseconds are convenient for polling delays,
// communications timeouts, measuring database application performance, and
// other similar tasks. For that purpose - this timing module is just fine :-)

// 20060323 _M Rewrote this module from a combination of previous
// bits and pieces. This module will provide classes that abstract
// timing functions for use in GNU projects on *nix and win32 systems.

#ifndef MNR_timing
#define MNR_timing

// Introduce the standard namespace ///////////////////////////////////////////

using namespace std;

// class Sleeper - An object that remembers how long it is supposed to sleep.
// This allows an application to create "standard" sleep timers that can be
// established at the top of the code (easy to find) and reused.

static const int MinimumSleeperTime = 1; // Minimum msec allowed.
static const int MaximumSleeperTime = 2000000000; // Maximum msec allowed.

class Sleeper {


int MillisecondsToSleep; // How long to sleep.

void doRawSleep(int x); // Abstracted local sleep function.


class BadSleeperValue {}; // Exception for bad values.

Sleeper(); // Constructed empty - set to zero.
Sleeper(int x); // Constructed with a value.

int setMillisecondsToSleep(int x); // Safe way to set the vlaue.
int getMillisecondsToSleep(); // Safe way to get the value.

void sleep(); // Here's where we snooze if we can.
void sleep(int x); // Shortcut - set the time and then sleep.

void operator()();

/* Sleeper Documentation...
** Sleeper.Sleeper()
** Constructs a Sleeper with a zero value.
** Sleeper.Sleeper(int x)
** Constructs a Sleeper to "snooze" for x milliseconds.
** Sleeper.setMillisecondsToSleep(int x)
** Sets the sleep time for the Sleeper and returns the time set.
** If the value is out of range then the Sleeper::BadSleeperValue will be thrown.
** Sleeper.getMillisecondsToSleep()
** Returns the current MillisecondsToSleep.
** Sleeper.sleep()
** Goes to sleep for MillisecondsToSleep. If MillisecondsToSleep has not been set
** then the function throws Sleeper::BadSleeperVlaue.
** Sleeper.sleep(int x)
** First sets MillisecondsToSleep, then goes to sleep. If x is too big or too small
** then the method throws Sleeper::BadSleeperValue.

// class PollTimer - An object to pause during polling processes where the
// time between polls is expanded according to a Fibonacci sequence. This
// allows self organizing automata to relax a bit when a particular process
// is taking a long time so that the resources used in the polling process are
// reduced if the system is under load - The idea is to prevent the polling
// process from loading the system when there are many nodes poling, yet to
// allow for a rapid response when there are few or when the answer we're
// waiting for is ready quickly. We use a Fibonacci expansion because it is
// a natural spiral.

class PollTimer {


Sleeper mySleeper; // We need a sleeper to do this.

int NominalPollTime; // Normal poll delay in msec.
int MaximumPollTime; // Maximum poll delay in msec.

bool LimitReached;

// Why not use unsigned int everywhere? Because sometimes libraries use
// int for their Sleep() functions... so we calculate with unsigned ints,
// but we use ints for inputs to keep things sane. Wierd bugs show up if
// signed ints overflow in clock_t values -- this learned by experience.

unsigned int FibA; // One poll delay ago.
unsigned int FibB; // Two poll delays ago.

// FibA and FibB are used to generate the fibonacci expansion. The current
// delay will always be the sum of the previous two delays assuming that
// there was always a first delay of 1 x Nominal Poll time. This results
// in an expansion like this: 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,...


class BadPollTimerValue {}; // Exception for bad values.

PollTimer(int Nom, int Max); // Construct with nominal and max delays.

int setNominalPollTime(int Nom); // Set the Nominal Poll Time.
int setMaximumPollTime(int Max); // Set the Maximum Poll Time.
void reset(); // Reset the spiral.
int pause(); // Pause between polls.

/* PollTimer Documentation...
** PollTimer(nominal_delay, maximum_delay)
** Constructs a PollTimer and sets it's basic parameters. If the parameters are
** out of range then BadPollTimerValue will be thrown.
** setNiminalPollTime(Nom)
** Sets the nominal (base unit) poll delay time. Throws BadPollTimerValue if
** the value is out of range.
** setMaximumPollTime(Max)
** Sets the maximum (upper limit) poll delay. If the value is out of range then
** BadPollTimerValue is thrown.
** reset()
** Resets the current poll delay to the nominal delay. The next call to pause()
** will sleep for the nominal delay. This method would normally be called when
** a poll cycle turns up some work to do so that subsequent poll delays will be
** short - leading to a responsive system.
** pause()
** Calling this method will cause the current thread to sleep for the current
** poll delay time. Subsquent calls to pause will cause longer sleep times
** according to a natural spiral. An intervening call to reset() will shorten
** the delay times again. This method returns the number of milliseconds
** paused on this pass.

// class Timer - This one acts much like a stop watch with millisecond
// resolution. The time is based on wall-clock time using gettimeofday() or
// GetSystemTimeAsFileTime depending on the OS.

typedef unsigned long long int msclock; // 64 bit int used for measuring time in ms.

static msclock EPOCH_DELTA_IN_USEC = 11644473600000000ULL; // Microseconds difference between epochs.
static msclock EPOCH_DELTA_IN_MSEC = EPOCH_DELTA_IN_USEC / 1000; // Milliseconds difference between epochs.

class Timer {


msclock StartTime; // TimeOfDay at start.
msclock StopTime; // TimeOfDay at stop or check.
bool RunningFlag; // True if clock is running.

msclock getLocalRawClock() const; // Derives unix epoch ms from local clock.


Timer(); // Construct and start the Timer.
Timer(msclock startt); // Constructs and starts from a specific moment.
void clear(); // Stop and set elapsed time to zero at now.
msclock start(); // Re(set) the Start time to this moment.
msclock start(msclock startt); // Re(set) the Start time to startt.
msclock getStartClock(); // Return the unix epoch start clock.
bool isRunning(); // Return true if the clock is running.
msclock getElapsedTime() const; // get milliseconds since Timer start.
msclock stop(); // Stop the Timer.
msclock getStopClock(); // Return the unix epoch stop clock.
double getElapsedSeconds()const; // Get floating point elapsed seconds.

bool isUnixBased(); // True if base clock is unix/posix.
msclock toWindowsEpoch(msclock unixt); // Converts unix t to windows t.
msclock toUnixEpoch(msclock win32t); // Converts windows t to unix t.

/* Timer Documentation...
** All raw clock values are returned as 64 bit unsigned integers using a special
** type - msclock. Conversions are done using microsecond accuracy.
** Timer()
** Creates a new timer and starts the clock at this moment.
** Timer(msclock startt)
** Creates a new timer and starts the clock at a specific moment. This can be
** used to start one clock precisely when another one ends as in:
** new Timer B(A.stop());
** getLocalRawClock()
** This method uses slightly different code depending upon whether the system
** is a unix box or win32. In both cases the function determines the local time
** value as a 64bit integer with millisecond resolution using the unix epoch of
** Jan 1, 1970.
** start()
** This method starts or restarts the Timer's clock at this moment.
** The msclock value for the start clock is returned.
** start(msclock startt)
** This method starts or restarts the Timer's clock at the time specified
** int startt. This is used for chaining operations such as B.start(A.stop())
** getStartClock()
** This method returns the start clock value.
** isRunning()
** Returns true if the clock is running.
** getElapsedTime()
** This method returns the elapsed time in milliseconds.
** If the clock is running this value will be different each time it is called.
** stop()
** This method stops the clock and returns the stop clock value. If this method
** is called more than once then the stop clock is reset to the current time and
** that time is returned.
** getStopClock()
** This method returns the stop clock value. If the Timer is still running
** then the result is the same as calling getElapsedTime(). If the clock is
** not running then the time the clock was last stopped is returned.
** getElapsedSeconds()
** Returns the elapsed time as a floating point number with millisecond
** resolution.
** isUnixBased()
** Returns true if the raw clock values are being derived from a unix/posix OS.
** toWindowsEpoch(msclock unixt)
** Converts unixt to a windows value by adding the epoch delta.
** toUnixEpoch(msclock win32t)
** Converts win32t to a unix value by subtracting the epoch delta.

// class ScopeTimer - Runs a Timer while ScopeTimer is in scope.

class ScopeTimer { // Runs a timer when in scope.


Timer& myTimer; // This is the timer to run.


ScopeTimer(Timer& T) : myTimer(T) { myTimer.start(); } // The Timer starts at construction.
~ScopeTimer() { myTimer.stop(); } // The Timer stops at destruction.

// class Timeout - This one uses a Timer to establish a timeout value.

class Timeout {


Timer myTimer; // We need a timer to do this.
msclock myDuration; // Milliseconds before timout expires.


class BadTimeoutValue {}; // If the value is bad throw this.

Timeout(msclock duration); // Create and set the duration.

msclock setDuration(msclock duration); // Set/Change the duration in milliseconds.
msclock getDuration(); // Return the current duration in milliseconds.
msclock restart(); // Restart the timeout timer.
msclock getElapsedTime(); // Get elapsed milliseconds.
msclock getRemainingTime(); // Get remaining milliseconds.
bool isExpired(); // Return true if time is up.

/* Timeout Documentation...
** Timeout(int duration)
** Creates a Timout timer and sets the duration in milliseconds.
** setDuration(int duration)
** Sets or changes the duration of the timeout timer.
** The Timout is NOT reset by this method. This allows you to change
** the timeout on the fly.
** restart()
** Restarts the timeout timer.
** getElapsedTime()
** Returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since the Timout was created
** or reset.
** getRemainingTime()
** Returns the number of milliseconds remaining before time is up.
** isExpired()
** Returns true if time is up.

#endif // End MNR_timing once-only switch.

+ 219
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/DEVELOPER_NOTES Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
Developer notes for the SNFServer developer distribution

27 January 2009


This file contains information for software developers. Ths
information includes the prerequisite software for building, a
description of the build system, and procedures for creating binary

Software prerequisites

The build system uses GNU software development system. The following
software is needed for building:

1) automake

2) autoconf

3) libtool

4) make

5) g++

6) tar

7) curl

8) pthread development.

These tools are normally available on a Linux system that is
configured as a software development system. The Linux system
installation process usually gives the user a choice of installing a
workstation, server, or software development system. However, not all
Linux distributions give these choices.

If these tools are not installed, they may be installed (or upgraded)
at any time. The commands vary from distribution to distribution.
For Ubuntu, the apt-get command can be used:

1) 'apt-get install automake'.

2) 'apt-get install autoconf'.

3) 'apt-get install libtool'.

4) 'apt-get install make'.

5) 'apt-get install g++'.

6) 'apt-get install tar'.

7) 'apt-get install curl'.

8) 'apt-get install libc6-dev' (to install the pthread library).

Structure of the build system

The following files comprise the build system:

1) configure.ac. This is the main configuration file. It specifies
the distribution name, version, which libraries are needed, etc.

2) Makefile.am. This is used to create the top-level Makefile. It
lists which directories are part of the build system
(e.g. SNFServer), and which extra files are to be part of the
distribution (e.g. BUGS, README, etc).

3) CodeDweller/Makefile.am. This is used to create the Makefile for
the CodeDweller library. It lists which source files are to be used
for building.

3) SNFMulti/Makefile.am. This is used to create the Makefile for
the SNFMulti library. It lists which source files are to be used
for building.

4) SNFClient/Makefile.am. This is used to create the Makefile for

5) SNF2Check/Makefile.am. This is used to create the Makefile for

6) Scripts/Makefile.am. This is used to create the Makefile for
scripts (getRulebase, OS startup/shutdown, snfSniffer, etc).

During the build process, the files in SNFMulti and CodeDweller are
compiled into a static library. The applications SNFServer,
SNFClient, and SNF2Check link with these libraries. This library is
not installed. The system checks the dates of the files, and
recompiles and relinks as necessary.

To add an additional source file , edit the appropriate Makefile.am.
Add the source file to the appropriate variable. For example, in

1) SNFServer_SOURCES for the cpp files for SNFServer.

2) noinst_HEADERS for the header files for SNFServer. These are
part of the user tarball, but aren't installed into the user system.

Note that files that are not listed will not be included in the
distribution tarball. This allows you to have additional files in
directories (used, for example, for other projects) without
unnecessarily increasing the size of the SNFServer application or

Using the build system

Issue the following command to prepare system newly checked out for

1) autoreconf --install

Issue the following commands for building (the ./configure command
needs options; see the INSTALL file or run './configure --help' for
more info):

1) ./configure --enable-os-type=Ubuntu --sysconfdir=/etc

2) make

The "./configure" command configures the system for installation into
the default directory. The default directory '/usr/local', but can be
specified to be '/var/spool/snfilter' by adding the following line in


This can be overridden when running configure:

./configure --prefix=installation_directory

where installation_directory is the directory to install the software.

Other commands:

"make dist" creates a tarball of the form snf-server-X.Y.Z.tar.gz.
X, Y, and Z, as well as SNFServer, are specified by the following
line in configure.ac:

AC_INIT(snf-server, X.Y.Z)

"make install" installs the software (currently copies SNFServer to
the bin subdirectory of the installation directory. I expect it
will be modified to install other files (configuration files,
scripts, etc).

"make uninstall" removes the software from the installation

"make clean", "make distclean", "make maintainer-clean" remove files
that can be recreated. After running "make clean", you'd need to
run "make" to rebuild the system. After running "make distclean" or
"make maintainer-clean", you'd need to run ./configure to build the

"make dist" creates a tarball for the user. The name is
snf-server-X.Y.Z.tar.gz, and the files are extracted into the
directory snf-server-X.Y.Z.

"make distcheck" tests a user tarball. This command extracts,
configures, builds, and installs in temporary directories. After
verifying that each operation was successful, the command removes
the temporary directories.

"make maintainer-clean" removes many of the files that can be
created. After running this, you would need to run ./configure.

Note: The script 'cleanForDist' cleans the developer distribution. It
removes any user tarballs that might have been created, files created
by 'autoreconf --install', and files ending in "~". After running
this command, the directory tree can be imported into a version
control system, or tarred and gzipped.

Changing the version number or package name

To change the version number or package name, do the following:

1) Update configure.ac:

a) Change the version number and/or package name for the build
system. Do this by modifying the argument to the AC_INIT line in
configure.ac. For example, to change the package name to FOO and
the version to 8.0.2, modify the line to be:

AC_INIT(FOO, 8.0.2)

Build-time configuration parameters

The configure script accepts the following command-line parameters in
addition to the standard parameters;


where TYPE specifies the operating system for which SNFServer is to
be configured.

Generation of sample configuration files and scripts

The build system generates sample configuration files and scripts that
take into account where the SNFServer distribution is installed. For
example, if the distribution is built as follows:

./configure --prefix=/home/temp --enable-os-type=OpenBSD

then the sample rulebase download script getRulebase.sample would
download the rulebase to /home/temp/share/snf-server. The other files
(SNFServer.xml.sample, and SNFServer) would also be generated to take
the specified prefix into account.

+ 48
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/Docs/DebugMode_readme.txt Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
Both SNFServer.exe and SNFClient.exe can be run in a debugging mode which
produces additional output. In order to run these programs in debug mode
you can rename them so that "debug" or "Debug" is in their name, or you
can call them in a sub directory so that the path to the program conains
"debug" or "Debug".

SNFDebugClient.exe --

The SNFClient.exe debug mode will display the entire XCI session for each
call. This is a good way to see how XCI is used if you want to explore
communicating with the SNFServer directly from your programs.

SNFDebugServer.exe --

The SNFServer.exe debug mode will display a thread status report each
second along with the usual running statistics line. The thread status
report will show all active theads, what they are doing (generally), and
whether they are running or have stopped. If a thread stops due to an
unhandeled exception then information about that exception will be
displayed in the status report.

There is a special version of the control script that will run the server
in debug mode and capture it's output in a file called debuglog.

20080325 -- At this time there are a few systems that are reporting an
intermittent bug where SNFServer will either stop answering requests or
it will stop reporting telemetry. When this happens there are no errors
reported in logs, no exceptions thrown, no corrupted programs, nothing
unusual at all --which is, of course, the most unusual thing of all. The
program continues to run -- it's just not listening (or talking).

On all but a handfull of systems SNFServer runs reliably for hundreds of
days at a time without stopping until told to do so... This includes our
lab computers... We hate mysteries -- the thread status report is designed
to help us learn something about this bug since we are not yet able to
reproduce it.

To run SNFServer in debug mode, create a copy of SNFServer.exe named
SNFDebugServer.exe and use the debugsnfctrl script to launch it (or you
can launch it your own way -- the goal is to capture stdout and errout to
a file called debuglog so that we can, hopefully, learn something).

If you are not experiencing the bug then please run SNFServer.exe in the
normal way.



+ 23
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/Docs/Makefile.am Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
## $Id: Makefile.am,v 1.2 2007/05/29 19:06:09 adeniz Exp $
## automake input for the ARM Research SNFServer documentation.
## Author: Alban Deniz
## Copyright (C) 2008 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
## See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.

doc_DATA = \
SNFServer_readme.txt \
SNFClient_readme.txt \
DebugMode_readme.txt \

$(doc_DATA) \

+ 8
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/Docs/README Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
This files in this directory contain additional information. The
files are:

SNFServer_readme.txt: Information about the SNFServer application.

SNFClient_readme.txt: Information about the SNFClient application.

snf_xci.xml: Sample XCI messages.

+ 182
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/Docs/SNFClient_readme.txt Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
SNFClient Readme

Command line client for SNF. This utility formats and processes SNF_XCI
requests through the SNF Engine working on the local machine. In general
this utility can be used as a replacement for the earlier SNF command
line scanner. It is also useful for other uses such as debugging and
communicating with GBUdb.

Note: Unlike prior versions of SNF, this command line utility does not
need to be "branded" (renamed for the SNF license id).

Help Mode


When called with no command line parameters the utility produces
help and version information.

Debug Mode


When "debug" or "Debug" appears in the path to the program name
or if the program's name is altered to include the word "debug" or
"Debug" then the program will produce additional information about
it's operation to aid in debugging problems. This includes the
entire raw SNF_XCI request and response.

Message Scan Modes

These modes are used to scan email message files (the data part of
smtp). This utility can be used as a drop-in replacement for previous
verions of SNF (Message Sniffer) for scanning messages. However, this
new version does not need to be "branded" (renamed for the license id)
and will ignore the authentication string if it is provided. Also,
since the newer version of SNF uses a client-server model and not a
peer-server model, there is no need for a "persistent" mode.

If "persistent" is passed to this utility on the command line as it
would be used in prior versions of SNF then it will be treated like
a file name and the scan will normally fail since a file named
"persistent" is not likely to exist.

SNFClient.exe <FileNameToScan>

Scan Mode: Scans <FileNameToScan> and returns a result code.

SNFClient.exe <authenticationxx> <FileNameToScan>

Compatibility Mode: Ignores <authenticationxx> then scans the
<FileNameToScan> and returns a result code. This mode provides
drop-in compatibility with previous versions of SNF.

SNFClient.exe -xhdr <FileNameToScan>

XHeader Mode: Scans <FileNameToScan> and returns the result. Also
outputs the contents of the X-Headers created by the SNF engine. If
the SNF engine is configured to inject these headers then they will
also have been injected into the <FileNameToScan>.

The SNF Engine can be configured to provide the X-Headers only to
the API without injecting them. In this case the XHeader Mode will
display the X-Headers that would be injected, but they will not
have been injected into the <FileNameToScan>.

If the SNF Engine is configured not to produce X-Headers (none) then
the XHeader Mode will not produce X-Headers because they will not
have been generated by the engine.

(note: -xhdr and -source options can be combined)

SNFClient.exe -source=<IP4Address> <FileNameToScan>

Source-IP Mode: Scans <FileNameToScan> and returns the result. The
provided source IP is injected into the scan as the first Received
header so that the scanning engine will presume the IP is the source
of the message. This allows you to pre-define the source IP for the
message when there is no other received header or when the received
headers may be incorrect or may not present the actual source of
the message.

(note: -xhdr and -source options can be combined)

SNFServer Status Report Modes

SNFClient.exe -status.second
SNFClient.exe -status.minute
SNFClient.exe -status.hour

This mode returns the latest posted status report as indicated.
Normally these status reports are also posted to files in the
SNFServer workspace.

In this mode the SNFClient will return a result code (error level)
of 0 when the request is successful and 99 (or some nonzero value)
when the request is not successful. This allows the SNFClient to
be used to verify that the SNFServer is running.

Note: In most other modes the SNFClient returns a fail-safe 0
result code to avoid tagging messages as spam when there are errors.

XCI Server Command Modes

These features will expand as needed in later versions.

SNFClient.exe -shutdown

If the SNF Engine is running in an application that accepts SNF_XCI
server commands then this mode will send that command. The shutdown
command may have no effect if the application does not use the SNF_XCI
server commnand interface or does not recognize the command.

GBUdb Modes

These modes are used to communicate with the GBUdb system on the
local node. It is possible to test (read out) an IP record or make
any of a number of changes to IP data in the GBUdb.

SNFClient.exe -test <IP4Address>

Returns the current GBUdb statistics for the <IP4Address>

SNFClient also returns a result code that matches the GBUdb range
for the tested IP. These ranges are defined in the SNFServer
configuration file. By default they are:

20 - Truncate
63 - Black
40 - Caution
0 - Normal

SNFClient.exe -set <IP4Address> <flag> <bad> <good>

Creates or updates the data for <IP4Address> as provided. The
<IP4Address> must be provided as well as at least one of
<flag>, <bad>, and <good>. If <flag>, <bad>, or <good> are
to be left unchanged then they should be entered as a dash "-".


Set all data for an IP. The flag will be "ugly", the bad count
will be 0 and the good count will be 1000.

SNFClient.exe -set Ugly 0 1000

Set the flag to "ignore" and do not change the counts.

SNFClient.exe -set ignore - -

Set the good count to 400 and do not change anything else.

SNFClient.exe -set - - 400

SNFClient.exe -good <IP4Address>

Creates or updates statistics for the <IP4Address>. Increases the
good count by one. (Record a good event)

SNFClient.exe -bad <IP4Address>

Creates or updates statistics for the <IP4Address>. Increases the
bad count by one. (Record a bad event)

SNFClient.exe -drop <IP4Address>

Removes all local data for the <IP4Address>. Anything the local
system "knows" about the IP is forgotten. Next time the IP is
encountered it will be treated as new.

For More Information

See www.armresearch.com
Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Arm Research Labs, LLC.

+ 203
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/Docs/SNFServer_readme.txt Datei anzeigen

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SNF_Server V3.0 installation brief

This is a generalized guide. For specific platform guides see:

Create a directory for SNF_Server. ( c:\SNF or /var/spool/snfilter )

Copy all of the files to that directory.

Make a copy of the SNFServer<version>.exe file and give it the name
SNFServer.exe. Later on if newer versions are provided you will
be able to keep track of them by name and swap newer versions into
place by copying them over your SNFServer.exe file. If you decide
you have to go back to a previous version then you will be able to
do that easily by deleting your SNFServer.exe file and copying the
version you wish to use into place.

Modify the identity.xml file to match your SNF license ID and your
authentication string.

Download your .snf file and place that in the SNF_Server working

RULEBASE UPDATES (NEW!): The latest version of the SNFServer engine
includes a mechanism that will run an a script when the rulebase file
on our server is newer than the active file in SNF. By default this
feature is configured to run the included getRulebase script. If
the script is not successful it will be launched again every 3 minutes
until the rulebase file is successfully updated.

Be sure to modify the top of the getRulebase script to include
your correct license ID, authentication string, and working directory.

Be sure to verify that the <update-script/> section of your
SNFServer.xml file is correct (points to the correct location of

getRulebase uses wget and gzip (included for your convenience in
the Win* distribution. See About-Wget-and-Gzip.txt.). These are open
source utilities for downloading files from web servers and unzipping
those files -- in this case, SNF rulebase files.

If you have any gateways or other internal systems that will relay
mail to SNF then include their IPs in GBUdbIgnoreList.txt. The GBUdb
component of SNF uses the IPs in this list to determine the actual
source IP for a message by reviewing the Received headers. Each
Received header is evaluated in turn. If the source (connect) IP is
found in the Ignore list then that Received IP is considered to be
part of your infrastructure and is ignored. The first Received IP
found that is NOT in the Ignore list is selected as the source IP.

The GBUdbIgnoreList is a "safety net" that ensures the listed IPs are
present in your GBUdb with their Ignore flag set. It is loaded every
time the configuration is changed, SNFServer is started, or a new
rulebase is loaded. This way if your GBUdb database is lost then your
critical infrastructure will be re-listed in the new .gbx file that
is created.

The ignore list allows only SINGLE IP ENTRIES. This can be a problem
in some cases - such as when you want to ignore large blocks of network

SNF can learn to Ignore large blocks of IPs using the <drilldown/>
feature. For example if you want to ignore all of then
you can make an entry in the <drilldown/> training section like this:

<training on-off='on'>
<received ordinal='0' find='[12.34.56.'/>

GBUdb learns the behavior of source IPs so it is important that GBUdb
knows any friendly sources that might send spammy messages to your
server or else it will learn that those sources are not to be trusted.

Since not all friendly spam sources can be identified by IP ahead of
time, there are features in the <training/> section of SNFServer.xml
that allow you to adjust the training scenarios to compensate. The
most likely of these is that you may wish to bypass training for
messages that are to your support addresses or spam submission
addresses. For example:

<training on-off='on'>
<header name='To:' find='support@example.com'/>
<header name='To:' find='spam@example.com'/>

Evaluate the SNFServer.xml file carefully. In most cases the
default settings are appropriate, however you may want to alter
some of the settings to match your system policies or particular

IMPORTANT: Be sure that any file paths / directories referenced in
the configuration file exist on your system and that SNF has full
access rights to these - especially the SNF working directory.

** If you selected a working directory for SNF other than c:\SNF\
then be sure you have changed these paths in the top of your
SNFServer.xml file. Pay close attentiont to these 5 elements:

<node identity='c:/SNF/identity.xml'>
<log path='c:/SNF/'/>
<rulebase path='c:/SNF/'/>
<workspace path='c:/SNF/'/>
<update-script ... call='c:/SNF/getRulebase.cmd' ... />

Once you are happy with your configuration and you have all of your
files and directories in place (including your .snf file) then you
can start SNF_Server.

The command line (from inside the SNF workspace) is:

SNFServer SNFServer.xml

That is: SNFServer <configuration>

If you want to lauch SNFServer from some other location it would be
best to use the entire path for both the SNFServer engine and the
configuration file (Microsoft Windows example):

c:\SNF\SNFServer.exe c:\SNF\SNFServer.xml


/usr/sbin/SNFServer /etc/SNFServer/SNFServer.xml

You should begin by testing SNFServer by running it in a command line
window where you can watch it's output.

Once you are happy with it then you will probably want to run it as
a service using a utility such as the srvany utility from the win2k
toolkit, or detached as a daemon on *nix systems (snfctrl file example

This section of our site might be helpful:


SNFServer is the server side of a client/server system. In order to
scan messages you will need to use the client utility (SNFClient.exe
or SNFIMailShim.exe) to scan messages.

SNFClient.exe is a drop-in replacement for the production (2-3.x)
SNF program when it is called from Declude or mxGuard or other similar
software. There is no need to "brand" the SNFClient.exe
program and it is not necessary to include the authentication string
on the command line -- however, if you do it will be accepted and
ignored without an error.

SNFServer MUST be running for SNFClient to work. If SNFClient cannot
reach SNFServer then it will wait for quite a while as it attempts to
make contact.

Here are a few ways to call SNFClient.exe:

SNFClient.exe -shutdown

Sends the Shutdown command to the SNF_Server.

SNFClient.exe authenticationxx filetoscan

Compatibility mode - ignores authenticationxx and scans filetoscan.

SNFClient.exe filetoscan

Normal scan mode - scans filetoscan.

SNFClient.exe -xhdr filetoscan

XHDR scan mode - scans filetoscan and returns X Headers.

See the SNFClient_Readme.txt file for details.

The SNF Client/Server pair communicate using short XML messages via a local
TCP connection (typically to port 9001). Examples of SNF_XCI messages are
included in snf_xci.xml (not a well formed xml file! - just some examples).

It is possible to communicate directly with the SNF_Server engine via TCP
from your software using the SNF_XCI (SNF XML Command Interface) protocol. The
server expects to see one connection per request. The client sends an SNF_XCI
request to the server. The server responds with an appropriate SNF_XCI
formatted response and terminates the connection.

Requests and responses are expected to terminate with a newline character.

You can see the XCI protocol at work by running the SNFClient in debug mode

If you run into trouble check out our web site: www.armresearch.com and/or
contact us by email: support@armresearch.com

For More Information

See www.armresearch.com
Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Arm Research Labs, LLC.

+ 52
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/Docs/snf_xci.xml Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
<!-- SNF Xml Command Interface Examples -->
<!-- Scanner -->
<snf><xci><scanner><scan file='filepath'/></scanner></xci></snf>
<snf><xci><scanner><result code='63'/></scanner></xci></snf>

<snf><xci><scanner><scan file='filepath' xhdr='yes' log='no' ip=''/></scanner></xci></snf>
<snf><xci><scanner><result code='63'><xhdr>

<!-- GBUdb -->
<snf><xci><gbudb><set ip='' type='good'/></gbudb></xci></snf> <!-- Set flag to good on ip -->
<snf><xci><gbudb><set ip='' type='bad'/></gbudb></xci></snf> <!-- Set flag to bad on ip -->
<snf><xci><gbudb><set ip='' type='ugly'/></gbudb></xci></snf> <!-- Set flag to ugly on ip -->
<snf><xci><gbudb><set ip='' type='ignore'/></gbudb></xci></snf> <!-- Set flag to ignore on ip -->
<snf><xci><gbudb><set ip='' type='ugly' b='1' g='0'/></gbudb></xci></snf> <!-- Set flag and counts on ip -->

<snf><xci><gbudb><good ip=''/></gbudb></xci></snf> <!-- Record a "good" event on ip -->
<snf><xci><gbudb><bad ip=''/></gbudb></xci></snf> <!-- Record a "bad" event on ip -->
<snf><xci><gbudb><test ip=''/></gbudb></xci></snf> <!-- Return the state of ip -->
<snf><xci><gbudb><drop ip=''/></gbudb></xci></snf> <!-- Forget the IP -->

<!-- GBUdb Result, always -->
<snf><xci><gbudb><result ip='' type='ugly' p='1.0' c='0.001' b='1' g='0' range='caution' code='40'/></gbudb></xci></snf>

<!-- status report request -->
<snf><xci><report><request><status class='second'/></request></report></xci></snf>

<!-- status report result -->
<snf><xci><report><response><!-- actual status report --></response></report></xcl></snf>

<!-- Server -->

<snf><xci><server><command command='shutdown'/></server></xci></snf>
<snf><xci><server><response message='shutdown in progress' code='0'/></server></xci></snf>

<!-- Specialized Server Requests -->

<snf><xci><server><command command='systemdefinedcommand'>
<snf><xci><server><response message='shutdown in progress' code='0'>

<!-- XCI Error Response -->

<snf><xci><error message="What was that?"/></xci></snf>

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+ 489
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/INSTALL Datei anzeigen

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SNFServer Installation and Configuration

Copyright (C) 2008 ARM Research Labs, LLC.

See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
Installing SNFServer to filter email involves the following steps:

1) Check prerequisites.

2) Create the snfilter user and group.

3) Build and install the SNFServer package (using a tarball or a

4) Configure the SNFServer package.

5) Interface with the MTA (postfix or sendmail).

6) Configure the OS to start and stop SNFServer on bootup and

The following sections describes each of these steps for a default
installation. Any OS-specific issues are described at the end of each


Before installing SNFServer, make sure that:

1) The programs wget and gzip are installed.

Creating the snfilter user and group

Before installing, the snfilter user and group must be created. For
increased security, snfilter user has no shell.

OS-specific issues--

The commands to create the snfilter user and group are OS dependent.
For your convenience, the commands for creating the user and group for
varous OSes are listed here. However, no guarantee is made that these
commands will work on your system; please refer to your system

1) OpenBSD:

a) 'useradd -g =uid -m -c "SNFServer Account" -s /bin/false snfilter'.

2) Ubuntu:

a) 'adduser --gecos "SNFServer Account" --no-create-home --shell /bin/false snfilter'.

3) RedHat (and variants such as Fedora and CentOS):

a) 'adduser --comment "SNFServer Account" -M --shell /bin/false snfilter'

4) Suse:

a) 'groupadd snfilter'

b) 'useradd -c "SNFServer Account" -s /bin/false -g snfilter snfilter'

5) FreeBSD:

a) 'pw user add -c "SNFServer Account" -n snfilter -w no -s /bin/false'

Building and installing SNFServer

For some operating systems, configuration files are normally installed
in /etc, and the installation of the remaining files are in /usr
(i.e. /usr/sbin, /usr/share/snf-server, etc). In other operating
systems, the files are installed in /usr/local/etc or /usr/local.

The directories to install are specified by the '--prefix' and
'--sysconfdir' options to the configure script (see below).

To build and install from the tarball--

1) Extract the distribution from the tarball: 'tar xvzf
snf-server-X.Y.Z.tar.gz', where X.Y.Z is the version of the

1) 'cd' to the source directory.

2) Run the configure script. See the section on OS-specific issues
for the options to specify. This configures the package.

3) Type 'make'. This builds the package.

4) Type 'make install'. This installs the package in the default

The following files are installed:

Executables and scripts in sbin:

Sample configuration files in etc/snf-server:

In share/snf-server

During operation of SNFServer, the following files are created:

In share/snf-server:
Log files
Temporary files

OS-specific options for ./configure:

1) OpenBSD:

./configure --enable-os-type=OpenBSD --sysconfdir=/etc

2) FreeBSD:

./configure --enable-os-type=FreeBSD

3) Ubuntu:

./configure --enable-os-type=Ubuntu --sysconfdir=/etc --prefix=/usr

4) RedHat (and variants such as Fedora and CentOS):

./configure --enable-os-type=RedHat --sysconfdir=/etc --prefix=/usr

5) Suse:

./configure --enable-os-type=Suse --sysconfdir=/etc --prefix=/usr


Configuration consists of creating the configuration files used by
SNFServer from the sample configuration files of the distribution.
There are three configuration files. The location of the files
described in this section are for the installation in /usr and /etc.

Two of the files are in /etc/snf-server:

1) SNFServer.xml (sample configuration file is

2) identity.xml (sample configuration file is identity.xml.sample).

and one in /usr/share/snf-server:

1) GBUdbIngoreList.txt (sample configuration file is

To configure SNFServer, do the following:

1) Copy SNFServer.xml.sample to SNFServer.xml, and edit as follows:

a) Specify the directories. The default directories are:

<node identity='/etc/snf-server/identity.xml'>
<log path='/usr/share/snf-server/'/>
<rulebase path='/usr/share/snf-server/'/>
<workspace path='/usr/share/snf-server/'/>
<update-script on-off='on' call='/usr/sbin/getRulebase'

The paths need to be changed only if the default directories are
not used.

If desired for security purposes, restrict the permissions of
SNFServer.xml. For example, to make SNFServer.xml readonly by
only the snfilter user and snfilter group, enter the following:

chmod 440 SNFServer.xml

2) Copy identity.xml.sample to identity.xml, and edit to include the
license ID and authentication attributes of the <identity> element.
If desired for security purposes, restrict the permissions of
identity.xml. For example, to make identity.xml readonly by only
snfilter, enter the following:

chmod 400 identity.xml

3) Copy GBUdbIngoreList.txt.sample to GBUdbIgnoreList.txt, and edit
as appropriate (the file format is described in the comments in the
file). See README for more information on this file.

4) In the directory for the update script specified in the
configuration file (default: /usr/sbin):

a) Copy getRulebase.sample to getRulebase, and edit as follows:

i) In the line


replace authenticationxx with the authentication for the
SNFServer license.
ii) In the line


replace licenseid with the license ID of the SNFServer

iii) Any other changes as necessary if the default directories
are not used.

b) Ensure that getRulebase is executable by the snfilter user.
This can be done with the command:

chmod +x getRulebase

5) Ensure that the snfilter user has read/write access to the files
in workspace (default: /usr/share/snf-server or
/usr/local/share/snf-server) and configuration directory (default:
/etc/snf-server). To grant this access, enter the following command,
as the root user:

chown -R snfilter:snfilter /usr/share/snf-server

chown -R snfilter:snfilter /etc/snf-server

As you modify files in these directories, please ensure that the
read/write permissions for snfilter is maintained.

4) Download the rulebase file:

a) 'cd /usr/share/snf-server'. If the workspace specified in the
configuration file is not the default, this command should be
changed accordingly.

b) 'touch UpdateReady.txt'.

c) 'chown snfilter UpdateReady.txt'.

d) 'su -m snfilter -c "/usr/sbin/getRulebase"'. If getRulebase
is in a different directory, this command should be changed

OS-specific issues--


Configuring the OS

The OS can be configured to automatically start and stop SNFServer on
system startup and shutdown. The following gives the procedure for
each OS:


1) Add the following line to /etc/rc.local:

/usr/local/sbin/snf-server start

2) Add the following line to /etc/rc.shutdown:

/usr/local/sbin/snf-server stop

3) Run '/usr/local/sbin/snf-server start' to start the server.


1) Create the directory /etc/rc.conf.d (if it doesn't exist).

2) Create the file /etc/rc.conf.d/snfsrver with the contents:


3) Run '/usr/local/etc/rc.d/snf-server start' to start the server.


1) Set the VERBOSE variable in /etc/default/rcS to control the
script output.

2) Configure the system to run the script using the appropriate

3) Run '/etc/init.d/snf-server start' to start the server.

RedHat (and variants such as Fedora) and Suse:

1) Run 'chkconfig --add snf-server'. This sonfigures the system to
run the script on startup and shutdown.

2) Run 'chkconfig --list snf-server' to display the runlevels

3) Run 'service snf-server start' to start the SNFServer.

Integration with MTAs

The section assumes you will be using SNFServer with an MTA and simply
injecting headers that will be used later to remove, quarantine, or
otherwise redirect messages detected as spam. There are as many ways
to use SNFServer as there are systems using it -- so the following is
just a good starting point.

It is presumed that SNFServer is configured with x-header injection
turned on and that the x-headers have been customized to suit your
needs. Check the <xheaders/> section of your
/etc/snf-server/SNFServer.xml file to verify that SNFServer is
configured to do what you want.

Integration with postfix

One way to integrate with postfix is to configure postfix to use the
snfSniffer script (described below) as a content filter. The
snfSniffer script passes the message through SNFServer, and then
reinjects the message into the mail system.

1) In /usr/sbin (or /usr/local/sbin), copy the script
snfSniffer.sample to snfSniffer set the correct access rights:

cp snfSniffer.sample snfSniffer

chown snfilter snfSniffer

chmod 550 snfSniffer

The default snfSniffer script creates a temporary copy of the message,
scans it with SNFServer, and then reinjects the message.

2) Change /etc/postfix/master.cf as follows (LEADING WHITE SPACES

change (each line is enclosed in single quotes; add only the text
between the single quotes):

'smtp inet n - n - - smtpd'


'smtp inet n - n - - smtpd'
' -o content_filter=snfilter:dummy'

also add:

'snfilter unix - n n - 10 pipe'
' flags=Rq user=snfilter argv=/usr/sbin/snfSniffer'
' -f ${sender} -- ${recipient}'

to master.cf. Specify the directory snfSniffer is in if not

At this point you could just restart postfix, and hope nothing goes
wrong. Instead, it would be smarter to first test the installation
from the command line by injecting a message directly into the filter
script "snfSniffer". We can issue a command like (in directory

/usr/sbin/snfSniffer -f sender recipient < junkmsg.txt

Where junkmsg.txt is a spam test message. We should also test
a clean message to make sure that this script is working as we
expect it to. In this case we would issue a command like

/usr/sbin/snfSniffer -f sender recipient < cleanmsg.txt

If you've done everything correctly then all you have to do is reload
postfix to start the content_filter working.

4) 'postfix reload'. Restart postfix.

5) To stop using the snfSniffer filter:

i) Comment out or remove the '-o content_filter=snfilter:dummy'
line in the /etc/postfix/master.cf file.

ii) 'postsuper -r ALL' to remove content filter request records
from existing queue files.

iii) 'postfix reload' to reload the postfix configuration.

OS-specific issues--

1) OpenBSD: In the default postfix configuration for OpenBSD, the
postfix programs run chrooted in /var/spool/postfix. For that
configuration, the /etc/pwd.db file needs to be made available to
the postfix programs. This can be done by copying pwd.db:

cp /etc/pwd.db /var/spool/postfix/etc

If the /etc/pwd.db file is modified after copying, the postfix
system issues a warning. To avoid this warning, copy the
/etc/pwd.db file to /var/spool/postfix/etc directory whenever
/etc/pwd.db is modified.

Integration with sendmail

One way to integrate with send is to configure sendmail to use the
snfSnifferFilter script (described below) as a filter. The snfSniffer
script passes the message through SNFServer, and then sends the
message to stdout. The integration is done by having sendmail use
procmail to filter all mail (which is normally the default), and
configuring procmail to use snfSnifferFilter as a filter.

1) In /usr/sbin (or /usr/local/sbin), copy the script
snfSnifferFilter.sample to snfSnifferFilter set the correct access

cp snfSnifferFilter.sample snfSnifferFilter

chown snfilter snfSnifferFilter

chmod 550 snfSnifferFilter

The default snfSnifferFilter script creates a temporary copy of the
message, scans it with SNFServer, and then send the message to

2) Verify that sendmail is configured to use procmail to deliver
mail. Please see the sendmail and procmail documentation for how
to do this.

3) Create the file /etc/procmailrc (or whatever the system procmail
rcfile is; see the procmail documentation for the path on your
system) to contain the following lines:

':0 fw'
'| /usr/sbin/snfSnifferFilter'

where the single quotes are not to be included.

At this point mail should be filtered by SNFServer. To check this,
issue a command like (in directory /usr/share/snf-server):

/usr/sbin/snfSnifferFilter < junkmsg.txt

Where junkmsg.txt is a spam test message. We should also test a clean
message to make sure that this script is working as we expect it to.
In this case we would issue a command like

/usr/sbin/snfSnifferFilter < cleanmsg.txt

In either case you should see the message with the headers added by

4) To stop using the snfSnifferFilter:

i) Comment out or remove the two lines you added to /etc/procmailrc.

OS-specific issues--

1) OpenBSD: The default sendmail confiugration might not use
procmail. To configure sendmail to use procmail, please ensure that
procmail is installed and see the procmail documentation
(/usr/local/share/examples/procmail/advanced) for the procedure to
integrate procmail as an integrated local mail delivery agent.

By default, procmail is installed in /usr/local/bin, and the system
procmail rcfile is /etc/procmailrc.

After you make the changes, stop sendmail with 'pkill sendmail', and
start it with 'sendmail -bd'.

2) FreeBSD: The default sendmail confiugration might not use
procmail. To configure sendmail to use procmail, please ensure that
procmail is installed and see the procmail documentation
(/usr/local/share/examples/procmail/advanced) for the procedure to
integrate procmail as an integrated local mail delivery agent.

By default, procmail is installed in /usr/local/bin, and the system
procmail rcfile is /usr/local/etc/procmailrc.

After you make the changes, restart sendmail with
'/etc/rc.d/sendmail restart'.

3) RedHat, Fedora, Centos, Suse, and Ubuntu: Restart sendmail with
'/etc/init.d/sendmail restart'.

+ 38
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/Makefile.am Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
## $Id: Makefile.am,v 1.2 2007/05/29 19:06:09 adeniz Exp $
## automake input for the ARM Research Labs SNFServer distribution
## (top directory).
## Author: Alban Deniz
## Copyright (C) 2008 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
## See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.

CodeDweller \
SNFMulti \
SNFServer \
SNFClient \
SNF2Check \
Scripts \
config_files \

doc_DATA = \
ChangeLog \

$(doc_DATA) \
Makefile.am \


+ 0
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/NEWS Datei anzeigen

+ 9
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/README Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
This is the README file for SNFServer, an anti-spam server daemon.

Copyright (C) 2008 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
See the file COPYING or www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.

Please see the docs directory for additional information.

Please see the INSTALL file for installation and configuration

+ 24
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNF2Check/Makefile.am Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
## $Id$
## automake input for the MicroNeil SNF2Check application.
## Author: Alban Deniz
## Copyright (C) 2008 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
## See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.

LIBS = @SNF_LIBS@ -L../SNFMulti -L../CodeDweller -lCodeDweller -lSNFMulti @LIBS@
CXXFLAGS = $(SNF_CXXFLAGS) -I@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti -I@top_srcdir@/CodeDweller

sbin_PROGRAMS = \


rm -f *.gcno *.gcov *.gcda *~

+ 140
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNF2Check/main.cpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
// snf2check.cpp
// Copyright 2002-2004 MicroNeil Research Corporation.

// 20040502 _M - Completed testing. Digest checking rocks!

// 20040419 _M - Beginning modification to check an embedded digest of the entire
// rulebase file. The digest is embedded in a way that makes it backward compatible
// with all prior versions.

// This utility opens a Message Sniffer version 2 rule base file and authenticates
// the file. If the authentiaction fails then the utility returns a nonzero value.
// If the file autneticates correctly then the utility returns a zero value.
// This utility can be used to check that a download was performed properly so that
// corrupted rule base files won't be placed into service in a Message Sniffer engine.

#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cctype>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "snf_engine.hpp"

using namespace std; //introduces namespace std

const int RULEFILE_PARM = 1; // Rule Base File Parameter.
const int AUTHENTICATION_PARM = 2; // Parm position of authentication.
const int CORRECT_ARGS = 3; // Correct number of command line args.

const int OK = 0; // OK result.
const int ERROR_CMDLINE = 65; // Command line error result.
const int ERROR_RULE_FILE = 67; // Rule file open error result.
const int ERROR_RULE_DATA = 68; // Rule file authentication error result.
const int ERROR_RULE_AUTH = 73; // Authentication failed on the rule base.
const int ERROR_BAD_MATRIX = 71; // Something pushed us out of range.

// main()... well, that's where it all happens.

int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

// Check the command line and set option flags.

// First, are the right number of parameters present?
// If not then remind the user of what the command line should look like.

if(argc != CORRECT_ARGS) {

cerr << "snf2check: Bad Command Line" << endl
<< endl
<< "use snf2check.exe rulefilepath authentication" << endl
<< endl
<< "Version 2 w/Mangler Digest Checking - build "
<< __DATE__ << " " << __TIME__ << endl
<< endl
<< "Copyright (C) 2002-2008 MicroNeil Research Corporation"
<< endl;


// Capture & rewrite path info...

string RuleFileString(argv[RULEFILE_PARM]); // Rule file path...
string Authentication(argv[AUTHENTICATION_PARM]); // Authentication...

const int LicenseLength = 8; // License IDs are this long.

string License(RuleFileString); // The license is in the rule file string.
int LicensePosition = License.find_last_of("\\/"); // Find the license position.
LicensePosition += 1; // Move past the stroke if present.
string LicenseID( // Extract the licenseID.

// Load the RuleBase.

TokenMatrix RuleBase; // Create the rule base object.

try {

catch(TokenMatrix::BadAllocation) { // If we can't allocate memory report it.

cerr << "snf2check: " << License << " ERROR_RULE_DATA!" << endl;

catch(...) { // If something else goes wrong report the following error...

cerr << "snf2check: " << License << " ERROR_RULE_FILE!" << endl;

// Validate the RuleBase is properly authenticated.

// SecurityKey starts with
string SecurityKey(LicenseID); // the License ID then we add
SecurityKey += string(argv[AUTHENTICATION_PARM]); // the authentication code.

try {

catch(...) { // If the validation fails then we produce this error...

cerr << "snf2check: " << License << " ERROR_RULE_AUTH! " << endl;

// Verify the integrity of the RuleBase - this can only happen if Validated!

try {

catch(...) { // If the verification process fails then we produce this error...
cerr << "snf2check: " << License << " ERROR_BAD_MATRIX! " << endl;

// If we made it through all of that, then we're golden!

return OK;

+ 24
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFClient/Makefile.am Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
## $Id$
## automake input for the MicroNeil SNFClient application.
## Author: Alban Deniz
## Copyright (C) 2008 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
## See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.

LIBS = @SNF_LIBS@ -L../SNFMulti -L../CodeDweller -lCodeDweller -lSNFMulti @LIBS@
CXXFLAGS = $(SNF_CXXFLAGS) -I@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti -I@top_srcdir@/CodeDweller

sbin_PROGRAMS = \


rm -f *.gcno *.gcov *.gcda *~

+ 587
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFClient/main.cpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
// main.cpp
// SNF_Client.exe
// (C) 2006-2008 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// This program implements a client command line interface for systems using
// SNF_Server. The operation is simple--- Given a file name to scan, pass the
// file name to the SNF scanner on localhost and return the result code.
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(WIN64)
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <cctype>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "timing.hpp"
#include "networking.hpp"
#include "threading.hpp"
#include "snf_xci.hpp"
#include "config.h"
using namespace std; // Introduce standard namespace.
const char* VERSION_INFO = "SNF Client Version " PACKAGE_VERSION " Build: " __DATE__ " " __TIME__;
time_t Timestamp() { // Get an ordinary timestamp.
time_t rawtime; // Grab raw time from
time(&rawtime); // the system clock.
return rawtime;
string Timestamp(time_t t) { // Convert time_t to a timestamp.
char TimestampBfr[20]; // Create a small buffer.
tm* gmt; // Get a ptr to a tm structure.
gmt = gmtime(&t); // Fill it with UTC.
sprintf(TimestampBfr,"%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d\0", // Format yyyymmddhhmmss
return string(TimestampBfr); // Return a string.
string ErrorMessage(int argc, char** argv, string ErrorText) { // Create an error message.
ostringstream FailurePreamble; // Setup a stringstream for formatting.
string TimestampString = Timestamp(Timestamp()); // Get the UTC timestamp.
FailurePreamble << TimestampString << ", "; // Start with the timestamp and
for(int a = 1; a < argc; a++) { // then roll in all of the command
FailurePreamble << "arg" << a << "=" << argv[a]; // line parameters. Follow that with
if(a < argc-1) { FailurePreamble << ", "; } // a colon and the error itself.
else { FailurePreamble << " : "; }
FailurePreamble << ErrorText << endl; // Tack on the error text.
return FailurePreamble.str(); // Return the completed string.
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Accept command line parms.
// Figure out what we're going to do and create a suitable RequestString.
bool DebugMode = false; // This will be our debug mode.
string argv0(argv[0]); // Capture how we were called.
string::npos != argv0.find("Debug") || // If we find "Debug" or
string::npos != argv0.find("debug") // "debug" in our command path
) { // then we are in DebugMode.
DebugMode = true; // Set the flag and tell the
cout << "Debug Mode" << endl; // watchers.
string FileToScan; // What will we be scanning?
string RequestString; // What will we send to the server?
bool ItIsACommand = false; // Is it a command?
bool ItIsAScan = false; // Is it a scan?
bool GetXHDRs = false; // GetXHDRs with scan?
bool ItIsAGBUdb = false; // Is it a GBUdb Request?
bool ItIsAReport = false; // Is it a Status Report Request?
switch(argc) {
case 2: { // This is either a file or a command.
FileToScan = argv[1];
// Status Report? --------------------------------------------------
if(0 == FileToScan.find("-status.second")) { // Status Second Report? If so:
ItIsAReport = true; // Set the flag & format the request.
RequestString = "<snf><xci><report><request><status class='second'/></request></report></xci></snf>";
} else
if(0 == FileToScan.find("-status.minute")) { // Status Minute Report? If so:
ItIsAReport = true; // Set the flag & format the request.
RequestString = "<snf><xci><report><request><status class='minute'/></request></report></xci></snf>";
} else
if(0 == FileToScan.find("-status.hour")) { // Status Hour Report? If so:
ItIsAReport = true; // Set the flag & format the request.
RequestString = "<snf><xci><report><request><status class='hour'/></request></report></xci></snf>";
} else
if(0 == FileToScan.find("-shutdown")) { // If argv1 is -shutdown:
ItIsACommand = true; // Set the command flag.
if(DebugMode) { cout << "Command: shutdown" << endl; } // In debug - tell what we are doing.
// Format the request.
RequestString = "<snf><xci><server><command command=\'shutdown\'/></server></xci></snf>\n";
} else
if('-' == FileToScan.at(0)) { // If argv1 still looks like -something
goto BadCommandLine; // Complain and show the help text.
} else { // If it does not then it is a file.
ItIsAScan = true; // Set the scan flag.
if(DebugMode) { cout << "Scan: " << FileToScan << endl; } // In debug - tell what we are doing.
// Format the request.
RequestString = "<snf><xci><scanner><scan file=\'";
case 3: { // Special Scan Mode
string CommandString = argv[1]; // -command
FileToScan = argv[2]; // What file to scan?
// XHeader Scan? ---------------------------------------------------
if(0 == CommandString.find("-xhdr")) { // Scan file and show x headers.
ItIsAScan = true; // Set the scan flag.
GetXHDRs = true; // Turn on XHDRs for the scan.
if(DebugMode) {
cout << "(xhdr)Scan: " << FileToScan << endl; // In debug - tell what we are doing.
// Format the request.
RequestString = "<snf><xci><scanner><scan file=\'";
RequestString.append("\' xhdr=\'yes\'/></scanner></xci></snf>\n");
} else
// Source Scan? ----------------------------------------------------
if(0 == CommandString.find("-source=")) { // Scan file with forced source.
ItIsAScan = true; // Set the scan flag.
const int SourceIPIndex = CommandString.find("=") + 1; // Find source after "-source="
IP4Address SourceIP = CommandString.substr(SourceIPIndex); // Extract the source IP.
if(DebugMode) {
cout << "([" << (string) SourceIP // In debug - tell what we are doing.
<< "])Scan: " << FileToScan << endl;
// Format the request.
RequestString = "<snf><xci><scanner><scan file=\'";
RequestString.append("\' ip=\'");
RequestString.append((string) SourceIP);
} else
// GBUdb test? -----------------------------------------------------
if(0 == CommandString.find("-test")) { // GBUdb test IP
ItIsAGBUdb = true; // Set the GBUdb flag.
// Format the request.
RequestString = "<snf><xci><gbudb><test ip=\'";
} else
// GBUdb good? -----------------------------------------------------
if(0 == CommandString.find("-good")) { // GBUdb good IP event
ItIsAGBUdb = true; // Set the GBUdb flag.
// Format the request.
RequestString = "<snf><xci><gbudb><good ip=\'";
} else
// GBUdb bad? ------------------------------------------------------
if(0 == CommandString.find("-bad")) { // GBUdb bad IP event
ItIsAGBUdb = true; // Set the GBUdb flag.
// Format the request.
RequestString = "<snf><xci><gbudb><bad ip=\'";
} else
// GBUdb drop? -----------------------------------------------------
if(0 == CommandString.find("-drop")) { // GBUdb drop IP
ItIsAGBUdb = true; // Set the GBUdb flag.
// Format the request.
RequestString = "<snf><xci><gbudb><drop ip=\'";
} else
// Compatibility Scan? ---------------------------------------------
if(CommandString.at(0) != '-') { // If we don't see -<something>:
ItIsAScan = true; // Set the scan flag.
FileToScan = argv[2]; // Grab the message_file_name for
if(DebugMode) { // a compatability scan and if
cout << "(compat)Scan: " << FileToScan << endl; // debugging then announce it.
// Format the request.
RequestString = "<snf><xci><scanner><scan file=\'";
} else
goto BadCommandLine; // If no match here, give help.
case 4: {
string Command1String = argv[1]; // -command1
string Command2String = argv[2]; // -command2
FileToScan = argv[3]; // What file to scan?
// XHeader Scan W/ Source IP? --------------------------------------
if(0 == Command1String.find("-source=")) { // If things are refersed
string tmp = Command2String; // swap them to the order we
Command2String = Command1String; // are expecting. If we're wrong
Command1String = tmp; // then that case will be handled
} // next step.
0 == Command1String.find("-xhdr") &&
0 == Command2String.find("-source=")
) { // Scan file and show x headers.
ItIsAScan = true; // Set the scan flag.
GetXHDRs = true; // Turn on XHDRs for the scan.
const int SourceIPIndex = Command2String.find("=") + 1; // Find source after "-source="
IP4Address SourceIP = Command1String.substr(SourceIPIndex); // Extract the source IP.
if(DebugMode) {
cout << "(xhdr [" << (string) SourceIP // In debug - tell what we are doing.
<< "])Scan: " << FileToScan << endl;
// Format the request.
RequestString = "<snf><xci><scanner><scan file=\'";
RequestString.append("\' xhdr=\'yes\' ip=\'");
RequestString.append((string) SourceIP);
} else
goto BadCommandLine; // If no match here, give help.
case 6: { // GBUdb set mode.
string CommandString = argv[1]; // -command
// GBUdb set? ------------------------------------------------------
if(0 == CommandString.find("-set")) { // GBUdb set IP
ItIsAGBUdb = true; // Set the GBUdb flag.
// Format the request.
RequestString = "<snf><xci><gbudb><set ip=\'"; // Capture the IP in the request.
if( // If the type flag is specified
'g' == argv[3][0] || // it must begin with G B U or I.
'G' == argv[3][0] ||
'b' == argv[3][0] ||
'B' == argv[3][0] ||
'u' == argv[3][0] ||
'U' == argv[3][0] ||
'i' == argv[3][0] ||
'I' == argv[3][0]
) { // If we've got a type flag then
RequestString.append(" type=\'"); // capture it in our request.
} // If the type flag isn't specified
else if('-' != argv[3][0]) goto BadCommandLine; // it must be a - or else an error.
if(isdigit(argv[4][0])) { // Capture the bad count.
RequestString.append(" b=\'"); // If it looks like a number
RequestString.append(argv[4]); // capture it in our request.
else if('-' != argv[4][0]) goto BadCommandLine; // If not a number it must be -
if(isdigit(argv[5][0])) { // Capture the good count.
RequestString.append(" g=\'"); // If it looks like a number
RequestString.append(argv[5]); // capture it in our request.
else if('-' != argv[5][0]) goto BadCommandLine; // If not a number it must be -
RequestString.append("/></gbudb></xci></snf>\n"); // Finish off our request.
else goto BadCommandLine; // If no match here, give help.
// Bad Command Line ----------------------------------------------------
default: { // If we don't know: show help.
BadCommandLine: // Shortcut for others.
<< endl
<< VERSION_INFO << endl
<< endl
<< "Help:" << endl
<< endl
<< " To scan a message file use: " << endl
<< " SNFClient.exe [-xhdr] [-source=<IP4Address>] <FileNameToScan>" << endl
<< " or: SNFClient.exe <Authenticationxx> <FileNameToScan>" << endl
<< endl
<< " To test an IP with GBUdb use: " << endl
<< " SNFClient.exe -test <IP4Address>" << endl
<< endl
<< " To update GBUdb records use: " << endl
<< " SNFClient.exe -set <IP4Address> <flag> <bad> <good>" << endl
<< " or: SNFClient.exe -drop <IP4Address>" << endl
<< " or: SNFClient.exe -good <IP4Address>" << endl
<< " or: SNFClient.exe -bad <IP4Address>" << endl
<< endl
<< " To check SNFServer status use: " << endl
<< " SNFClient.exe -status.second" << endl
<< " or: SNFClient.exe -status.minute" << endl
<< " or: SNFClient.exe -status.hour" << endl
<< endl
<< " To shut down the SNFServer use: " << endl
<< " SNFClient.exe -shutdown" << endl
<< endl
<< " For more information see www.armresearch.com" << endl
<< " (C) 2007-2008 Arm Research Labs, LLC." << endl;
return 0; // Return 0 on help.
// If we're in debug mode this is a good time to emit our request string
if(DebugMode) { cout << RequestString << endl; } // If debugging, show our request.
// Since we're gonna do this -- prepare for an error
string ERRFname; // The default error log name will
ERRFname = argv[0]; // be the program file name with
ERRFname.append(".err"); // .err tagged on the end.
const int FailSafeResult = 0; // Fail Safe result code.
const int StatusReportError = 99; // Unknown Error Code for status failures.
// Connect to the server and get the result...
string ResultString; // We need our result string.
bool ConnectSuccess = false; // We need our success flag.
// Max time in this loop should be (100*50ms) = 5 seconds per try times
// 10 tries = 50 seconds, plus (9*500ms) = 4.5 secs for re-tries. ~ 55 secs.
const int ResultBufferSize = 4096;
char ResultBuffer[ResultBufferSize+1]; // Make an oversize buffer for the answer.
memset(ResultBuffer, 0, sizeof(ResultBuffer)); // Set the entire thing to nulls.
const int Tries = 20; // How many times to try this.
Sleeper SleepAfterAttempt(100); // How long to sleep between attempts.
const int OpenTries = 90; // How many tries at opening.
Sleeper WaitForOpen(10); // How long to wait for an open cycle.
const int ReadTries = 900; // How many tries at reading.
Sleeper SleepBeforeReading(10); // How long to pause before reading.
** 20 * 100ms = 2 seconds for all tries.
** 90 * 10ms = 900ms for a failed connection.
** 900 * 10ms = 9 seconds for a failed read.
** Approximate wait for can't connect = 2.0 + (20 * 0.9) = ~ 20.0 seconds.
** Maximum impossible wait = 2.0 + (0.9 * 20) + (9.0 * 20) = 200.0 seconds.
for(int tryagain = Tries; (0<tryagain) && (!ConnectSuccess); tryagain--) { // Try a few times to get this done.
try {
ResultString = ""; // Clear our result string.
TCPHost SNFServer(9001); // Create connection to server.
SNFServer.makeNonBlocking(); // Make it non-blocking.
for(int tries = OpenTries; 0 < tries; tries--) { // Wait & Watch for a good connection.
try { SNFServer.open(); } catch(...) {} // Try opening the connection.
if(SNFServer.isOpen()) break; // When successful, let's Go!
else WaitForOpen(); // When not successful, pause.
if(SNFServer.isOpen()) { // If we have a good connection:
RequestString.c_str(), RequestString.length()); // Send the request.
for(int tries = ReadTries; 0 < tries; tries--) { // Try to read the result a few times.
SleepBeforeReading(); // Provide some time for each try.
memset(ResultBuffer, 0, sizeof(ResultBuffer)); // Clear the buffer.
SNFServer.receive(ResultBuffer, ResultBufferSize); // Receive the answer.
if(string::npos ==
ResultString.rfind("</snf>",ResultString.length())) { // If we don't have the end yet.
continue; // Try again.
} else { // If we got to end of line
ConnectSuccess = true; // Success!
break; // We're done.
SNFServer.close(); // No need for our connection after that.
} catch(...) { } // Ignore errors for now.
if(!ConnectSuccess) SleepAfterAttempt(); // Pause for a moment before trying again..
if(!ConnectSuccess) { // If no connection success complain!
if(DebugMode) {
cout << FileToScan << ": ";
cout << "Could Not Connect!" << endl;
ofstream ERRF(ERRFname.c_str(), ios::out | ios::ate | ios::app);
ERRF << ErrorMessage(argc, argv, "Could Not Connect!");
if(ItIsAReport) { // If this was a status request then
return StatusReportError; // return a failure value.
} // In all other cases return zero as a
else return FailSafeResult; // Fail Safe.
// At this point we should have a usable result.
if(DebugMode) { cout << ResultString << endl; } // In debug, show the result string.
snf_xci Reader(ResultString); // Interpret the data and check for
if(Reader.bad()) { // a proper read. If it was bad then
if(DebugMode) {
cout << FileToScan << ": ";
cout << "Bad result from server!" << endl;
cout << ResultString << endl;
ofstream ERRF(ERRFname.c_str(), ios::out | ios::ate | ios::app);
ERRF << ErrorMessage(argc, argv, // complain and spit out what we got
"Bad result from server! " + ResultString); // for debugging purposes.
return FailSafeResult; // Return our failsafe value.
if(0 < Reader.xci_error_message.length()) { // If the result was a general error
if(DebugMode) {
cout << FileToScan << ": ";
cout << "XCI Error!: " << Reader.xci_error_message << endl;
ofstream ERRF(ERRFname.c_str(), ios::out | ios::ate | ios::app);
ERRF << ErrorMessage(argc, argv,
"XCI Error!: " + Reader.xci_error_message); // then spit that out
return FailSafeResult; // and return the failsafe.
// If we got here we've successfully parsed the results.
if(ItIsACommand) { // If it was a command then
cout << " [Server Says: " << Reader.xci_server_response << "]" << endl; // show the response.
else if(ItIsAScan) { // If it was a scan then
int ResultCode = Reader.scanner_result_code; // grab the result code.
if(0 < Reader.scanner_result_xhdr.length()) { // If we have xheaders show them.
cout << endl << Reader.scanner_result_xhdr << endl;
if(DebugMode) { cout << "(" << ResultCode << ")"; }
if( (0 < ResultCode) && (64 > ResultCode) ) { // If the result code means SPAM
if(DebugMode) { cout << "[spam]" << endl; }
return ResultCode; // Return the result code.
} else
if(0 == ResultCode) {
if(DebugMode) { cout << "[clean]" << endl; }
return 0;
} else {
if(DebugMode) { cout << "[Fail Safe!]" << endl; }
return FailSafeResult;
else if(ItIsAGBUdb) { // If it was a GBUdb function then show
cout // the results to whomever is watching.
<< "GBUdb Record for " << Reader.gbudb_result_ip << endl
<< " Type Flag: " << Reader.gbudb_result_type << endl
<< " Bad Count: " << Reader.gbudb_result_bad_count << endl
<< " Good Count: " << Reader.gbudb_result_good_count << endl
<< "Probability: " << Reader.gbudb_result_probability << endl
<< " Confidence: " << Reader.gbudb_result_confidence << endl
<< " Range: " << Reader.gbudb_result_range << endl
<< " Code: " << Reader.gbudb_result_code << endl
<< endl;
return Reader.gbudb_result_code;
else if(ItIsAReport) { // If it was a report request then
cout // output the report. Add a handy
<< endl << "<!-- Status Report -->" << endl // XML comment to help humans.
<< Reader.report_response << endl;
return 0;
// You can't get here from there.
if(DebugMode) { cout << "End Of Logic [Fail Safe!!]" << endl; }
return FailSafeResult;

+ 1286
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Datei-Diff unterdrückt, da er zu groß ist
Datei anzeigen

+ 768
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/FilterChain.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,768 @@
// FilterChain.hpp
// (C) 2002-2009 MicroNeil Research Corporation
// This is the base class header for FilterChain objects.
// FilterChain objects can be chained together to filter
// a byte stream. Each object produces a single character
// per call. It will also call it's source object for the
// next character as required.

// History...

// 20060822 _M
// Adding FilterChainHeaderAnalysis to identify missing headers and header
// anomalies, and to extract and test IP data.

// 20060127 _M
// Added FilterChainCBFG to accept a buffer of a specific
// length.

// 20041116 _M Added UrlDecode module. The module will repeat a decoded version of
// any anchor tag that it sees which contains decodable %xx bytes. Other anchor
// tags are not repeated.

// 20041116 _M Upgrades to the Defunker module. The module now decodes any HTML
// encoded bytes that could have been normal ascii.

// 20041114 _M Completed basic defunker engine which strips out all HTML and some
// basic &nbsp; encoding.

// 20041113 _M Began heavy upgrades to this module to improve performance and
// provide additional obfuscation removal. This modification will include a move
// from the use of switch(State) mechanisms to the use of function pointers. This
// should save a few cycles on every byte processed.

// 20021025 _M
// Added FilterChainCString to accept a Null Terminated
// String (CString). Except for the input form it operates
// exactly like the FilterChainInput form as modified below.
// This allows WebClay to deliver the message using a buffer
// rather than a file.

// 20021015 _M
// Modified FilterChainInput to eat control characters and
// <CR> bytes so that the input stream "appears" always to
// be terminated in the *nix standard \n. Tabs are also passed
// but all other low bytes are eaten.

// 20020721 _M File Created.

// This is the base class - nothing special happens here
// except defining the basic format of a FilterChain object.
// If this object is instantiated, then it will simply return
// it's source's data, or a stream of '0's if none has been
// defined.

#ifndef _MN_FilterChain
#define _MN_FilterChain

#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cctype>

using namespace std;

// Define parameters for this module.

const static int ScanBufferSize = 128; // Define the buffer size.

// Define the base class.

class FilterChain {


FilterChain* Source; // Where we get our data.


class BadSource : public invalid_argument { // Bad Source Exception.
public: BadSource(const string& w):invalid_argument(w){}
class Empty : public underflow_error { // Empty Exception.
public: Empty(const string& w):underflow_error(w){}

virtual unsigned char GetByte() { // Return either 0
if(NULL==Source) return 0; // if we have no source
else return Source->GetByte(); // otherwise it's byte.

FilterChain(){Source=NULL;} // Default Constructor no source.

// The next constructor throws an error if no source is defined.

FilterChain(FilterChain* S) {
if(NULL==S) throw BadSource("FilterChain: NULL source not valid");
else Source = S;

// FilterChainInput
// This version of FilterChain accepts an istream as a source and
// gets a single character from it at each GetByte();

class FilterChainInput : public FilterChain {


istream* SourceIstream;


// Here we overload the GetByte() function to get a byte
// from the source stream. This is a litle bit special because
// we're going to start our filtering process. Since we are
// filtering text streams for pattern matching systems we will
// eat any special control characters we get - including <CR>.
// This helps us standardize on a *nix model for line ends as
// each line end will be \n. It also gets rid of a lot of junk.

unsigned char GetByte() { // Get the next byte.
char i; // Keep it here.

do{ // Loop to eat junk.

SourceIstream->get(i); // Read the next byte...
if(!SourceIstream->good()) // If something went wrong then
throw Empty("FilterChain: No more data"); // throw the empty exception.

if(i >= ' ') break; // Send all good bytes right away.
if(i=='\n' || i=='\t') break; // If we hit a \n or \t send it.
// Otherwise quietly eat anything
} while(true); // less than a space.

return i; // Return the latest byte...

// Here we overload the constructor to accept a stream.

FilterChainInput(istream* S){ // Build me with a stream.
if(NULL==S) throw BadSource("FilterChainInput: Null source not valid" ); // If it's NULL that's bad.
if(!S->good()) throw BadSource("FilterChainInput: Bad istream"); // Not good is bad.
else SourceIstream = S; // If it's good we keep it.

FilterChainInput() { // If we don't have a source then
throw BadSource("FilterChainInput: Source required"); // we're no good.

// FilterChainCString
// This version sources the data for the chain from a message buffer, or
// more precisely a null terminated string. The basic operation is identical
// to that of FilterChainInput above except that we're not working with
// a filestream as an input.

class FilterChainCString : public FilterChain {


unsigned char* InputBuffer;
int BufferIndex;


// Here we overload GetByte() just like we do in FilterChainInput
// except that we're going to get our data from a NULL terminated
// string instead of a stream. IN FACT ... the code below was simply
// copied from FilterChainInput and modified in place.

unsigned char GetByte() { // Get the next byte.
unsigned char i; // Keep it here.

do{ // Loop to eat junk.

i = InputBuffer[BufferIndex++]; // Read the next byte...
if(0 == i) // If there's nothing left then
throw Empty("FilterChainCString: No more data"); // throw the empty exception.

if(i >= ' ') break; // Send all good bytes right away.
if(i=='\n' || i=='\t') break; // If we hit a \n or \t send it.
// Otherwise quietly eat anything
} while(true); // less than a space.

return i; // Return the latest byte...

// Here we overload the constructor to accept a stream.

FilterChainCString(unsigned char* S){ // Build me with a char buffer.
if(NULL==S) throw BadSource("FilterChainCString: NULL source not valid"); // If it's NULL that's bad.
if(0==S[0]) throw BadSource("FilterChainCString: Empty source not valid"); // Empty is bad.
else InputBuffer = S; // If it's good we keep it.
BufferIndex = 0; // Always start at index 0.

FilterChainCString() { // If we don't have a source then
throw BadSource("FilterChainCString: Source required"); // we're no good.

// FilterChainCBFR
// This version sources the data for the chain from a message buffer, NOT
// a null terminated string. The basic operation is identical to FilterChainCString
// except that this version requires the length of the buffer and stops when that
// number of characters have been read.

class FilterChainCBFR : public FilterChain {


unsigned char* InputBuffer;
int BufferIndex;
int BufferLength;

stringstream& PrependedHeaders;

bool PrependNotBuffer;


// Here we overload GetByte() just like we do in FilterChainInput
// except that we're going to get our data from a known length char
// buffer instead of a stream. IN FACT ... the code below was simply
// copied from FilterChainCString and modified in place.

unsigned char GetByte() { // Get the next byte.
unsigned char i; // Keep it here.

if(PrependNotBuffer) { // While in prepend mode:

if(BufferIndex < PrependedHeaders.str().length()) { // If there is more to get
i = PrependedHeaders.str().at(BufferIndex); // then get it and move
++BufferIndex; // the index.
} else { // As soon as we run out
PrependNotBuffer = false; // of prepended headers switch
BufferIndex = 0; // to the CBFR and reset the index.
return GetByte(); // Recurse to get the next byte.

} else { // While in buffer mode:

do{ // Loop to eat junk.
if(BufferLength <= BufferIndex) // If there's nothing left then
throw Empty("FilterChainCBFR: No more data"); // throw the empty exception.

i = InputBuffer[BufferIndex++]; // Read the next byte...

if(i >= ' ') break; // Send all good bytes right away.
if(i=='\n' || i=='\t') break; // If we hit a \n or \t send it.
// Otherwise quietly eat anything
} while(true); // less than a space.

return i; // Return the latest byte...

// Here we overload the constructor to accept a stream.

FilterChainCBFR(unsigned char* S, int l, stringstream& P) : // Give me a bfr and a stringstream.
InputBuffer(S), // Grab the buffer,
BufferLength(l), // Grab the buffer length,
BufferIndex(0), // Initialize the index to 0,
PrependedHeaders(P), // Grab the PrependedHeaders reference.
PrependNotBuffer(true) { // Do PrependedHeaders first.

if(NULL==S) throw BadSource("FilterChainCBFR: NULL source not valid"); // If it's NULL that's bad.
if(0==l && 0==P.str().length())
throw BadSource("FilterChainCBFR: Empty source not valid"); // Empty is bad.


// FilterChainBase64
// This version decodes base64 content in email messages. It begins
// to decode this as soon as it sees the following message and two
// blank lines indicating the coding has started.
// Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
// Once it sees a bad character or what appears to be the start of
// a new MIME segment, the filter turns off and passes through it's
// source data.

// The startup string for this filter is below. In this case we keep the
// <LF> part of the string to ensure we will be looking at the start
// of a line when we match.

const static unsigned char Base64Start[] = "\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: base64";

// The following table makes conversion fast because it's all lookups. The
// special value XX64 is used everywhere a bad byte is found in the table.

const static unsigned char XX64 = 0xFF;

// Note the special case '=' is used for pad. It is given the value 0x00.

// The input to this table is the incoming byte. The output is either XX64
// or a valid base64 numerical value.

const static unsigned char Base64Table[256] = {

// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64, // 0
XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64, // 1
XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,0x3E,XX64,XX64,XX64,0x3F, // 2
0x34,0x35,0x36,0x37,0x38,0x39,0x3A,0x3B,0x3C,0x3D,XX64,XX64,XX64,0x00,XX64,XX64, // 3
XX64,0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09,0x0A,0x0B,0x0C,0x0D,0x0E, // 4
0x0F,0x10,0x11,0x12,0x13,0x14,0x15,0x16,0x17,0x18,0x19,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64, // 5
XX64,0x1A,0x1B,0x1C,0x1D,0x1E,0x1F,0x20,0x21,0x22,0x23,0x24,0x25,0x26,0x27,0x28, // 6
0x29,0x2A,0x2B,0x2C,0x2D,0x2E,0x2F,0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64, // 7
XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64, // 8
XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64, // 9
XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64, // A
XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64, // B
XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64, // C
XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64, // D
XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64, // E
XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64,XX64 // F

// The following constants are used to find segment positions when converting from
// 4 six bit values to 3 octets.

const static unsigned char base64_seg0_shift = 18;
const static unsigned char base64_seg1_shift = 12;
const static unsigned char base64_seg2_shift = 6;
const static unsigned char base64_seg3_shift = 0;

class FilterChainBase64 : public FilterChain {


unsigned char x,y; // We need a few holding bins.
unsigned int Workspace; // Numerical workspace for conversion.

enum FilterState { // Operating State Codes.
SCANNING, // One-in = One-out, looking for startup.
DEQUEING, // Delivering buffered data.
DECODING // Delivering filtered data.
} State;

int ScanIx; // Scanning Index.
int DequeIx; // Dequeing Index.
unsigned char Buffer; // Define a buffer.

bool ValidByte(unsigned char y); // True if y can be decoded.


unsigned char GetByte(); // Overload the main fn().

FilterChainBase64(FilterChain* S) // Sourced constructor...
:FilterChain(S){ // Call the base constructor.
State = SCANNING; // Set filter inactive.
ScanIx=DequeIx=0; // Reset our indexes.
} // We're all ready to start.

FilterChainBase64() { // Don't allow any
throw BadSource("FilterChainBase64: Source required"); // null constructors.


// FilterChainQuotedPrintable
// This version decodes quoted-printable content in email messages.
// For simplicity this one is always on. That is, whenever it sees a
// convertable quoted printable byte it will exchange it for the byte
// that is represented. This is only intended for operation preceeding the
// spam filter engine so it is safe to make these conversions.

class FilterChainQuotedPrintable : public FilterChain {


long int Workspace; // Plain Text Workspace.
enum FilterState { // Operating State Codes
SCANNING, // One-in = One-out - looking for start-up.
DEQUEING, // Delivering buffered data.
DECODING // Delivering filtered data.
} State;

int BufferLength; // How full is the buffer.
int BufferIndex; // What byte are we on?
unsigned char Buffer[ScanBufferSize]; // Define the buffer.

bool isHexDigit(unsigned char i); // true if i is a hex digit byte.
int convertHexDigit(unsigned char i); // returns integer value of hex digit i.


unsigned char GetByte(); // Overload the main fn().

FilterChainQuotedPrintable(FilterChain* S) // Sourced constructor...
:FilterChain(S){ // Call the base constructor.
State = SCANNING; // Set to the initial state.
BufferIndex = 0; // Initial buffer index.
BufferLength = 0; // Initial buffer length.
Workspace = 0; // Clear the workspace.

FilterChainQuotedPrintable() { // Don't allow any
throw BadSource("FilterChainQuotedPrintable: Source required"); // null constructors.


// FilterChainDefunker
// This module stores a copy of the stream containing HTML and then emits it
// at the end of the stream with all of the html elements removed and/or decoded
// to eliminate html based obfuscation.

class FilterChainDefunker;

static const int DefunkerSize = 32768; // Store size.
static const int DefunkerQueueSize = 24; // Size of defunker queue.

static const char* DefunkerPreamble = " ----[DEFUNKER]---- ";

// Patterns to match

static const char* patMatchBR = "<br>";
static const char* patMatchP = "<p>";
static const char* patNBSP = "&nbsp;";
static const char* patAMP = "&amp;";
static const char* patAPOS = "&apos;";
static const char* patLT = "&lt;";
static const char* patGT = "&gt;";
static const char* patQUOT = "&quot;";

class FilterChainDefunker : public FilterChain { // Class definition.


unsigned char StoreBuffer[DefunkerSize];
int InputPosition;
int OutputPosition;

// Nodes in the state change model are represented by functions.
// These modes represent the state prior to getting the Empty exception.
// During this mode, the Defunker simply stores a portion of the message
// to be scanned later.

unsigned char LastRawByte; // Last Raw Byte (for SkipHeaders);
unsigned char SkipHeaders(); // Skips the headers before Store();
unsigned char Store(); // Stores the message content for later.

// Here is a handy Queue mechanism for recovering failed patterns.

int QueueLength; // Queue Length (write position).
int QueuePosition; // Queue Read Position.
unsigned char Qbfr[DefunkerQueueSize]; // Queue Buffer.

void ClearQueue() { // Clear the queue.
memset(Qbfr,0,sizeof(Qbfr)); // Reset the buffer.
QueueLength = 0; // Zero the length.
QueuePosition = 0; // Zero the position.

unsigned char DeQueue() { // Empty the queue then back to DefunkRoot.
if(QueuePosition >= QueueLength) { // If the queue is empty then
ClearQueue(); // clear the queue,
Internal = &FilterChainDefunker::DefunkRoot; // go back to DefunkRoot mode,
return GetInternal(); // and return the next byte.
} // If the queue is not empty then
return Qbfr[QueuePosition++]; // return the next byte from the queue.

void EnQueue(unsigned char x) { // Add a byte to the queue.
if(QueueLength<DefunkerQueueSize) // If we are safely within the buffer
Qbfr[QueueLength++] = x; // then add this byte to the queue.

// These modes represent the Defunker pulling data out of it's
// stored copy so that it can be filtered and delivered to the scanner.
// These modes get turned on once the Empty exception is read from
// the underlying source.

unsigned char Preamble(); // Preamble - separates Defunked text.
unsigned char DefunkRoot(); // Root in Defunk mode.
unsigned char OpenTag(); // Open tag detected.
unsigned char OpenAmp(); // Open & tag.
unsigned char MatchBR(); // Matching <br>
unsigned char MatchP(); // Matching <p>
unsigned char MatchNBSP(); // Matching &nbps;
unsigned char SwitchAMPAPOS(); // Looking for AMP or APOS.
unsigned char MatchAMP(); // Matching &amp;
unsigned char MatchAPOS(); // Matching &apos;
unsigned char MatchLT(); // Matching &lt;
unsigned char MatchGT(); // Matching &gt;
unsigned char MatchQUOT(); // Matching &quot;
unsigned char EatTag(); // Eating an unknown tag.
unsigned char DecodeNum(); // Decoding &#...number...;

// Part of defunking is to convert all runs of whitespace into a single space.
// It also doubles as the master output function once we're out of Store() mode.

unsigned char SpaceConvChart[256]; // Space conversion chart.
unsigned char LastReadOut; // Last ReadOut byte (for deduping spaces).
unsigned char ReadOut(); // Read out the store through the filter.

unsigned char LastGetStore; // Last GetStore byte (for EatTag).
unsigned char GetStore(); // Read a byte from the store.

// Here is a handy pattern match function for eliminating some tags.

bool MatchTagPattern(const char* pattern) { // Matches pattern. True if matched.
int pos = 2; // Now on the third byte (index 2).
while(pattern[pos]){ // While we have more bytes to match
unsigned char x = GetStore(); // grab the next byte.

// Special case - HTML tag with a space as in <p stuff>

if(x==' ' && pattern[pos]=='>') { // If we have a tag with parameters.
pos++; // Move pos forward to it's null.
while(GetStore()!='>')continue; // Eat up to the > and then
break; // we are done.

// In the normal case follow the pattern.

if(tolower(x)!=pattern[pos]) break; // If we fell off then stop.
pos++; // If we didn't break move ahead.

// At this point we are either at the null in our pattern or we did not match.

if(pattern[pos]) { return false; } // If we're not at the end then no match.

return true; // Otherwise we do have a match :-)

// These are the function pointers that map the current state of this object.

unsigned char (FilterChainDefunker::*Master)(); // Master function for GetByte()
unsigned char (FilterChainDefunker::*Internal)(); // Internal function for GetByte()


unsigned char GetByte() { // Overload the main fn().
return (*this.*Master)(); // Call the master function.

unsigned char GetInternal() { // Internal state machine get.
return (*this.*Internal)(); // Call the internal function.

FilterChainDefunker(FilterChain* S) // Sourced constructor...
:FilterChain(S), // Call the base constructor.
Master(&FilterChainDefunker::SkipHeaders), // Set the initial external and
Internal(&FilterChainDefunker::Preamble), // internal states.
InputPosition(0), // Reset both position pointers.
LastRawByte(0) {

ClearQueue(); // Clear the queue;

memset(StoreBuffer,0,sizeof(StoreBuffer)); // Clear the store buffer.

for(int i=0;i<256;i++) SpaceConvChart[i]=i; // Initialize the chart.
SpaceConvChart[(int)'\r']=' '; // Convert <CR> to space.
SpaceConvChart[(int)'\n']=' '; // Convert <LF> to space.
SpaceConvChart[(int)'\t']=' '; // Convert Tab to space.

FilterChainDefunker() { // Don't allow any
throw BadSource("FilterChainDefunker: Source required"); // null constructors.


// FilterChainUrlDecode
// This module removes any unnecessary URL encoding within an <a...> tag. The
// cleaned up version (if different) is emitted immediately after the original
// <a...> tag so that both versions can be interpreted by the pattern scanner.
// This is designed to eliminate common obfuscation techniques.

const int UrlDecodeBfrSize = 256; // Decode Buffer Size.

class FilterChainUrlDecode : public FilterChain {


unsigned char DecodeBfr[UrlDecodeBfrSize]; // Decoded anchor buffer.
int DecodeLength; // Decoded anchor length.
int DecodePosition; // Read (Inject) Position.
bool DecodeFlag; // True if the URL was decoded.

void Clear() { // Function to clear the bfr.
memset(DecodeBfr,0,sizeof(DecodeBfr)); // Null it out and set
DecodeLength = 0; // the length to zero.
DecodePosition = 0; // Reset the Read position.
DecodeFlag = false; // Reset the Decode Flag.

void AddToBfr(unsigned char c) { // Safely add to our buffer.
if(DecodeLength < sizeof(DecodeBfr)-1) // If we have more room then
DecodeBfr[DecodeLength++] = c; // write the incoming byte.

unsigned char (FilterChainUrlDecode::*Internal)(); // Internal State Fn

bool isHexDigit(unsigned char i); // Is i a hex digit?
int convertHexDigit(unsigned char i); // Convert a single hex digit.
unsigned char convertHexByte(unsigned char* x); // Convert a hex byte.

// Here are the states of the UrlDecode module...

unsigned char Bypass(); // Bypass - waiting for '<'
unsigned char Tag(); // Looks for an 'a' or 'i' after '<'
unsigned char Img1(); // Looks for 'm' in <img
unsigned char Img2(); // Looks for 'g' in <img
unsigned char Root(); // Root state of the decode FSM.
unsigned char GetD1(); // Decoding step one.
unsigned char GetD2(); // Decoding step two.
unsigned char Inject(); // Injects the bfr into the stream.


unsigned char GetByte() { // Overload the main fn().
return (*this.*Internal)(); // Call the Internal function.

FilterChainUrlDecode(FilterChain* S) // Sourced constructor...
:FilterChain(S), // Call the base constructor.
Internal(&FilterChainUrlDecode::Bypass) { // Set ByPass mode.
Clear(); // Clear the system.

FilterChainUrlDecode() { // Don't allow any
throw BadSource("FilterChainUrlDecode: Source required"); // null constructors.


// FilterChainHeaderAnalysis (and friends)
// Performs header anomaly analysis and IP extraction and analysis.
// IP Analysis is peformed via a provided class that implements the IPTester
// interface. An IP is provided to the IPTester as a [#.#.#.#] string. The
// IPTester may respond with information to be emitted into the headers for
// the pattern matching engine based on those results --- or not ;-)

class FilterChainIPTester {
virtual string& test(string& input, string& output) = 0;

// The supplied test() function accepts the input string and returns the
// output string. If desired, the output string can be modified to include
// data from the tests that will be emitted into the data stream for the
// pattern analysis engine to see. Otherwise, the output string should
// remain blank. The test() function _should_ be thread safe -- that is why
// we pass it both input and output ;-)
// The provided tester may have any side-effects that are desired.

class FilterChainHeaderAnalysis : public FilterChain {


unsigned char (FilterChainHeaderAnalysis::*Mode)(); // Internal State Fn Pointer (What Mode)
FilterChainIPTester& IPTester; // This is the IP tester we use.
string IPToTest; // String to capture IPs for testing.
string IPTestResult; // String to receive IPtest results.

// Header analysis output state...

string EndOfHeaderResults; // String to capture EndOfHeaderResults.

// OutputIndex and OutputLength are used to inject string data.
// These are used to inject IPTestResult data and Header Analysis data.

char* OutputBuffer; // Pointer to output injection string.
int OutputIndex; // End of header output results index.
void SetOutputBuffer(string& s); // Setup the OutputBuffer.
unsigned char doInjectIPTestResult(); // Inject OutputBuffer and go to doSeekNL.
unsigned char doInjectAnalysis(); // Inject OutputBuffer and go to doOff.

// Header seek pattern state...
// These tools work to follow patterns for header tags.
// SetFollowPattern resets the engine and establishes the pattern to follow.
// FollowPattern checks c against the next byte in the pattern.
// -1 = The pattern failed.
// 1 = The pattern was followed.
// 0 = The pattern is complete.

const char* MatchPattern; // Current pattern to match.
int MatchIndex; // Pattern match following index.
void SetFollowPattern(const char* p) { MatchPattern = p; MatchIndex = 0; } // Set the pattern to follow.
int FollowPattern(char c); // Follow the pattern.

//// Internal modes for this module...

unsigned char doSeekNL(); // Looking for a new line.
unsigned char doSeekDispatch(); // Looking at the first char after NL.
unsigned char doReceived(); // Identifying a Received: header.
unsigned char doFindIP(); // Seeking the [IP] in a Received header.
unsigned char doTestIP(); // Gets and tests the [IP].
unsigned char doFrom(); // Identifying a From: header.
unsigned char doTo(); // Identifying a To: header.
unsigned char doCC(); // Identifying a CC: header.
unsigned char doMessageID(); // Identifying a MessageID header.
unsigned char doDate(); // Identifying a Date: header.
unsigned char doSubject(); // Identifying a Subject: header.
unsigned char doEndOfHeaders(); // IdentifyEndOfHeaders & Emit Results.

unsigned char doOff() { return FilterChain::GetByte(); } // Bypass mode.

bool FoundFrom; // True if From: was found.
bool FoundTo; // True if To: was found.
bool FoundCC; // True if CC: was found.
bool FoundMessageID; // True if Message-ID: was found.
bool FoundDate; // True if Date: was found.
bool FoundSubject; // True if Subject: was found.
bool FoundHighBitCharacters; // True if high bit characters were found.

unsigned char GetCheckedByte() { // Internal GetByte & check for high bits.
unsigned char x = FilterChain::GetByte(); // Get the byte from up the chain.
if(0 < (x & 0x80)) { // Check for a high bit byte (non-ascii).
FoundHighBitCharacters = true; // If it is found then set the flag.
} // If not then at least we checked ;-)
return x; // Return the byte.


unsigned char GetByte() { // Overload the main fn().
return (*this.*Mode)(); // Call the Internal function for this mode.

FilterChainHeaderAnalysis(FilterChain* S, FilterChainIPTester& T) : // Construct with the chain and a tester.
FilterChain(S), // Capture the chain.
IPTester(T), // Capture the tester.
IPToTest(""), // IPToTest and
IPTestResult(""), // IPTestResult are both empty to start.
FoundFrom(false), // Set all of the "found" bits to false.
Mode(&FilterChainHeaderAnalysis::doSeekDispatch) { // Start in SeekDispatch() mode
} // -- first byte of a new line ;-)

bool MissingFrom() { return (!FoundFrom); } // True if missing From header.
bool MissingTo() { return (!FoundTo); } // True if missing To header.
bool MissingCC() { return (!FoundCC); } // True if missing CC header.
bool MissingSubject() { return (!FoundSubject); } // True if missing Subject header.
bool MissingDate() { return (!FoundDate); } // True if missing Date header.
bool MissingMessageID() { return (!FoundDate); } // True if missing MessageID header.
bool HighBitCharacters() { return (FoundHighBitCharacters); } // True if High bit characters were found.



+ 814
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/GBUdb.cpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,814 @@
// GBUdb.cpp
// (C) Copyright 2006 - 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// See GBUdb.hpp for details.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "GBUdb.hpp"

using namespace std;

//// Handy utilities...

//// GBUdbDataset implementations //////////////////////////////////////////////

GBUdbDataset::~GBUdbDataset() { // Shutdown a dataset.
if(NULL != DataArray) { // If the DataArray was allocated
delete[] DataArray; // be sure to delete it and
DataArray = NULL; // NULL it's pointer.
MyArraySize = 0; // For safety set the size to zero
MyFileName = ""; // and "" the name.

GBUdbDataset::GBUdbDataset(const char* SetFileName) : // Open/Create a dataset.
DataArray(NULL), // The array pointer starts as NULL.
MyArraySize(0) { // And the size is zero.
FileName(SetFileName); // Set the file name if provided.
if(0 != MyFileName.length() && (0 == access(MyFileName.c_str(),F_OK))) { // If a file name was provided and exists
load(); // then read the file from disk.
} else { // If the file name was not provided
DataArray = new GBUdbRecord[GBUdbDefaultArraySize]; // then allocate a new Array of
MyArraySize = GBUdbDefaultArraySize; // the default size.
DataArray[ixNextFreeNode()].RawData = // The first new node is the one
GBUdbRootNodeOffset + GBUdbRecordsPerNode; // right after the root node.
DataArray[ixMatchListRoot()].RawData = // Once that's up we can use it to
newMatchNodeRoot(); // allocate the first MatchNode.

GBUdbDataset::GBUdbDataset(GBUdbDataset& Original) : // Copy constructor.
MyFileName(Original.MyFileName), // Copy the name pointer.
DataArray(NULL), // The array pointer starts as NULL.
MyArraySize(Original.MyArraySize) { // We copy the ArraySize
DataArray = new GBUdbRecord[MyArraySize]; // then allocate a new Array that size.
memcpy(DataArray, Original.DataArray, sizeof(GBUdbRecord) * MyArraySize); // Then we copy the data wholesale.

const char* GBUdbDataset::FileName(const char* NewName) { // (Re) Set the file name.
MyFileName = ""; // Delete any previous file name.
if(NULL != NewName) { // If we've been given a non-null cstring
MyFileName = NewName; // capture it as our file name.
return MyFileName.c_str(); // Return our new FileName.

//// During the read, it is safe to plow through the array without
//// checking because any unknown entry points to the zero node and
//// all zero node entries point to the zero node. The read-only
//// method does not add new nodes.

GBUdbRecord& GBUdbDataset::readRecord(unsigned int IP) { // Read a record.
IP = remapIP00toFF(IP); // Make the IP safe for consumption.
int a0, a1, a2, a3; // We will break the IP into 4 octets.
unsigned int xIP = IP; // Grab a copy of IP to maniuplate.
const int LowOctetMask = 0x000000FF; // Mask for seeing the low octet.
const int BitsInOneOctet = 8; // Number of bits to shift per octet.
a3 = xIP & LowOctetMask; xIP >>= BitsInOneOctet; // Grab the a3 octet and shift the IP.
a2 = xIP & LowOctetMask; xIP >>= BitsInOneOctet; // Grab the a2 octet and shift the IP.
a1 = xIP & LowOctetMask; xIP >>= BitsInOneOctet; // Grab the a1 octet and shift the IP.
a0 = xIP & LowOctetMask; // Grab the final octet.
GBUdbIndex RecordIndex = GBUdbRootNodeOffset; // Starting at the root node, follow...
RecordIndex = DataArray[RecordIndex + a0].Index(); // Follow the node then
if(isMatch(RecordIndex)) { // Check for a shortcut (match record).
if(isMatch(RecordIndex, IP)) { return MatchedData(RecordIndex); } // If we have an exact match we're done!
else { return SafeUnknownRecord(); } // If we have a mismatch we are lost...
RecordIndex = DataArray[RecordIndex + a1].Index(); // Follow the node then
if(isMatch(RecordIndex)) { // Check for a shortcut (match record).
if(isMatch(RecordIndex, IP)) { return MatchedData(RecordIndex); } // If we have an exact match we're done!
else { return SafeUnknownRecord(); } // If we have a mismatch we are lost...
RecordIndex = DataArray[RecordIndex + a2].Index(); // Follow the node. No more match checks.
if(isMatch(RecordIndex)) { // Check for a shortcut (match record).
if(isMatch(RecordIndex, IP)) { return MatchedData(RecordIndex); } // If we have an exact match we're done!
else { return SafeUnknownRecord(); } // If we have a mismatch we are lost...
return DataArray[RecordIndex + a3]; // Final node has our data :-)

//// dropRecord()
//// This code is essentially a hack of the readRecord() code. If it finds
//// the record it will return true, mark the record as GBUdbUnknown, reduce
//// the IP count, and de-allocate the Match record. Records stored in nodes
//// are set to GBUdbUnknown and the node is left in place - otherwise repeated
//// add and drop operations would lead to leaking all nodes into the match
//// record allocation space. (Node allocation is not a linked list ;-)

bool GBUdbDataset::dropRecord(unsigned int IP) { // Drop an IP record.
IP = remapIP00toFF(IP); // Make the IP safe for consumption.
int a0, a1, a2, a3; // We will break the IP into 4 octets.
unsigned int xIP = IP; // Grab a copy of IP to maniuplate.
const int LowOctetMask = 0x000000FF; // Mask for seeing the low octet.
const int BitsInOneOctet = 8; // Number of bits to shift per octet.
a3 = xIP & LowOctetMask; xIP >>= BitsInOneOctet; // Grab the a3 octet and shift the IP.
a2 = xIP & LowOctetMask; xIP >>= BitsInOneOctet; // Grab the a2 octet and shift the IP.
a1 = xIP & LowOctetMask; xIP >>= BitsInOneOctet; // Grab the a1 octet and shift the IP.
a0 = xIP & LowOctetMask; // Grab the final octet.
GBUdbIndex RecordIndex = GBUdbRootNodeOffset; // Starting at the root node, follow...
GBUdbIndex Node0Index = GBUdbRootNodeOffset; // Keep track of our previous nodes.
GBUdbIndex Node1Index = 0; // This node not set yet.
GBUdbIndex Node2Index = 0; // This node not set yet.
GBUdbIndex Node3Index = 0; // This node not set yet.

RecordIndex = DataArray[Node0Index + a0].Index(); // Follow the node then
if(isMatch(RecordIndex)) { // Check for a shortcut (match record).
if(isMatch(RecordIndex, IP)) { // If we have an exact match we proceed:
MatchedData(RecordIndex).RawData = GBUdbUnknown; // Set the data in the match to unknown.
DataArray[Node0Index + a0].Index(GBUdbUnknown); // Remove the reference to the match record.
deleteMatchAt(RecordIndex); // Reclaim the match record for re-use.
decreaseIPCount(); // Reduce the IP count.
return true; // Return that we were successful.
} else { return false; } // If we have a mismatch we cannot delete.
} else { // If this was a Node link then
Node1Index = RecordIndex; // capture the node root and get ready
} // to follow the next node.

RecordIndex = DataArray[Node1Index + a1].Index(); // Follow the node then
if(isMatch(RecordIndex)) { // Check for a shortcut (match record).
if(isMatch(RecordIndex, IP)) { // If we have an exact match we proceed:
MatchedData(RecordIndex).RawData = GBUdbUnknown; // Set the data in the match to unknown.
DataArray[Node1Index + a1].Index(GBUdbUnknown); // Remove the reference to the match record.
deleteMatchAt(RecordIndex); // Reclaim the match record for re-use.
decreaseIPCount(); // Reduce the IP count.
return true; // Return that we were successful.
} else { return false; } // If we have a mismatch we cannot delete.
} else { // If this was a Node link then
Node2Index = RecordIndex; // capture the node root and get ready
} // to follow the next node.

RecordIndex = DataArray[Node2Index + a2].Index(); // Follow the node then
if(isMatch(RecordIndex)) { // Check for a shortcut (match record).
if(isMatch(RecordIndex, IP)) { // If we have an exact match we proceed:
MatchedData(RecordIndex).RawData = GBUdbUnknown; // Set the data in the match to unknown.
DataArray[Node2Index + a2].Index(GBUdbUnknown); // Remove the reference to the match record.
deleteMatchAt(RecordIndex); // Reclaim the match record for re-use.
decreaseIPCount(); // Reduce the IP count.
return true; // Return that we were successful.
} else { return false; } // If we have a mismatch we cannot delete.
} else { // If this was a Node link then
Node3Index = RecordIndex; // capture the node root and get ready
} // to follow the next node.

RecordIndex = Node3Index + a3; // Follow the node.
if(GBUdbUnknown != DataArray[RecordIndex].RawData) { // If there is data there then
DataArray[RecordIndex].RawData = GBUdbUnknown; // mark the entry as unknown,
decreaseIPCount(); // decrease the IP count
return true; // and return true.
} // If we got all the way to the end and
return false; // didn't find a match then return false.

/* Ahhh, the simple life. In a single mode lightning index, each key
** octet lives in a node, so when you grow a new path you either follow
** existing nodes or make new ones. We're not doing that here, but as
** a reference here is how that is usually handled:
GBUdbIndex GBUdbDataset::invokeAt(GBUdbRecord& R) { // Invoke at Record.
if(GBUdbUnknown == R.RawData) { // If the record does not point to a
R.Index(newNodeRoot()); // node then give it a new node.
} // If the record already has a node
return R.Index(); // or we gave it one, then follow it.

//// Little helper function for invokeAt()

int getOctet(int Octet, unsigned int IP) { // Returns Octet number Octet from IP.
const int BitsInOneOctet = 8; // Number of bits to shift per octet.
const int LowOctetMask = 0x000000FF; // Mask for seeing the low octet.
int BitsToShift = 0; // Assume we want a3 but
switch(Octet) { // If we don't, use this handy switch.
case 0: { BitsToShift = 3 * BitsInOneOctet; break; } // For octet 0, shift out 3 octets.
case 1: { BitsToShift = 2 * BitsInOneOctet; break; } // For octet 1, shift out 2 octets.
case 2: { BitsToShift = 1 * BitsInOneOctet; break; } // For octet 2, shift out 1 octets.
} // For octet 3, shift none more octets.
if(0 < BitsToShift) { // If we have bits to shift then
IP >>= BitsToShift; // shift them.
return (IP & LowOctetMask); // Exctract the octet at the bottom.

//// invokeAt() is a helper function that encapsulates the work of growing new
//// pathways. There are several cases to handle in a bimodal indexing scheme
//// since sometimes you extend new nodes (as commented out above), and some-
//// times you create MatchRecords, and sometimes you have collisions and
//// have to extend previous matches.... or not. All of that will become clear
//// shortly ;-) The good news is that at least invokeAt() is always supposed
//// to return the next place to go --- that is, you never get lost because if
//// the next step in the path does not exist yet then you create it.

GBUdbIndex GBUdbDataset::invokeAt(GBUdbRecord& R, unsigned int IP, int Octet, bool ExtendMatches) {

// R is either known (goes somewhere) or unknown (we would be lost).
// IF R is UNNKOWN then we ...
//// create a match and return it. (No conflict, no extension, no extra node :-)
//**** We got out of that one so we're back at the root level.

if(GBUdbUnknown == R.RawData) {
return R.Index();

// ELSE R is KNOWN then it either points to a MatchRecord or a Node.
//// IF R points to a Node then we will simply follow it.
//**** We got out of that one so we're back at the root level.

if(!isMatch(R.Index())) {
return R.Index();

// ELSE R points to a MatchRecord then we get more complex.
//// IF the MatchRecord matches our IP then we simply follow it.
//**** We got out of that one so we're back at the root level.

if(isMatch(R.Index(),IP)) {
return R.Index();

// ELSE the MatchRecord does not match then we get more complex again...
//// IF we are Extending Matches then we...
////// create a new node
////// push the existing match onto the new node
////// and create a new match for the new IP on that node.
////// since we already have the solution we return the new match node index (skip a step).
//**** We got out of that one so we're back at the root level.

if(ExtendMatches) { // If we are extending matches
GBUdbIndex I = newNodeRoot(); // we create a new node.
int NewSlotForCurrentMatch = // Locate the slot in that node where
getOctet( // the current match should reside
Octet + 1, // based on the octet after this one
DataArray[R.Index()] // by extracting that octet from
.RawData); // the MatchReord header.
// Then we put the current match into
DataArray[I + NewSlotForCurrentMatch].Index(R.Index()); // the correct slot on the new node,
return R.Index(I); // point the current slot to that node
} // and return the node to be followed.

// ELSE we are NOT Extending Matches then we...
// ** KNOW that we are adding node a3 and dealing with the final octet **
//// create a new node
//// map the existing match data into the new node.
//// delete the existing match (for reallocation). deleteMatchAt(GBUdbIndex I)
//// map the new IP into the new node.

GBUdbIndex I = newNodeRoot(); // Create a new node.
int NewSlotForCurrentMatch = // Locate the slot in that node where
getOctet( // the current match should reside
Octet + 1, // based on the octet after this one
DataArray[R.Index()] // by extracting that octet from
.RawData); // the MatchReord header.

if(ExtendMatches) { // If we are extending matches...
// then we put the current match into
DataArray[I + NewSlotForCurrentMatch].Index(R.Index()); // the correct slot on the new node.

} else { // If we are not extending matches...
// then we must be at the end node so
DataArray[I + NewSlotForCurrentMatch].RawData = // we copy in the data from
MatchedData(R.Index()).RawData; // the current MatchRecord,
deleteMatchAt(R.Index()); // and return the MatchRecord for re-use.

return R.Index(I); // Point the current slot to new node
} // and return that node index to follow.

//// The "invoke" method creates all of the needed nodes starting
//// at any point where an "unwknown" entry is found.

GBUdbRecord& GBUdbDataset::invokeRecord(unsigned int IP) { // Invoke a record.
if(FreeNodes() < GBUdbGrowthThreshold) grow(); // If we need more space, make more.
IP = remapIP00toFF(IP); // Make the IP safe for consumption.
int a0, a1, a2, a3; // We will break the IP into 4 octets.
unsigned int xIP = IP; // Grab a copy of IP to maniuplate.
const int LowOctetMask = 0x000000FF; // Mask for seeing the low octet.
const bool Extend = true; // Magic number for extending Matches.
const bool DoNotExtend = false; // Magic number for NOT extending them.
const int BitsInOneOctet = 8; // Number of bits to shift per octet.
a3 = xIP & LowOctetMask; xIP >>= BitsInOneOctet; // Grab the a3 octet and shift the IP.
a2 = xIP & LowOctetMask; xIP >>= BitsInOneOctet; // Grab the a2 octet and shift the IP.
a1 = xIP & LowOctetMask; xIP >>= BitsInOneOctet; // Grab the a1 octet and shift the IP.
a0 = xIP & LowOctetMask; // Grab the final octet.
GBUdbIndex RecordIndex = GBUdbRootNodeOffset; // Starting at the root node,
RecordIndex = invokeAt(DataArray[RecordIndex + a0], IP, 0, Extend); // Invoke w/ possible match outcome.
if(isMatch(RecordIndex, IP)) { // If this resulted in a match
GBUdbRecord& Result = MatchedData(RecordIndex); // then we will grab the match data
increaseIPCountIfNew(Result); // and increase the IP count if it's new.
return Result; // Then we return the result. Done!
RecordIndex = invokeAt(DataArray[RecordIndex + a1], IP, 1, Extend); // Invode w/ possible match outcome.
if(isMatch(RecordIndex, IP)) { // If this resulted in a match
GBUdbRecord& Result = MatchedData(RecordIndex); // then we will grab the match data
increaseIPCountIfNew(Result); // and increase the IP count if it's new.
return Result; // Then we return the result. Done!
RecordIndex = invokeAt(DataArray[RecordIndex + a2], IP, 2, DoNotExtend); // Invode w/ possible match outcome.
if(isMatch(RecordIndex, IP)) { // If this resulted in a match
GBUdbRecord& Result = MatchedData(RecordIndex); // then we will grab the match data
increaseIPCountIfNew(Result); // and increase the IP count if it's new.
return Result; // Then we return the result. Done!
GBUdbRecord& Result = DataArray[RecordIndex + a3]; // Grab the record at the final node.
increaseIPCountIfNew(Result); // If new, increase the IP count.
return Result; // Return the record.

void GBUdbDataset::save() { // Flush the GBUdb to disk.
string TempFileName = MyFileName + ".tmp"; // Calculate temp and
string BackFileName = MyFileName + ".bak"; // backup file names.
ofstream dbFile; // Grab a file for writing.
dbFile.open(TempFileName.c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary | ios::trunc); // Open the file and truncate if present.
dbFile.write((char*)DataArray, sizeof(GBUdbRecord) * MyArraySize); // Write our array into the file.
bool AllOK = dbFile.good(); // Are we happy with this?
dbFile.close(); // Close the file when done to be nice.
if(AllOK) { // If everything appears to be ok
unlink(BackFileName.c_str()); // Delete any old backup file we have
rename(MyFileName.c_str(), BackFileName.c_str()); // and make the current file a backup.
rename(TempFileName.c_str(), MyFileName.c_str()); // Then make our new file current.

void GBUdbDataset::load() { // Read the GBUdb from disk.

ifstream dbFile; // Grab a file for reading.
dbFile.open(MyFileName.c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary); // Open the file with the name we have.
dbFile.seekg(0, ios::end); // Go to the end of the
int FileSize = dbFile.tellg(); // file and back so we can
dbFile.seekg(0, ios::beg); // determine it's size.

int SaneGBUdbFileSizeLimit = (GBUdbDefaultArraySize * sizeof(GBUdbRecord)); // What is a sane size limit?
assert(SaneGBUdbFileSizeLimit <= FileSize); // File size sanity check.

int NewArraySize = FileSize / sizeof(GBUdbRecord); // How many records in this file?

if(NULL != DataArray) { // If we have an array loaded then
delete[] DataArray; // delete the array,
DataArray = NULL; // NULL it's pointer,
MyArraySize = 0; // and zero it's size.

DataArray = new GBUdbRecord[NewArraySize]; // Allocate an array of the proper size
MyArraySize = NewArraySize; // set the local size variable
dbFile.read((char*)DataArray,FileSize); // and read the file into the array.
dbFile.close(); // Close when done to be nice.

void GBUdbDataset::grow(int HowManyNodes) { // Grow the DataArray.
int NewArraySize = MyArraySize + (HowManyNodes * GBUdbRecordsPerNode); // Calcualte the new array size.
GBUdbRecord* NewDataArray = new GBUdbRecord[NewArraySize]; // Allocate the new array.
int OldArrayLessControl = MyArraySize + GBUdbControlNodeOffset; // Include all records but no control.
memcpy(NewDataArray, DataArray, sizeof(GBUdbRecord) * OldArrayLessControl); // Copy the old data to the new array.
for( // Loop through the control nodes...
int o = MyArraySize + GBUdbControlNodeOffset, // o = old node index
n = NewArraySize + GBUdbControlNodeOffset, // n = new node index
c = GBUdbRecordsPerNode; // c = the record count (how many to do).
c > 0; // For until we run out of records,
c--) { // decrementing the count each time,
NewDataArray[n].RawData = DataArray[o].RawData;n++;o++; // Copy the old control data.
delete[] DataArray; // Delete the old data array.
DataArray = NewDataArray; // Swap in the new data array.
MyArraySize = NewArraySize; // Correct the size value.

GBUdbIndex GBUdbDataset::newMatchRecord(unsigned int IP) { // Allocate a new Match record for IP.
GBUdbIndex I = DataArray[ixMatchListRoot()].RawData; // Grab the root unused Match Record index.
GBUdbRecord& R = DataArray[I]; // Grab the record itself and inspect it.
if((R.RawData & GBUdbFlagsMask) != GBUdbMatchUnusedBit) { // Check that this looks like an
throw MatchAllocationCorrupted(); // unused match record and if not throw!
} // If all is well then lets proceed.

//// First, let's heal the linked list for future allocations.

if(GBUdbMatchUnusedBit == R.RawData) { // If the match record we are on is
DataArray[ixMatchListRoot()].RawData = // the last in the list then allocate
newMatchNodeRoot(); // a new MatchListNode for the next
} else { // allocation. However, if there are
DataArray[ixMatchListRoot()].RawData = // more records left in the list then
(R.RawData & GBUdbMatchDataMask); // set up the next node for the next
} // allocation.

//// Once that's done we can use the record we have for real data.

R.RawData = EncodedMatch(IP); // Encode the match record for the IP.

return I; // Return the match record's index.

GBUdbIndex GBUdbDataset::newMatchNodeRoot() { // Allocate a new Match node.
GBUdbIndex I = newNodeRoot(); // Grab a new node to convert.
int iLastMatch = GBUdbRecordsPerNode - 2; // Calc the localized i for last match.
for(int i = 0; i < iLastMatch; i+=2) { // Loop through the node
DataArray[I+i].RawData = GBUdbMatchUnusedBit | (I+i+2); // Build a linked list of Unused Match
DataArray[I+i+1].RawData = GBUdbUnknown; // records with empty data.
DataArray[I+iLastMatch].RawData = GBUdbMatchUnusedBit; // The last record gets a NULL index
DataArray[I+iLastMatch+1].RawData = GBUdbUnknown; // and null data to terminate the list.
return I; // Return the root index.

// doForAllRecords()
// This method uses a recursive call to doAllAtNode()
// doAllAtNode sweeps through each record in a node and processes any
// node entries through the next level (calling itself) or directly if
// the node is node3, or if it's pointing to a match record.

void GBUdbDataset::updateWorkingIP(unsigned int& WIP, int OctetValue, int Level) { // Update the Working IP (WIP) at octet Level
switch(Level) {
case 0: { // For the node zero address,
WIP = WIP & 0x00FFFFFF; // Mask out the node zero bits.
OctetValue = OctetValue << 24; // Shift the octet value into position.
WIP = WIP | OctetValue; // Or the octet value bits into place.
case 1: {
WIP = WIP & 0xFF00FFFF; // Mask out the node zero bits.
OctetValue = OctetValue << 16; // Shift the octet value into position.
WIP = WIP | OctetValue; // Or the octet value bits into place.
case 2: {
WIP = WIP & 0xFFFF00FF; // Mask out the node zero bits.
OctetValue = OctetValue << 8; // Shift the octet value into position.
WIP = WIP | OctetValue; // Or the octet value bits into place.
case 3: {
WIP = WIP & 0xFFFFFF00; // Mask out the node zero bits.
WIP = WIP | OctetValue; // Or the octet value bits into place.

//// Note about doAllAtNode(). The x.x.x.0 address is skipped on purpose. This
//// is because all x.x.x.0 addresses are mapped to x.x.x.255. By skipping this
//// address and starting at x.x.x.1 in any search, we do not need to check for
//// x.x.x.0 ips that were remapped. They will simply appear at x.x.x.255.

void GBUdbDataset::doAllAtNode( // Recursively call O with all valid records.
GBUdbIndex I, // Input the node index.
GBUdbOperator& O, // Input the Operator to call.
int NodeLevel, // Input the NodeLevel.
unsigned int WIP // Input the working IP.
) {
int FirstI = (3 > NodeLevel) ? 0 : 1; // Skip any x.x.x.0 addresses.
for(int i = FirstI; i < GBUdbRecordsPerNode; i++) { // Loop through the slots in this node.
GBUdbIndex RecordIndex = DataArray[I + i].Index(); // Get the record index for this slot.
if(GBUdbUnknown != RecordIndex) { // Check that this slot is not empty.
updateWorkingIP(WIP, i, NodeLevel); // If we've got something then update the WIP.
if(3 > NodeLevel) { // If we are working in rootward nodes:
if(isMatch(RecordIndex)) { // Check for a match record. If we have one then
unsigned int MatchIP = WIP & 0xFF000000; // build the IP for the match from the root
MatchIP |= (DataArray[RecordIndex].RawData & 0x00FFFFFF); // of the WIP and the match IP data.
O(MatchIP, MatchedData(RecordIndex)); // Then call the operator with the matched data.
// If this slot is not a match record
} else { // then it is a node address so we will
doAllAtNode(RecordIndex, O, NodeLevel+1, WIP); // recurse to that node at a deeper level.
} else { // If we are working in the last node then
O(WIP, DataArray[I + i]); // call the Operator with this IP & Record.
} // All known data values in the last node are
} // actual data records after all.

void GBUdbDataset::doForAllRecords(GBUdbOperator& O) { // Call O for every valid record.
unsigned int WorkingIP = 0; // A working IP for all levels to use.
int NodeLevel = 0; // The Node level where we start.
doAllAtNode(GBUdbRootNodeOffset, O, NodeLevel, WorkingIP); // Start at the root node, level 0.

//// GBUdb Implementations /////////////////////////////////////////////////////

bool AlertFor(int count) { // True if an alert is needed.
return ( // We want an alert whenever a count
0x00000001 == count || // hits any of these thresholds. Each
0x00000002 == count || // threshold is a new bit position
0x00000004 == count || // indicating that the count has
0x00000008 == count || // achieved a new power of 2. This
0x00000010 == count || // mechanism insures that newer IPs
0x00000020 == count || // get lots of attention while long
0x00000040 == count || // standing IPs still get visited
0x00000080 == count || // from time to time as their activity
0x00000100 == count || // continues.
0x00000200 == count ||
0x00000400 == count ||
0x00000800 == count ||
0x00001000 == count ||
0x00002000 == count ||
0x00004000 == count

char* getTimestamp(char* TimestampBfr) { // Creates an ISO GMT timestamp.

time_t rawtime; // Get a timer and
tm * gmt; // a time structure.
time(&rawtime); // Grab the current time and
gmt=gmtime(&rawtime); // convert it to GMT.

sprintf(TimestampBfr,"%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d\0", // Format yyyymmddhhmmss

return TimestampBfr;

char* getIPString(unsigned int IP, char* bfr) { // Converts an IP to a string.
int a0, a1, a2, a3; // We will break the IP into 4 octets.
const int LowOctetMask = 0x000000FF; // Mask for seeing the low octet.
const int BitsInOneOctet = 8; // Number of bits to shift per octet.
a3 = IP & LowOctetMask; IP >>= BitsInOneOctet; // Grab the a3 octet and shift the IP.
a2 = IP & LowOctetMask; IP >>= BitsInOneOctet; // Grab the a2 octet and shift the IP.
a1 = IP & LowOctetMask; IP >>= BitsInOneOctet; // Grab the a1 octet and shift the IP.
a0 = IP & LowOctetMask; // Grab the final octet.
return bfr;

void GBUdb::recordAlertFor(unsigned int IP, GBUdbRecord& R, unsigned int C) { // Record an alert event for R if needed.
if(AlertFor(C)) { // If an alert is needed at this level...
GBUdbAlert NewAlert; // Create a new alert record.
NewAlert.IP = IP; // Assign the IP.
NewAlert.R = R; // Assign the Record.
ScopeMutex JustMe(AlertsMutex); // Lock the alerts list mutex.
MyAlerts.push_back(NewAlert); // Add our new alert to the list.

GBUdbAlert::GBUdbAlert() : // Default constructor gets timestamp.
IP(0) { // IP to zero, R will init to zero
getTimestamp(UTC); // on it's own... Get timestamp.

string GBUdbAlert::toXML() { // Convert this alert to XML text
stringstream Alert; // We'll use a stringstream.

const char* FlagName; // We will want the Flag as text.
switch(R.Flag()) { // Switch on the Flag() value.
case Good: { FlagName = "Good"; break; } // Convert each value to it's name.
case Bad: { FlagName = "Bad"; break; }
case Ugly: { FlagName = "Ugly"; break; }
case Ignore: { FlagName = "Ignore"; break; }

char IPStringBfr[20]; // We need a buffer for our IP.

<< "<gbu time=\'" << UTC // GBU alert + timestamp followed
<< "\' ip=\'" << getIPString(IP,IPStringBfr) // with the IP,
<< "\' t=\'" << FlagName // the type flag,
<< "\' b=\'" << R.Bad() // the bad count,
<< "\' g=\'" << R.Good() // and the good count.
<< "\'/>"; // That's the end.

return Alert.str(); // Return the string.

//// Alert import and export - for sharing data between nodes.

void GBUdb::GetAlerts(list<GBUdbAlert>& ListToFill) { // Get all current alerts & clear;
ListToFill.clear(); // Clear out the list to fill.
ScopeMutex JustMe(AlertsMutex); // Lock for a moment.
ListToFill = MyAlerts; // Copy our alerts to the new list.
MyAlerts.clear(); // Clear our alerts.

// In order to allow gbudb nodes to interact without swamping their individuality,
// the default mode for integrating thier data is to represent the remote peer's
// influence on a logarithmic scale.

unsigned int rescaleGBUdbCount(unsigned int C) { // Rescale count C for integration.
if(C < 0x00000001) { return 0; } else // Log2, really, .. the short way.
if(C < 0x00000002) { return 1; } else // How many significant bits are in
if(C < 0x00000004) { return 2; } else // the number. Put another way, what
if(C < 0x00000008) { return 3; } else // power of 2 is required to for
if(C < 0x00000010) { return 4; } else // this number.
if(C < 0x00000020) { return 5; } else
if(C < 0x00000040) { return 6; } else
if(C < 0x00000080) { return 7; } else
if(C < 0x00000100) { return 8; } else
if(C < 0x00000200) { return 9; } else
if(C < 0x00000400) { return 10; } else
if(C < 0x00000800) { return 11; } else
if(C < 0x00001000) { return 12; } else
if(C < 0x00002000) { return 13; } else
if(C < 0x00004000) { return 14; } else
return 15;

void GBUdb::ImportAlerts(list<GBUdbAlert>& PeerAlerts) { // Integrate peer alerts using log2.
list<GBUdbAlert>::iterator iA;
for(iA = PeerAlerts.begin(); iA != PeerAlerts.end(); iA++) { // Go through the list of PeerAlerts.
GBUdbRecord R = (*iA).R; // Grab the Record in this alert.
R.Bad(rescaleGBUdbCount(R.Bad())); // Adjust the bad and good counts
R.Good(rescaleGBUdbCount(R.Good())); // for integration.
adjustCounts((*iA).IP, R); // Adjust the local counts w/ R.

//// doForAllRecords
//// This method handles GBUdbOperators and their locking semantics.
//// For full dataset locking the mutex is acquired before calling the
//// dataset's doForAllRecords(). For record locking, the O passed to
//// this method is wrapped in a record locking shim (below) and that is
//// passed to the dataset. If None is selected then the Operator is
//// passed to the dataset as is -- assuming that the Operator will handle
//// it's own locking as needed.

class GBUdbRecordLockingShim : public GBUdbOperator { // Record locking shim for doForAllRecords.


GBUdbOperator& MyOperator; // Reference the Operator we will be servicing.
Mutex& MyMutex; // Reference the Mutex for the GBUdb we are in.


GBUdbRecordLockingShim(GBUdbOperator& O, Mutex M) : // On construction we grab our critical pieces.
MyMutex(M) {

GBUdbRecord& operator()(unsigned int IP, GBUdbRecord& R) { // When our operator() is called
ScopeMutex JustMe(MyMutex); // we lock the mutex in scope and
return MyOperator(IP, R); // call the Operator we're servicing.
} // When we leave scope we unlock (see above).

void GBUdb::doForAllRecords(GBUdbOperator& O, GBUdbLocking L) { // Calls O(IP, Record) w/Every record.
if(Dataset == L) { // If we are locking for the Dataset, then
ScopeMutex JustMe(MyMutex); // we will lock the mutex during this
MyDataset->doForAllRecords(O); // entire operation.
} else
if(Record == L) { // If we are locking per record then
GBUdbRecordLockingShim X(O, MyMutex); // we create a record locking shim instance
MyDataset->doForAllRecords(X); // and call O() through that.
} else { // If locking is NOT enabled, then
MyDataset->doForAllRecords(O); // we will call O() without any locking.

//// The saveSnapshot() method allows us to save a snapshot of our dataset
//// while keeping the mutex locked for as short a time as possible: Just long
//// enough to make a copy of the dataset in RAM.

void GBUdb::saveSnapshot() { // Saves a snapshot of the current db.
GBUdbDataset* Snapshot = NULL; // We need a pointer for our snapshot.
if(NULL == MyDataset) { // If we do not have a dataset to copy
return; // then we simply return.
} else { // If we do have a Dataset to copy...
ScopeMutex JustMe(MyMutex); // Lock the mutex and
Snapshot = new GBUdbDataset(*MyDataset); // make a copy in memory.
} // Then we can unlock the mutex.
Snapshot->save(); // Then outside the mutex we can save.
delete Snapshot; // Once saved we can delete the snapshot.
PostsCounter = 0; // Reset the posts counter.

//// reduce()
//// Using the doForAllRecords() functionality, this method reduces all counts
//// by 2 thus renormalizing all records at lower count values. Unknown flagged
//// records who's counts drop to zero will achieve the state GBUdbUnknown. As
//// such, those values would not be carried over in a compress() operation.

class ReduceAll : public GBUdbOperator { // To reduce the good and bad counts.
GBUdbRecord& operator()(unsigned int IP, GBUdbRecord& R) { // Given each record,
R.Good(R.Good() >> 1); // Reduce the Good count by half.
R.Bad(R.Bad() >> 1); // Reduce the Bad count by half.
return R; // Return the record.
} ReduceAllOperator;

void GBUdb::reduce() { // Reduce all counts by half.
doForAllRecords(ReduceAllOperator); // Call do for all records with the
} // ReduceAllOperator.

//// compress()
//// Using the doForAllRecords() functionality, this method creates a temporary
//// dataset, copies the existing data into that dataset except where the data
//// is GBUdbUnknown, and then swaps the new dataset in place of the old.

class CompressAll : public GBUdbOperator {

GBUdbDataset* MyOldDataset; // Where do we find the old dataset.
GBUdbDataset* MyNewDataset; // Where do we store our new dataset.

int CountConverted;
int CountDropped;


// Note - There is no destructor. It is expected that the calling function
// will extract the NewDataset and replace the OldDataset when the operation
// has been successful.

CompressAll(GBUdbDataset* OldDataset) : // Startup by
MyOldDataset(OldDataset), // Grabbing the old dataset,
MyNewDataset(NULL), // The new one isn't there yet.
CountConverted(0), // Converted and Dropped
CountDropped(0) { // Counts are zero.
MyNewDataset = new GBUdbDataset(NULL); // Allocate a new Dataset.
MyNewDataset->FileName(OldDataset->FileName()); // Set it's name the same as the old.
} // We don't want to Load() it that way ;-)

GBUdbRecord& operator()(unsigned int IP, GBUdbRecord& R) { // The ForAll Operator goes like this...
if(GBUdbUnknown != R.RawData) { // If the record is not GBUdbUnknown then
MyNewDataset->invokeRecord(IP).RawData = R.RawData; // invoke it and copy it's data.
++CountConverted; // Increment the converted count.
} else { // If the record is GBUdbUnknown then
++CountDropped; // count it as dropped and forget it.
return R; // Return the record reference.

GBUdbDataset* Old() {return MyOldDataset;} // Here we can get our OldDataset pointer.
GBUdbDataset* New() {return MyNewDataset;} // Here we can get our NewDataset pointer.
int Converted() {return CountConverted;} // Here we can get the converted count.
int Dropped() {return CountDropped;} // Here we can get the dropped count.

void GBUdb::compress() { // Remove any unknown records (reduced to zero).
CompressAll BuildCompressedDataset(MyDataset); // Create a CompressAll operator for this dataset.
ScopeMutex Freeze(MyMutex); // Lock the mutex for the rest of this operation.
MyDataset->doForAllRecords(BuildCompressedDataset); // Copy all of the active data records.
MyDataset = BuildCompressedDataset.New(); // Put the new dataset in place.
delete BuildCompressedDataset.Old(); // Delete the old dataset.
} // All done, so we're unlocked.

int GBUdb::readIgnoreList(const char* FileName) { // setIgnore for a list of IPs
int IPCount = 0; // Keep track of the IPs we read.
try { // Capture any exceptions.
char IPLineBuffer[256]; // Create a line buffer.
ifstream ListFile(FileName, ios::in); // Open up the list file.
while(ListFile.good()) { // While we've got a good file (not eof)
memset(IPLineBuffer, 0, sizeof(IPLineBuffer)); // Clear the buffer.
ListFile.getline(IPLineBuffer, sizeof(IPLineBuffer)); // Read the line.

// Now we have an IP on a line (in theory). We will parse
// the ip and process any that parse correctly.
// First eat anything that's not a digit.

unsigned long IP = 0L; // We need an IP buffer.
char* cursor = IPLineBuffer; // Start on the first byte.

if('#' == *cursor) continue; // Lines that start with # are comments.

// First octet.

while(NULL!=cursor && !isdigit(*cursor)) ++cursor; // Eat any nondigits.
if(!isdigit(*cursor)) continue; // If it's not a digit skip this line.
if(255 < atoi(cursor)) continue; // If the octet is out of range skip!
IP += atoi(cursor); IP <<= 8; // Grab the first int and shift it.
while(isdigit(*cursor)) ++cursor; // Eat those digits.
if('.'!=(*cursor)) continue; // If we don't find a dot skip this line.
++cursor; // If we do, skip the dot.

// Second octet.

if(!isdigit(*cursor)) continue; // If we're not at digit skip this line.
if(255 < atoi(cursor)) continue; // If the octet is out of range skip!
IP += atoi(cursor); IP <<= 8; // Grab the octet and shift things left.
while(isdigit(*cursor)) ++cursor; // Eat those digits.
if('.'!=(*cursor)) continue; // If we don't find a dot skip this line.
++cursor; // If we do, skip the dot.

// Third octet.

if(!isdigit(*cursor)) continue; // If we're not at digit skip this line.
if(255 < atoi(cursor)) continue; // If the octet is out of range skip!
IP += atoi(cursor); IP <<= 8; // Grab the octet and shift things left.
while(isdigit(*cursor)) ++cursor; // Eat those digits.
if('.'!=(*cursor)) continue; // If we don't find a dot skip this line.
++cursor; // If we do, skip the dot.

// Last octet.

if(!isdigit(*cursor)) continue; // If we're not at a digit skip this line.
if(255 < atoi(cursor)) continue; // If the octet is out of range skip!
IP += atoi(cursor); // Grab the octet. IP finished!

setIgnore(IP); // Set the IP to Ignore.
++IPCount; // Bump the IP count.

catch(...) { } // If we have an exception we stop.
return IPCount; // Always return the number of lines read.

+ 293
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/GBUdb.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
// GBUdb.hpp
// (C) Copyright 2006 - 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// Good, Bad, Ugly, Ignore IP database engine.

// Include M_GBUdb Only Once

#ifndef M_GBUdb
#define M_GBUdb

#include "threading.hpp"
#include <cmath>
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <list>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

const unsigned int GBUdbFlagsMask = 0xC0000000; // Top 2 bits are the flag.
const unsigned int GBUdbIgnore = 0xC0000000; // Ignore is the 11 flag.
const unsigned int GBUdbUgly = 0x00000000; // Ugly/Unknown is the 00 flag.
const unsigned int GBUdbGood = 0x80000000; // Good is the 10 flag.
const unsigned int GBUdbBad = 0x40000000; // Bad is the 01 flag.
const unsigned int GBUdbGoodMask = 0x3FFF8000; // The good count is masked in this range.
const unsigned int GBUdbBadMask = 0x00007FFF; // Tha bad count is masked here.
const unsigned int GBUdbLimit = GBUdbBadMask; // When a count hits this, normalize in half.
const unsigned int GBUdbGoodShift = 15; // Shift good counts this many bits.

const unsigned int GBUdbMatchEntryBit = 0x80000000; // Match entry Index bit.
const unsigned int GBUdbMatchUnusedBit = 0x40000000; // Unalocated Match entry Index bit.
const unsigned int GBUdbMatchDataMask = 0x3fffffff; // IP Match data mask.

enum GBUdbFlag { // A type for the GBUdb flag.
Ignore = GBUdbIgnore, // Ignore
Ugly = GBUdbUgly, // Ugly
Good = GBUdbGood, // Good
Bad = GBUdbBad // Bad

//// GBUdbLocking semantics
//// When doForAllRecords() is called at the GBUdb level, we need to know how
//// the GBUdb mutex should be handled.

enum GBUdbLocking { // A type that describes locking semantics.
Dataset, // Lock the through the entire operation.
Record, // Lock and unlock for each record.
None // Do not lock.

typedef unsigned int GBUdbIndex; // A type for Index values from records.
const GBUdbIndex GBUdbUnknown = 0x00000000; // The unknown address.

const int GBUdbRecordsPerNode = 256; // Records per node.
const int GBUdbDefaultGrowNodes = 8192; // Default Nodes to grow.
const int GBUdbDefaultArraySize = GBUdbRecordsPerNode * GBUdbDefaultGrowNodes; // Default initial Array size.
const int GBUdbRootNodeOffset = 256; // First indexing node after node 0.
const int GBUdbGrowthThreshold = 4; // Time to grow at this # free nodes.

//// Node 0 is the go-nowhere node for when things fall off the index so it
//// is coded to all GBUdbUnknown.

//// The last node in the array is used for global statistics & allocation
//// tables.

const int GBUdbControlNodeOffset = -256; // Offset from end of data for control node.
const int GBUdbNextFreeNodeOffset = GBUdbControlNodeOffset + 0; // Offset for next free node index.
const int GBUdbMatchListOffset = GBUdbControlNodeOffset +1; // Offset for Match record allocation root.
const int GBUdbIPCountOffset = GBUdbControlNodeOffset + 2; // Offset for count of IPs in GBUdb.

// GBUdbRecord converts an ordinary unsigned long integer into a wealth of
// useful information just by adding a collection of useful tools.

class GBUdbRecord { // A GBUdb record is really just a
public: // long integer, but it can be interpreted
// lots of ways.
unsigned int RawData; // The raw unsigned int goes here.

GBUdbRecord(); // Initialize to zero.

GBUdbFlag Flag(); // This returns the flag.
GBUdbFlag Flag(GBUdbFlag f); // This sets and returns the flag.
unsigned int Good(); // This returns the good count.
unsigned int Good(unsigned int g); // This sets and returns the good count.
unsigned int Bad(); // This returns the bad count.
unsigned int Bad(unsigned int b); // This sets and returns the bad count.
unsigned int addGood(unsigned int g = 1); // This increments the good count.
unsigned int addBad(unsigned int b = 1); // This increments the bad count.
GBUdbRecord& integrate(GBUdbRecord& A, int LocalWeight, int RemoteWeight); // This integrates another record.

GBUdbIndex Index(); // This returns the record as an Index.
GBUdbIndex Index(GBUdbIndex i); // This sets the record as an index.

double Probability(); // Return +(bad) or -(good) probability.
double Confidence(); // Return the confidence based on samples.

// Special events need to be recorded. For that job we have GBUdbAlerts

const int UTCBufferSize = 16; // C string buffer size for UTC stamp.

class GBUdbAlert {
GBUdbAlert(); // Constructor sets timestamp & nulls.
char UTC[UTCBufferSize]; // Time stamp for this alert.
unsigned int IP; // IP for this alert.
GBUdbRecord R; // GBUdbRecord for this alert.
string toXML(); // Convert to an xml representation.

// Mass update kinds of operations are handled by providing a functor
// of the type GBUdbOperator to the method doForAllRecords(). The functor is
// called with every record in the GBUdb.

//// Here is the virtual GBUdb Operator class.

class GBUdbOperator {
virtual GBUdbRecord& operator()(unsigned int IP, GBUdbRecord& R) = 0;

// GBUdbDataset manages a large array of GBUdb records and nodes. Nodes are
// simulated data structures -- essentially arrays of GBUdbRecords that are
// interpreted as Indexes so that each byte of a particular IP can be used
// to follow the index through the tree to the final record that actually
// represents the IPs data.

// The last few records in the array are used to keep track of some basic
// statistics including where the next node will come from. As with the GBUdb
// record itself, it's all in how the data is interpreted. Using this strategy
// of converting plain-old integers into various data types on the fly allows
// us to allocate the entire structure as a single block and avoid much
// page swapping behind the scenes.

class GBUdbDataset {
GBUdbRecord* DataArray; // Array of GBUdbRecords, nodes, etc.
int MyArraySize; // The size of the array in records.
string MyFileName; // CString for the file name.

GBUdbIndex ixIPCount(); // Index of the IP count for this db.
GBUdbIndex ixNextFreeNode(); // Index of the Next Free Node Index.
GBUdbIndex ixMatchListRoot(); // Index of the Match List Root Index.
GBUdbIndex newMatchRecord(unsigned int IP); // Allocate a new Match record for IP.
GBUdbIndex newMatchNodeRoot(); // Allocate a new Match node.
GBUdbIndex newNodeRoot(); // Allocates a new node, returns offset.
void deleteMatchAt(GBUdbIndex I); // Recall match record at I for reuse.

// invokeAt() Handles invocation at each node/octet using and managing MatchRecords as needed.

GBUdbIndex invokeAt(GBUdbRecord& R, unsigned int IP, int Octet, bool ExtendMatches);

int increaseIPCount(); // When we add an IP to the db.
int decreaseIPCount(); // When we drop an IP from the db.

void increaseIPCountIfNew(GBUdbRecord& R); // If R is GBUdbUnknown, IncreaseIPCount.

bool isMatch(GBUdbIndex I); // True if record at I is a match record.
bool isMatch(GBUdbIndex I, unsigned int IP); // True if record at I is a match for IP.
GBUdbRecord& MatchedData(GBUdbIndex I); // Returns the data for the match at I.
unsigned int EncodedMatch(unsigned int IP); // Returns encoded raw dat for a Match.

//// In order to support binmodal indexing we must make sure that
//// no octet3 data is mapped to the root record in an octet3 node. If
//// it were so mapped then an octet2 evaluation might misinterpret the
//// GBUdbFlag fields as a MatchRecord indicator and cause the data to
//// become corrupted. To solve this problem, any time an octet2 node
//// maps to an octet3 node and NOT a MatchRecord, the 0 record in the
//// octet3 node must have no flags. Since x.x.x.0 is presumed to be the
//// network address, and x.x.x.255 is presumed to be a broadcast address
//// we cause both to map to a single record (the 255 record) where the
//// Class C, B, or A data can be recorded and modified in safety. Since
//// there is no need to track the brodcast and network address cases.
//// separately there is no inherent conflict in this approach. The
//// remapIP00toFF method performs this transform as needed in the
//// readRecord() and invokeRecord() methods.

unsigned int remapIP00toFF(unsigned int IP); // Remaps final octet 00 to FF if needed.

GBUdbRecord MySafeUnknownRecord; // Safe unknown record to return.
GBUdbRecord& SafeUnknownRecord(); // Clears and returns the Safe record.

// doForAllNodes does its job by launching a recursive search algorythm
// which is embodied in doAllAtNode(). The doAllAtNode() method is called
// for the root node by doForAllRecords and searches through the tree depth
// first to locate each active record in the GBUdb and call the Operator.
// updateWorkingIP() uses progressive input from eacn level to determine
// the effective IP for the node under test.

void updateWorkingIP(unsigned int& WIP, int OctetValue, int Level);
void doAllAtNode(GBUdbIndex I, GBUdbOperator& O, int NodeLevel, unsigned int WorkingIP);

~GBUdbDataset(); // Flush & shutdown a dataset.
GBUdbDataset(const char* SetFileName); // Create with a name or no name (NULL).
GBUdbDataset(GBUdbDataset& Original); // Copy constructor.

class CouldNotGrow {}; // Thrown when grow() fails.
class NoFreeNodes {}; // Thrown when newNodeRoot() fails.
class MatchAllocationCorrupted {}; // Thrown when newMatchRecord() fails.

GBUdbRecord& readRecord(unsigned int IP); // Read only - find a GBUdb record.
GBUdbRecord& invokeRecord(unsigned int IP); // Create and/or Find a GBUdb record.
bool dropRecord(unsigned int IP); // Drop an IP record. (true if we did)

int ArraySize(); // Array size.
int FreeNodes(); // Number of free nodes remaining.
int IPCount(); // Number of IPs stored.

const char* FileName(const char* NewName); // Set new file name w/ cstring.
const char* FileName(); // Return the name.

void grow(int HowManyNodes = GBUdbDefaultGrowNodes); // Grow (by number of nodes).
void save(); // Flush the dataset to disk.
void load(); // Read the dataset from disk.

void doForAllRecords(GBUdbOperator& O); // Calls O(IP, Record) W/ every record.


// The GBUdb ojbect manages access to the GBUdb. For example, it will grow the
// dataset when that is required, report new events, and generally serve as the
// main access point for a given GBUdb. It even serializes multiple threads.

//// Here is the actual GBUdb class.

class GBUdb {

Mutex MyMutex; // Data sync mutex.
Mutex AlertsMutex; // Mutex for the alerts list.
GBUdbDataset* MyDataset; // Array of records.
int PostsCounter; // Counts good/bad posts.

list<GBUdbAlert> MyAlerts; // Allerts list.
void recordAlertFor(unsigned int IP, GBUdbRecord& R, unsigned int C); // Append an alert record if needed.


GBUdb(); // Open/Create w/ no name.
GBUdb(const char* FileName); // Open/Create w/ cstring or NULL.
~GBUdb(); // Shutdown

const char* FileName(const char* NewName); // Set/Change the file name.
const char* FileName(); // Return the FileName.

void save(); // Save the data.
void load(); // Load the data.

GBUdbRecord addGood(unsigned int IP, int i = 1); // Count an IP as good.
GBUdbRecord addBad(unsigned int IP, int i = 1); // Count an IP as bad.

GBUdbRecord setGood(unsigned int IP); // Set the flag to Good for this IP.
GBUdbRecord setBad(unsigned int IP); // Set the flag to Bad for this IP.
GBUdbRecord setUgly(unsigned int IP); // Set the flag to Ugly for this IP.
GBUdbRecord setIgnore(unsigned int IP); // Set the flag to Ignore for this IP.

bool dropRecord(unsigned int IP); // Drop an IP record. (true if we did)

GBUdbRecord getRecord(unsigned int IP); // Retrieve an IP record.
GBUdbRecord setRecord(unsigned int IP, GBUdbRecord& R); // Store an IP record.

GBUdbRecord adjustCounts(unsigned int IP, GBUdbRecord& R); // Adds counts from R to record for IP.

void doForAllRecords(GBUdbOperator& O, GBUdbLocking L = Dataset); // Call the Operator w/ All records.
void saveSnapshot(); // Saves a snapshot of the current db.
void reduce(); // Reduce all counts by half.
void compress(); // Remove any unknown records (reduced to zero).

int readIgnoreList(const char* FileName = "GBUdbIgnoreList.txt"); // setIgnore for a list of IPs

void GetAlerts(list<GBUdbAlert>& ListToFill); // Get all current alerts & clear.
void ImportAlerts(list<GBUdbAlert>& PeerAlerts); // Default log2 alert import function.

int IPCount(); // Number of IPs stored.
int Size(); // Size of GBUdb in bytes.
double Utilization(); // Utilization (percent).
int Posts(); // Number of posts since last save.


//// Include inline method definitions /////////////////////////////////////////

#include "GBUdb.inline.hpp"


// End of GBUdb Include Only Once

+ 354
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/GBUdb.inline.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
// GBUdb.inline.hpp
// (C) Copyright 2006 - 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// See GBUdb.hpp for details & notes.
// This file contains inline implementations.

//// GBUdbRecord Implementations ///////////////////////////////////////////////

inline GBUdbRecord::GBUdbRecord() : // Initialize a new GBUdbRecord
RawData(0) { // to ZERO.

inline GBUdbFlag GBUdbRecord::Flag() { // Return the flags.
return (GBUdbFlag) (RawData & GBUdbFlagsMask); // Isolate the flags from the data & return.

inline GBUdbFlag GBUdbRecord::Flag(GBUdbFlag f) { // Set the flags.
RawData = RawData & (~GBUdbFlagsMask); // Strip the current flags from RawData.
RawData = RawData | f; // Put the new flags into RawData.
return (GBUdbFlag) (RawData & GBUdbFlagsMask); // Return the flags now in RawData.

inline unsigned int GBUdbRecord::Good() { // Return the Good count.
return ((RawData & GBUdbGoodMask) >> GBUdbGoodShift); // Isolate & shift the good count, return.

inline unsigned int GBUdbRecord::Good(unsigned int g) { // Set the good count.
RawData = RawData & (~GBUdbGoodMask); // Strip the current good count.
g = g & GBUdbLimit; // Make g safe (within bitfield limit).
RawData = RawData | (g << GBUdbGoodShift); // Shift & combine g with RawData.
return g; // Return the safe g value.

inline unsigned int GBUdbRecord::Bad() { // Get the bad count.
return (RawData & GBUdbBadMask); // Isolate the bad data and return.

inline unsigned int GBUdbRecord::Bad(unsigned int b) { // Set the bad count.
RawData = RawData & (~GBUdbBadMask); // Strip out the current bad count.
b = b & GBUdbLimit; // Make b safe (strip any extra bits).
RawData = RawData | b; // Combine RawData with the safe b.
return b; // return the safe b.

inline unsigned int GBUdbRecord::addGood(unsigned int g) { // Add to the good count & normalize.
unsigned int G = Good(); // Get the good.
unsigned int B = Bad(); // Get the bad.
G = G + g; // Add the new g to the good.
while(G > GBUdbLimit) { // If normalization is required
G = G >> 1; // then reduce the new good
B = B >> 1; // and bad counts by half
} // until things are normalized.
Good(G); // Then go ahead and set the
Bad(B); // new value(s) into place.
return G; // Return the new good count.

inline unsigned int GBUdbRecord::addBad(unsigned int b) { // Add to the bad count & normalize.
unsigned int G = Good(); // Get the good.
unsigned int B = Bad(); // Get the bad.
B = B + b; // Add the new b to the bad.
while(B > GBUdbLimit) { // If normalization is required
G = G >> 1; // then reduce the new good
B = B >> 1; // and bad counts by half
} // until things are normalized.
Good(G); // Then go ahead and set the
Bad(B); // new value(s) into place.
return B; // Return the new good count.

inline GBUdbRecord& GBUdbRecord::integrate(GBUdbRecord& A, int LocalWeight, int RemoteWeight) { // Integrate A

unsigned int Gl = Good(); // Get the good and
unsigned int Bl = Bad(); // bad counts from
unsigned int Gr = A.Good(); // the local and
unsigned int Br = A.Bad(); // remote records.

Gl = (Gl * LocalWeight) + (Gr * RemoteWeight); // Combine the Good and
Bl = (Bl * LocalWeight) + (Br * RemoteWeight); // bad counts using the weights.

while(Gl > GBUdbLimit || Bl > GBUdbLimit) { // Normalize the counts by
Gl = Gl >> 1; // dividing both in half until
Bl = Bl >> 1; // they are both within limits.
Good(Gl); // Then set the new Good
Bad(Bl); // and bad values and return
return *this; // this object.

inline GBUdbIndex GBUdbRecord::Index() { // Read the record as an index.
return (GBUdbIndex) RawData;

inline GBUdbIndex GBUdbRecord::Index(GBUdbIndex i) { // Write the index value of the record.
RawData = (unsigned int) i;
return (GBUdbIndex) RawData;

// Probability is about the ratio of a given event to the total events.
// In this case, positive probabilities indicate a tendency toward spam and
// negative probabilities indicate a tendency toward ham.

inline double GBUdbRecord::Probability() { // Calculate the probability of spam
unsigned int G = Good(); // Get the good and
unsigned int B = Bad(); // bad counts and
double P = 0.0; // grab a double to hold P.
if(0 == B + G) { // If we have no counts yet
return P; // then return a zero probability.
} // If we have counts lets do the math.
P = ((double) B - (double) G) / ((double) B + (double) G); // Calculate the differential
return P; // probability and return it.

// The confidence we have in a probability is related to the number of samples
// that are present. We calculate the confidence on a logarithmic scale between
// one sample and half the maximum number by category (good or bad) because
// during condensation all counts may be reduced by half. That is, a 100%
// confidence is achieved when a record contains a total of half the maximum
// number of counts for a single category.

inline double GBUdbRecord::Confidence() { // Calculate our confidence in prob.
unsigned int Total = Good() + Bad(); // What is our total count of samples.
if(0 == Total) return 0.0; // No samples is no confidence.
double Confidence = (log((double)Total) / log((double)(GBUdbLimit/2))); // Calculate on a log scale.
if(1.0 < Confidence) Confidence = 1.0; // Max confidence is 1.0.
return Confidence; // Return the result.

//// GBUdbDataSet Inline Methods ///////////////////////////////////////////////

inline GBUdbIndex GBUdbDataset::ixIPCount() { // Index of the IP count for this db.
return MyArraySize + GBUdbIPCountOffset; // Return the offest from the end.

inline GBUdbIndex GBUdbDataset::ixNextFreeNode() { // Index of the Next Free Node.
return MyArraySize + GBUdbNextFreeNodeOffset; // Return the offset from the end.

inline GBUdbIndex GBUdbDataset::newNodeRoot() { // Allocates a new node, returns offset.
if(0 >= FreeNodes()) { // Check that we have free nodes to
throw NoFreeNodes(); // allocate. If we don't then throw!
GBUdbIndex NewNode = DataArray[ixNextFreeNode()].Index(); // Grab the next new node index.
DataArray[ixNextFreeNode()].Index(NewNode + GBUdbRecordsPerNode); // Move the allocator up a node.
return NewNode; // Return the allocated node.

inline int GBUdbDataset::ArraySize() { // Return the current Array Size.
return MyArraySize;

inline int GBUdbDataset::FreeNodes() { // Return the number of free nodes.
int FreeRecords = MyArraySize - DataArray[ixNextFreeNode()].RawData; // Find the number of records left.
int FreeNodes = (FreeRecords / GBUdbRecordsPerNode) - 1; // Convert to nodes and subtract the
return FreeNodes; // control node, the return the value.

inline int GBUdbDataset::IPCount() { // Return the IP count.
return DataArray[ixIPCount()].RawData;

inline int GBUdbDataset::increaseIPCount() { // When we add an IP to the db.
return DataArray[ixIPCount()].RawData++; // Increment and return the IP count.

inline int GBUdbDataset::decreaseIPCount() { // When we drop an IP from the db.
return DataArray[ixIPCount()].RawData--; // Decrement and return the IP count.

inline const char* GBUdbDataset::FileName() { // get the file name.
return MyFileName.c_str();

inline unsigned int GBUdbDataset::EncodedMatch(unsigned int IP) { // Encode an IP as a MatchRecord header.
return GBUdbMatchEntryBit | (IP & GBUdbMatchDataMask); // Use the MatchEntery bit and as much
} // of the remaining IP data as possible.

inline bool GBUdbDataset::isMatch(GBUdbIndex I) { // True if record at I is a match record.
return (0 != (DataArray[I].RawData & GBUdbMatchEntryBit)); // Get the raw data and check for the bit.

inline bool GBUdbDataset::isMatch(GBUdbIndex I, unsigned int IP) { // True if record at I is a match for IP.
return (DataArray[I].RawData == EncodedMatch(IP));

inline GBUdbRecord& GBUdbDataset::MatchedData(GBUdbIndex I) { // Returns the data for the match at I.
return DataArray[I + 1]; // Since I points to the match record we
} // return the record immedately after it.

inline GBUdbRecord& GBUdbDataset::SafeUnknownRecord() { // Clears and returns the Safe record.
MySafeUnknownRecord.RawData = GBUdbUnknown; // Clear the SafeUnknownRecord and
return MySafeUnknownRecord; // return it as the result.

inline GBUdbIndex GBUdbDataset::ixMatchListRoot() { // Index of the Match List Root Index.
return MyArraySize + GBUdbMatchListOffset;

inline void GBUdbDataset::increaseIPCountIfNew(GBUdbRecord& R) { // If R is GBUdbUnknown, IncreaseIPCount.
if(GBUdbUnknown == R.RawData) { increaseIPCount(); } // If new, increase the IP count.

inline unsigned int GBUdbDataset::remapIP00toFF(unsigned int IP) { // Remaps final octet 00 to FF if needed.
const int LowOctetMask = 0x000000FF; // Mask for seeing the low octet.
if(0 == (IP & LowOctetMask)) { // If the lowest octet is 00 then
return (IP | LowOctetMask); // change it to FF and return.
} // If the lowest octet is something else
return IP; // then return the IP as is.

inline void GBUdbDataset::deleteMatchAt(GBUdbIndex I) { // Recalls MatchRecord at I for reuse.
GBUdbIndex Next = DataArray[ixMatchListRoot()].Index(); // Find the current allocation list root.
DataArray[I].RawData = (Next | GBUdbMatchUnusedBit); // Point the current match to that root.
DataArray[I+1].RawData = GBUdbUnknown; // Clean out any data the match had.
DataArray[ixMatchListRoot()].Index(I); // Make this record the list root.

//// GBUdb Implementations /////////////////////////////////////////////////////

inline GBUdb::GBUdb() : // Construct the db as new.
PostsCounter(0) { // No posts yet.
MyDataset = new GBUdbDataset(NULL); // Construct with no file name.

inline GBUdb::GBUdb(const char* FileName) : // Construct the db from a file.
PostsCounter(0) { // No Posts yet.
MyDataset = new GBUdbDataset(FileName); // Load the data set by name.

inline GBUdb::~GBUdb() { // Destroy the db object.
if(NULL != MyDataset) { // Save first if we can.
delete MyDataset;

inline const char* GBUdb::FileName() { // Return the file name.
return MyDataset->FileName();

inline const char* GBUdb::FileName(const char* NewName) { // Set/Change the file name.
return MyDataset->FileName(NewName);

inline void GBUdb::save() { // Save the data.
ScopeMutex JustMe(MyMutex); // Lock the mutex during this operation.
MyDataset->save(); // Save the dataset.
PostsCounter = 0; // Reset the posts counter.

inline void GBUdb::load() { // Load the data.
ScopeMutex JustMe(MyMutex); // Lock the mutex during this operation.
MyDataset->load(); // Load the dataset.

inline GBUdbRecord GBUdb::addGood(unsigned int IP, int i) { // Count an IP as good.
ScopeMutex JustMe(MyMutex); // Lock the mutex during this operation.
++PostsCounter; // Count this as a post.
GBUdbRecord& X = MyDataset->invokeRecord(IP); // Invoke the record.
unsigned int C = X.addGood(i); // Add a count to the good side.
recordAlertFor(IP, X ,C); // Record an alert if required.
return X; // Return a copy for analysis.

inline GBUdbRecord GBUdb::addBad(unsigned int IP, int i) { // Count an IP as bad.
ScopeMutex JustMe(MyMutex); // Lock the mutex during this operation.
++PostsCounter; // Count this as a post.
GBUdbRecord& X = MyDataset->invokeRecord(IP); // Invoke the reocrd.
unsigned int C = X.addBad(i); // Add a count to the bad side.
recordAlertFor(IP, X, C); // Record an alert if required.
return X; // Return a copy for analysis.

inline GBUdbRecord GBUdb::setGood(unsigned int IP) { // Set the flag to Good for this IP.
ScopeMutex JustMe(MyMutex); // Lock the mutex during this operation.
GBUdbRecord& X = MyDataset->invokeRecord(IP); // Invoke the reocrd.
X.Flag(Good); // Set the Good flag.
return X; // Return a copy for analysis.

inline GBUdbRecord GBUdb::setBad(unsigned int IP) { // Set the flag to Bad for this IP.
ScopeMutex JustMe(MyMutex); // Lock the mutex during this operation.
GBUdbRecord& X = MyDataset->invokeRecord(IP); // Invoke the reocrd.
X.Flag(Bad); // Set the Bad flag.
return X; // Return a copy for analysis.

inline GBUdbRecord GBUdb::setUgly(unsigned int IP) { // Set the flag to Ugly for this IP.
ScopeMutex JustMe(MyMutex); // Lock the mutex during this operation.
GBUdbRecord& X = MyDataset->invokeRecord(IP); // Invoke the reocrd.
X.Flag(Ugly); // Set the Ugly flag.
return X; // Return a copy for analysis.

inline GBUdbRecord GBUdb::setIgnore(unsigned int IP) { // Set the flag to Ignore for this IP.
ScopeMutex JustMe(MyMutex); // Lock the mutex during this operation.
GBUdbRecord& X = MyDataset->invokeRecord(IP); // Invoke the reocrd.
X.Flag(Ignore); // Set the Ignore flag.
return X; // Return a copy for analysis.

inline GBUdbRecord GBUdb::getRecord(unsigned int IP) { // Retrieve an IP record.
ScopeMutex JustMe(MyMutex); // Lock the mutex during this operation.
GBUdbRecord& X = MyDataset->readRecord(IP); // ReadOnly the reocrd.
return X; // Return a copy for analysis.

inline GBUdbRecord GBUdb::setRecord(unsigned int IP, GBUdbRecord& R) { // Store an IP record.
ScopeMutex JustMe(MyMutex); // Lock the mutex during this operation.
GBUdbRecord& X = MyDataset->invokeRecord(IP); // Invoke the reocrd.
X = R; // Overwrite X with R.
return X; // Return a copy for analysis.

inline GBUdbRecord GBUdb::adjustCounts(unsigned int IP, GBUdbRecord& R) { // Adds counts from R to record for IP.
ScopeMutex JustMe(MyMutex); // Lock the data for this operation.
GBUdbRecord& X = MyDataset->invokeRecord(IP); // Locate the record in the data.
X.Bad(X.Bad() + R.Bad()); // Add the reflected adjustments
X.Good(X.Good() + R.Good()); // to the good and bad counts.
return X; // Return a copy for analysis.

inline bool GBUdb::dropRecord(unsigned int IP) { // Drop an IP record.
ScopeMutex JustMe(MyMutex); // Lock the mutex during this operation.
return MyDataset->dropRecord(IP); // Pass on this call to our dataset.

inline int GBUdb::IPCount() { // Number of IPs stored.
ScopeMutex JustMe(MyMutex);
return MyDataset->IPCount();

inline int GBUdb::Size() { // Size of GBUdb in bytes.
ScopeMutex JustMe(MyMutex); // Lock the mutex during this operation.
return MyDataset->ArraySize() * sizeof(GBUdbRecord); // Total records converted to bytes.

inline double GBUdb::Utilization() { // Utilization (percent).
ScopeMutex JustMe(MyMutex); // Lock the mutex during this operation.
int TotalRecords = MyDataset->ArraySize(); // Calculate the total number of records.
int FreeRecords = MyDataset->FreeNodes() * GBUdbRecordsPerNode; // Calculate the number of unused records.
int UsedRecords = TotalRecords - FreeRecords; // Calcualte the number of used records.
return // Calculate and return as double...
((double) UsedRecords) * 100.0 / // (Used Records * 100) / (TotalRecords)
((double) TotalRecords);

inline int GBUdb::Posts() { // Number of posts since last snapshot.
int CurrentCount = PostsCounter; // Grab the current posts count.
return CurrentCount; // Return the count we had.

+ 56
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/Makefile.am Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
## $Id$
## Author: Alban Deniz
## Copyright (C) 2008 by MicroNeil Corporation. All rights reserved.

CXXFLAGS = $(SNF_CXXFLAGS) -I@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti -I@top_srcdir@/CodeDweller

noinst_LIBRARIES = \

libSNFMulti_a_SOURCES = \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/FilterChain.cpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/GBUdb.cpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/mangler.cpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/scanner.cpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/snfCFGmgr.cpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/snf_engine.cpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/snfGBUdbmgr.cpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/snf_HeaderFinder.cpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/snfLOGmgr.cpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/SNFMulti.cpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/snfNETmgr.cpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/snf_sync.cpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/snf_xci.cpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/snfXCImgr.cpp \

noinst_HEADERS = \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/FilterChain.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/GBUdb.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/GBUdb.inline.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/mangler.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/scanner.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/snfCFGmgr.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/snfCFGmgr.inline.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/snf_engine.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/snfGBUdbmgr.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/snf_HeaderFinder.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/snf_HeaderFinder.inline.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/snfLOGmgr.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/snfLOGmgr.inline.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/SNFMulti.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/snfNETmgr.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/snf_sync.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/snf_xci.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/snfXCImgr.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti/tcp_watchdog.hpp \

rm -f *.gcno *.gcov *.gcda *~

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Datei-Diff unterdrückt, da er zu groß ist
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+ 471
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/SNFMulti.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
// SNFMulti.hpp
// (C) Copyright 2006 - 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// 20060121_M
// This file creates an API for multi-threaded systems to use the SNF engine.
// This API is C++ oriented, meaning it throws exceptions and so forth.
// For use in shared objects and DLLs, the functions in here will be wrapped
// in a C style interface appropriate to that platform.
// The interface is based on the following structure.
// The application "Opens" one or more rulebases.
// The application "Opens" some number of scanners referencing opened rulebases.
// Each scanner handles one thread's worth of scanning, so it is presumed that
// each processing thread in the calling application will have one scanner to itself.
// Rulebases can be reloaded asynchronously. The scanner's grab a reference to the
// rulebase each time they restart. The grabbing and swapping in of new rulebases is
// a very short critical section.

#ifndef _ARM_SNFMulti
#define _ARM_SNFMulti

#include <stdexcept>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <string>
#include "FilterChain.hpp"
#include "snf_engine.hpp"
#include "snf_match.h"
#include "threading.hpp"
#include "snfCFGmgr.hpp"
#include "snfLOGmgr.hpp"
#include "snfNETmgr.hpp"
#include "snfGBUdbmgr.hpp"
#include "GBUdb.hpp"
#include "snfXCImgr.hpp"

#include <cassert>

extern const char* SNF_ENGINE_VERSION;

// snf Result Code Constants

const int snf_SUCCESS = 0;
const int snf_ERROR_CMD_LINE = 65;
const int snf_ERROR_LOG_FILE = 66;
const int snf_ERROR_RULE_FILE = 67;
const int snf_ERROR_RULE_DATA = 68;
const int snf_ERROR_RULE_AUTH = 73;
const int snf_ERROR_MSG_FILE = 69;
const int snf_ERROR_ALLOCATION = 70;
const int snf_ERROR_BAD_MATRIX = 71;
const int snf_ERROR_MAX_EVALS = 72;
const int snf_ERROR_UNKNOWN = 99;

// Settings & Other Constants

const int snf_ScanHorizon = 32768; // Maximum length of message to check.
const int snf_MAX_RULEBASES = 10; // 10 Rulebases is plenty. Most use just 1
const int snf_MAX_SCANNERS = 500; // 500 Scanners at once should be plenty

const int SHUTDOWN = -999; // Shutdown Cursor Value.

// snfCFGPacket encapsulates configuration and rulebase data.
// The rulebase handler can write to it.
// Others can only read from it.
// The engine handler creates and owns one of these. It uses it to
// grab() and drop() cfg and rulebase data from the rulebase handler.

class snf_RulebaseHandler; // We need to know this exists.

class snfCFGPacket { // Our little bundle of, er, cfg stuff.

friend class snf_RulebaseHandler; // RulebaseHandler has write access.

snf_RulebaseHandler* MyRulebase; // Where to grab() and drop()
TokenMatrix* MyTokenMatrix; // We combine the current token matrix
snfCFGData* MyCFGData; // and the current cfg data for each scan.

set<int> RulePanics; // Set of known rule panic IDs.

snfCFGPacket(snf_RulebaseHandler* R); // Constructor grab()s the Rulebase.
~snfCFGPacket(); // Destructor drop()s the Rulebase.

TokenMatrix* Tokens(); // Consumers read the Token Matrix and
snfCFGData* Config(); // the snfCFGData.

bool bad(); // If anything is missing it's not good.

bool isRulePanic(int R); // Test for a rule panic.

class ScriptCaller : private Thread { // Calls system() in separate thread.
Mutex MyMutex; // Protects internal data.
string SystemCallText; // Text to send to system().
Timeout GuardTimer; // Guard time between triggers.
bool GoFlag; // Go flag true when triggered.
bool DieFlag; // Die flag when it's time to leave.

string ScriptToRun(); // Safely grab the script.
bool hasGuardExpired(); // True if guard time has expired.
void myTask(); // Thread task overload.

ScriptCaller(string Name); // Constructor.
~ScriptCaller(); // Destructor.

void SystemCall(string S); // Set system call text.
void GuardTime(int T); // Change guard time.
void trigger(); // Trigger if possible.

const static ThreadType Type; // The thread's type.

const static ThreadState CallingSystem; // State when in system() call.
const static ThreadState PendingGuardTime; // State when waiting for guard time.
const static ThreadState StandingBy; // State when waiting around.
const static ThreadState Disabled; // State when unable to run.

class snf_Reloader : private Thread { // Rulebase maintenance thread.

snf_RulebaseHandler& MyRulebase; // We know our rulebase.
bool TimeToStop; // We know if it's time to stop.

string RulebaseFileCheckName; // We keep track of these files.
string ConfigFileCheckName;
string IgnoreListCheckFileName;
time_t RulebaseFileTimestamp; // We watch their timestamps.
time_t ConfigurationTimestamp;
time_t IgnoreListTimestamp;

void captureFileStats(); // Get stats for later comparison.
bool StatsAreDifferent(); // Check file stats for changes.

void myTask(); // How do we do this refresh thing?

ScriptCaller RulebaseGetter; // Reloader owns a RulebaseGetter.
bool RulebaseGetterIsTurnedOn; // True if we should run the getter.
void captureGetterConfig(); // Get RulebaseGetter config.

snf_Reloader(snf_RulebaseHandler& R); // Setup takes some work.
~snf_Reloader(); // Tear down takes some work.

const static ThreadType Type; // The thread's type.


class snf_RulebaseHandler { // Engine Core Manager.

friend class snfCFGPacket;


Mutex MyMutex; // This handler's mutex.

snf_Reloader* MyReloader; // Reloader engine (when in use).

int volatile ReferenceCount; // Associated scanners count.

snfCFGData* volatile Configuration; // Configuration for this handler.
TokenMatrix* volatile Rulebase; // Rulebase for this handler.
int volatile CurrentCount; // Active current scanners count.

TokenMatrix* volatile OldRulebase; // Retiring rulebase holder.
int volatile RetiringCount; // Active retiring scanners count.

bool volatile RefreshInProgress; // Flag for locking the refresh process.

int volatile MyGeneration; // Generation (reload) number.

void _snf_LoadNewRulebase(); // Internal function to load new rulebase.

Mutex XCIServerCommandMutex; // XCI Server Command Serializer.
snfXCIServerCommandHandler* myXCIServerCommandHandler; // ptr to Installed Srv Cmd Handler.

void grab(snfCFGPacket& CP); // Activate this Rulebase for a scan.
void drop(snfCFGPacket& CP); // Deactiveate this Rulebase after it.


class ConfigurationError : public runtime_error { // When the configuration won't load.
public: ConfigurationError(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class FileError : public runtime_error { // Exception: rulebase file won't load.
public: FileError(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class AuthenticationError : public runtime_error { // Exception when authentication fails.
public: AuthenticationError(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class IgnoreListError : public runtime_error { // When the ignore list won't load.
public: IgnoreListError(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class AllocationError : public runtime_error { // Exception when we can't allocate something.
public: AllocationError(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class Busy : public runtime_error { // Exception when there is a collision.
public: Busy(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class Panic : public runtime_error { // Exception when something else happens.
public: Panic(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}

//// Plugin Components.

snfCFGmgr MyCFGmgr; // Configuration manager.
snfLOGmgr MyLOGmgr; // Logging manager.
snfNETmgr MyNETmgr; // Communications manager.
snfGBUdbmgr MyGBUdbmgr; // GBUdb manager.
GBUdb MyGBUdb; // GBUdb for this rulebase.
snfXCImgr MyXCImgr; // XCI manager.

//// Methods.

snf_RulebaseHandler(): // Initialization is straight forward.
myXCIServerCommandHandler(0) {
MyNETmgr.linkLOGmgr(MyLOGmgr); // Link the NET manager to the LOGmgr.
MyNETmgr.linkGBUdbmgr(MyGBUdbmgr); // Link the NET manager to the GBUdbmgr.
MyGBUdbmgr.linkGBUdb(MyGBUdb); // Link the GBUdb manager to it's db.
MyGBUdbmgr.linkLOGmgr(MyLOGmgr); // Link the GBUdb manager to the LOGmgr.
MyLOGmgr.linkNETmgr(MyNETmgr); // Link the LOG manager to the NETmgr.
MyLOGmgr.linkGBUdb(MyGBUdb); // Link the LOG manager to the GBUdb.
MyXCImgr.linkHome(this); // Link the XCI manager to this.

~snf_RulebaseHandler(); // Shutdown checks for safety.

bool isReady(); // Is the object is active.
bool isBusy(); // Is a refresh/open in progress.
int getReferenceCount(); // How many Engines using this handler.
int getCurrentCount(); // How many Engines active in the current rb.
int getRetiringCount(); // How many Engines active in the old rb.
void open(const char* path, // Lights up this hanlder.
const char* licenseid,
const char* authentication);

bool AutoRefresh(bool On); // Turn on/off auto refresh.
bool AutoRefresh(); // True if AutoRefresh is on.
void refresh(); // Reloads the rulebase and config.

void close(); // Closes this handler.

void use(); // Make use of this Rulebase Handler.
void unuse(); // Finish with this Rulebase Handler.

int Generation(); // Returns the generation number.

void addRulePanic(int RuleID); // Synchronously add a RulePanic.

IPTestRecord& performIPTest(IPTestRecord& I); // Perform an IP test.
void logThisIPTest(IPTestRecord& I, string Action); // Log an IP test result & action.

void logThisError(string ContextName, int Code, string Text); // Log an error message.
void logThisInfo(string ContextName, int Code, string Text); // Log an informational message.
string PlatformVersion(string NewPlatformVersion); // Set platform version info.
string PlatformVersion(); // Get platform version info.
string PlatformConfiguration(); // Get platform configuration.
string EngineVersion(); // Get engine version info.

void XCIServerCommandHandler(snfXCIServerCommandHandler& XCH); // Registers a new XCI Srvr Cmd handler.
string processXCIServerCommandRequest(snf_xci& X); // Handle a parsed XCI Srvr Cmd request.

// IPTestEngine w/ GBUdb interface.
// This will plug into the FilterChain to evaluate IPs on the fly.

class snf_IPTestEngine : public FilterChainIPTester {


GBUdb* Lookup; // Where we find our GBUdb.
snfScanData* ScanData; // Where we find our ScanData.
snfCFGData* CFGData; // Where we find our CFG data.
snfLOGmgr* LOGmgr; // Where we find our LOG manager.


snf_IPTestEngine(); // Initialize internal pointers to NULL.
void setGBUdb(GBUdb& G); // Setup the GBUdb lookup.
void setScanData(snfScanData& D); // Setup the ScanData object.
void setCFGData(snfCFGData& C); // (Re)Set the config data to use.
void setLOGmgr(snfLOGmgr& L); // Setup the LOGmgr to use.

string& test(string& input, string& output); // Our obligatory test function.

// Here's where we pull it all together.

class snf_EngineHandler {


Mutex MyMutex; // This handler's mutex.
Mutex FileScan; // File scan entry mutex.

EvaluationMatrix* volatile CurrentMatrix; // Matrix for the latest scan.
snf_RulebaseHandler* volatile MyRulebase; // My RulebaseHandler.

snfScanData MyScanData; // Local snfScanData record.
snf_IPTestEngine MyIPTestEngine; // Local IP Test Engine.

int ResultsCount; // Count of Match Records for getResults
int ResultsRemaining; // Count of Match Records ahead of cursor.
MatchRecord* FinalResult; // Final (winning) result of the scan.
MatchRecord* ResultCursor; // Current Match Record for getResults.

string extractMessageID(const unsigned char* Msg, const int Len); // Get log safe Message-ID or substitute.


class FileError : public runtime_error { // Exception when a file won't open.
public: FileError(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class XHDRError : public runtime_error { // Exception when XHDR Inject/File fails.
public: XHDRError(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class BadMatrix : public runtime_error { // Exception out of bounds of matrix.
public: BadMatrix(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class MaxEvals : public runtime_error { // Exception too many evaluators.
public: MaxEvals(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class AllocationError : public runtime_error { // Exception when we can't allocate something.
public: AllocationError(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class Busy : public runtime_error { // Exception when there is a collision.
public: Busy(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class Panic : public runtime_error { // Exception when something else happens.
public: Panic(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}

snf_EngineHandler(): // Initialization is simple.
ResultCursor(NULL) {}

~snf_EngineHandler(); // Shutdown clenas up and checks for safety.

void open(snf_RulebaseHandler* Handler); // Light up the engine.
bool isReady(); // Is the Engine good to go? (doubles as busy)
void close(); // Close down the engine.

int scanMessageFile( // Scan this message file.
const string MessageFilePath, // -- this is the file (and id)
const int MessageSetupTime = 0, // -- setup time already used.
const IP4Address MessageSource = 0UL // -- message source IP (for injection).

int scanMessage( // Scan this message.
const unsigned char* MessageBuffer, // -- this is the message buffer.
const int MessageLength, // -- this is the length of the buffer.
const string MessageName = "", // -- this is the message identifier.
const int MessageSetupTime = 0, // -- setup time used (for logging).
const IP4Address MessageSource = 0UL // -- message source IP (for injection).

int getResults(snf_match* MatchBuffer); // Get the next match buffer.
int getDepth(); // Get the scan depth.

const string getClassicLog(); // Get classic log entries for last scan.
const string getXMLLog(); // Get XML log entries or last scan.
const string getXHDRs(); // Get XHDRs for last scan.

// Here's the class that pulls it all together.

class snf_MultiEngineHandler {


Mutex RulebaseScan; // This handler's mutex.
int RulebaseCursor; // Next Rulebase to search.
snf_RulebaseHandler RulebaseHandlers[snf_MAX_RULEBASES]; // Array of Rulebase Handlers

int RoundRulebaseCursor(); // Gets round robin Rulebase handle candidates.

Mutex EngineScan; // Serializes searching the Engine list.
int EngineCursor; // Next Engine to search.
snf_EngineHandler EngineHandlers[snf_MAX_SCANNERS]; // Array of Engine Handlers

int RoundEngineCursor(); // Gets round robin Engine handle candidates.


class TooMany : public runtime_error { // Exception when no more handle slots.
public: TooMany(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class FileError : public runtime_error { // Exception when a file won't open.
public: FileError(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class AuthenticationError : public runtime_error { // Exception when authentication fails.
public: AuthenticationError(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class AllocationError : public runtime_error { // Exception when we can't allocate something.
public: AllocationError(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class Busy : public runtime_error { // Exception when there is a collision.
public: Busy(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class Panic : public runtime_error { // Exception when something else happens.
public: Panic(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}

EngineCursor(0) {}

~snf_MultiEngineHandler(); // Clean up, safety check, shut down.

// snf_OpenRulebase()
// Grab the first available rulebse handler and light it up.

int OpenRulebase(const char* path, const char* licenseid, const char* authentication);

// snf_RefreshRulebase()
// Reload the rulebase associated with the handler.

void RefreshRulebase(int RulebaseHandle);

// snf_CloseRulebase()
// Shut down this Rulebase handler.

void CloseRulebase(int RulebaseHandle);

// snf_OpenEngine()
// Grab the first available Engine handler and light it up

int OpenEngine(int RulebaseHandle);

// snf_CloseEngine()
// Shut down this Engine handler.

void CloseEngine(int EngineHandle);

// snf_Scan()
// Scan the MessageBuffer with this Engine.

int Scan(int EngineHandle, const unsigned char* MessageBuffer, int MessageLength);

// The Engine prvides detailed match results through this function.

int getResults(int EngineHandle, snf_match* matchbfr);

// The Engine provies the scan depth through this function.

int getDepth(int EngineHandle);



+ 5
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/gccVersion.txt Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
gcc (SUSE Linux) 4.3.1 20080507 (prerelease) [gcc-4_3-branch revision 135036]
Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO

+ 106
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/mangler.cpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
// (C) 1984-2009 MicroNeil Research Corporation
// Derived from Version 1 of Mangler Encryption Algorythm, 1984.
// Derived from Version 2 of Mangler Encryption Algorythm, 1998.

// 20021008 _M
// Found and corrected range bug in ChaosDriver(void) where
// ~Position might access a location outside the fill. Replaced
// ~Position with Position^0xff which has the intended effect.

// 20020119 _M Version 3.0
// Mangler encryption engine object.
// Using new optimized chaos driver for uniformity experiments.
// Important in this experiment is proof of highest possible entropy.

#include "mangler.hpp"

unsigned char MANGLER::ChaosDriver(void) { // Return the current
return Fill[Fill[Position]^Fill[Position^0xff]]; // chaos engine output
} // value.

// As of version 3 the output of the chaos driver was strengthened for
// cryptography and to increase the sensitivity of the output for use
// as a random number generator. In version 2, the software would simply
// return the fill value at the engine's current position. In the new
// version two distinct fill values are involved in abstracting the
// value of Position and determining the final output value and the Position
// value itself is used to add complexity to the output.

unsigned char MANGLER::Rotate(unsigned char i) { // Bitwise rotates i
return (
(i & 0x80)? // This operation is
(i<<1)+1: // described without
(i<<1) // using asm.

void MANGLER::ChaosDriver(unsigned char i) { // Drives chaos engine.

// First we move our mixing position in the fill buffer forward.

Position=( // Move mixing position.
Position+1+ // Move at least 1, then
(Fill[Position]&0x0f) // maybe a few more.
)%256; // But stay within the fill.

// The fill position in version 2 was simply incremented. This allowed
// for an attacker to predict something important about the state of
// the chaos engine. The new method above uses abstraction through the
// fill buffer to introduce "jitter" when setting a new position based
// on data that is hidden from the outside.

// Next we abstract the incoming character through the fill buffer and
// use it to select fill data to rotate and swap.

unsigned char Swap = ((Fill[Position]^Fill[i])+Position+i)%256;
unsigned char Tmp;

Tmp = Fill[Swap];

// Whenever the Swap and Path positions are the same, the result is
// that no data is swapped in the chaos field. We resolve that by
// recalling the ChaosDriver. This has the added effect of increasing
// the complexity and making it more difficult to predict the state
// of the engine... particularly because the engine evloves to a new
// state under these conditions without having exposed that change
// to the outside world.

if(Position==Swap) ChaosDriver(Tmp); // If we didn't swap, recurse.


// The encryption / decryption scheme works by modulating an input data
// stream with a chaotic system and allowing the encrypted stream to drive
// the chaotic system of both the transmitter and receiver. This will
// synchronize the two chaotic systems and allow the receiving system to
// "predict" the state of the transmiting system so that it can properly
// demodulate the encrypted stream. Both chaotic systems must start in the
// same state with the same fill data characteristics or else the two
// chaotic systems evolve to further divergent states.

unsigned char MANGLER::Encrypt(unsigned char i) {
unsigned char g = ChaosDriver() ^ i; // Take the output of the
ChaosDriver(g); // chaos engine and use it
return g; // to moduleate the input.
} // Then drive the engine
// with the encrypted data.

unsigned char MANGLER::Decrypt(unsigned char i) {
unsigned char g = ChaosDriver() ^ i; // Take the output of the
ChaosDriver(i); // chaos engine and use it
return g; // to demodulate the input.
} // then drive the engine
// with the original input.
for(short c = 0;c<256;c++) // The default constructor sets
Fill[c]=(unsigned char) c; // the key to the root primary
Position = 0; // value and Position to 0.

+ 34
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/mangler.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
// (C) 1984-2009 MicroNeil Research Corporation
// Derived from Version 1 of Mangler Encryption Algorythm, 1984.
// Derived from Version 2 of Mangler Encryption Algorythm, 1998.
// 20020119 _M Mangler V3.
// Mangler object header file.
// If it's already been included, it doesn't need to be included again.

#ifndef _MANGLER_
#define _MANGLER_

class MANGLER {

unsigned char Fill[256]; // Where to store the fill.
unsigned int Position; // Where to put position.

unsigned char Rotate(unsigned char); // Bitwise Rotate Utility.

unsigned char ChaosDriver(void); // Returns current chaos.
void ChaosDriver(unsigned char i); // Drives chaos forward.


unsigned char Encrypt(unsigned char i); // Returns encrypted data.
unsigned char Decrypt(unsigned char i); // Returns decrypted data.

MANGLER(void); // Default.


+ 112
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/scanner.cpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
// scanner.cpp
// (C) 2002-2009 MicroNeil Research Corporation

// 20041117 _M - Included new improved Filter Chain module UrlDecode. This module
// scans each anchor or image tag for URL encoded characters and converts them to
// their singly byte counterparts. If a characters is converted then the decoded
// anchor tag is injected into the scan stream immediately after the source link.

// 20041114 _M - Included new Filter Chain module: Defunker. The Defunker re-emits
// the message to the scanner with all of the HTML and some coding removed. This
// allows HTML obfuscated patterns to be recognized by the scanning engine.

// 20040113 _M - New Reset() method used in ScanMessage() to keep things nice and
// tidy. Also, modified ScanText() to create a new evaluation matrix if it is
// needed, and to append to the existing one if there is one.

// 20030928 _M - Moving toward the peer-server architecture and V3. The message
// scanning component has been moved into it's own object called "scanner". From
// now on, a message, or text will be passed to the scanner and the scanner will
// return an evaulation matrix. As always, if something goes wrong it will throw.
// This allows us to separate the creation of a scanner, and it's use, from any
// other nifty logic. So, if I'm in a server mode, I can take my scanner and throw
// messages at it as often as I like. Each message I pump in one side comes out the
// other side as an evaluation matrix. This will work well for SMTP based engines
// as well as peer-server, or any other "service pipeline".
// Note that the scanner object has two ways it will accept data. One way is as a
// message via .ScanMessage(c_str). This method employs the filter chain system and
// expects to see an SMTP message. The second way is as plain text via .ScanText(c_str).
// This method is useful for "internal" purposes such as secondary scans used to
// locate compound rules or parameter scans used to pick up tuning data from the
// rulebase.

#include "scanner.hpp"

// Scanner::LoadRuleBase(RuleFileName, SecurityKey)

void Scanner::LoadRuleBase(string& RuleFileName, string& SecurityKey) {
RuleBase.Load(RuleFileName); // Load the rulebase file.
RuleBase.Validate(SecurityKey); // Validate the rulebase file.


// Scanner::ScanMessage(MessageBuffer)

EvaluationMatrix* Scanner::ScanMessage(unsigned char* MessageBuffer) { // Scan with the filter chain.

FilterChainCString IV(MessageBuffer); // Set up the filter chain.
FilterChainBase64 IW(&IV); // Include Base64 decoding.
FilterChainQuotedPrintable IX(&IW); // Include Quoted Printable decoding.
FilterChainUrlDecode IY(&IX); // Include URL decoder.
FilterChainDefunker IZ(&IY); // Include Defunking.

// Reset and create a new EvaluationMatrix object to use for this scan.
// ScanMessage is always called with a new message.

Reset(); // Reset for the new message.
myEvaluationMatrix = // Allocate a new evaluation matrix
new EvaluationMatrix(&RuleBase); // using the current rulebase.

if(!myEvaluationMatrix) // If the allocation fails then
throw BadMatrixAllocation(); // throw an appropriate exception.

try {
// Message header rules in earlier versions occasionally failed because there was not
// a new-line character in front of the very first header. So, now we insert one :-)
// This allows all header rules to start off with a ^ indicating the start of the line.
myEvaluationMatrix->EvaluateThis('\n'); // Insert a newline ahead of each message.
// Scan each byte in the file up to the horizon or the end of the message.
// If something goes wrong, an exception will be thrown.
while(myEvaluationMatrix->CountOfCharacters < ScanHorizon)

catch(FilterChain::Empty) { // We're expecting this so it's ok, but
} // anything else will still be thrown!
return myEvaluationMatrix; // Return our results.

// Scanner::ScanText(TextBuffer)

EvaluationMatrix* Scanner::ScanText(unsigned char* TextBuffer) { // Scan without the filter chain.

// If needed, create a new EvaluationMatrix object to use for this scan.
// If not needed, we'll add this scanning to the existing matrix.
if(!myEvaluationMatrix) {
myEvaluationMatrix = // Allocate a new evaluation matrix
new EvaluationMatrix(&RuleBase); // using the current rulebase.

if(!myEvaluationMatrix) // If the allocation fails then
throw BadMatrixAllocation(); // throw an appropriate exception.

int index=0; // Set up an index at zero...

while( // For as long as we're
TextBuffer[index]!=0 && // not yet terminated and
myEvaluationMatrix->CountOfCharacters < ScanHorizon) // not at the horizon then
myEvaluationMatrix->EvaluateThis(TextBuffer[index++]); // scan this byte & move.

return myEvaluationMatrix; // Return our results.


+ 69
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/scanner.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
// scanner.hpp
// (C) 2002-2009 MicroNeil Research Corporation

// 20040113 _M - Added Reset() to the scanner object to more completely handle
// cleanup after processing a message. Where previously the calling code would
// need to be sure it deleted the evaulation matrix when it was done, now it
// should call Reset. Reset is also included now in the destructor for this
// object.

// 20030928 _M - Moving toward the peer-server architecture and V3. The message
// scanning component has been moved into it's own object called "scanner". From
// now on, a message, or text will be passed to the scanner and the scanner will
// return an evaulation matrix. As always, if something goes wrong it will throw.
// This allows us to separate the creation of a scanner, and it's use, from any
// other nifty logic. So, if I'm in a server mode, I can take my scanner and throw
// messages at it as often as I like. Each message I pump in one side comes out the
// other side as an evaluation matrix. This will work well for SMTP based engines
// as well as peer-server, or any other "service pipeline".
// Note that the scanner object has two ways it will accept data. One way is as a
// message via .ScanMessage(c_str). This method employs the filter chain system and
// expects to see an SMTP message. The second way is as plain text via .ScanText(c_str).
// This method is useful for "internal" purposes such as secondary scans used to
// locate compound rules or parameter scans used to pick up tuning data from the
// rulebase.

#ifndef _MN_Scanner
#define _MN_Scanner

#include "FilterChain.hpp"
#include "snf_engine.hpp"

const int ScanHorizon = 32768; // Maximum length of message to check.

class Scanner {


TokenMatrix RuleBase; // The RuleBase for this scanner.

EvaluationMatrix* myEvaluationMatrix; // Evaluation Matrix for current scan.


class BadMatrixAllocation {}; // Exception for failed allocation.

Scanner() {myEvaluationMatrix=NULL;} // Construct with empty matrix.
~Scanner() {Reset();} // Destructor now cleans up.

void Reset() { // Reset safely deletes the eval
if(myEvaluationMatrix!=NULL){ // matrix and nulls it's pointer.
delete myEvaluationMatrix;

void LoadRuleBase(string& RuleFileName, string& SecurityKey); // Load & Validate RuleBase.

EvaluationMatrix* ScanMessage(unsigned char* MessageBuffer); // Scan with filter chain.

EvaluationMatrix* ScanText(unsigned char* TextBuffer); // Scan without filter chain.

inline EvaluationMatrix* GetMatrix(){return myEvaluationMatrix;} // Return the latest matrix.


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Datei-Diff unterdrückt, da er zu groß ist
Datei anzeigen

+ 554
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/snfCFGmgr.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
// snfCFGmgr.hpp
// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2009 Arm Research Labs, LLC
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// SNF Configuration manager.

//// Begin include only once

#ifndef included_snfCFGmgr_hpp
#define included_snfCFGmgr_hpp

#include "GBUdb.hpp"
#include "snf_HeaderFinder.hpp"

#include "configuration.hpp"
#include "threading.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <set>

using namespace std;

const unsigned long int HeaderDirectiveBypass = 0x00000001; // Bypass hd rule flag.
const unsigned long int HeaderDirectiveWhite = 0x00000002; // White hd rule flag.
const unsigned long int HeaderDirectiveDrillDown = 0x00000004; // DrillDown rule flag.
const unsigned long int HeaderDirectiveSource = 0x00000008; // Source rule flag.
const unsigned long int HeaderDirectiveContext = 0x80000000; // Context activation flag.

class HeaderDirectiveHandler : public Configurator { // Handle inputs to header directives.

HeaderDirectiveSet HeaderDirectives; // Managed set of Header Directives.

void operator()(ConfigurationElement& E, ConfigurationData& D) { // The configurator call adds the Input.

if(HeaderDirectiveContext == ContextInput.Directive) { // If a context has been established
ContextInput.Context = HeaderDirectives.size() + 1; // then setup the context ID and
DirectiveInput.Context = ContextInput.Context; // share it with the input.
HeaderDirectives.insert(ContextInput); // Insert the context tester and
ContextInput.clear(); // then clear it for future use.

HeaderDirectives.insert(DirectiveInput); // Insert the directive and then
DirectiveInput.clear(); // clear the input for future use.

HeaderFinderPattern ContextInput; // The context can be set externally.
HeaderFinderPattern DirectiveInput; // The Input can be set externally.

void reset() { // Reset the handler like this:
HeaderDirectives.clear(); // Clear the header directives.
ContextInput.clear(); // Clear the Context Input.
DirectiveInput.clear(); // Clear the Directive Input.


class HeaderDirectiveInitializer : public Configurator { // Initializes Header Directives.

HeaderDirectiveHandler* MyTarget; // Needs to know it's target.


HeaderDirectiveInitializer() : MyTarget(NULL) {} // Constructor doesn't know it's target yet.

void setTarget(HeaderDirectiveHandler& H) { MyTarget = &H; } // We have a way to set the target though ;-)

void operator()(ConfigurationElement& E, ConfigurationData& D) { // The configurator() function goes to the
if(NULL!=MyTarget) { // target (if it's set) and pushes the
MyTarget->reset(); // reset button (empties the set).

class HeaderDirectiveWhiteHeaderInitializer : public Configurator { // Initializes White Header Directives.

HeaderDirectiveHandler* MyTarget; // Needs to know it's target.


HeaderDirectiveWhiteHeaderInitializer() : MyTarget(NULL) {} // Constructor doesn't know it's target yet.

void setTarget(HeaderDirectiveHandler& H) { MyTarget = &H; } // We have a way to set the target though ;-)

void operator()(ConfigurationElement& E, ConfigurationData& D) { // The configurator() function goes to the
if(NULL!=MyTarget) { // target (if it's set) and sets it up
MyTarget->ContextInput.clear(); // for a white header directive.
MyTarget->DirectiveInput.Directive = HeaderDirectiveWhite;

class HeaderDirectiveBypassHeaderInitializer : public Configurator { // Initializes Bypass Header Directives.

HeaderDirectiveHandler* MyTarget; // Needs to know it's target.


HeaderDirectiveBypassHeaderInitializer() : MyTarget(NULL) {} // Constructor doesn't know it's target yet.

void setTarget(HeaderDirectiveHandler& H) { MyTarget = &H; } // We have a way to set the target though ;-)

void operator()(ConfigurationElement& E, ConfigurationData& D) { // The configurator() function goes to the
if(NULL!=MyTarget) { // target (if it's set) and sets it up
MyTarget->ContextInput.clear(); // for a bypass header directive.
MyTarget->DirectiveInput.Directive = HeaderDirectiveBypass;

class HeaderDirectiveDrilldownInitializer : public Configurator { // Initializes Drilldown Header Directives.

HeaderDirectiveHandler* MyTarget; // Needs to know it's target.


HeaderDirectiveDrilldownInitializer() : MyTarget(NULL) {} // Constructor doesn't know it's target yet.

void setTarget(HeaderDirectiveHandler& H) { MyTarget = &H; } // We have a way to set the target though ;-)

void operator()(ConfigurationElement& E, ConfigurationData& D) { // The configurator() function goes to the
if(NULL!=MyTarget) { // target (if it's set) and sets it up for
MyTarget->ContextInput.clear(); // a drilldown header directive.
MyTarget->DirectiveInput.Directive = HeaderDirectiveDrillDown;
MyTarget->DirectiveInput.Header = "Received:";

class HeaderDirectiveSourceHeaderInitializer : public Configurator { // Initializes Source Header Directives.

HeaderDirectiveHandler* MyTarget; // Needs to know it's target.


HeaderDirectiveSourceHeaderInitializer() : MyTarget(NULL) {} // Constructor doesn't know it's target yet.

void setTarget(HeaderDirectiveHandler& H) { MyTarget = &H; } // We have a way to set the target though ;-)

void operator()(ConfigurationElement& E, ConfigurationData& D) { // The configurator() function goes to the
if(NULL!=MyTarget) { // target (if it's set) and sets it up
MyTarget->ContextInput.clear(); // for a context sensitive source header
MyTarget->DirectiveInput.clear(); // directive. Activation context as well
MyTarget->ContextInput.Directive = HeaderDirectiveContext; // as source header data.
MyTarget->ContextInput.Header = "Received:";
MyTarget->DirectiveInput.Directive = HeaderDirectiveSource;

class RangePoint { // Range point x:Probability, y:Confidence

RangePoint() : // The simple constructor sets all to zero.
Probability(0.0) {}

RangePoint(double C, double P) : // This constructor sets the values.
Probability(P) {}

double Probability; // Probability and Confidence are
double Confidence; // freely accessible.

bool operator<(const RangePoint& right) const { // Comparison of RangePoint objects depends
return (Confidence < right.Confidence); // on the Confidence value. This is because
} // Confidence is used as a "key" in the set.
bool operator>(const RangePoint& right) const {
return (Confidence > right.Confidence);
bool operator==(const RangePoint& right) const {
return (Confidence == right.Confidence);
bool operator<=(const RangePoint& right) const {
return (Confidence <= right.Confidence);
bool operator>=(const RangePoint& right) const {
return (Confidence >= right.Confidence);

class RangeHandler : public Configurator { // The handler adds edgepoints and holds and
public: // tests the set that defines the region.

void operator()(ConfigurationElement& E, ConfigurationData& D) { // The () operator adds EdgeInput to the list.

bool On_Off; // Ranges can be turned on and off.
int Symbol; // They have a symbol assigned to them.
int Priority; // They have an evaluation priority.

RangePoint EdgeInput; // This EdgePoint is set, and added using ().
set<RangePoint> EdgeMap; // This contains the set of EdgePoints.

bool isInWhite(RangePoint& x); // True if x is inside the -P of the EdgeMap.
bool isInBlack(RangePoint& x); // True if x is inside the +P of the EdgeMap.

void reset() { EdgeMap.clear(); } // When we reset - we empty the EdgeMap.


class RangeInitializer : public Configurator { // The RangeInitializer Configurator.

RangeHandler* MyTarget; // Needs to know it's target.


RangeInitializer() : MyTarget(NULL) {} // Constructor doesn't know it's target yet.

void setTarget(RangeHandler& H) { MyTarget = &H; } // We have a way to set the target though ;-)

void operator()(ConfigurationElement& E, ConfigurationData& D) { // The configurator() function goes to the
if(NULL!=MyTarget) { // target (if it's set) and pushes the
MyTarget->reset(); // reset button.

class IntegerSetHandler : public Configurator { // Integer set handler for rule panics.
void operator()(ConfigurationElement& E, ConfigurationData& D) { // The operator() inserts IntegerInput
IntegerSet.insert(IntegerInput); // if it's not already a member.

int IntegerInput; // The input port.
set<int> IntegerSet; // The set itself.

bool isListed(int x); // How to check if an int is listed.

void reset() { IntegerSet.clear(); } // How to reset (clear) the list.

class IntegerSetInitializer : public Configurator { // The initializer resets the set.

IntegerSetHandler* MyTarget; // It needs to know which set to init.


IntegerSetInitializer() : MyTarget(NULL) {} // Start off not knowing where to go.

void setTarget(IntegerSetHandler& H) { MyTarget = &H; } // Set a pointer to the handler.

void operator()(ConfigurationElement& E, ConfigurationData& D) { // The operator() does the trick.
if(NULL!=MyTarget) {

class XHDRSymbol { // XHeader associated with a Symbol
int Symbol; // The integer symbol.
string Header; // The header to associate.
XHDRSymbol(int FreshSymbol, string FreshHeader) : // Creating the object requires both.
Header(FreshHeader) {}

bool operator<(const XHDRSymbol& right) const { // To live in a set we must have a <
return (Symbol < right.Symbol); // operator. Only the symbol matters
} // in this case.

class XHDRSymbolsHandler : public Configurator { // XHDRSymbol hander.
set<XHDRSymbol> SymbolHeaders; // Carries a set of Symbol Headers.

void reset() { SymbolHeaders.clear(); } // Is reset by clearing the set.

string HeaderForSymbol(int S) { // Can return a Header for symbol.
string MatchingHeader = ""; // Starting with an empty string,
set<XHDRSymbol>::iterator iS = SymbolHeaders.find(XHDRSymbol(S,"")); // we look up the symbol and
if(SymbolHeaders.end() != iS) { // if we find it then we will
MatchingHeader = (*iS).Header; // return the matching header
} // string. If not then we return
return MatchingHeader; // the empty string.
} // Coded in-line on purpose.

bool OnOff; // Input OnOff value.
int Symbol; // Input Symbol value.
string Header; // Input Header value.

void operator()(ConfigurationElement& E, ConfigurationData& D) { // The operator() inserts an XHDRSymbol
if(OnOff) { // if the header entry is turned on and
SymbolHeaders.insert(XHDRSymbol(Symbol, Header)); // if it's not already a member.

class XHDRSymbolsInitializer : public Configurator { // The XHDRSymbols initializer.

XHDRSymbolsHandler* MyTarget; // It needs to know which set to init.


XHDRSymbolsInitializer() : MyTarget(NULL) {} // Start off not knowing where to go.

void setTarget(XHDRSymbolsHandler& H) { MyTarget = &H; } // Set a pointer to the handler.

void operator()(ConfigurationElement& E, ConfigurationData& D) { // The operator() does the trick.
if(NULL!=MyTarget) {

enum snfIPRange { // IP action ranges
Unknown, // Unknown - not defined.
White, // This is a good guy.
Normal, // Benefit of the doubt.
New, // It is new to us.
Caution, // This is suspicious.
Black, // This is bad.
Truncate // Don't even bother looking.

const int ScanLogMatches_All = 2; // Include all matches.
const int ScanLogMatches_Unique = 1; // Include 1 match of each rule.
const int ScanLogMatches_None = 0; // Include only the final result.

const int LogOutputMode_None = 0; // No output (don't process).
const int LogOutputMode_API = 1; // Make available to API.
const int LogOutputMode_File = 2; // Output to msgfile.xhdr.
const int LogOutputMode_Inject = 3; // Inject into msgfile.

class snfCFGData { // Object that stores our config data.

ConfigurationElement MyCFGReader; // This is how we read our cfg data.


snfCFGData(); // Constructor handled in .cpp

void initializeFromFile(const char* FileName); // Initialize from the provided file.

int Generation; // Generation tag.

// Here are the derived data elements...

string ConfigFilePath; // Configuration file path
string RuleFilePath; // Rulebase file path
string SecurityKey; // Security key for rulebase

// Here are the basic data elements...

string node_identity;
string node_licenseid;
string node_authentication;

//// paths

string paths_workspace_path;
string paths_rulebase_path;
string paths_log_path;

//// logging

bool Logs_Rotation_LocalTime_OnOff;

bool Status_SecondReport_Log_OnOff;
bool Status_SecondReport_Append_OnOff;
bool Status_MinuteReport_Log_OnOff;
bool Status_MinuteReport_Append_OnOff;
bool Status_HourReport_Log_OnOff;
bool Status_HourReport_Append_OnOff;

bool Scan_Identifier_Force_Message_Id;

int Scan_Classic_Mode;
bool Scan_Classic_Rotate;
int Scan_Classic_Matches;

int Scan_XML_Mode;
bool Scan_XML_Rotate;
int Scan_XML_Matches;
bool Scan_XML_Performance;
bool Scan_XML_GBUdb;

//// xheaders

int XHDROutput_Mode;

bool XHDRVersion_OnOff;
string XHDRVersion_Header;

bool XHDRLicense_OnOff;
string XHDRLicense_Header;

bool XHDRRulebase_OnOff;
string XHDRRulebase_Header;

bool XHDRIdentifier_OnOff;
string XHDRIdentifier_Header;

bool XHDRGBUdb_OnOff;
string XHDRGBUdb_Header;

bool XHDRResult_OnOff;
string XHDRResult_Header;

bool XHDRMatches_OnOff;
string XHDRMatches_Header;

bool XHDRBlack_OnOff;
string XHDRBlack_Header;

bool XHDRWhite_OnOff;
string XHDRWhite_Header;

bool XHDRClean_OnOff;
string XHDRClean_Header;

XHDRSymbolsHandler XHDRSymbolHeaders;
XHDRSymbolsInitializer XHDRSymbolHeadersInitializer;

//// platform

string PlatformElementContents;

//// network

int network_sync_secs;
string network_sync_host;
int network_sync_port;

bool update_script_on_off;
string update_script_call;
int update_script_guard_time;

//// gbudb

int gbudb_database_condense_minimum_seconds_between;
bool gbudb_database_condense_time_trigger_on_off;
int gbudb_database_condense_time_trigger_seconds;
bool gbudb_database_condense_posts_trigger_on_off;
int gbudb_database_condense_posts_trigger_posts;
bool gbudb_database_condense_records_trigger_on_off;
int gbudb_database_condense_records_trigger_records;
bool gbudb_database_condense_size_trigger_on_off;
int gbudb_database_condense_size_trigger_megabytes;

bool gbudb_database_checkpoint_on_off;
int gbudb_database_checkpoint_secs;

RangeHandler WhiteRangeHandler;
RangeInitializer WhiteRangeInitializer;

bool gbudb_regions_white_panic_on_off;
int gbudb_regions_white_panic_rule_range;

RangeHandler BlackRangeHandler;
RangeInitializer BlackRangeInitializer;

bool gbudb_regions_black_sample_on_off;
double gbudb_regions_black_sample_probability;
int gbudb_regions_black_sample_grab_one_in;
bool gbudb_regions_black_sample_passthrough;
int gbudb_regions_black_sample_passthrough_symbol;
int gbudb_regions_black_truncate_symbol;

bool gbudb_regions_black_truncate_on_off;
double gbudb_regions_black_truncate_probability;
int gbudb_regions_black_truncate_peek_one_in;

RangeHandler CautionRangeHandler;
RangeInitializer CautionRangeInitializer;

snfIPRange RangeEvaluation(GBUdbRecord& R); // Returns the range for a GBUdbRecord.
snfIPRange RangeEvaluation(RangePoint& p); // Returns the range for a RangePoint.

HeaderDirectiveHandler HeaderDirectivesHandler; //** Handles header directives.
HeaderDirectiveInitializer HeaderDirectivesInitializer; //** Initializes header directives set.
HeaderDirectiveSourceHeaderInitializer HDSourceHeaderInitializer; //**** For source header directives.
HeaderDirectiveDrilldownInitializer HDDrilldownInitializer; //**** For drilldown header directives.
HeaderDirectiveBypassHeaderInitializer HDBypassHeaderInitializer; //**** For bypass header directives.
HeaderDirectiveWhiteHeaderInitializer HDWhiteHeaderInitializer; //**** For white header directives.

IntegerSetHandler TrainingBypassRuleHandler; // Rules to NOT train GBUdb with source.
IntegerSetInitializer TrainingBypassRuleInitializer;

IntegerSetHandler TrainingWhiteRuleHandler; // Rules to train GBUdb as white source.
IntegerSetInitializer TrainingWhiteRuleInitializer;

bool GBUdbTrainingOn_Off; // True when GBUdb training is allowed.

IntegerSetHandler RulePanicHandler;
IntegerSetInitializer RulePanicInitializer;

bool XCI_OnOff; // XML Command Interface ON or OFF.
int XCI_Port; // XML Command Interface Port number.

bool MessageFileTypeCGP_on_off; // True for scanning communigate msgs.


class snfCFGmgr { // Object that manages our config data.


Mutex myMutex; // Serialize control during updates.

snfCFGData A; // This is where we store one copy.
snfCFGData B; // This is where we store the other.

volatile bool AisActive; // This tells us which is active.

void swapCFGData(); // This swaps the active dataset.
snfCFGData& ActiveData(); // This returns the active dataset.
snfCFGData& InactiveData(); // This returns the inactive dataset.

string InitFileName; // Initilization parameters are reused
string InitLicenseId; // any time load() is called.
string InitAuthentication;

string ConfigurationPath; // Path to active configuration file.


snfCFGmgr(); // Constructor - to get things right

void initialize( // In order to initialize we need to
const char* FileName, // collect a path to our config or .snf
const char* LicenseId, // our license id and our
const char* Authentication // authentication.

class LoadFailure {}; // What we throw if load fails.

void load(); // Load the configuration data.

//// Access methods for config data...

string RuleFilePath(); // Rulebase file path
string SecurityKey(); // Security key for rulebase

snfCFGData* ActiveConfiguration(); // Pointer to active configuration


#include "snfCFGmgr.inline.hpp"

// End include only once

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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/snfCFGmgr.inline.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
// snfCFGmgr.inline.hpp
// (C) Copyright 2006 - 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
// Inline functions/methods for snfCFGmgr module.

//// IntegerSetHandler /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

inline bool IntegerSetHandler::isListed(int x) { // How to check if an int is listed.
return (IntegerSet.end() != IntegerSet.find(x));

//// snfCFGmgr /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

inline snfCFGmgr::snfCFGmgr() : // We construct a CFGmgr this way...
AisActive(false), // So that A is active after 1st load()
InitFileName(""), // and all of the Init strings are
InitLicenseId(""), // empty.
ConfigurationPath("") {

inline void snfCFGmgr::swapCFGData() { // This swaps the active dataset.
AisActive = (AisActive)?false:true;

inline snfCFGData& snfCFGmgr::ActiveData() { // This returns the active dataset.
return (AisActive) ? A : B;

inline snfCFGData& snfCFGmgr::InactiveData() { // This returns the inactive dataset.
return (AisActive) ? B : A;

inline string snfCFGmgr::RuleFilePath() { // Rulebase file path
return ActiveData().RuleFilePath;

inline string snfCFGmgr::SecurityKey() { // Security key for rulebase
return ActiveData().SecurityKey;

inline snfCFGData* snfCFGmgr::ActiveConfiguration() { // Pointer to active configuration
return &(ActiveData());

+ 232
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/snfGBUdbmgr.cpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
// snfGBUdbmgr.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// See snfGBUdbmgr.hpp for details.

#include "snfGBUdbmgr.hpp"
#include <unistd.h>

using namespace std;

const ThreadType snfGBUdbmgr::Type("snfGBUdbmgr"); // The thread's type.

snfGBUdbmgr::snfGBUdbmgr() : // Clean init and start thread.
Thread(snfGBUdbmgr::Type, "GBUdb Manager"), // XCI Manager type and Name.
CondenseGuardTime(600000), // 10 minute guard time by default.
TimeTriggerOnOff(true), // By default, condense once per day.
PostsTriggerOnOff(false), // By default do not trigger on posts.
PostsTriggerValue(262144), // but if we do, use a quarter million.
RecordsTriggerOnOff(false), // By default do not trigger on records.
RecordsTriggerValue(150000), // but if we do, use 150K.
SizeTriggerOnOff(true), // By default trigger on size as a
SizeTriggerValue(150), // safety valve at 150Mbytes.
CheckpointOnOff(true), // By default save a snapshot once
CheckpointTrigger(3600000), // every hour.
MyGBUdb(NULL), // NULL our links to avoid
MyLOGmgr(NULL), // any errors when the thread starts.
TimeToStop(false) { // It is not time to stop ;-)
run(); // Start our thread.

snfGBUdbmgr::~snfGBUdbmgr() { // Clean shutdown & stop thread.
stop(); // Stop the thread if it's not already.
MyGBUdb = NULL; // NULL our links and false our
MyLOGmgr = NULL; // configuration for safety.
Configured = false;

void snfGBUdbmgr::linkGBUdb(GBUdb& G) { // Connect to our GBUdb
ScopeMutex JustMe(MyMutex); // Lock for the config change.
MyGBUdb = &G; // Set the new link.

void snfGBUdbmgr::linkLOGmgr(snfLOGmgr& L) { // Connect to our LOGmgr
ScopeMutex JustMe(MyMutex); // Lock for the config change.
MyLOGmgr = &L; // Set the new link.

void snfGBUdbmgr::configure(snfCFGData& CFGData) { // Establish or change our CFG.
ScopeMutex JustMe(MyMutex); // Only when we're not busy.

// Set up our configuration from the CFGData provided.

// Being careful not to muck with running timers unless their
// configuration values have actually changed...

const int SECsASms = 1000; // How to convert seconds to milliseconds.

if(CondenseGuardTime.getDuration() != // If the condensation guard time is
(SECsASms * CFGData.gbudb_database_condense_minimum_seconds_between)) { // new and different then set the
CondenseGuardTime.setDuration( // condensation guard timer to the
(SECsASms * CFGData.gbudb_database_condense_minimum_seconds_between) // new value.

TimeTriggerOnOff = CFGData.gbudb_database_condense_time_trigger_on_off; // Time-Trigger On?

if(TimeTrigger.getDuration() != // Time-Trigger different?
(SECsASms * CFGData.gbudb_database_condense_time_trigger_seconds)) {
TimeTrigger.setDuration( // If it is then adopt the new value.
SECsASms * CFGData.gbudb_database_condense_time_trigger_seconds

PostsTriggerOnOff = CFGData.gbudb_database_condense_posts_trigger_on_off; // Posts trigger on?
PostsTriggerValue = CFGData.gbudb_database_condense_posts_trigger_posts; // What is the posts trigger threshold?

RecordsTriggerOnOff = CFGData.gbudb_database_condense_records_trigger_on_off; // Records trigger on?
RecordsTriggerValue = CFGData.gbudb_database_condense_records_trigger_records; // What is the records trigger threshold?

SizeTriggerOnOff = CFGData.gbudb_database_condense_size_trigger_on_off; // Size trigger on?
SizeTriggerValue = CFGData.gbudb_database_condense_size_trigger_megabytes; // What is the size trigger threshold?

// Checkpoint

CheckpointOnOff = CFGData.gbudb_database_checkpoint_on_off; // Checkpoint on?

if(CheckpointTrigger.getDuration() != // If the Checkpoint time is
(SECsASms * CFGData.gbudb_database_checkpoint_secs)) { // new and different then
CheckpointTrigger.setDuration( // adopt the new value.
(SECsASms * CFGData.gbudb_database_checkpoint_secs)

// GBUdb file name

string GBUdbFileName; // Formulate the correct GBUdb file name
GBUdbFileName = CFGData.paths_workspace_path + // using the CFGData.
CFGData.node_licenseid + ".gbx";

if( // If the file name for our GBUdb
NULL == (*MyGBUdb).FileName() || // is not yet set, or
0 != GBUdbFileName.compare((*MyGBUdb).FileName()) // if it is different than the
) { // formulated file name we have then
(*MyGBUdb).FileName(GBUdbFileName.c_str()); // set the GBUdb file name.

// Safety check to set the Configured bit.

if(NULL != MyGBUdb && NULL != MyLOGmgr) { // If we have all of our parts
Configured = true; // then set our configured flag.
} else { // If anything is missing then
Configured = false; // make sure the flag is false.

//// The snfGBUdbmgr::load() method isn't exactly what you would expect. It
// will load the rulebase file if that file exists, but if not it does nothing.
// The intention is that a new GBUdb will alread have been created. If a
// pre-existing GBUdb is available then that one will be loaded for use. If
// it does not exist, then the new, empty GBUdb will be used instead and will
// eventually be saved for later re-use.

void snfGBUdbmgr::load() { // Load the GBUdb as configured.
ScopeMutex JustMe(MyMutex); // Just me while I do this.
if( // Perform some sanity checks.
NULL != MyGBUdb && // If we have a GBUdb and
0 < string(MyGBUdb->FileName()).length() && // it has a file name and
0 == access(MyGBUdb->FileName(),R_OK) // the file can be accessed
) { // then we can proceed:
MyGBUdb->load(); // Load the GBUdb from disk.
} // If that didn't work we'll assume
} // we're starting up a new gbx file ;-)

// DoMaintenanceWork encapsulates all of our maintenance functions. It runs
// with the mutex locked so that the configuration is stable during each pass.

void snfGBUdbmgr::DoMaintenanceWork() { // Do our watchdog work.

if(!Configured) return; // Do nothing if we're not configured.

ScopeMutex JustMe(MyMutex); // No CFG changes while I'm busy.

if(CondenseGuardTime.isExpired()) { // If we are allowed to condense
bool CondenseTriggered = false; // check to see if we should.

// time-trigger

TimeTriggerOnOff && // If the time-trigger is on
TimeTrigger.isExpired() // and the time has expired
) { // then it is time to condense.
CondenseTriggered = true; // Set the condense flag and
TimeTrigger.restart(); // restart the timer.

// posts-trigger

PostsTriggerOnOff && // If posts-trigger is on
(*MyGBUdb).Posts() >= PostsTriggerValue // and the Posts() count is high
) { // enough then trigger the
CondenseTriggered = true; // condense operation.

// records-trigger

RecordsTriggerOnOff && // If records-trigger is on
(*MyGBUdb).IPCount() >= RecordsTriggerValue // and the number of IPs is high
) { // enough then trigger the
CondenseTriggered = true; // condense operation.

// size-trigger

const int MByte = 1048576; // How big is a megabyte anyway?

SizeTriggerOnOff && // If size-trigger is on
((*MyGBUdb).Size()/MByte) >= SizeTriggerValue // and the size of the db is high
) { // enough then trigger
CondenseTriggered = true; // the condense operation.

if(CondenseTriggered) { // If we need to condense then
(*MyGBUdb).reduce(); // reduce all counts in the db
(*MyGBUdb).compress(); // and elminate any that drop to zero.
CondenseGuardTime.restart(); // That done, reset the guard timer.
(*MyLOGmgr).RecordCondenseEvent(); // Log the event.

// Time to save a snapshot?

CheckpointOnOff && // If checkpoints are turned on
CheckpointTrigger.isExpired() // and it is time to create one
) {
(*MyGBUdb).saveSnapshot(); // then save a snapshot and
CheckpointTrigger.restart(); // restart the timer.
(*MyLOGmgr).RecordSaveEvent(); // Log the event.

// Stopping the thread...

void snfGBUdbmgr::stop() { // To stop the manager thread we
if(!TimeToStop) { // check to see we need to then
TimeToStop = true; // set the time to stop flag
join(); // and join the thread.

// The thread's task is to call DoMaintenanceWork() once every second.

void snfGBUdbmgr::myTask() { // This is what our thread does.
Sleeper WaitATic(1000); // We need a 1 second sleeper.
while(!TimeToStop) { // While it's not time to stop
WaitATic(); // wait a tic and then do work.

void snfGBUdbmgr::GetAlertsForSync(list<GBUdbAlert>& AlertList) { // Fill AlertList w/ outgoing alerts.
(*MyGBUdb).GetAlerts(AlertList); // For now, just pass this through.

void snfGBUdbmgr::ProcessReflections(list<GBUdbAlert>& Reflections) { // Integrate returning reflections.
(*MyGBUdb).ImportAlerts(Reflections); // For now, just pass this through.

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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/snfGBUdbmgr.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
// snfGBUdbmgr.hpp
// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// This module manages the GBUdb(s) that are used in the SNF scanner engine.
// It is responsible for setting parameters, monitoring activity, and handling
// scheduled maintenance tasks.

#ifndef snfGBUdbmgr_included
#define snfGBUdbmgr_included

#include "threading.hpp"
#include "timing.hpp"
#include "snfCFGmgr.hpp"
#include "snfLOGmgr.hpp"
#include "GBUdb.hpp"

using namespace std;

class snfLOGmgr;

class snfGBUdbmgr : public Thread {
Mutex MyMutex;
GBUdb* MyGBUdb;
snfLOGmgr* MyLOGmgr;
bool Configured;
volatile bool TimeToStop;

// Condensation parts

Timeout CondenseGuardTime;
bool TimeTriggerOnOff;
Timeout TimeTrigger;
bool PostsTriggerOnOff;
int PostsTriggerValue;
bool RecordsTriggerOnOff;
int RecordsTriggerValue;
bool SizeTriggerOnOff;
int SizeTriggerValue;

// Checkpoint parts

bool CheckpointOnOff;
Timeout CheckpointTrigger;

// Utility functions

void DoMaintenanceWork();

snfGBUdbmgr(); // Clean init and start thread.
~snfGBUdbmgr(); // Clean shutdown & stop thread.
void linkGBUdb(GBUdb& G); // Connect to our GBUdb.
void linkLOGmgr(snfLOGmgr& L); // Connect to our LOGmgr.
void configure(snfCFGData& CFGData); // Establish or change our CFG.
void load(); // Load the GBUdb as configured.
void stop(); // Stop the thread.
void myTask(); // Establish our thread's task.

void GetAlertsForSync(list<GBUdbAlert>& AlertList); // Fill AlertList w/ outgoing alerts.
void ProcessReflections(list<GBUdbAlert>& Reflections); // Integrate returning reflections.

const static ThreadType Type; // The thread's type.



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+ 670
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/snfLOGmgr.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
// snfLOGmgr.hpp
// (C) Copyright 2006 - 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// SNF Logging and Statistics engine.

//// Begin snfLOGmgr include only once

#ifndef snfLOGmgr_included
#define snfLOGmgr_included

#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdio>

#include "timing.hpp"
#include "threading.hpp"
#include "snf_match.h"

#include "snfCFGmgr.hpp"
#include "snfNETmgr.hpp"
#include "GBUdb.hpp"

#include "histogram.hpp"

class snfNETmgr; // Declare snfNETmgr
extern const char* SNF_ENGINE_VERSION; // Declare the Engine Version Data

using namespace std;

//// DiscLogger ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Writes log files back to Disc and double buffers data to minimize contention
// and delays. So - if it takes a few milliseconds to post the log to disc, the
// application that post()s to the log does not have to wait. Write back happens
// about once per second when enabled. Files can be appended or overwritten.

class DiscLogger : private Thread { // Double buffered lazy writer.
Mutex BufferControlMutex; // Protects buffers while swapping.
Mutex FlushMutex; // Protects flush operations.
string myPath; // Where the file should be written.
string BufferA; // Log data buffer A.
string BufferB; // Log data buffer B.
bool UseANotB; // Indicates the active buffer.
bool isDirty; // True if data not yet written.
bool isBad; // True if last write failed.
bool isTimeToStop; // True when shutting down.
bool inAppendMode; // True when in append mode.
string& FlushingBuffer() { return ((UseANotB)?BufferA:BufferB); } // Returns the buffer for flushing.
string& PostingBuffer() { return ((UseANotB)?BufferB:BufferA); } // Returns the buffer for posting.
bool isEnabled; // True when this should run.
void myTask(); // Write back thread task.

DiscLogger(string N = "UnNamed"); // Constructs and starts the thread.
~DiscLogger(); // Flushes and stops the thread.

string Path(const string PathName) { // Sets the file path.
ScopeMutex NewSettings(BufferControlMutex);
myPath = PathName;
return myPath;
string Path() { // Returns the file path.
ScopeMutex DontMove(BufferControlMutex);
return myPath;

bool AppendMode(const bool AppendNotOverwrite) { // Sets append mode if true.
return (inAppendMode = AppendNotOverwrite);
bool AppendMode() { return (inAppendMode); } // True if in append mode.

bool OverwriteMode(const bool OverwriteNotAppend) { // Sets overwrite mode if true.
return (inAppendMode = (!OverwriteNotAppend));
bool OverwriteMode() { return (!inAppendMode); } // True if in overwrite mode.

void post(const string Input, const string NewPath = ""); // Post Input to log, [set path].
void flush(); // Flush right now!
bool Bad() { return (isBad); } // True if last write failed.
bool Good() { return (!isBad); } // True if not Bad();
bool Dirty() { return (isDirty); } // True if data needs to be written.
bool Enabled(const bool MakeEnabled) { return (isEnabled = MakeEnabled); } // Enables writing if true.
bool Enabled() { return (isEnabled); } // True if enabled.

const static ThreadType Type; // The thread's type.

const static ThreadState DiscLogger_Flush; // Flushing state.
const static ThreadState DiscLogger_Wait; // Waiting state.


//// IPTestRecord //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Contains a complete analysis of a given IP. snf_RulebaseHandler provides a
// test facility that accepts and processes IPTestRecord objects. The calling
// process can then submit the IPTestRecord along with it's action to the
// snfLOGmgr for logging.

class IPTestRecord { // IP Analysis Record.
IP4Address IP; // The IP to be tested.
GBUdbRecord G; // The GBUdb Record for the IP.
snfIPRange R; // The GBUdb classification (range).
int Code; // Code associated with Range.
IPTestRecord(IP4Address testIP) : IP(testIP), Code(0) {} // Construct with an IP.

//// snfScanData ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Contains testing data for a message.
// It's defined here in the LOGmgr module because this is the module that must
// log and collect statistics for each scanned message. The snfScanData object
// is the standardized way each engine reports it's scan results to snfLOGmgr.

const int MaxIPsPerMessage = 50; // Maximum number of IPs to scan per message.

struct IPScanRecord { // Structure for IP scan results.
int Ordinal; // Which IP starting with zero.
unsigned int IP; // What is the IP.
GBUdbRecord GBUdbData; // GBUdb data.

class snfScanData { // Scan Data record for each message.


IPScanRecord MyIPScanData[MaxIPsPerMessage]; // Array of IP scan results.
int MyIPCount; // Count of IP scan results.
bool DrillDownFlags[MaxIPsPerMessage]; // DrillDown flags. (Set Ignore).

int SourceIPOrdinal; // Ordinal to source IP scan data.
bool SourceIPFoundFlag; // True if source IP is set.
snfIPRange SourceIPRangeFlag; // GBUdb detection range for source IP.

IP4Address myCallerForcedSourceIP; // Caller forced source IP if not 0UL.
IP4Address myHeaderDirectiveSourceIP; // Header forced source IP if not 0UL.


snfScanData(int ScanHorizon); // Constructor.
~snfScanData(); // Destructor.

// The ReadyToClear bit helps multi-phase input situations where the first
// phase might add some input data before calling the base-level scanner.
// In those cases, the pre-scan-phase will clear() the ScanData (and with
// it the ReadyToClear bit) before adding a few critical pieces of data -
// such as the scan name and the scan-start UTC for example. When the base
// level scanner is called to perform the actual scan, the clear() call
// will be inert so that any pre-set data will be preserved.

bool ReadyToClear; // True when Logging is done.
void clear(); // Clear for a new message.

class NoFreeIPScanRecords {}; // Thrown when we run out of scan records.
class OutOfBounds {}; // Thrown in IPScanData if no record at i.

int IPScanCount(); // Return the number of IPs.
IPScanRecord& newIPScanRecord(); // Get the next free IP scan record.
IPScanRecord& IPScanData(int i); // Return the IP scan record i.

// 20080221 _M We can now define in header directives patterns for Received
// headers that we should drill past if they show up as a message source
// candidate. This allows GBUdb to learn to ignore certain IPs automatically
// as they arrive either by IP stubs such as "[12.34.56." or by reverse DNS
// data such as "friendly.example.com [". When the header directives engine
// scans the headers it will call drillPastOrdinal for any Received header
// that matches a <drilldown/> directive. Later when the header analysis
// engine tries to pick the source for the message it will check each source
// candidate against the isDrillDownSource() method. If the source is to be
// ignored then it will set the ignore flag for that IP, process it as if
// it were ignored, and continue searching for the actual source.

void drillPastOrdinal(int O); // Sets Drill Down flag for IP record O.
bool isDrillDownSource(IPScanRecord& X); // True if we drill through this source.

IP4Address HeaderDirectiveSourceIP(IP4Address A); // set Header directive source IP.
IP4Address HeaderDirectiveSourceIP(); // get Header directive source IP.
IP4Address CallerForcedSourceIP(IP4Address A); // set Caller forced source IP.
IP4Address CallerForcedSourceIP(); // get Caller forced source IP.

IPScanRecord& SourceIPRecord(IPScanRecord& X); // Sets the source IP record.
IPScanRecord& SourceIPRecord(); // Gets the source IP record.
bool FoundSourceIP(); // True if the source IP record was set.
snfIPRange SourceIPRange(); // GET Source IP range.
snfIPRange SourceIPRange(snfIPRange R); // SET Source IP range for this scan.

// Direct access data...

string SourceIPEvaluation; // GBUdb Source IP evaluation.

// LogControl and General Message Flags

time_t StartOfJobUTC; // Timestamp at start of job.
int SetupTime; // Time in ms spent setting up to scan.
string ScanName; // Identifying name or message file name.
Timer ScanTime; // Scan time in ms.
int ScanDepth; // Scan Depth in evaluators.

string ClassicLogText; // Classic log entry text if any.
string XMLLogText; // XML log entry text if any.
string XHDRsText; // XHeaders text if any.
bool XHeaderInjectOn; // True if injecting headers is on.
bool XHeaderFileOn; // True if creating .xhdr file is on.

bool MessageFileTypeCGPOn; // Expect a CGP type message file.

int ScanSize; // What size is the scan request.

// GBUdb Activity Flags

bool GBUdbNormalTriggered; // True if GBUdb indeterminate IP source.

bool GBUdbWhiteTriggered; // True if GBUdb found source IP white.
bool GBUdbWhiteSymbolForced; // True if white was on and symbol was set.
bool GBUdbPatternSourceConflict; // True if pattern was found with white IP.
bool GBUdbAutoPanicTriggered; // True if autopanic was triggered.
bool GBUdbAutoPanicExecuted; // True if an autopanic was added.

bool GBUdbBlackTriggered; // True if GBUdb found source IP black.
bool GBUdbBlackSymbolForced; // True if black was on and symbol was set.
bool GBUdbTruncateTriggered; // True if Truncate was possible.
bool GBUdbPeekTriggered; // True if we could peek.
bool GBUdbSampleTriggered; // True if we could sample.
bool GBUdbTruncateExecuted; // True if we actually did truncate.
bool GBUdbPeekExecuted; // True if we peeked instead of truncating.
bool GBUdbSampleExecuted; // True if we sampled.

bool GBUdbCautionTriggered; // True if GBUdb found source IP suspicous.
bool GBUdbCautionSymbolForced; // True if caution was on and symbol was set.

// Rule panics

set<int> RulePanics; // A list of rule IDs panicked this scan.

// Pattern Engine Scan Result Data

vector<unsigned char> FilteredData; // Message data after filter chain.
unsigned long int HeaderDirectiveFlags; // Flags set by header directives.

bool PatternWasFound; // True if the pattern engine matched.
int PatternID; // The winning rule ID.
int PatternSymbol; // The associated symbol.

list<snf_match> MatchRecords; // List of match records.
list<snf_match>::iterator MatchRecordsCursor; // Localized iterator for match records.
int MatchRecordsDelivered; // Match records seen so far.

int CompositeFinalResult; // What the scan function returned.


//// SMHDMY counter
// Provides a running SUM for a series of sliding windows. The input() expects
// a new piece of data every second (or so). It is presumed that another counter
// will keep track of the actual milliseconds if accuracy is required. The object
// is all primative data parts so it is possible to store and retrieve this object
// in binary format on the same system when that's helpful.

class snf_SMHDMY_Counter { // Sliding window "live" counter.

bool do_input(int X, int& SUM, int* DATA, int& ORDINAL, int SIZE); // Subroutine for assimilating input.

snf_SMHDMY_Counter() { // When making a new one, reset all
memset(this, 0, sizeof(snf_SMHDMY_Counter)); // data to zero. It's all ints ;-)

// 60 seconds is a minute (6 x 10)


// 60 minutes is an hour (6 x 10)


// 24 hours is a day (4 x 6)


// 7 days is a week (7)


// 30 days is a month (5 x 6)


// 12 months (almost) is a year (3 x 4)


// 365 days is a year


void input(int X); // Add new data to the counter.

bool Cycled60Seconds() { return (0 == SEC6ORDINAL && 0 == SEC10ORDINAL); } // Full cycle of data for seconds.
int Sum60Seconds() { return SEC10SUM; }
int Sum66Seconds() { return (SEC6SUM + SEC10SUM); }
int SumThru1Minute() { return Sum66Seconds(); } // All samples thru one minute.

bool Cycled60Minutes() { // Full cycle of data for minutes.
return (Cycled60Seconds() && 0 == MIN6ORDINAL && 0 == MIN10ORDINAL);

int Sum60Minutes() { return MIN10SUM; }
int Sum66Minutes() { return (MIN6SUM + MIN10SUM); }
int SumThru1Hour() { return SumThru1Minute() + Sum66Minutes(); } // All samples thru one hour.

bool Cycled24Hours() { // Full cycle of data for hours.
return (Cycled60Minutes() && 0 == HOUR4ORDINAL && 0 == HOUR6ORDINAL);

int Sum24Hours() { return HOUR6SUM; }
int Sum28Hours() { return (HOUR4SUM + HOUR6SUM); }
int SumThru1Day() { return SumThru1Hour() + Sum28Hours(); } // All samples thru one day.

bool Cycled7Days() { return (Cycled24Hours() && 0 == WEEK7ORDINAL); } // Full cycle of data for week.

int Sum7Days() { return WEEK7SUM; }
int SumThru1Week() { return SumThru1Day() + Sum7Days(); } // All samples thru one week.

bool Cycled30Days() { // Full cycle of data for month.
return (Cycled24Hours() && 0 == MONTH6ORDINAL && 0 == MONTH5ORDINAL);

int Sum30Days() { return MONTH6SUM; }
int Sum35Days() { return (MONTH5SUM + MONTH6SUM); }
int SumThru1Month() { return SumThru1Day() + Sum35Days(); } // All samples thu one month.

bool Cycled12Months() { // Full cycle of data for 12 months.
return (Cycled30Days() && 0 == YEAR3ORDINAL && 0 == YEAR4ORDINAL);

int Sum450Days() { return (YEAR3SUM + YEAR4SUM); }
int SumThru1Year() { return SumThru1Month() + Sum450Days(); } // All samples thru one year.

bool Cycled365Days() { return (Cycled24Hours() && 0 == YEAR365ORDINAL); } // Full cycle of data for 365 days.

int Sum365Days() { return YEAR365SUM; }


//// snfLOGmgr /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// A note about the LOG manager and configuration data:
// Events that are logged with the log manager may come from scans using
// different configurations. In order to keep things as sane as possible,
// operations that are dependent on configuration information such as creating
// log file entries or producing status page data will require that an
// appropriate snfCFGData object be provided by reference and that the
// snfCFGData object be guaranteed to remain stable for the duration of the
// call. Changing snfCFGData may result in inconsistent results.
// This requirement is fairly easy to accomplish since posts to the LOGmgr
// will come from scanning engines that have a snfCFGPacket "grab()ed" during
// their operations, and executive requests will come from the ruelbase
// manager which can grab a snfCFGPacket for the duration of the request.

const int NumberOfResultCodes = 64;

class snfCounterPack {
snfCounterPack(); // Construct new CounterPacks clean.
void reset(); // How to reset a counter pack.

Timer ActiveTime; // Measures Active (swapped in) Time.

struct {

unsigned long Scans; // Number of messages scanned.
unsigned long Spam; // Count of spam results.
unsigned long Ham; // Count of ham results.

unsigned long GBUdbNormalTriggered; // Count of indeterminate gbudb IP hits.

unsigned long GBUdbWhiteTriggered; // Count of GBUdb found source IP white.
unsigned long GBUdbWhiteSymbolForced; // Count of white was on and symbol was set.
unsigned long GBUdbPatternSourceConflict; // Count of pattern was found with white IP.
unsigned long GBUdbAutoPanicTriggered; // Count of autopanic was triggered.
unsigned long GBUdbAutoPanicExecuted; // Count of an autopanic was added.

unsigned long GBUdbBlackTriggered; // Count of GBUdb found source IP black.
unsigned long GBUdbBlackSymbolForced; // Count of black was on and symbol was set.
unsigned long GBUdbTruncateTriggered; // Count of Truncate was possible.
unsigned long GBUdbPeekTriggered; // Count of we could peek.
unsigned long GBUdbSampleTriggered; // Count of we could sample.
unsigned long GBUdbTruncateExecuted; // Count of if we actually did truncate.
unsigned long GBUdbPeekExecuted; // Count of we peeked instead of truncating.
unsigned long GBUdbSampleExecuted; // Count of we sampled.

unsigned long GBUdbCautionTriggered; // Count of GBUdb found source IP suspicous.
unsigned long GBUdbCautionSymbolForced; // Count of caution was on and symbol was set.

unsigned long PatternWasFound; // Count of scanner matches.

unsigned long RulePanicFound; // Count of rule panics.

} Events;

//// Interval timers precisely track the time between hack()s. There are
//// two timers inside. One is active, the other is stopped. Each time hack()
//// is called, one timer becomes active at the moment the other is stopped.

class IntervalTimer { // Precision interval timer.


Timer A; // Here is one timer.
Timer B; // Here is the other timer.
bool ANotB; // True if A is the active timer.

Timer& Active(); // Selects the active timer.
Timer& Inactive(); // Selects the inactive timer.


msclock hack(); // Chop off a new interval & return it.
msclock Interval(); // Return the last interval.
msclock Elapsed(); // Return the time since last hack.

//// PersistentState stores the counters we keep between runs.

class snfLOGPersistentState {

snfLOGPersistentState() : Ready(0) {}

bool Ready; // True if we're ready to use.

void store(string& FileNameToStore); // Write the whole thing to a file.
void restore(string& FileNameToRestore); // Read the whole thing from a file.

time_t LastSyncTime; // time_t of last Sync event.
time_t LastSaveTime; // time_t of last GBUdb Save event.
time_t LastCondenseTime; // time_t of last GBUdb Condense event.

int LatestRuleID; // Latest rule ID seen so far.
int SerialNumberCounter; // Remembers the serial number.

class snfLOGmgr : private Thread {


Mutex MyMutex; // Mutex to serialize updates & queries.
Mutex ConfigMutex; // Mutex to protect config changes.
Mutex SerialNumberMutex; // Protects the serial number.
Mutex PeekMutex; // Protects Peek Loop Counter.
Mutex SampleMutex; // Protects Sample Loop Counter.
Mutex StatusReportMutex; // Protects status report post & get.

volatile int PeekEnableCounter; // How many peek attempts recently?
volatile int SampleEnableCounter; // How many sample attempts recently?

snfCounterPack CounterPackA, CounterPackB; // Swapable counter packs.

snfCounterPack* CurrentCounters; // Current Event Counters.
snfCounterPack* ReportingCounters; // Counters being used to collect data.

snfCounterPack* getSnapshot(); // Get a copy of the current counters.

volatile bool Configured; // True if we're properly configured.
volatile bool TimeToDie; // True when the thread should stop.

void myTask(); // Thread task.

time_t StartupTime; // Time since engine started.

snfLOGPersistentState Status; // Persistent State Data.
string PersistentFileName; // File name for the State Data.

snfNETmgr* myNETmgr; // Net manager link.
GBUdb* myGBUdb; // GBUdb link.

// Configuration

string ActiveRulebaseUTC; // UTC of last successful load.
string AvailableRulebaseUTC; // UTC of rulebase available for update.
bool NewerRulebaseIsAvailable; // True if a newer rulebase is available.

string myPlatformVersion; // Version info for platform.

bool Rotate_LocalTime; // Rotate logs using localtime.

string LogsPath; // Path to logs directory.
bool ClassicLogRotate; // True = Rotate Classic Log.
bool XMLLogRotate; // True = Rotate XML Log.

// Live stats

snf_SMHDMY_Counter MessageCounter;
snf_SMHDMY_Counter HamCounter;
snf_SMHDMY_Counter SpamCounter;
snf_SMHDMY_Counter WhiteCounter;
snf_SMHDMY_Counter CautionCounter;
snf_SMHDMY_Counter BlackCounter;
snf_SMHDMY_Counter TruncateCounter;
snf_SMHDMY_Counter SampleCounter;
snf_SMHDMY_Counter AutoPanicCounter;
snf_SMHDMY_Counter RulePanicCounter;
snf_SMHDMY_Counter TimeCounter;

// Histograms

Histogram ResultsSecond;
Histogram ResultsMinute;
Histogram ResultsHour;
Histogram RulesSecond;
Histogram RulesMinute;
Histogram RulesHour;
Histogram PanicsSecond;
Histogram PanicsMinute;
Histogram PanicsHour;

// Reporting

string NodeId; // We need this for our status msgs.
void do_StatusReports(); // Update & sequence status reports.

int XML_Log_Mode; // What is the XML log mode.
int Classic_Log_Mode; // What is the Classic log mode.

// Every second we get the basics and collect data. (local only)

bool SecondReport_Log_OnOff;
bool SecondReport_Append_OnOff;
string SecondReport_Log_Filename;
string SecondReportText;
string SecondReportTimestamp;
bool do_SecondReport(); // Send our 1 second status report.

// Every minute we get hard data and event logs. (for sync)

bool MinuteReport_Log_OnOff;
bool MinuteReport_Append_OnOff;
string MinuteReport_Log_Filename;
string MinuteReportText;
string MinuteReportTimestamp;
Histogram PatternRulesHistogram;
bool do_MinuteReport(); // Send our 1 minute status report.

// Every hour we get a summary.

bool HourReport_Log_OnOff;
bool HourReport_Append_OnOff;
string HourReport_Log_Filename;
string HourReportText;
string HourReportTimestamp;
bool do_HourReport(); // Send our 1 hour status report.

void postStatusLog( // Post a Status log if required.
const string& LogData, // Here's the log entry's data.
const string& LogFileName, // Here is where it should go.
const bool LogEnabled, // This is true if we should write it.
const bool AppendNotOverwrite, // True=Append, False=Overwrite.
DiscLogger& Logger // Lazy Log Writer to use.

DiscLogger SecondStatusLogger; // Lazy writer for Second status.
DiscLogger MinuteStatusLogger; // Lazy writer for Minute status.
DiscLogger HourStatusLogger; // Lazy writer for Hour status.
DiscLogger XMLScanLogger; // Lazy writer for XML Scan log.
DiscLogger ClassicScanLogger; // Lazy writer for Classic Scan log.

void doXHDRs(snfCFGData& CFGData, snfScanData& ScanData); // XHDR sub routine for LogThisScan()
void doXMLLogs(snfCFGData& CFGData, snfScanData& ScanData); // XML sub routine for LogThisScan()
void doClassicLogs(snfCFGData& CFGData, snfScanData& ScanData); // Classic sub routine for LogThisScan()

void captureLTSMetrics(snfCFGData& CFGData, snfScanData& ScanData); // LogThisScan section 1, Locked.
void performLTSLogging(snfCFGData& CFGData, snfScanData& ScanData); // LogThisScan section 2, Unlocked.


snfLOGmgr(); // Initialize & start the thread.
~snfLOGmgr(); // Stop the thread & clean up.

void stop(); // Stops the manager.

void linkNETmgr(snfNETmgr& N); // Link in my NETmgr
void linkGBUdb(GBUdb& G); // Link in my GBUdb

void configure(snfCFGData& CFGData); // Update the configuration.

void updateActiveUTC(string ActiveUTC); // Set active rulebase UTC.

void logThisIPTest(IPTestRecord& I, string Action); // Capthre the data from an IP test.

void logThisScan(snfCFGData& CFGData, snfScanData& ScanData); // Capture the data from this scan.

void logThisError(snfScanData& ScanData, const string ContextName, // Inject an error log entry for this
const int Code, const string Text // scan using this number & message.

void logThisError(string ContextName, int Code, string Text); // Log an error message.

void logThisInfo(string ContextName, int Code, string text); // Log an informational message.

string PlatformVersion(string NewPlatformVersion); // Set platform version info.
string PlatformVersion(); // Get platform version info.

string EngineVersion(); // Get engine version info.

void updateAvailableUTC(string& AvailableRulebaseTimestamp); // Stores Available, true==update ready.
string ActiveRulebaseTimestamp(); // Get active rulebase timestamp.
string AvailableRulebaseTimestamp(); // Get available rulebase timestamp.
bool isUpdateAvailable(); // True if update is available.

bool OkToPeek(int PeekOneInX); // Check to see if it's ok to peek.
bool OkToSample(int SampleOneInX); // Check to see if it's ok to sample.

time_t Timestamp(); // Get an ordinary timestamp.
string Timestamp(time_t t); // Convert time_t to a timestamp s.
string& Timestamp(string& s); // Appends a current timestamp in s.
string LocalTimestamp(time_t t); // Convert time_t to a local timestamp s.
string& LocalTimestamp(string& s); // Appends a current local timestamp in s.
unsigned int SerialNumber(); // Returns the next serial number.
string& SerialNumber(string& s); // Appends the next serial number.

void RecordSyncEvent(); // Sets timestamp of latest Sync.
int SecsSinceLastSync(); // Gets seconds since latest Sync.
void RecordSaveEvent(); // Sets timestamp of latest Save.
int SecsSinceLastSave(); // Gets seconds since latest Save.
void RecordCondenseEvent(); // Sets timestamp of latest Condense.
int SecsSinceLastCondense(); // Gets seconds since latest Condense.

// Live stats functions

double MessagesPerMinute(); // Avg Msgs/Minute.
double HamPerMinute(); // Avg Ham/Minute.
double SpamPerMinute(); // Avg Spam/Minute.
double WhitePerMinute(); // Avg White/Minute.
double CautionPerMinute(); // Avg Caution/Minute.
double BlackPerMinute(); // Avg Black/Minute.
double TruncatePerMinute(); // Avg Truncate/Minute.
double SamplePerMinute(); // Avg Sample/Minute.
int LatestRuleID(); // Returns the latest Rule ID seen.

int RunningTime(); // Seconds running since startup.

string getStatusSecondReport(); // Get latest status.second report.
string getStatusMinuteReport(); // Get latest status.minute report.
string getStatusHourReport(); // Get latest status.hour report.

const static ThreadType Type; // The thread's type.


#include "snfLOGmgr.inline.hpp"


//// End snfLOGmgr include only once

+ 121
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/snfLOGmgr.inline.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
// snfLOGmgr.inline.hpp
// (C) Copyright 2006 - 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
// Inline methods for the snfLOGmgr

//// snfScanData ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

inline int snfScanData::IPScanCount() { // Return the number of IPs.
return MyIPCount;

inline IPScanRecord& snfScanData::newIPScanRecord() { // Get the next free IP scan record.
if(MaxIPsPerMessage <= MyIPCount) { // Check that we have more records.
throw NoFreeIPScanRecords(); // If we do not then throw!
} // If we do have more records then
IPScanRecord& NewRecord = MyIPScanData[MyIPCount]; // Pick the next available one,
NewRecord.Ordinal = MyIPCount; // set the ordinal value,
++MyIPCount; // increase our count, and
return NewRecord; // return the one we picked.

inline IPScanRecord& snfScanData::IPScanData(int i) { // Return the IP scan record i.
if(MyIPCount <= i || 0 > i) { // First check that i is in bounds.
throw OutOfBounds(); // if it is not then throw!
} // If the record for [i] is available
return MyIPScanData[i]; // return it.

inline void snfScanData::drillPastOrdinal(int O) { // Sets Drill Down flag for IP record O.
if(0 <= O && O < MaxIPsPerMessage) { // If O is a useable Received ordinal
DrillDownFlags[O] = true; // then set the Drill Down Flag for O.

inline bool snfScanData::isDrillDownSource(IPScanRecord& X) { // True if we drill through this source.
(0UL != myCallerForcedSourceIP) || // If the source IP has been forced by
(0UL != myHeaderDirectiveSourceIP) // the caller or by a header directive
) return false; // then drilldowns are disabled.
// Otherwise check for a drilldown flag.
return DrillDownFlags[X.Ordinal]; // Presuming X is valid, return the flag.
} // If X is not valid we may blow up!

inline IPScanRecord& snfScanData::SourceIPRecord(IPScanRecord& X) { // Sets the source IP record.
SourceIPOrdinal = X.Ordinal; // Here's the ordinal.
SourceIPFoundFlag = true; // Here's the truth flag.

inline IPScanRecord& snfScanData::SourceIPRecord() { // Gets the source IP record.
return IPScanData(SourceIPOrdinal); // Return the IP record, or throw
} // OutOfBounds.

inline bool snfScanData::FoundSourceIP() { // True if the source IP record was set.
return SourceIPFoundFlag; // Return what the flag says.

inline snfIPRange snfScanData::SourceIPRange(snfIPRange R) { // Establish the IP range.
return (SourceIPRangeFlag = R); // set and return the value w/ R.

inline snfIPRange snfScanData::SourceIPRange() { // Gets the source IP detection range.
return SourceIPRangeFlag; // Return what the flag says.

inline IP4Address snfScanData::HeaderDirectiveSourceIP(IP4Address A) { // set Header directive source IP.
if(0UL == myHeaderDirectiveSourceIP) myHeaderDirectiveSourceIP = A; // If this value is not set, set it.
return myHeaderDirectiveSourceIP; // Return the value.

inline IP4Address snfScanData::HeaderDirectiveSourceIP() { // get Header directive source IP.
return myHeaderDirectiveSourceIP; // Return the current value.

inline IP4Address snfScanData::CallerForcedSourceIP(IP4Address A) { // set Caller forced source IP.
if(0UL == myCallerForcedSourceIP) myCallerForcedSourceIP = A; // If this value is not set, set it.
return myCallerForcedSourceIP; // Return the value.

inline IP4Address snfScanData::CallerForcedSourceIP() { // get Caller forced source IP.
return myCallerForcedSourceIP; // Return the current value.

//// snfLOGmgr /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

inline void snfLOGmgr::updateActiveUTC(string ActiveUTC) { // Update Active Rulebase UTC.
ScopeMutex Freeze(MyMutex); // Protect the strings.
ActiveRulebaseUTC = ActiveUTC; // Update the active timestamp.
NewerRulebaseIsAvailable = false; // Update availability is now unknown.

inline void snfLOGmgr::updateAvailableUTC(string& AvailableRulebaseTimestamp) { // Changes update avialability stamp.
ScopeMutex Freeze(MyMutex); // Protect the strings.
AvailableRulebaseUTC = AvailableRulebaseTimestamp; // Store the new timestamp.
if(0 < AvailableRulebaseUTC.compare(ActiveRulebaseUTC)) { // If the available timestamp is newer
NewerRulebaseIsAvailable = true; // than the active then set the flag.
} else { // If it is not newer then
NewerRulebaseIsAvailable = false; // reset the flag.

inline string snfLOGmgr::ActiveRulebaseTimestamp() { // Get active rulebase timestamp.
ScopeMutex Freeze(MyMutex); // Protect the string.
return ActiveRulebaseUTC; // Return it.

inline string snfLOGmgr::AvailableRulebaseTimestamp() { // Get available rulebase timestamp.
ScopeMutex Freeze(MyMutex); // Protect the strings.
return AvailableRulebaseUTC; // Return the available timestamp.

inline bool snfLOGmgr::isUpdateAvailable() { // True if update is available.
return NewerRulebaseIsAvailable; // Return the flag's value.

inline int snfLOGmgr::LatestRuleID() { // Query the latest rule id.
return Status.LatestRuleID; // This simple value is atomic
} // so we can read it without the mutex.

inline int snfLOGmgr::RunningTime() { // Get the time we've been alive.
return (int) difftime(Timestamp(), StartupTime);

+ 773
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/snfNETmgr.cpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,773 @@
// snfNETmgr.cpp
// (C) Copyright 2006 - 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// See snfNETmgr.hpp for details.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include "snfNETmgr.hpp"
#include "snf_sync.hpp"
#include "mangler.hpp"
#include "base64codec.hpp"
// #include "tcp_watchdog.hpp" No longer using TCPWatchdog -- see below _M

using namespace std;

//// snfNETmgr /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

const ThreadType snfNETmgr::Type("snfNETManager"); // The thread's type.

const ThreadState snfNETmgr::Sleeping("Sleeping"); // Taking a break.
const ThreadState snfNETmgr::SYNC_Connect("Connecting"); // Connecting to SYNC server.
const ThreadState snfNETmgr::SYNC_Read_Challenge("Reading challenge"); // Reading challenge.
const ThreadState snfNETmgr::SYNC_Compute_Response("Computing crypto"); // Computing crypto response.
const ThreadState snfNETmgr::SYNC_Send_Response("Sending crypto"); // Sending crypto response.
const ThreadState snfNETmgr::SYNC_Read_Availabilty("Reading Availability"); // Reading rulebase status.
const ThreadState snfNETmgr::SYNC_Send_GBUdb_Alerts("Sending GBUdb"); // Sending GBUdb alerts.
const ThreadState snfNETmgr::SYNC_Send_Status_Reports("Sending Status"); // Sending status reports.
const ThreadState snfNETmgr::SYNC_Send_Samples("Sending Samples"); // Sending message samples.
const ThreadState snfNETmgr::SYNC_Send_End_Of_Report("Sending End"); // Sending end of client data.
const ThreadState snfNETmgr::SYNC_Read_Server_Response("Reading Server"); // Reading server data.
const ThreadState snfNETmgr::SYNC_Close_Connection("Closing Connection"); // Closing connection.
const ThreadState snfNETmgr::SYNC_Parse_GBUdb_Reflections("Parsing GBUdb"); // Parsing GBUdb reflections.
const ThreadState snfNETmgr::SYNC_Log_Event("Logging SYNC"); // Logging SYNC event.

snfNETmgr::snfNETmgr() : // Starting up the NETmgr
Thread(snfNETmgr::Type, "NET Manager"), // Network manager and Name.
SYNCTimer(30000), // Sync every 30 secs by default.
SyncSecsOverride(-1), // Override is -1 by default.
isConfigured(false) { // On construction, NETmgr
run(); // runs it's thread.

snfNETmgr::~snfNETmgr() { // On descruction, NETmgr must
stop(); // Stop it's thread (if not already)
myLOGmgr = NULL; // Clear out the LOGmgr hookup
isConfigured = false; // and the configured flag.

void snfNETmgr::stop() { // The stop method...
if(!isTimeToStop) { // only does it's work once:
isTimeToStop = true; // tells it's thread to stop
join(); // and waits for it to shut down.

void snfNETmgr::myTask() { // Here's the thread task.
Sleeper WaitASecond(1000); // Heartbeat timer.
while(false == isTimeToStop) { // Until it's time to stop,
CurrentThreadState(Sleeping); // post our status,
WaitASecond(); // pause for a second,
if(isConfigured) { // then poll our tasks.

// Do stuff here that requires configuration data.

if(SYNCTimer.isExpired()) { sync(); SYNCTimer.restart(); } // If it's time to sync - do it :-)


void snfNETmgr::linkLOGmgr(snfLOGmgr& L) { // Set the LOGmgr.
myLOGmgr = &L;

void snfNETmgr::linkGBUdbmgr(snfGBUdbmgr& G) { // Set the GBUdbmgr.
myGBUdbmgr = &G;

// In theory, configure will get called each time the rulebase manager loads
// a new configuration / rulebase. The configure() method updates the bits of
// NETmgr that run background tasks. Live-Data tasks pass their grab()bed
// CFGData object in order to maintain self-consistency.

void snfNETmgr::configure(snfCFGData& CFGData) { // Update the configuration.
ScopeMutex CFGDataExchange(ConfigMutex); // Lock the config data during updates.

// Update the internal config data from CFGData while we are locked.
// Internal functions which depend on this data will lock the object,
// grab the bits they depend upon for that pass, and then unlock.

RulebaseFilePath = CFGData.RuleFilePath; // Where we can find our rulebase?
SyncHostName = CFGData.network_sync_host; // Where do we connect to sync?
SyncHostPort = CFGData.network_sync_port; // What port do we use to sync?

HandshakeFilePath = CFGData.paths_workspace_path + ".handshake"; // Where we store our handshake.
UpdateReadyFilePath = CFGData.paths_workspace_path + "UpdateReady.txt"; // Where we put update trigger files.

const int SecsAsms = 1000; // Multiplier - seconds to milliseconds.

SyncSecsConfigured = CFGData.network_sync_secs; // Capture the configured sync time.

if(0 > SyncSecsOverride) { // If the sync timer isn't in override,
if(SYNCTimer.getDuration() != (SyncSecsConfigured * SecsAsms)) { // And the config time is different than
SYNCTimer.setDuration(SyncSecsConfigured * SecsAsms); // the timer's current setting then set
} // the timer to the new value.
} // If we are in override, timer is set.

License = CFGData.node_licenseid; // Capture our node id (license id).
SecurityKey = CFGData.SecurityKey; // Capture our security key.
evolvePad(CFGData.SecurityKey); // Seed our Pad generator with it.

// Safety check before turning this on ;-)

NULL != myLOGmgr &&
NULL != myGBUdbmgr
) { // If we are properly linked then
isConfigured = true; // at this point we are configured!

void snfNETmgr::sendSample( // Send a sampled message...
snfCFGData& CFGData, // Use this configuration,
snfScanData& ScanData, // Include this scan data,
const unsigned char* MessageBuffer, // This is the message itself
int MessageLength // and it is this size.
) {
string TimeStamp; (*myLOGmgr).Timestamp(TimeStamp); // Grab a timestamp.
ostringstream XML; // Make formatting easier with this.

//-- <sample...>

XML << "<sample node=\'" << CFGData.node_licenseid << "\' "
<< "time=\'" << TimeStamp << "\' "
<< "result=\'" << ScanData.CompositeFinalResult << "\'>" << endl;

//-- <ip...>

XML << "<ip range=\'";
string IPRange;
switch(ScanData.SourceIPRange()) {
case Unknown: { IPRange = "Unknown"; break; } // Unknown - not defined.
case White: { IPRange = "White"; break; } // This is a good guy.
case Normal: { IPRange = "Normal"; break; } // Benefit of the doubt.
case New: { IPRange = "New"; break; } // It is new to us.
case Caution: { IPRange = "Caution"; break; } // This is suspicious.
case Black: { IPRange = "Black"; break; } // This is bad.
case Truncate: { IPRange = "Truncate"; break; } // Don't even bother looking.

SocketAddress IP;

XML << IPRange << "\' ip=\'" << (string) IP4Address(IP.getAddress()) << "\' t=\'";

string IPType;
switch(ScanData.SourceIPRecord().GBUdbData.Flag()) {
case Good: { IPType = "Good"; break; }
case Bad: { IPType = "Bad"; break; }
case Ugly: { IPType = "Ugly"; break; }
case Ignore: { IPType = "Ignore"; break; }

XML << IPType << "\' b=\'" << ScanData.SourceIPRecord().GBUdbData.Bad()
<< "\' g=\'" << ScanData.SourceIPRecord().GBUdbData.Good()
<< "\'/>" << endl;

//-- <match...> as many as needed

if(0 < ScanData.MatchRecords.size()) { // If we have match records - emit them.
list<snf_match>::iterator iM; // Grab an iterator.
for( // Emit each snf_match entry.
iM = ScanData.MatchRecords.begin();
iM != ScanData.MatchRecords.end();
iM++) {
XML << "<match r=\'" << (*iM).ruleid << "\' "
<< "g=\'" << (*iM).symbol << "\' "
<< "i=\'" << (*iM).index << "\' "
<< "e=\'" << (*iM).endex << "\' "
<< "f=\'" << (*iM).flag << "\'/>";

//-- <msg...>

XML << "<msg size=\'" << ScanData.ScanSize << "'>" << endl; // Starting with the msg element.
to_base64 EncodedMessageData(
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(MessageBuffer), MessageLength); // Encode the message to base64.

const int SampleLineLength = 64; // 64 bytes per line is good.
for(int i = 0; i < MessageLength;) { // Now we break it into lines
for(int l = 0; l < SampleLineLength && i < MessageLength; l++, i++) { // that are a reasonable length.
XML << EncodedMessageData.at(i); // Emit one character at a time...
} // At the end of a reasonable
XML << endl; // length we terminate the line.
XML << "</msg>" << endl; // End of the <msg> element.

//-- done with the sample!

XML << "</sample>" << endl;

// Last thing we do is post the formatted string to the buffer.
const int SampleSafetyLimit = 100000; // 100 Kbyte limit on samples.
ScopeMutex DoNotDisturb(myMutex); // Don't bug me man I'm busy.
if(SampleSafetyLimit < SamplesBuffer.length()) // If the samples buffer is full
SamplesBuffer.clear(); // clear it before adding more.
SamplesBuffer.append(XML.str()); // Append the XML to the buffer.

string snfNETmgr::getSamples() { // Synchronized way to get Samples.
ScopeMutex DoNotDisturb(myMutex); // Lock the mutex to protect our work.
string SamplesBatch = SamplesBuffer; // Copy the samples to a new string.
SamplesBuffer.clear(); // Clear the samples buffer.
return SamplesBatch; // Return a batch of Samples.

void snfNETmgr::sendReport(const string& S) { // How to send a status report.
const int ReportSafetyLimit = 100000; // 100 Kbytes limit on reports.
ScopeMutex DoNotDisturb(myMutex); // Lock the mutex for a moment.
if(ReportSafetyLimit < ReportsBuffer.length()) // If the reports buffer is full
ReportsBuffer.clear(); // clear it before adding more.
ReportsBuffer.append(S); // Append the report.

string snfNETmgr::getReports() { // Synchronized way to get Reports.
ScopeMutex DoNotDisturb(myMutex); // Lock the mutex to protect our work.
string ReportsBatch = ReportsBuffer; // Copy the reports to a new string.
ReportsBuffer.clear(); // Clear the reports buffer.
return ReportsBatch; // Return a batch of Reports.

string& snfNETmgr::RulebaseUTC(string& t) { // Gets local rulebase file UTC.
struct stat RulebaseStat; // First we need a stat buffer.
if(0 != stat(RulebaseFilePath.c_str(), &RulebaseStat)) { // If we can't get the stat we
t.append("000000000000"); return t; // will return 000000000000 to
} // make sure we should get the file.
struct tm RulebaseTime; // Allocate a time structure.
RulebaseTime = *(gmtime(&RulebaseStat.st_mtime)); // Copy the file time to it as UTC.

char TimestampBfr[20]; // Timestamp buffer.

sprintf(TimestampBfr,"%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d\0", // Format yyyymmddhhmmss

t.append(TimestampBfr); // Append the timestamp to t
return t; // and return it to the caller.

unsigned long snfNETmgr::ResolveHostIPFromName(const string& N) { // Host name resolution tool.
ScopeMutex OneAtATimePlease(ResolverMutex); // Resolve only one at a time.
unsigned long IP = inet_addr(N.c_str()); // See if it's an IP.
if (INADDR_NONE == IP) { // If it's not an IP resolve it.
hostent* H = gethostbyname(N.c_str()); // Resolve the host.
if (NULL == H) { // If we didn't get a resolution
return INADDR_NONE; // return no address.
} // If we did resolve the address
IP = *((unsigned long*)H->h_addr_list[0]); // get the primary entry.
return ntohl(IP); // Return what we got (host order)

// The Evolving One Time Pad engine is just slightly better than calling
// rand() with the system time as a seed. However, it does have the advantage
// that in order to guess it's initial state an attacker would need to already
// know the license id and authentication. It also has the advantage that it
// adds small amounts of entropy over time and never really forgets them. For
// example, the exact time between calls to evolvePad is dependent on how long
// it takes to sync which is dependent on how much data there is to report
// which is dependent on the number and size of messages scanned etc... and
// this is also impacted a bit by network performance issues during the sync.
// Sensitivity to this entropy has millisecond resolution. This is a cross-
// platform solution that depends only on our own code ;-)

void snfNETmgr::evolvePad(string Entropy) { // Add entropy and evolve.
ScopeMutex OneAtATimePlease(PadMutex); // Protect the one time pad.
myLOGmgr->Timestamp(Entropy); // Time matters ;-)
int x; // We want to capture this.
for(int a = 0; a < Entropy.length(); a++) { // Add the entropy to our generator.
x = PadGenerator.Encrypt(Entropy.at(a));
msclock rt = myLOGmgr->RunningTime(); // Get the elapsed running time so far.
unsigned char* rtb = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&rt); // Convert that long long into bytes.
for(int a = 0; a < sizeof(msclock); a++) { // Encrypt those bytes one by one
PadGenerator.Encrypt(rtb[a]); // to add more entropy.

// To get a pad of any length you like, use the OneTimePad()
// Note that we don't assign a value to x before using it! If we get lucky,
// we will get some random value from ram as additional entropy ;-) If we end
// up starting with zero, that's ok too.

PadBuffer snfNETmgr::OneTimePad(int Len) { // Get Len bytes of one time pad.
PadBuffer B; // Start with a buffer.
B.reserve(Len); // Reserve Len bytes.
unsigned char x; // Get an unsigned char, unknown value.
for(int a = 0; a < Len; a++) { // Create Len bytes of pad by evolving
B.push_back(x = PadGenerator.Encrypt(x)); // x through itself and copying the
} // data into the buffer.
return B; // Return the result.

// Handshake tries to return the current stored handshake. If it can't then it
// returns a new handshake based on data from the pad generator.

PadBuffer snfNETmgr::Handshake() { // What is the current handshake?
if(CurrentHandshake.size() != SNFHandshakeSize) { // If we don't have one make one!
CurrentHandshake = OneTimePad(SNFHandshakeSize); // Set up a default handshake to use
try { // if we can't remember the real one.
ifstream HSF(HandshakeFilePath.c_str(), ios::binary); // Open the handshake file.
char* bfr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&CurrentHandshake[0]); // Manufacture a proper pointer.
HSF.read(bfr, SNFHandshakeSize); // Read the data (overwrite the HSB).
HSF.close(); // Close the file.
} catch(...) { } // Ignore any errors.
return CurrentHandshake; // Return the buffer.

PadBuffer& snfNETmgr::Handshake(PadBuffer& NewHandshake) { // Store a new handshake.
CurrentHandshake = NewHandshake; // Grab the new handshake
try { // then try to store it...
ofstream HSF(HandshakeFilePath.c_str(), ios::binary | ios::trunc); // Open the handshake file.
char* bfr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&NewHandshake[0]); // Access the raw buffer.
HSF.write(bfr, NewHandshake.size()); // Replace the old handshake
HSF.close(); // close the file.
} catch(...) {} // Ignore errors.
return NewHandshake; // Return what we were given.

void snfNETmgr::postUpdateTrigger(string& updateUTC) { // Post an update trigger file.
try { // Safely post an update trigger.
ofstream HSF(UpdateReadyFilePath.c_str(), ios::binary | ios::trunc); // Open/create the trigger file.
char* bfr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&updateUTC[0]); // Access the raw UTC buffer.
HSF.write(bfr, updateUTC.size()); // Write the update timestamp.
HSF.close(); // close the file.
} catch(...) {} // Ignore errors.

// Utility to read a line from a non-blocking TCPHost & check the timeout.

const int MaxReadLineLength = 1024; // How long a line can be.
string readLineTimeout(TCPHost& S, Timeout& T) { // Read a line from S until T.
Sleeper WaitForMoreData(50); // How long to wait when no data.
string LineBuffer = ""; // Buffer for the line.
while( // Keep going as long as:
false == T.isExpired() && // our timeout has not expired AND
MaxReadLineLength > LineBuffer.length() // we haven't reached our limit.
) {
char c = 0; // One byte at a time
if(1 == S.receive(&c, sizeof(c))) { // Read from the TCPHost.
LineBuffer.push_back(c); // Push the byte onto the string.
if('\n' == c) break; // If it was a newline we're done!
} else { // If we didn't get any data
WaitForMoreData(); // pause before our next run.
return LineBuffer; // Always return our buffer.

// Utility to write data to a non-blocking TCPHost & check the timeout.

// Some networks can only handle small packets and fragmentation can be a
// problem. Also, on Win* especially, sending small chunks is _MUCH_ more
// reliable than trying to send large buffers all at once. SO - here we break
// down our sending operations into medium sized chunks of data. The underlying
// os can reorganize these chunks as needed for the outgouing stream. If the OS
// needs us to slow down (doesn't send full chunks) then we introduce a small
// delay between chunks to give the channel more time.

const int MaxSendChunkSize = 512; // Size of one chunk in a write.
void sendDataTimeout(TCPHost& S, Timeout& T, char* Bfr, int Len) { // Send and keep track of time.
Sleeper WaitForMoreRoom(15); // Wait to send more data.
int Remaining = Len; // This is how much we have left.
while( // For as long as:
false == T.isExpired() && // We still have time left AND
0 < Remaining // We still have data left
) {
int ThisChunkSize = Remaining; // Hope to send it all in one chunk
if(MaxSendChunkSize < ThisChunkSize) ThisChunkSize = MaxSendChunkSize; // but break it down as needed.
int SentThisTime = S.transmit(Bfr, ThisChunkSize); // Send the data. How much went?
Remaining -= SentThisTime; // Calculate how much is left.
Bfr += SentThisTime; // Move our pointer (old school!)
if(ThisChunkSize > SentThisTime) WaitForMoreRoom(); // If some of this chunk didn't go
} // the pause before the next chunk.

void sendDataTimeout(TCPHost& S, Timeout& T, string& D) { // Send a string and keep track
sendDataTimeout(S, T, const_cast<char*>(D.c_str()), D.length()); // of time. (Polymorphism is fun)

void snfNETmgr::sync() { // Synchronize with central command.

// Keep these things in scope. This is how we roll.

string HostName;
int HostPort;
string Secret;
string Node;

// Grab our configuration data (marchng orders).

if(!isConfigured) return; // If we're not configured, don't!
else {
ScopeMutex GettingConfig(ConfigMutex); // Temporarily lock our config.
HostName = SyncHostName; // We will connect to this host.
HostPort = SyncHostPort; // We will connect to this port.
Secret = SecurityKey; // Get the security key.
Node = License; // Get the Node ID.

try { // Lots can go wrong so catch it :-)

// 20080326 _M Blocking sockets tend to lock up so I've refactored this
// code to use non-blocking sockets. This is actually part of the previous
// refactor (TCPWatchdog see below) since without the watchdog there is no
// way to get out of a blocking socket if it's dead.

// 20080325 _M TCPWatchdog is a brute. It doesn't pay attention to thread
// states. A weird bug showed up where the SYNC session seemed to hang and
// the TCPWatchdog was left alive. In the process of hunting down this bug
// I decided to remove the TCPWatchdog and put appropriate timeout checking
// in each of the comms loops instead. So, from now on:
// if(SessionDog.isExpired()) throw SyncFailed("Out Of Time");

const int SyncSessionTimeout = 2 * SYNCTimer.getDuration(); // Timeout is twice poll time.
Timeout SessionDog(SyncSessionTimeout); // Give this long for a session.

// Connect to the sync host.


SocketAddress SyncHostAddress; // We'll need an address.
SyncHostAddress.setPort(HostPort); // Set the port.
SyncHostAddress.setAddress(ResolveHostIPFromName(HostName)); // Resolve and set the IP.
TCPHost SyncServer(SyncHostAddress); // Set up a host connection.
SyncServer.makeNonBlocking(); // Make the connection non-blocking.

PollTimer WaitForOpen(10, 340); // Expand 10ms to 340ms between tries.
while(!SessionDog.isExpired()) { // Wait & Watch for a good connection.
try { SyncServer.open(); } // Try opening the connection.
catch(exception& e) { // If we get an exception then
string ConnectFailMessage = "snfNETmgr::sync().open() "; // format a useful message about
ConnectFailMessage.append(e.what()); // the error and then throw
throw SyncFailed(ConnectFailMessage); // a SyncFailed exception.
if(SyncServer.isOpen()) break; // When successful, let's Go!
else WaitForOpen.pause(); // When not yet successful, pause
} // then try again if we have time.

if(!SyncServer.isOpen()) throw SyncFailed("Connect Timed Out"); // Check our connection.

if(SessionDog.isExpired()) throw SyncFailed("Out Of Time"); // Check our session time.

// Start communicating.

string LineBuffer = ""; // Input Line Buffer.

// Read challenge


LineBuffer = readLineTimeout(SyncServer, SessionDog); // Read the challenge line.
snf_sync Challenge(LineBuffer.c_str(), LineBuffer.length()); // Interpret what we read.
if( // Check that it's good...
Challenge.bad() || // A complete packet was read
0 >= Challenge.snf_sync_challenge_txt.length() // and the challenge is present.
) throw SyncFailed("sync() Challenge.bad()"); // If not then throw.

if(SessionDog.isExpired()) throw SyncFailed("Out Of Time"); // Check our session time.

// Write response


from_base64 DecodedChallenge(Challenge.snf_sync_challenge_txt); // Decode the challenge.

//--- Prepare the secret.

MANGLER ResponseGenerator; // Grab a mangler.
for(int i = 0; i < Secret.length(); i++) // Fill it with the
ResponseGenerator.Encrypt(Secret.at(i)); // security key.

const int ManglerKeyExpansionCount = 1024; // Loop this many to randomize.
for(int x = 0, i = 0; i < ManglerKeyExpansionCount; i++) // For the required number of loops,
x = ResponseGenerator.Encrypt(x); // have Mangler chase it's tail.

//--- Absorb the challenge.

for(int i = 0; i < DecodedChallenge.size(); i++) // Evolve through the challenge.

/*** We now have half of the key for this session ***/

//--- Encrypt our Pad.

PadBuffer NewPad = OneTimePad(); // Grab a new Pad (default size).

base64buffer ResponseBin; // With the key now established,
for(int i = 0; i < NewPad.size(); i++) // encrypt the one time pad for
ResponseBin.push_back( // transfer.

//--- Encrypt our Handshake.

PadBuffer CurrentHandshake = Handshake(); // Recall the secret handshake.
for(int i = 0; i < CurrentHandshake.size(); i++) // Encrypt that into the stream.

//--- Encrypt our Signature.

for(int x = 0, i = 0; i < SNFSignatureSize; i++) // Generate a hash by having Mangler
ResponseBin.push_back( // chase it's tail for the appropriate
x = ResponseGenerator.Encrypt(x)); // number of bytes.

//--- Encode our response as base64 and send it.

to_base64 ResponseTxt(ResponseBin); // Encode the cyphertext as base64.
string ResponseTxtString; // Create a handy string and place
ResponseTxtString.assign(ResponseTxt.begin(), ResponseTxt.end()); // the base 64 text into it.

string ResponseMsg; // Build an appropriate response
ResponseMsg.append("<snf><sync><response nodeid=\'"); // identifying this node
ResponseMsg.append(Node); // with the license id
ResponseMsg.append("\' text=\'"); // and providing an appropriately
ResponseMsg.append(ResponseTxtString); // mangled response string
ResponseMsg.append("\'/></sync></snf>\n"); // for authentication.


sendDataTimeout(SyncServer, SessionDog, ResponseMsg); // Send the response.
if(SessionDog.isExpired()) throw SyncFailed("Out Of Time"); // Check our session time.

// Read rulebase info or error


LineBuffer = readLineTimeout(SyncServer, SessionDog); // Read the rulebase status line.
snf_sync RulebaseResponse(LineBuffer.c_str(), LineBuffer.length()); // Interpret what we read.
if( // Check that it's good...
RulebaseResponse.bad() // A complete packet was read.
) throw SyncFailed("sync() Response.bad()"); // If not then throw.

if(0 < RulebaseResponse.snf_sync_error_message.length()) { // If the response was an error
PadBuffer NewNullHandshake; // then we will assume we are out
NewNullHandshake.assign(SNFHandshakeSize, 0); // of sync with the server so we
Handshake(NewNullHandshake); // will set the NULL handshake and
throw SyncFailed("sync() Response error message"); // fail this sync attempt.
if(SessionDog.isExpired()) throw SyncFailed("Out Of Time"); // Check our session time.

// Update Handshake

for(int x = 0, i = 0; i < ManglerKeyExpansionCount; i++) // For the required number of loops,
x = ResponseGenerator.Encrypt(x); // have Mangler chase it's tail.

PadBuffer NewHandshake; // Grab a new handshake buffer.
for(int x = 0, i = 0; i < SNFHandshakeSize; i++) // Create the new handshake as a
NewHandshake.push_back( // mangler hash of the current
x = ResponseGenerator.Encrypt(x)); // key state (proper length of course).

Handshake(NewHandshake); // Save our new handshake to disk.

// Interpret Rulebase Response

myLOGmgr->updateAvailableUTC(RulebaseResponse.snf_sync_rulebase_utc); // Store the latest update UTC.
if(myLOGmgr->isUpdateAvailable()) { // If a new update is read then
postUpdateTrigger(RulebaseResponse.snf_sync_rulebase_utc); // create an update trigger file.

// Write our Client reports (multi-line)


string ClientReport;
sendDataTimeout(SyncServer, SessionDog, ClientReport);
ClientReport = "";

if(SessionDog.isExpired()) throw SyncFailed("Out Of Time"); // Check our session time.

// Insert our GBUdb Alerts.

list<GBUdbAlert> Alerts; // Make a list of GBUdb Alerts.
myGBUdbmgr->GetAlertsForSync(Alerts); // Get them from our GBUdb.
list<GBUdbAlert>::iterator iA;
for(iA = Alerts.begin(); iA != Alerts.end(); iA++) { // Convert each alert in our list
ClientReport.append((*iA).toXML()); // into XML, follow it up
ClientReport.append("\n"); // with a new line, and send it
sendDataTimeout(SyncServer, SessionDog, ClientReport); // Send the Client report data.
ClientReport = ""; // Clear the buffer.
if(SessionDog.isExpired()) throw SyncFailed("Out Of Time"); // Check our session time.

// Send Status Reports - one line at a time.


*** Instead of splitting up the reports by line we will try sending them
*** all at once using the new sendDataTimeout() function.
if(0 < ReportsBuffer.length()) { // If we have reports - send them.
string DataToSend = getReports(); // Grab a copy and clear the buffer.
int Cursor = 0; // We need a cursor and a length
int Length = 0; // to help us feed this line by line.
while(Cursor < DataToSend.length()) { // While we have more data...
Length = DataToSend.find_first_of('\n', Cursor); // Find the end of the first line.
if(string::npos == Length) break; // If we can't then we're done.
Length = (Length + 1) - Cursor; // If we can, convert that to length.
SyncServer.transmit( // Get and send the line using the
DataToSend.substr(Cursor, Length).c_str(), // substring function.
Cursor = Cursor + Length; // Move the cursor for the next line.
if(SessionDog.isExpired()) throw SyncFailed("Out Of Time"); // Check our session time.


if(0 < ReportsBuffer.length()) { // If we have reports to send
string DataToSend = getReports(); // get (and clear) the reports and
sendDataTimeout(SyncServer, SessionDog, DataToSend); // send them (mindful of timeout).
if(SessionDog.isExpired()) throw SyncFailed("Out Of Time"); // Check our session time.

// Send Samples - one line at a time.



if(0 < SamplesBuffer.length()) {
string DataToSend = getSamples();
int Cursor = 0; // We need a cursor and a length
int Length = 0; // to help us feed this line by line.
while(Cursor < DataToSend.length()) { // While we have more data...
Length = DataToSend.find_first_of('\n', Cursor); // Find the end of the first line.
if(string::npos == Length) break; // If we can't then we're done.
Length = (Length + 1) - Cursor; // If we can, convert that to length.
SyncServer.transmit( // Get and send the line using the
DataToSend.substr(Cursor, Length).c_str(), // substring function.
Cursor = Cursor + Length; // Move the cursor for the next line.
if(SessionDog.isExpired()) throw SyncFailed("Out Of Time"); // Check our session time.


if(0 < SamplesBuffer.length()) { // If we have samples to send
string DataToSend = getSamples(); // get (and clear) the samples and
sendDataTimeout(SyncServer, SessionDog, DataToSend); // send them (mindful of timeout).
if(SessionDog.isExpired()) throw SyncFailed("Out Of Time"); // Check our session time.

// Terminate the client messages.



sendDataTimeout(SyncServer, SessionDog, ClientReport); // Send the Client report.
if(SessionDog.isExpired()) throw SyncFailed("Out Of Time"); // Check our session time.

// Read the Server response (multi-line)


string ServerResponse;
string ResponseLine;
while(string::npos == ResponseLine.find("</snf>\n")) { // Until we find the ending...
ResponseLine = readLineTimeout(SyncServer, SessionDog); // Read a line.
if(0 >= ResponseLine.length()) { // If we get an empty line
throw SyncFailed("sync() server response empty line"); // then it's an error.
ServerResponse.append(ResponseLine); // Append the line.
if(SessionDog.isExpired()) throw SyncFailed("Out Of Time"); // Check our session time.

snf_sync ServerMessages(
ServerResponse.c_str(), ServerResponse.length()); // Interpret what we read.
if( // Check that it's good...
ServerMessages.bad() // A complete packet was read.
) throw SyncFailed("sync() ServerMessages.bad()"); // If not then throw.

// At this point we should have a good Server response.


SyncServer.close(); // Close the connection.
evolvePad(Challenge.snf_sync_challenge_txt); // Use this event for more entropy.

// Import any GBUdb reflections.


if(0 < ServerMessages.ServerGBUAlertHandler.AlertList.size()) { // If we have received reflections
myGBUdbmgr->ProcessReflections( // then process them through our
ServerMessages.ServerGBUAlertHandler.AlertList // GBUdb.

/*** On Sync Override set sync timer to override time. If no override
**** then be sure to reset the timer to the current CFG value if it
**** is not already there. Also, if sync override is not engaged then
**** be sure the overrid flag is set to -1 indicating it is off.
**** Configure() code assumes we are handling the override sync timer
**** functions this way.

// Assign the SyncSecsOverride with the value we retrieved. It will
// either be a seconds value, or a -1 indicating it was absent from
// the server message.

SyncSecsOverride = ServerMessages.snf_sync_server_resync_secs; // What was the SyncOverride?
const int SecsAsms = 1000; // Multiplier - seconds to milliseconds.

if(0 > SyncSecsOverride) { // If the sync timer IS NOT in override,
if(SYNCTimer.getDuration() != (SyncSecsConfigured * SecsAsms)) { // And the config time is different than
SYNCTimer.setDuration(SyncSecsConfigured * SecsAsms); // the timer's current setting then set
} // the timer to the new value.
} else { // If the sync timer IS in override now,
if(SYNCTimer.getDuration() != (SyncSecsOverride * SecsAsms)) { // and the override is different than the
SYNCTimer.setDuration(SyncSecsOverride * SecsAsms); // current setting then override the setting
} // with the new value.

// All done


(*myLOGmgr).RecordSyncEvent(); // Finished that -- so log the event.

catch (exception& e) { // SYNC Failed and we know more.
const int snf_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 99; // Report an error (unknown code)
string ERROR_SYNC_FAILEDmsg = CurrentThreadState().Name; // Format a useful state message.
ERROR_SYNC_FAILEDmsg.append(": ");
(*myLOGmgr).logThisError( // Log the error (if possible)
catch (...) { // SYNC Failed if we're here.
const int snf_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 99; // Report an error (unknown code)
string ERROR_SYNC_FAILEDmsg = CurrentThreadState().Name; // Format a useful state message.
ERROR_SYNC_FAILEDmsg.append(": Panic!");
(*myLOGmgr).logThisError( // Log the error (if possible)

+ 138
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/snfNETmgr.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
// snfNETmgr.hpp
// (C) Copyright 2006 - 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// SNF network node manager.

// 20080312 _M Refactored exceptions to std::runtime_exception

#ifndef snfNETmgr_included
#define snfNETmgr_included

#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>
#include "networking.hpp"
#include "timing.hpp"
#include "threading.hpp"
#include "snfCFGmgr.hpp"
#include "snfLOGmgr.hpp"
#include "snfGBUdbmgr.hpp"
#include "mangler.hpp"

class snfScanData; // Declare snfScanData;
class snfLOGmgr; // Declare snfLOGmgr;
class snfGBUdbmgr; // Declare snfGBUdbmgr;

using namespace std;

typedef vector<unsigned char> PadBuffer; // Holds one time pads etc.
const int SNFHandshakeSize = 8; // Size of an SNF Handshake.
const int SNFChallengeSize = 32; // Size of an SNF Challenge.
const int SNFPadSize = 16; // Size of an SNF One Time Pad.
const int SNFSignatureSize = SNFHandshakeSize; // Size of an SNF Signature.

class snfNETmgr : public Thread { // The network process manager.

Mutex myMutex; // Object is busy mutex.
Mutex ResolverMutex; // Mutex to protect lookups.
Mutex ConfigMutex; // Configuration change/use mutex.
Mutex PadMutex; // Pad use/evoloution mutex.

snfLOGmgr* myLOGmgr; // Log manager to use.
snfGBUdbmgr* myGBUdbmgr; // GBUdb manager to use.

volatile bool isTimeToStop; // Time to shutdown flag.
volatile bool isConfigured; // True once ready to run.

Timeout SYNCTimer; // SYNC timer.

void evolvePad(string Entropy = ""); // Add entropy to and evolve.
MANGLER PadGenerator; // Random pad source.
PadBuffer OneTimePad(int Len = SNFPadSize); // Provides Len bytes of one time pad.

// Configuration data

string License; // Node (license) Id?
string SecurityKey; // Security key for this rulebase?
string RulebaseFilePath; // Where we can find our rulebase?
string HandshakeFilePath; // Where do we keep our handshake?
string UpdateReadyFilePath; // Where do I put update trigger files?
string SyncHostName; // Where do we connect to sync?
int SyncHostPort; // What port do we use to sync?
int SyncSecsOverride; // How may secs between sync (override)?
int SyncSecsConfigured; // How many secs to sync (nominally)?

PadBuffer Handshake(); // What is the current handshake?
PadBuffer& Handshake(PadBuffer& NewHandshake); // Store a new handshake.
PadBuffer CurrentHandshake; // Where we keep our current handshake.

void postUpdateTrigger(string& updateUTC); // Post an update trigger file.

string SamplesBuffer; // Message Samples Appended Together.
string getSamples(); // Syncrhonized way to get Samples.
string ReportsBuffer; // Status Reports Appended Together.
string getReports(); // Synchronized way to get Reports.


snfNETmgr(); // Construct and start.
~snfNETmgr(); // Shutdown and destruct.

void stop(); // How to stop the thread.
void myTask(); // Define the thread task.

void linkLOGmgr(snfLOGmgr& L); // Set the LOGmgr.
void linkGBUdbmgr(snfGBUdbmgr& G); // Set the GBUdbmgr.
void configure(snfCFGData& CFGData); // Update the configuration.

class SyncFailed : public runtime_error { // Thrown if sync doesn't work.
public: SyncFailed(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}

// Operations

// Why have configure AND pass CFGData in action calls?
// The configure() method updates background task configuration itmes.
// The CFGData passed on action calls informs the configuration in use with
// that particular operation -- it might be different than the current CFG
// if the CFG has been updated recently (reload).

void sendSample( // Send a sampled message...
snfCFGData& CFGData, // Use this configuration,
snfScanData& ScanData, // Include this scan data,
const unsigned char* MessageBuffer, // This is the message itself
int MessageLength // and it is this size.

void sendReport(const string& StatusReportText); // Send a status report...

void sync(); // Do the whole "sync" thing.

// Utility Functions

unsigned long ResolveHostIPFromName(const string& N); // Find the IP.
string& RulebaseUTC(string& t); // Gets local rulebase file UTC.

const static ThreadType Type; // The thread's type.

const static ThreadState Sleeping; // Taking a break.
const static ThreadState SYNC_Connect; // Connecting to SYNC server.
const static ThreadState SYNC_Read_Challenge; // Reading challenge.
const static ThreadState SYNC_Compute_Response; // Computing crypto response.
const static ThreadState SYNC_Send_Response; // Sending crypto response.
const static ThreadState SYNC_Read_Availabilty; // Reading rulebase status.
const static ThreadState SYNC_Send_GBUdb_Alerts; // Sending GBUdb alerts.
const static ThreadState SYNC_Send_Status_Reports; // Sending status reports.
const static ThreadState SYNC_Send_Samples; // Sending message samples.
const static ThreadState SYNC_Send_End_Of_Report; // Sending end of client data.
const static ThreadState SYNC_Read_Server_Response; // Reading server data.
const static ThreadState SYNC_Close_Connection; // Closing connection.
const static ThreadState SYNC_Parse_GBUdb_Reflections; // Parsing GBUdb reflections.
const static ThreadState SYNC_Log_Event; // Logging SYNC event.



+ 787
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/snfXCImgr.cpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,787 @@
// snfXCImgr.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2007 - 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// See snfXCImgr.hpp for details.

#include "SNFMulti.hpp"
#include "snfXCImgr.hpp"

using namespace std;

// snfXCIServerCommandHandler Virtual Base Class Default Processor.

const string XCIServerCommandDefaultResponse =
"<snf><xci><server><response message=\'Not Implemented\' code=\'-1\'/></server></xci></snf>\n";

string snfXCIServerCommandHandler::processXCIRequest(snf_xci& X) { // A Server using SNFMulti
return XCIServerCommandDefaultResponse; // can provide a useful processor.

// snfXCIJob encapsulates a single XCI transaction.

void snfXCIJob::clear() { // Clear the buffers.
Request.clear(); // Clear the request and
Response.clear(); // response buffers.
SetupTime = 0; // No setup time yet.

// snfXCIJobProcessor encapsulates the logic to respond to an XCI request.

snfXCIJobProcessor::snfXCIJobProcessor(snf_RulebaseHandler* H) : // Setup scanner.
myHome(H) { // Establish myHome from H.
myEngine = new snf_EngineHandler(); // Create an engine handler and
myEngine->open(H); // tie it in to our home rulebase.

snfXCIJobProcessor::~snfXCIJobProcessor() { // Tear down scanner.
if(myEngine) { // Checking first that we have one,
myEngine->close(); // close the engine and then
delete myEngine; // delete it. Set the pointer to
myEngine = 0; // NULL to enforce the point.
myHome = 0; // NULL out our home too.

//// This collection of functions handle the processing of all XCI requests.

bool snfXCIJobProcessor::isScanJob() { // True if myXCI is a scan job.
if(0 < myXCI.scanner_scan_file.length()) return true; // If we have a scan file: true!
return false; // otherwise false.

bool snfXCIJobProcessor::isGBUdbJob() { // True if myXCI is a GBUdb job.
if( // GBUdb jobs have either
0 < myXCI.gbudb_test_ip.length() || // an IP to test or
0 < myXCI.gbudb_set_ip.length() || // an IP to setup or
0 < myXCI.gbudb_bad_ip.length() || // a bad IP to flag or
0 < myXCI.gbudb_good_ip.length() || // a good IP to flag or
0 < myXCI.gbudb_drop_ip.length()
) return true; // If we have one of these: true!
return false; // otherwise false.

bool snfXCIJobProcessor::isReportJob() { // True if myXCI is a Report job.
if(0 < myXCI.report_request_status_class.length()) return true; // If we have a report status class
return false; // it's a report otherwise it's not.

bool snfXCIJobProcessor::isCommandJob() { // True if myXCI is a Command job.
if(0 < myXCI.xci_server_command.length()) return true; // If we have a command string: true!
return false; // otherwise false.

void snfXCIJobProcessor::processScan(snfXCIJob& J) { // Process a scan request.
try { // Safely perform our scan.

// Check for forced IP.

IP4Address ForcedIP = 0UL; // Don't expect a forced IP.
if(0 < myXCI.scanner_scan_ip.length()) { // If we have one then
ForcedIP = myXCI.scanner_scan_ip; // convert it from the string.

// Scan the message file.

int ScanResult = // Scan the file using our
myEngine->scanMessageFile( // engine. Use the file
myXCI.scanner_scan_file.c_str(), // path in the XCI request, and
J.SetupTime, // the recorded setup time. Use the
ForcedIP // forced IP if provided.

// Create a proper xci resposne.

ostringstream ResultString; // Use a stringstream to make it easier.
<< "<snf><xci><scanner><result code=\'" // Emit the preamble.
<< ScanResult << "\'"; // Emit the scan result.

if( // Check for optional data requests.
false == myXCI.scanner_scan_xhdr &&
false == myXCI.scanner_scan_log
) { // If no optional data was requested
ResultString // then close the <request/> and
<< "/></scanner></xci></snf>" // emit the closing elements.
<< endl; // End of the line.

} else { // If optional data is requested:
ResultString << ">" << endl; // Complete the <result> open tag.

if(true == myXCI.scanner_scan_xhdr) { // Optionally include XHDR data.
ResultString // If xheaders are requested...
<< "<xhdr>" << myEngine->getXHDRs() // Emit the xhdr element & contents.
<< "</xhdr>" << endl; // End the xhdr and end of line.

if(true == myXCI.scanner_scan_log) { // Optionally include XMLLog data.
ResultString // If the log data is requested...
<< "<log>" << myEngine->getXMLLog() // Emit the log element & data.
<< "</log>" << endl; // End the log data and end of line.

ResultString << "</result></scanner></xci></snf>"; // Emit the closing elements.

J.Response = ResultString.str(); // Capture the formatted response.

// Decode the known exceptions

catch(snf_EngineHandler::AllocationError& e) {
J.Response = "<snf><xci><error message=\'AllocationError ";

catch(snf_EngineHandler::BadMatrix& e) {
J.Response = "<snf><xci><error message=\'BadMatrix ";

catch(snf_EngineHandler::Busy& e) {
J.Response = "<snf><xci><error message=\'Busy ";

catch(snf_EngineHandler::FileError& e) {
J.Response = "<snf><xci><error message=\'FileError ";

catch(snf_EngineHandler::MaxEvals& e) {
J.Response = "<snf><xci><error message=\'MaxEvals ";

catch(snf_EngineHandler::Panic& e) {
J.Response = "<snf><xci><error message=\'Panic ";

catch(snf_EngineHandler::XHDRError& e) {
J.Response = "<snf><xci><error message=\'XHDRError ";

// Decode the unknown exceptions

catch(exception& e) {
J.Response = "<snf><xci><error message=\'Exception! ";

catch(...) {
J.Response = "<snf><xci><error message=\'... Thrown!\'/></xci></snf>\n";

string snfXCIJobProcessor::processGBUdb() { // Process a GBUdb request.
GBUdb& myGBUdb = myHome->MyGBUdb; // Make a convenient GBUdb handle.
IP4Address IP; // We will work with an IP.
GBUdbRecord R; // We will get a record to return.

// Test an IP - return it's current data.

if(0 < myXCI.gbudb_test_ip.length()) { // IF: Test an IP
IP = myXCI.gbudb_test_ip; // Convert the IP.
} else

// Set or update an IP's data.

if(0 < myXCI.gbudb_set_ip.length()) { // IF: Set an IP's data.
IP = myXCI.gbudb_set_ip; // Convert the IP.
if( // Check for a compound update:
0 <= myXCI.gbudb_set_bad_count || // If we are changing the bad
0 <= myXCI.gbudb_set_good_count // or good count then this is
) { // a compound update (read then write).
R = myGBUdb.getRecord(IP); // Get the record (or a safe blank).
if(0 <= myXCI.gbudb_set_bad_count) // If we have a bad count to set
R.Bad(myXCI.gbudb_set_bad_count); // then set the bad count.
if(0 <= myXCI.gbudb_set_good_count) // If we have a good count to set
R.Good(myXCI.gbudb_set_good_count); // then set the good count.
if(0 < myXCI.gbudb_set_type.length()) { // If type, set type...
switch(myXCI.gbudb_set_type.at(0)) { // Determine the type based on the
case 'g': case 'G': { R.Flag(Good); break; } // first character of the name and
case 'b': case 'B': { R.Flag(Bad); break; } // set the appropriate flag.
case 'u': case 'U': { R.Flag(Ugly); break; }
case 'i': case 'I': { R.Flag(Ignore); break; }
myGBUdb.setRecord(IP, R); // Save the data.

} else // This might be a simple flag change.
if(0 < myXCI.gbudb_set_type.length()) { // If type, set type...
switch(myXCI.gbudb_set_type.at(0)) { // Determine the type based on the
case 'g': case 'G': { R = myGBUdb.setGood(IP); break; } // first character of the name and
case 'b': case 'B': { R = myGBUdb.setBad(IP); break; } // set the appropriate flag. Simple
case 'u': case 'U': { R = myGBUdb.setUgly(IP); break; } // flag changes are atomic so there is
case 'i': case 'I': { R = myGBUdb.setIgnore(IP); break; } // no need to "save" later.
} else { // Empty set command?
return XCIBadSetResponse; // That's bad. Use test!
} else

// Add a bad event to an IPs data.

if(0 < myXCI.gbudb_bad_ip.length()) { // IF: Add a bad mark for this IP
IP = myXCI.gbudb_bad_ip; // Convert the IP.
R = myGBUdb.addBad(IP); // Add a bad mark.
} else

// Add a good event to an IPs data.

if(0 < myXCI.gbudb_good_ip.length()) { // IF: Add a good mark for this IP
IP = myXCI.gbudb_good_ip; // Convert the IP.
R = myGBUdb.addGood(IP); // Add a bad mark.
} else

// Drop an IP from the database.

if(0 < myXCI.gbudb_drop_ip.length()) { // IF: Drop an IP's data.
IP = myXCI.gbudb_drop_ip; // Convert the IP.
myGBUdb.dropRecord(IP); // Forget about it.

// Return the final state of the IP's data.

IPTestRecord IPState(IP);

ostringstream Response; // Use a stringstream for our output.
<< "<snf><xci><gbudb><result " // Get the response started.
<< "ip=\'" << (string) IP // Emit the ip.
<< "\' type=\'" // Emit the type.
<< ((Good == IPState.G.Flag()) ? "good" :
((Bad == IPState.G.Flag()) ? "bad" :
((Ugly == IPState.G.Flag()) ? "ugly" :
((Ignore == IPState.G.Flag()) ? "ignore" : "error"))))
<< "\' p=\'" << IPState.G.Probability() // Emit the probability.
<< "\' c=\'" << IPState.G.Confidence() // Emit the confidence.
<< "\' b=\'" << IPState.G.Bad() // Emit the bad count.
<< "\' g=\'" << IPState.G.Good() // Emit the good count.
<< "\' range=\'"
<< ((Unknown == IPState.R) ? "unknown" :
((White == IPState.R) ? "white" :
((Normal == IPState.R) ? "normal" :
((New == IPState.R) ? "new" :
((Caution == IPState.R) ? "caution" :
((Black == IPState.R) ? "black" :
((Truncate == IPState.R) ? "truncate" : "error")))))))
<< "\' code=\'" << IPState.Code
<< "\'"
<< "/></gbudb></xci></snf>" // Finish it up.
<< endl;

return Response.str(); // Return the formatted response.

string snfXCIJobProcessor::processStatusReport() { // Process a report request.
string ReportToSend; // Keep this in scope.

if(0 == myXCI.report_request_status_class.find("hour")) { // Please send the hour report.
ReportToSend = myHome->MyLOGmgr.getStatusHourReport();
} else

if(0 == myXCI.report_request_status_class.find("minute")) { // Please send the minute report.
ReportToSend = myHome->MyLOGmgr.getStatusMinuteReport();
} else { // Please send the second report.
ReportToSend = myHome->MyLOGmgr.getStatusSecondReport();

string Response = "<snf><xci><report><response>"; // Construct the response using the
Response.append(ReportToSend); // snf/xci template and the selected
Response.append("</response></report></xci></snf>"); // status report text.

return Response; // Return the response.

void snfXCIJobProcessor::process(snfXCIJob& J) { // Process a Job.

// Parse the XCI request and check for an error.

myXCI.read(J.Request); // Parse the request.
if(myXCI.bad()) { // If it's bad then
J.Response = XCIErrorResponse; // respond with an error.
myHome->logThisError("XCI",-1,"Bad Request"); // Log the error.
return; // Done.
} else

// Process scan requests.

if(isScanJob()) { // If this is a Scan request
processScan(J); // respond with the result.
return; // Done.
} else

// Process gbudb requests.

if(isGBUdbJob()) { // If this is a GBUdb request
J.Response = processGBUdb(); // respond with the result.
return; // Done.
} else

// Process report requests.

if(isReportJob()) { // If this is a Status report request
J.Response = processStatusReport(); // respond with the desired report.
return; // Done.
} else

// Process server commands.

if(isCommandJob()) { // If this is a server command
J.Response = myHome->processXCIServerCommandRequest(myXCI); // pass it up and return the
return; // result. Done.
} else

// If we get to this point we don't understand the well formed request.

J.Response = XCIErrorResponse; // Don't understand?
myHome->logThisError("XCI",-2,"Unrecognized Request"); // Log the error. Respond with
return; // the standard error response.

// ChannelJob encapsulates a Client Job while in the queue and how long it has
// been in the system (since created).

ChannelJob::ChannelJob() : myClient(0) {} // Empty is the null client.

ChannelJob::ChannelJob(TCPClient* C) : // We are created like this.
myClient(C) { // We capture the client and
} // our timer starts automaticially.

msclock ChannelJob::Age() { // How old is this job?
return Lifetime.getElapsedTime(); // Return the elapsed time in ms.

TCPClient* ChannelJob::Client() { // What client does it hold?
return myClient; // Return the Client pointer.

// snfXCITCPChannel encapsulates the logic to queue and handle TCPClients for
// the XCI interface. The queued TCPClients each represent a single request.
// Each request is handled in turn by reading the request into an snfXCIJob,
// handing that snfXCIJob to an snfXCIJobProcessor, transmitting the result
// back to the TCPClient, closing the connection, and recycling the snfXCIJob
// object for the next round.

// snfXCITCPChannel shuts down when given a NULL TCPClient; This allows any
// jobs in queue to be handled before the thread stops. To shut down a channel
// { C->submit(NULL); C->join(); delete C; C = NULL;}

void snfXCITCPChannel::give(ChannelJob& J) { // Give a job to the queue.
ScopeMutex OneAtATimePlease(QueueMutex); // Protected with a mutex...
JobQueue.push(J); // Push the job in.
LatestSize = JobQueue.size(); // Set the blinking light.
QueueGateway.produce(); // Add the item to our gateway.

ChannelJob snfXCITCPChannel::take() { // Take a job from the queue.
QueueGateway.consume(); // Hold on until there is work.
ScopeMutex OneAtATimePlease(QueueMutex); // Queue Data Protected with a mutex.
ChannelJob J = JobQueue.front(); // Grab the next job in the queue.
JobQueue.pop(); // Pop that job out of the queue.
LatestSize = JobQueue.size(); // Set the blinking light.
return J; // Return the Job.

const int RWTimeLimit = 30000; // RWTimeLimit in ms. 30 seconds.
const string endSNF = "</snf>"; // snf_xci snf element terminator.
const int RWPollMin = 15; // Minimum time between polls.
const int RWPollMax = 75; // Maximum time between polls.
const int MaxQueueLength = 32; // Most waiting in any queue.
const int MaxTCPQueueLength = 4 * MaxQueueLength; // Most connections waiting.

void snfXCITCPChannel::readRequest(TCPClient* Client) { // Read Job.Request from Client.
Timeout ReadTimeLimit(RWTimeLimit); // We have time limits.
PollTimer ReadThrottle(RWPollMin, RWPollMax); // Throttle with a spiral delay.
false == ReadTimeLimit.isExpired() && // Read stuff until we're out of time
string::npos == Job.Request.find(endSNF,0) // or we have a complete request.
) {
memset(LineBuffer, 0, sizeof(LineBuffer)); // Clear the buffer.
int bytes = Client->delimited_receive( // Read up to all but one byte
LineBuffer, sizeof(LineBuffer)-1, '\n'); // of the buffer up to the first \n.
if(0 < bytes) { // If we got some bytes
Job.Request.append(LineBuffer); // Append the data we got and
ReadThrottle.reset(); // reset the throttle.
} else { // If we didn't get any bytes then
ReadThrottle.pause(); // wait a little bit more each round.
} // When we're done we will return.

void snfXCITCPChannel::writeResponse(TCPClient* Client) { // Write Job.Request from Client.
Timeout WriteTimeLimit(RWTimeLimit); // We have a time limit.
PollTimer WriteThrottle(RWPollMin, RWPollMax); // Throttle with a spiral delay.
for( // For all the bytes in the response:
int Length = Job.Response.length(), BytesThisTime = 0, Bytes = 0; // Bytes to send, this time and sent.
Bytes < Length && // Keep going if we've got more to
false == WriteTimeLimit.isExpired(); // send and we still have time.
) {
BytesThisTime = Client->transmit( // Transmit some bytes.
&Job.Response[Bytes], Job.Response.length()-Bytes); // from where we are, what is left.
if(0 < BytesThisTime) { // If we sent bytes
Bytes += BytesThisTime; // then keep track of how many
WriteThrottle.reset(); // and reset our throttle to min.
} else { // If we didn't then pause a bit
WriteThrottle.pause(); // and let our delay grow.

const int XCI_Reading = 0; // XCI Mode Flags.
const int XCI_Processing = 1;
const int XCI_Writing = 2;

void snfXCITCPChannel::myTask() { // Thread's main loop.
bool WeAreAlive = true; // It's not over 'til it's over.
while(WeAreAlive) { // While we are alive:
CurrentThreadState(XCI_Wait); // Mark our state.
ChannelJob J = take(); // Pull a Client Job from the queue.
if(0 == J.Client()) { // If the job is empty we're done.
CurrentThreadState(XCI_Shutdown); // Mark our state.
WeAreAlive = false; // Turn off the alive flag and
break; // break out of the loop.

} else { // When we have a job to do:
int XCIMode;
try {
XCIMode = XCI_Reading; // Now we are reading.
readRequest(J.Client()); // Read the client job.

XCIMode = XCI_Processing; // Now we are processing.
Job.SetupTime = J.Age(); // Capture the read and queue time.
Processor.process(Job); // Pass the XCIJob to our processor.

XCIMode = XCI_Writing; // Now we are writing.
writeResponse(J.Client()); // Write the response.

// Log any exceptions that were thrown.

catch(...) {
switch(XCIMode) {
case XCI_Reading: {
case XCI_Processing: {
case XCI_Writing: {

// At the end of every job we clean up no matter what.

if(0 != J.Client()) { // If we have a client
J.Client()->close(); // Close the client.
delete J.Client(); // Delete the client.

Job.clear(); // Clear the job buffer.
} // Go again.

const ThreadType snfXCITCPChannel::Type("snfXCITCPChannel"); // The thread's type.

//// XCI Thread States

const ThreadState snfXCITCPChannel::XCI_Wait("Waiting For Take()");
const ThreadState snfXCITCPChannel::XCI_Read("Reading Request");
const ThreadState snfXCITCPChannel::XCI_Process("Processing Job");
const ThreadState snfXCITCPChannel::XCI_Write("Writing Results");
const ThreadState snfXCITCPChannel::XCI_Close("Closing Connection");
const ThreadState snfXCITCPChannel::XCI_Clear("Clearing Workspace");
const ThreadState snfXCITCPChannel::XCI_Shutdown("Shutting Down");

snfXCITCPChannel::snfXCITCPChannel(snf_RulebaseHandler* H, string N) : // Create these with a home rulebase.
Thread(snfXCITCPChannel::Type, N), // XCI TCP Channel Type & name.
myHome(H), // We know our home.
Processor(H), // Our processor has a rulebase.
LatestSize(0) { // Our job queue size is zero.
run(); // We start our thread.

snfXCITCPChannel::~snfXCITCPChannel() { // Destroy them very carefully.
ChannelJob EndJob; // On the way down feed ourselves
give(EndJob); // an empty job - that will end our
join(); // thread once other jobs are done.
myHome = 0; // Once joined our home is gone.
} // We're done.

int snfXCITCPChannel::Size() { // Keep track of how full they are.
return LatestSize; // Flash the blinking light.

void snfXCITCPChannel::submit(TCPClient* C) { // This is how we submit jobs.
ChannelJob J(C); // Create a Job for this client.
give(J); // Give it (copy) to the queue.

// snfXCImgr encapsulates a service engine that takes XCI requests via TCP,
// performs the required actions, and returns an XCI response. It also checks
// to see if the configuration for the XCI interface has changed.

void snfXCImgr::checkCFG() { // Checks the configuration.
CurrentThreadState(XCI_CheckConfig); // Update our status.
int NEW_XCI_Port; // Prepare for a change in port.

// Quickly as we can, grab a config packet, capture the XCI parts, and
// then let it go.

if(myHome->isReady()) { // If we know our home then
snfCFGPacket MyCFGPacket(myHome); // Grab a configuration packet.
if(MyCFGPacket.bad()) { // If it's not valid then
return; // wait (skip this) till next time.
} else { // If we've got a good config then
CFG_XCI_ON = MyCFGPacket.Config()->XCI_OnOff; // Is XCI turned on?
NEW_XCI_Port = MyCFGPacket.Config()->XCI_Port; // What port we listen to?
} // If our rulebase manager was
} else return; // not ready (skip this) for now.

if(CFG_XCI_ON) { // If the XCI is configured up:

if(NEW_XCI_Port != CFG_XCI_PORT) { // Check for a port change. If the
CFG_XCI_PORT = NEW_XCI_Port; // port changed then check for a live
if(Listener) { // listener. For a live port change
shutdown_Listener(); // shut down the current listener and
myHome->logThisInfo("XCI", 0, "ListenerDown:PortChanged"); // log the activity.
startup_Listener(); // Restart the listener with the new
myHome->logThisInfo("XCI", 0, "ListenerUp:PortChanged"); // port and log the event.

startup_XCI(); // Make sure the XCI is up.

} else { // If the XCI is configured down
shutdown_XCI(); // then make sure it is down.

snfXCITCPChannel* LowestQueue(snfXCITCPChannel* A, snfXCITCPChannel* B) { // Pick the lowest queue of two.
return ((A->Size() < B->Size()) ? A : B); // Pick one and return it.

snfXCITCPChannel* snfXCImgr::BestAvailableChannel() { // Selects XCI channel w/ lowest queue.
return LowestQueue( // Pick the lowest of the lowest.
LowestQueue(C0, C1),
LowestQueue(C2, C3)

void snfXCImgr::startup_Listener() { // Listener startup function.
if(0 == Listener) { // If we need a new listener:
Listener = new TCPListener(CFG_XCI_PORT); // Create a new listener.
Listener->MaxPending = MaxTCPQueueLength; // We may get a lot of hits ;-)
Listener->open(); // Open it for business.
Listener->makeNonBlocking(); // Make it non-blocking.

void snfXCImgr::shutdown_Listener() { // Listener shutdown function.
if(Listener) { // Only act if there is a listener:
Listener->close(); // The listener gets closed,
delete Listener; // then deleted, then the
Listener = 0; // Listener pointer is zeroed.

void snfXCImgr::startup_XCI() { // XCI startup function.
if(true == XCI_UP) return; // If we're already up we're done.
ScopeMutex IGotIt(ChannelMutex); // Serialize state control for safety.
if(myHome) { // We need to know our home.
if(CFG_XCI_ON) { // If XCI is configured on, startup!
C0 = new snfXCITCPChannel(myHome, "C0"); // Launch our 4 processing channels.
C1 = new snfXCITCPChannel(myHome, "C1");
C2 = new snfXCITCPChannel(myHome, "C2");
C3 = new snfXCITCPChannel(myHome, "C3");
startup_Listener(); // Start up our listener.
myHome->logThisInfo("XCI", 0, "Startup"); // Log the startup.
XCI_UP = true; // Set the flag. We're up!

void snfXCImgr::shutdown_XCI() { // XCI shutdown function.
if(false == XCI_UP) return; // If we're already down we're done.
ScopeMutex IGotIt(ChannelMutex); // Serialize state control for safety.
shutdown_Listener(); // If up, take down & 0 the Listener.
if(C0) { delete C0; C0 = 0; } // If up, take C0 down and NULL it.
if(C1) { delete C1; C1 = 0; } // If up, take C1 down and NULL it.
if(C2) { delete C2; C2 = 0; } // If up, take C2 down and NULL it.
if(C3) { delete C3; C3 = 0; } // If up, take C3 down and NULL it.

myHome->logThisInfo("XCI", 0, "Shutdown"); // Log the shutdown.
XCI_UP = false; // Set the flag. We're down!

int snfXCImgr::pollLoopCount() { // Retrieve & reset Loop Count.
int x = diagLoopCount;
diagLoopCount = 0;
return x;

int snfXCImgr::pollClientCount() { // Retrieve & reset Client Count.
int x = diagClientCount;
diagClientCount = 0;
return x;

const ThreadState snfXCImgr::XCI_InitialConfig("Initial Config"); // Getting initial configuration.
const ThreadState snfXCImgr::XCI_InitialStartup("Initial Startup"); // Performing first startup.
const ThreadState snfXCImgr::XCI_CheckConfig("Checking Config"); // Checking configuration.
const ThreadState snfXCImgr::XCI_PollingListener("Polling Listener"); // Polling Listener for jobs.
const ThreadState snfXCImgr::XCI_SubmittingJob("Submitting Job"); // Submitting a new job.
const ThreadState snfXCImgr::XCI_ListenerDown("Listener Down!"); // Listener is down.
const ThreadState snfXCImgr::XCI_Stopping("Exited Polling Loop"); // XCImgr Exiting Big Loop

void snfXCImgr::myTask() { // Main thread task.
PollTimer PollingThrottle(RWPollMin, RWPollMax); // Set up a dynamic delay.
Timeout WaitForCFG(1000); // CFG Check every second or so.

// Wait for our initial configuration.
CurrentThreadState(XCI_InitialConfig); // Update our status.

Sleeper WaitATic(1000); // One second sleeper.
while(false == CFG_XCI_ON) { // Before we've been turned on
if(TimeToStop) return; // loop unless it's time to stop.
checkCFG(); WaitForCFG.restart(); // Check our configuration
WaitATic(); // every second or so.

// Once our configuration is good and we are turned on we get here.

try { // Safely accept/process requests.

CurrentThreadState(XCI_InitialStartup); // Update our status.

startup_XCI(); // We're on, so turn on!

while(false == TimeToStop) { // While it is not time to stop:

// Occasionally we check to see what our configuration says. If
// the XCI is configured up, or down, or if the port changes then
// the checkCFG() function handles the changes. After that all we
// need to do here is check for a listener -- if we're up we will
// have one and if not then we won't. Without a listener we will
// slow down and keep checking for a configuration change.

if(WaitForCFG.isExpired()) { checkCFG(); WaitForCFG.restart(); } // Check the CFG periodically.

// Get a new client if we have room in the queue
// and the listener is live.

int JobsThisRound = 0; // Keep track of each batch.
if(Listener) { // Check for a good listener.
CurrentThreadState(XCI_PollingListener); // Update our status.
TCPClient* NewClient; // This will be our client.
do { // Fast as we can - grab the work:
++diagLoopCount; // Count Polling Loops.
NewClient = 0; // Clear our client pointer.
snfXCITCPChannel* Channel = BestAvailableChannel(); // Pick a channel to use then
if(MaxQueueLength > Channel->Size()) { // If we have room in the queue
NewClient = Listener->acceptClient(); // get a new client.
if(NewClient) { // If we got one:
CurrentThreadState(XCI_SubmittingJob); // Update our status.
++diagClientCount; // Count Clients.
NewClient->makeNonBlocking(); // Make the client non-blocking.
Channel->submit(NewClient); // Submit the new client.
} while( // Keep getting work in this tight
(0 != NewClient)&& // loop until we run out of work
(MaxTCPQueueLength > diagClientCount) // or we've pulled a full queue.
} else {
CurrentThreadState(XCI_ListenerDown); // Update our status.
} // Throttle our loop to keep it real:
if(0 == JobsThisRound) PollingThrottle.pause(); // If we got nothing then slow down.
else PollingThrottle.reset(); // If we got some, keep getting it!
} // When we're done with the big loop:
CurrentThreadState(XCI_Stopping); // Update our status.
shutdown_XCI(); // Shutdown if we're not already.
} // End of the active section.

catch(exception& e) { // If we get a knowable exception
myHome->logThisError("XCI", -9, e.what()); // then we report it in detail,
try { shutdown_XCI(); } catch(...) {} // shutdown if we're not already,
WaitATic(); // wait a tic and try again.

catch(...) { // If we have an unhandled exception
myHome->logThisError("XCI", -10, "Panic!"); // Panic and reset. Notify the log.
try { shutdown_XCI(); } catch(...) {} // Shutdown if we're not already.
WaitATic(); // Pause to let things settle.
} // Let's try this again.

const ThreadType snfXCImgr::Type("snfXCIManager"); // The thread's type.
const int XCI_Default_Port = 9001; // Listener Default port = 9001.

snfXCImgr::snfXCImgr() : // Construct with no home.
Thread(snfXCImgr::Type, "XCI Manager"), // XCI Manager type and Name.
CFG_XCI_ON(false), // Everything starts off,
CFG_XCI_PORT(XCI_Default_Port), // default, and
myHome(0), // nulled.
C0(0), C1(0), C2(0), C3(0),
Listener(0), diagLoopCount(0), diagClientCount(0),
TimeToStop(true) {

snfXCImgr::~snfXCImgr() { // Stop when we are destroyed.
stop(); // Like I said, stop().

void snfXCImgr::linkHome(snf_RulebaseHandler* Home) { // Link to Home and set up shop.
if(0 != Home && 0 == myHome) { // If we are getting our home
myHome = Home; // then capture it,
myHome->use(); // Update it's use count.
TimeToStop = false; // clear the time to stop bit,
run(); // run our thread.

int snfXCImgr::TotalQueue() { // Return the total work queue size.
ScopeMutex IGotIt(ChannelMutex); // Serialize state control for safety.
return (
((0 == C0) ? 0 : C0->Size()) +
((0 == C1) ? 0 : C1->Size()) +
((0 == C2) ? 0 : C2->Size()) +
((0 == C3) ? 0 : C3->Size())

void snfXCImgr::stop() { // Called to shut down.
if(false == TimeToStop) { // If we are not stopped then
TimeToStop = true; // it is time to stop.
join(); // Wait for our main thread first,
shutdown_XCI(); // then shut down the XCI.
myHome->unuse(); // Let go of the rulebase manager.
myHome = 0; // Null it out for safety.

+ 199
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/snfXCImgr.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
// snfXCImgr.hpp
// Copyright (C) 2007 - 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// XML Command Interface manager.
// This module uperates a TCP server to accept requests for scans, GBUdb
// operations, etc on behalf of an snf_EngineHandler.

#ifndef included_snfXCImgr_hpp
#define included_snfXCImgr_hpp

#include <string>
#include <queue>
#include "timing.hpp"
#include "threading.hpp"
#include "networking.hpp"
#include "snf_xci.hpp"

using namespace std;

// We need to know these exist ;-)

class snf_RulebaseHandler; // These exist.
class snf_EngineHandler; // These exist.

// Handy references and "standards"

static const string XCIErrorResponse = // Unrecognized request error.
"<snf><xci><error message=\'What was that?\'/></xci></snf>\n";

static const string XCIBadSetResponse = // Empty GBUdb set command error.
"<snf><xci><error message=\'No changes in set. Use test!\'/></xci></snf>\n";

// snfXCIServerCommandHandler Base Class for Server Command Processing.

class snfXCIServerCommandHandler { // Server Command Handler Base Class.
virtual string processXCIRequest(snf_xci& X); // Server provides a useful processor.

// snfXCIJob encapsulates a single XCI transaction.

class snfXCIJob { // Job Packet.
string Request; // XCI formatted request.
string Response; // XCI formatted response.
int SetupTime; // Setup time so far in ms.
void clear(); // Clear the buffers.

// snfXCIJobProcessor encapsulates the logic to respond to an XCI request.

class snfXCIJobProcessor { // XCI job processor.
snf_xci myXCI; // XCI interpreter.
snf_RulebaseHandler* myHome; // Rulebase to use.
snf_EngineHandler* myEngine; // Scanner (set up internally).

bool isScanJob(); // True if myXCI is a scan job.
bool isGBUdbJob(); // True if myXCI is a GBUdb job.
bool isReportJob(); // True if myXCI is a Report job.
bool isCommandJob(); // True if myXCI is a Command job.
void processScan(snfXCIJob& J); // Process a scan request.
string processGBUdb(); // Process a GBUdb request.
string processStatusReport(); // Process a report request.

snfXCIJobProcessor(snf_RulebaseHandler* H); // Setup scanner.
~snfXCIJobProcessor(); // Tear down scanner.
void process(snfXCIJob& J); // Process a Job.

// ChannelJob encapsulates a Client Job while in the queue and how long it has
// been in the system (since created).

class ChannelJob { // Wraper for job queue.
TCPClient* myClient; // We have a TCPClient.
Timer Lifetime; // We have a timer.

ChannelJob(); // We can be blank but usually
ChannelJob(TCPClient* C); // we are created like this.
msclock Age(); // How old is this job?
TCPClient* Client(); // What client does it hold?

// snfXCITCPChannel encapsulates the logic to queue and handle TCPClients for
// the XCI interface. The queued TCPClients each represent a single request.
// Each request is handled in turn by reading the request into an snfXCIJob,
// handing that snfXCIJob to an snfXCIJobProcessor, transmitting the result
// back to the TCPClient, closing the connection, and recycling the snfXCIJob
// object for the next round.

// snfXCITCPChannel shuts down when given a NULL TCPClient; This allows any
// jobs in queue to be handled before the thread stops. To shut down a channel
// { C->submit(NULL); C->join(); delete C; C = NULL;}

const int LineBufferSize = 256; // Line buffer size.

class snfXCITCPChannel : private Thread { // TCPClient processor & queue.

snf_RulebaseHandler* myHome; // Rulebase handler.

snfXCIJobProcessor Processor; // XCI processor.
snfXCIJob Job; // XCI Job buffer.

volatile int LatestSize; // Queue Size Blinking Light.
Mutex QueueMutex; // Serializes queue changes.
ProductionGateway QueueGateway; // Keeps track of give and take.
queue<ChannelJob> JobQueue; // Queue of clients.
void give(ChannelJob& J); // give a client to the queue.
ChannelJob take(); // take a client from the queue.

char LineBuffer[LineBufferSize]; // Read Line Buffer.
void readRequest(TCPClient* Client); // Read Job.Request from Client.
void writeResponse(TCPClient* Client); // Write Job.Request from Client.

void myTask(); // Thread's main loop.


snfXCITCPChannel(snf_RulebaseHandler* H, string N); // Create these with a home rulebase.
~snfXCITCPChannel(); // Destroy them very carefully.
int Size(); // Keep track of how full they are.
void submit(TCPClient* C); // This is how we submit jobs.

const static ThreadType Type; // The thread's type.

const static ThreadState XCI_Wait;
const static ThreadState XCI_Read;
const static ThreadState XCI_Process;
const static ThreadState XCI_Write;
const static ThreadState XCI_Close;
const static ThreadState XCI_Clear;
const static ThreadState XCI_Shutdown;

//const static ThreadState ThreadInitialized; // Constructed successfully.

// snfXCImgr encapsulates a service engine that takes XCI requests via TCP,
// performs the required actions, and returns an XCI response. It also checks
// to see if the configuration for the XCI interface has changed.

class snfXCImgr : private Thread { // XCI manager.

Mutex ChannelMutex; // Safety Channel Up/Down events.

bool CFG_XCI_ON; // Is XCI turned on?
int CFG_XCI_PORT; // What port we listen to?
void checkCFG(); // Checks the configuration.

snf_RulebaseHandler* myHome; // Rulebase handler to service.
snfXCITCPChannel* C0; // XCI channel 0
snfXCITCPChannel* C1; // XCI channel 1
snfXCITCPChannel* C2; // XCI channel 2
snfXCITCPChannel* C3; // XCI channel 3
snfXCITCPChannel* BestAvailableChannel(); // Selects XCI channel w/ lowest queue.

TCPListener* Listener; // XCI Listener.

bool XCI_UP; // True if XCI is alive.
void startup_Listener(); // Listener startup function.
void shutdown_Listener(); // Listener shutdown function.
void startup_XCI(); // XCI startup function.
void shutdown_XCI(); // XCI shutdown function.

bool TimeToStop; // True when shutting down.
void myTask(); // Main thread task.

volatile int diagLoopCount;
volatile int diagClientCount;


snfXCImgr(); // Construct with no home.
~snfXCImgr(); // Destroy to shut down.

void linkHome(snf_RulebaseHandler* Home); // Link to Home and set up shop.
int TotalQueue(); // Return the total work queue size.
void stop(); // Called to shut down.

int pollLoopCount(); // Get diagnostic loop count.
int pollClientCount(); // Get diagnostic client count.

const static ThreadType Type; // The thread's type.

const static ThreadState XCI_InitialConfig; // Getting initial configuration.
const static ThreadState XCI_InitialStartup; // Performing first startup.
const static ThreadState XCI_CheckConfig; // Checking configuration.
const static ThreadState XCI_PollingListener; // Polling Listener for jobs.
const static ThreadState XCI_SubmittingJob; // Submitting a new job.
const static ThreadState XCI_ListenerDown; // Listener is down.
const static ThreadState XCI_Stopping; // XCImgr Exiting Big Loop



+ 233
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/snf_HeaderFinder.cpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
// snf_HeaderFinder.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2007 - 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// See snf_HeaderFinder.hpp for details

#include "snf_HeaderFinder.hpp"

#include "snfLOGmgr.hpp"
#include "snfCFGmgr.hpp"

const int NumberOfByteValues = 256; // Number of possible byte values.

HeaderFinder::HeaderFinder( // To construct one of these:
snfScanData* EngineScanData, // -- Scanner control data ptr.
const HeaderDirectiveSet& Patterns, // -- this is the set of patterns.
const unsigned char* MessageBuffer, // -- this is the message buffer.
const int MessageLength // -- this is the length of the buffer.
) :
ScanData(EngineScanData), // Grab the scan control block.
HeaderDirectives(Patterns), // Grab the Directives and
Bfr(MessageBuffer), // the message buffer.
ImpossibleBytes(NumberOfByteValues, false), // Clear the impossible bytes cache.
Directives(0) { // Zero the composite result.
UnfoldHeaders(); // Unfold the headers.

void HeaderFinder::CheckContent(string& Header, const HeaderFinderPattern& P) { // Check for a match in the header.
if(string::npos != Header.find(P.Contains, P.Header.length())) { // If we find the required contents:

/*** if/else laddar - too complex for switch ***/

HeaderDirectiveBypass == P.Directive || // If this is a bypass directive or
HeaderDirectiveWhite == P.Directive // a white header directive:
) {
Directives |= P.Directive; // Add the flags to our output.
} else

if(HeaderDirectiveDrillDown == P.Directive) { // If this is a DrillDown rule
ScanData->drillPastOrdinal(P.Ordinal); // mark the IP DrillDown flag.
Directives |= P.Directive; // Add the flags to our output.
} else

if(HeaderDirectiveContext == P.Directive) { // If this is a context activation
ActivatedContexts.insert(P.Context); // header then activate the context.
Directives |= P.Directive; // Add the flags to our output.
} else

if( // Are we forcing the message source?
HeaderDirectiveSource == P.Directive && // If we matched a source directive and
false == ScanData->FoundSourceIP() && // the source is not already set and
ActivatedContexts.end() != ActivatedContexts.find(P.Context) // and the source context is active then
) { // we set the source from this header.
// Extract the IP from the header.

const string digits = "0123456789"; // These are valid digits.
int IPStart = Header.find_first_of(digits, P.Header.length()); // Find the first digit in the header.
if(string::npos == IPStart) return; // If we don't find it we're done.
const string ipchars = ".0123456789"; // These are valid IP characters.
int IPEnd = Header.find_first_not_of(ipchars, IPStart); // Find the end of the IP.
if(string::npos == IPEnd) IPEnd = Header.length(); // Correct for end of string cases.
ScanData->HeaderDirectiveSourceIP( // Extract the IP from the header and
Header.substr(IPStart, (IPEnd - IPStart)) // expose it to the calling scanner.
Directives |= P.Directive; // Add the flags to our output.

void HeaderFinder::MatchHeaders(string& Header) { // Check that the header matches.
if(0 >= Header.length()) return; // If there's nothing to look at, done!
HeaderFinderPattern Key; // We will need a handy key.
Key.Header.push_back(Header.at(0)); // Set up a minimal header string.
HeaderDirectiveIterator iK = HeaderDirectives.lower_bound(Key); // Locate the lower bound.

// At this point we have found a reasonable starting place for the
// header directives that might match this header. We will scan through
// them looking for a match. Since all matches should be grouped together
// in the set we will set a flag so that on the first non-match after that
// we can stop looking.

int CurrentOrdinal = 0; // Keep the current ordinal in scope.
bool FoundFirstMatch = false; // Have we found our first match?
for(;iK != HeaderDirectives.end();iK++) { // Scan through the directives.
const HeaderFinderPattern& P = (*iK); // Make a handy handle.
if(0 == Header.compare(0, P.Header.length(), P.Header)) { // Check for a matching header.
if(false == FoundFirstMatch) { // If this is our first match
FoundFirstMatch = true; // then set our first match flag
CurrentOrdinal = Ordinals[P.Header]; // and get the Ordinal. Then increment
Ordinals[P.Header] = CurrentOrdinal + 1; // the Ordinal for next time.
if(CurrentOrdinal == P.Ordinal) { // If the Ordinal matches our Directive
CheckContent(Header, P); // then check the content of the header.
} else
if(CurrentOrdinal < P.Ordinal) { // If we're into Directives bigger than
return; // our Ordinal then we're done.
} else { // If the header doesn't match and we
if(FoundFirstMatch) return; // were matching before then we're done.
if(Header.at(0)!=P.Header.at(0)) return; // If first bytes don't match, so done!
} // Move on to the next directive.

bool HeaderFinder::ByteIsImpossible(unsigned char b) { // Is b not first byte of any pattern?
if(ImpossibleBytes[b]) return true; // Don't look if we already know.
HeaderFinderPattern Key; // We will need a handy key.
Key.Header.push_back(b); // Set up a minimal header string.
HeaderDirectiveIterator iK = HeaderDirectives.lower_bound(Key); // Locate the lower bound.
if(iK == HeaderDirectives.end()) return (ImpossibleBytes[b] = true); // If we find nothing or the first byte
if((*iK).Header.at(0) != b) return (ImpossibleBytes[b] = true); // byte doesn't match it's impossible.
return false; // Otherwise we might find it ;-)

bool TrimToNextHeader(int& Pos, const unsigned char* Bfr, const int Len) { // Move Pos & check for EOH.
for(;(Pos < (Len-2));Pos++) { // Scan through the Bfr (stay in range).
switch(Bfr[Pos]) { // React to the byte at hand:
case '\t':
case '\r':
case ' ': { // Ordinary spaces and \r we skip.
case '\n': { // On Newlines we check to see if
if( // this is the end of the headers.
('\r' == Bfr[Pos+1] && '\n' == Bfr[Pos+2]) || // Either \n\r\n or
('\n' == Bfr[Pos+1] ) // \n\n means EOH.
) {
return false; // If EOH, no more headers, send false.
break; // If not EOH then keep going.
default: { // Any other byte and we are done.
return true; // We have another header, send true.
} // If we run out of bytes then we
return false; // are also out of headers, send false.

void eatThisHeader(int& Pos, const unsigned char* Bfr, const int Len) { // Eat up to the next header.
for(;(Pos < (Len-1));Pos++) { // Scan through this header.
if('\n' == Bfr[Pos]) { // When we get to a new line check
if(' ' == Bfr[Pos+1] || '\t' == Bfr[Pos+1]) continue; // for and skip any folding. Anything
return; // other than folding and we're done.

void eatOrdinarySpace(int& Pos, const unsigned char* Bfr, const int Len) { // Eat all spaces (dedup, unfold, etc)
for(;Pos < Len;Pos++) { // Scan through the buffer.
switch(Bfr[Pos]) { // React to each byte.
case ' ': // Simply skip all ordinary spaces
case '\t': { // or tabs.
default: { // At the first other byte
return; // we are done.

void captureThisHeader( // Capture the header and move pos.
string& Output, // Here is the output string.
int& Pos, // Here is the current position.
const unsigned char* Bfr, // Here is the buffer pointer.
const int Len // Here is the length of the buffer.
) {
Output.clear(); // Clear the output.
for(;(Pos < (Len-1)); Pos++) { // Scan through the header.
switch(Bfr[Pos]) { // React to each byte.
case '\r': { // If we find a <cr> ignore it.
case '\n': { // If we find a <nl> check for folding.
if(' ' == Bfr[Pos+1] || '\t' == Bfr[Pos+1]) { // If we find folding then
++Pos; // move to the space
eatOrdinarySpace(Pos, Bfr, Len); // and gobble it up.
Output.push_back(' '); // output a single ordinary space
--Pos; // and drop back one for the loop's ++.
} else { // If the <nl> wasn't part of a fold
return; // then we are done with this header.
break; // Skip the rest of the switch.
case '\t': // When we come across a tab or
case ' ': { // a space then we will eat them
eatOrdinarySpace(Pos, Bfr, Len); // and any extras so they are converted
Output.push_back(' '); // into a single ordinary space.
--Pos; // Drop back one for the loop's ++.
default: { // For all ordinary bytes we simply
Output.push_back(Bfr[Pos]); // add the byte to the string.

void HeaderFinder::UnfoldHeaders() { // Unfold and check headers.
if(0 >= HeaderDirectives.size()) return; // Skip this if we have no patterns.
if(0 >= Len) return; // Skip if we have no message.
string TestHeader; // The header under test.

int Position = 0; // Position in Bfr.
for(;;) { // Scan through all of the headers.

// Skip any leading or leftover whitespace. Be sure to exit when we
// reach a blank new line. The capture routine later on will not eat
// the white space - that way we can check for the EOH in this one spot.

if(false == TrimToNextHeader(Position, Bfr, Len)) return; // If no more headers then we're done.

// Skip Impossible Headers -- no such first character.

if(ByteIsImpossible(Bfr[Position])) { // If we have no patterns for this
eatThisHeader(Position, Bfr, Len); // header then skip it and continue on
continue; // to the next one.

// Capture and unfold the header to test.

captureThisHeader(TestHeader, Position, Bfr, Len); // Unfold the header into TestHeader.

// Test the header.

MatchHeaders(TestHeader); // Match and activate header directives.

+ 96
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/snf_HeaderFinder.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
// snf_HeaderFinder.hpp
// Copyright (C) 2007 - 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// SNF Header Finder used for identifying headers in a message. A header match
// is defined by the name of the header, it's ordinal, and some string that is
// contained in that header. If the pattern is matched then one or more bits
// are set in a 32 bit status flag. Usually, one bit at a time. Other matchers
// that intend to set the same bits as are already set are turned off to save
// cycles.
// The initial implementation of this engine is for turning off GBUdb learning
// when one of the defined headers is matched. Other uses are likely to be
// developed. This engine will have to evolve as that occurrs.
// The evaluation of the status flag is defined by the application.

#ifndef snf_HeaderFinder_included
#define snf_HeaderFinder_included

#include <string>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

struct HeaderFinderPattern { // Input pattern for header finder.
string Header; // Header name to match.
int Ordinal; // Which instance to match.
int Context; // Context link (for pairing patterns).
string Contains; // What to find in the header.
unsigned long int Directive; // What directive to present.

HeaderFinderPattern(): // When constructing a finder parttern
Header(""),Ordinal(0),Context(0),Contains(""),Directive(0){} // initialize it like this.

HeaderFinderPattern(const HeaderFinderPattern& P); // Copy constructor.

void clear(); // Do this to make fresh and clean.

HeaderFinderPattern& operator=(const HeaderFinderPattern& R); // Assignment operator.
const bool operator<(const HeaderFinderPattern& R) const; // Comparator for set<> living.

typedef set<HeaderFinderPattern> HeaderDirectiveSet; // Convenient set typedef.
typedef set<HeaderFinderPattern>::iterator HeaderDirectiveIterator; // Convenient iterator typedef.

typedef map<const string, int> NameOrdinalMap; // Header Ordinal Count Map.

// Upon construction the HeaderFinder scans the headers for matching directives
// and leaves the composite results ready for inspection via the () operator.
// UnfoldHeaders() strips and unfolds the headers then passes them to
// MatchHeaders() which tracks the ordinals for matching directives and passes
// those headers to CheckContent() to see if the required patterns are found.
// CheckContent() then updates the Directives if the appropriate content is
// found.

class snfScanData; // Yes, this does exist.

class HeaderFinder { // Header Finder Object.

const HeaderDirectiveSet& HeaderDirectives; // Handle for the directives/patterns.
unsigned long int Directives; // Composite result given this message.

set<int> ActivatedContexts; // Set of activated contexts.

const unsigned char* Bfr; // Message buffer.
const int Len; // Message length.

snfScanData* ScanData; // Scanner control data.

vector<bool> ImpossibleBytes; // Cache of known impossible bytes.
NameOrdinalMap Ordinals; // Map of current header ordinals.

void CheckContent(string& Header, const HeaderFinderPattern& P); // Check for a match in the header.
void MatchHeaders(string& Header); // Check that the header matches.
bool ByteIsImpossible(unsigned char b); // Is b not first byte of any pattern?
void UnfoldHeaders(); // Unfold and check headers.

HeaderFinder( // The constructor reads the message.
snfScanData* EngineScanData, // -- Scanner control data ptr.
const HeaderDirectiveSet& Patterns, // -- this is the set of patterns.
const unsigned char* MessageBuffer, // -- this is the message buffer.
const int MessageLength // -- this is the length of the buffer.

const unsigned long int operator()() const; // How to read the composite directives.
string EstablishedSourceIP; // Source IP from directive if any.

#include "snf_HeaderFinder.inline.hpp"


+ 50
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/snf_HeaderFinder.inline.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
// snf_HeaderFinder.inline.hpp
// Copyright (C) 2007 - 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// Inline methods.

inline const bool HeaderFinderPattern::operator<(const HeaderFinderPattern& R) const { // Comparator for set<> living.
if(Header < R.Header) { // If the Header name is < then true!
return true;
} else
if(Header == R.Header) { // If the Header name is == then
if(Ordinal < R.Ordinal) { // check the Ordinal. If it's < then
return true; // true!
} else
if(Ordinal == R.Ordinal) { // If the Ordinal == then
if(Contains < R.Contains) { // check the Contains. If it is < then
return true; // true!
return false; // In all other cases this is not < R

inline HeaderFinderPattern::HeaderFinderPattern(const HeaderFinderPattern& P) { // Copy constructor.
Header = P.Header;
Ordinal = P.Ordinal;
Context = P.Context;
Directive = P.Directive;
Contains = P.Contains;

inline void HeaderFinderPattern::clear() { // Do this to make fresh and clean.
Ordinal = Context = Directive = 0;

inline HeaderFinderPattern&
HeaderFinderPattern::operator=(const HeaderFinderPattern& R) { // Assignment operator.
Header = R.Header;
Ordinal = R.Ordinal;
Context = R.Context;
Directive = R.Directive;
Contains = R.Contains;
return *this;

inline const unsigned long int HeaderFinder::operator()() const { // Return the Directives.
return Directives;

+ 791
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/snf_engine.cpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,791 @@
// snf_engine.cpp
// (C) 1985-2004 MicroNeil Research Corporation
// (C) 2005-2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// Derived from original work on cellular automation for complex pattern
// reflex engine 1985 Pete McNeil (Madscientist)
// Derived from rapid scripting engine (token matrix) implementation 1987

// 20040419 _M Adding Verify() method. Beginning with version 2-3 of Message Sniffer
// we are embedding a Mangler digest of the rulebase file. The Verify() method reconstructs
// the digest and compares it. This ensures that no part of the rulebase file can be
// corrupted without the snf2check utility detecting the problem. Prior to this version
// it was possible to have undetected corruption in the middle of the rulebase file. The
// Mangler digest will prevent that.

// 20030130 _M Added testing section in TokenMatrix to throw an exeption if the file
// is too small to be a valid matrix. The value is calculated based on the idea that a
// valid matrix will have been encrypted in two segments so the file must be at least
// as large as these two segments. This is intended to solve the zero-length-rulebase
// bug where an access violation would occur if the file was of zero length.

// 20021030 _M Creation of snf_engine module by dragging the sniffer pattern matching engine out
// of the sniffer.cpp file.

#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cctype>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "mangler.hpp"
#include "snf_engine.hpp"

using namespace std;

// BEGIN IMPLEMENTATIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


// Token Matrix Implementations ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// TokenMatrix::Load(filename)

void TokenMatrix::Load(string& FileName) { // Initialize using a string for file name.
Load(FileName.c_str()); // Convert the string to a null terminated
} // char* and call the function below.

void TokenMatrix::Load(const char* FileName) { // Initializes the token matrix by file name.

ifstream MatrixFile(FileName,ios::binary); // Open the file.
if(MatrixFile == NULL || MatrixFile.bad()) // If anything is wrong with the file
throw BadFile("TokenMatrix::Load()(MatrixFile==NULL || MatrixFile.bad())"); // then throw a bad file exception.

Load(MatrixFile); // Load the matrix from the file.
MatrixFile.close(); // Be nice and clean up our file.

// TokenMatrix::Load(stream)

void TokenMatrix::Load(ifstream& F) { // Initializes the token matrix from a file.

MatrixSize = 0; // Clear out the old Matrix Size and array.
if(Matrix) delete Matrix; // that is, if there is an array.

F.seekg(0,ios::end); // Find the end of the file.
MatrixSize = F.tellg() / sizeof(Token); // Calculate how many tokens.
F.seekg(0); // Go back to the beginning.

if(MatrixSize < MinimumValidMatrix) // If the matrix file is too small then
throw BadMatrix("TokenMatrix::Load() (MatrixSize < MinimumValidMatrix)"); // we must reject it.

Matrix = new Token[MatrixSize]; // Allocate an array of tokens.

if(Matrix == NULL) // Check for an allocation error.
throw BadAllocation("TokenMatrix::Load() Matrix == NULL)"); // and throw an exception if it happens.

F.read( // Now read the file into the allocated
reinterpret_cast<char*>(Matrix), // matrix by recasting it as a character
(MatrixSize * sizeof(Token))); // buffer of the correct size.

if(F.bad()) // If there were any problems reading the
throw BadMatrix("TokenMatrix::Load() (F.bad())"); // matrix then report the bad matrix.

// TokenMatrix::Validate(key)

void TokenMatrix::Validate(string& SecurityKey) { // Decrypts and validates the matrix.

MANGLER ValidationChecker; // Create a mangler engine for validation.

// In order to do the validation we must look at the token matrix as a sequence of bytes.
// We will be decrypting the first and last SecurtySegmentSize of this sequence and then
// detecting wether the appropriate security key has been properly encrypted in the end.
// If we find everything as it should be then we can be sure that the two segments have
// not been tampered with and that we have the correct security key.

unsigned char* TokensAsBytes = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(Matrix);
int BytesInTokenMatrix = (MatrixSize * sizeof(Token));

// Now that we have all of that stuff let's initialize our ValidationChecker.

// Note that the length of our security key is always 24 bytes. The license
// id is 8 bytes, the authentication code is 16 bytes. We don't bother to check
// here because if it's wrong then nothing will decrypt and we'll have essentially
// the same result. Note also that on the end of the rule file we pad this
// encrypted security id with nulls so that we can create a string from it easily
// and so that we have precisely 32 bytes which is the same size as 4 tokens.
// Note: The 32 byte value is in SecurityKeyBufferSize. This means that we can
// accept security keys up to 31 bytes in length. We need the ending null to
// assure our null terminated string is as expected. The security key block must
// match up with the edges of tokens in the matrix so we pad the end with nulls
// when encoding the security key in the encoded file.

int SecurityKeyLength = SecurityKey.length(); // For the length of our key
for(int a=0;a<SecurityKeyLength;a++) // feed each byte through the
ValidationChecker.Encrypt(SecurityKey.at(a)); // mangler to evolve the key
// state.

// Now we're ready to decrypt the matrix... We start with the first segment.

for(int a=0;a<SecuritySegmentSize;a++) // For the length of the segment
TokensAsBytes[a] = // replace each byte with the
ValidationChecker.Decrypt(TokensAsBytes[a]); // decrypted byte.

// Next we decrypt the last security segment...

for(int a= BytesInTokenMatrix - SecuritySegmentSize; a<BytesInTokenMatrix; a++)
TokensAsBytes[a] =

// Now that we've done this we should find that our SecurityKey is at the end
// of the loaded token matrix... Let's look and find out shall we?!!!

unsigned char* SecurityCheckKey = // Reference the check
& TokensAsBytes[BytesInTokenMatrix-SecurityKeyBufferSize]; // space in the matrix.

SecurityCheckKey[SecurityKeyBufferSize-1] = 0; // Add a safety null just in case.

string SecurityCheck((char*)SecurityCheckKey); // Make a string.

// By now we should have a SecurityCheck string to compare to our SecurityKey.
// If they match then we know everything worked out and that our token matrix has
// been decrypted properly. This is also a good indication that our token matrix
// is not incomplete since if it were the decryption wouldn't work. Saddly, we
// don't have the computing cycles to decrypt the entire file - so we won't be
// doing that until we can load it in a server/daemon and then reuse it over and
// over... Once that happens we will be able to detect tampering also.

if(SecurityKey != SecurityCheck) // If the security keys don't match
throw BadMatrix("TokenMatrix::Validate() (SecurityKey != SecurityCheck)"); // then we have an invalid matrix.

// TokenMatrix::Verify(key)

void TokenMatrix::Verify(string& SecurityKey) { // Builds and verifies a file digest.

MANGLER DigestChecker; // Create a mangler for the digest.

// Gain access to our token matrix as bytes.

unsigned char* TokensAsBytes = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(Matrix);
int BytesInTokenMatrix = (MatrixSize * sizeof(Token));

// Initialize our digest engine with the security key.

int SecurityKeyLength = SecurityKey.length(); // For the length of our key
for(int a=0;a<SecurityKeyLength;a++) // feed each byte through the
DigestChecker.Encrypt(SecurityKey.at(a)); // mangler to evolve the key
// state.
// Build the digest.

int IndexOfDigest = // Find the index of the digest by
BytesInTokenMatrix - // starting at the end of the matrix,
SecurityKeyBufferSize - // backing up past the security key,
RulebaseDigestSize; // then past the digest.

int a=0; // Keep track of where we are.
for(;a<IndexOfDigest;a++) // Loop through up to the digest and
DigestChecker.Encrypt(TokensAsBytes[a]); // pump the file through the mangler.

// Now that the digest is built we must test it.
// The original was emitted by encrypting 0s so if we do the same thing we will match.

for(int b=0;b<RulebaseDigestSize;b++) // Loop through the digest and compare
if(DigestChecker.Encrypt(0)!=TokensAsBytes[a+b]) // our digest to the stored digest. If
throw BadMatrix("TokenMatrix::Verify() Bad Digest"); // any byte doesn't match it's bad!

// If we made it through all of that then we're valid :-)


void TokenMatrix::FlipEndian() { // Converts big/little endian tokens.
assert(sizeof(unsigned int)==4); // Check our assumptions.
unsigned int* UInts = reinterpret_cast<unsigned int*>(Matrix); // Grab the matrix as uints.
int Length = ((MatrixSize * sizeof(Token)) / sizeof(unsigned int)); // Calculate it's size.
for(int i = 0; i < Length; i++) { // Loop through the array of u ints
unsigned int x = UInts[i]; // and re-order the bytes in each
x = ((x & 0xff000000) >> 24) | // one to swap from big/little endian
((x & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | // to little/big endian.
((x & 0x0000ff00) << 8) |
((x & 0x000000ff) << 24);
UInts[i] = x; // Put the flipped int back.

// Evaluator Implementations //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// 20030216 _M Optimization conversions

inline int Evaluator::i_lower() { return myEvaluationMatrix->i_lower; }
inline bool Evaluator::i_isDigit() { return myEvaluationMatrix->i_isDigit; }
inline bool Evaluator::i_isSpace() { return myEvaluationMatrix->i_isSpace; }
inline bool Evaluator::i_isAlpha() { return myEvaluationMatrix->i_isAlpha; }

// Evaluator::Evaluator(position,evalmatrix) Constructor

Evaluator::Evaluator(int s, EvaluationMatrix* m) { // Constructor...

myEvaluationMatrix = m; // Capture the matrix I live in.
Matrix = myEvaluationMatrix->getTokens(); // Capture the token matrix I walk in.
MatrixSize = myEvaluationMatrix->getMatrixSize(); // And get it's size.
PositionLimit = MatrixSize - 256; // Calculate the safety limit.

StreamStartPosition = s; // Always record our starting point.
NextEvaluator = NULL; // Allways start off with no extensions.
CurrentPosition = 0; // Always start at the root of the matrix;
WildRunLength = 0; // No run length when new.

Condition = DOING_OK; // Start off being ok.

// Evaluator::EvaluateThis()

Evaluator::States Evaluator::EvaluateThis(unsigned short int i) { // Follow the this byte.

Condition = FALLEN_OFF; // Start off guessing we'll fall off.

// First upgrade will be to DOING_OK, after that we launch buddies.

// In order to handle wildcard characters, this evaluation function must actually
// compare the character to a number of possibilities in most-specific to least-
// specific order to see if any match. In order to support overlapping rule sets,
// if more than one wildcard matches at this node, an additional evaluator will be
// placed in line already _AT THIS PATH POINT_ so that both possibilities will be
// explored. New evaluators are always added at the TOP of the list so we are always
// guaranteed not to overdrive an evaluator and end up in a recursive race condition.

// 20030216 _M Optimizations. In order to reduce the number of instructions per byte
// the parent Evaluation Matrix will now translate the byte i into boolean flags
// indicating if they are digits, white, letters, etc... and converting to lower
// case etc... This conversion is then done only once so that thereafter only a simple
// comparison need be made. This should eliminate many function calls and a collection
// of numeric comparisons.
// I am also moving the simple comparisons to the front of each logical section so
// that failures there can short-circuit subsequent logic to view the state of the
// matrix regardin that character. The matrix lookup is likely to be more expensive
// than a single binary comparison.

// For safety, we check our evaluation position here - If xNoCase is out of range
// then we will return OUT_OF_RANGE to indicate the problem rather than accessing
// data beyone our token matrix's limits.

/*** 20070606 _M Reduced the strength of this check from 3 comparisons to 1.
**** CurrentPosition is now an unsigned int so it cannot be negative. The limit
**** is now calculated once in the constructor as PositionLimit.

CurrentPosition < 0 || // Position should never be < 0
xPrecise >= MatrixSize || // nor xPrecise over the top.
xNoCase >= MatrixSize // nor NoCase over the top.
) // If either occur we have a
return Condition = OUT_OF_RANGE; // bad matrix.

if(CurrentPosition >= PositionLimit) return Condition = OUT_OF_RANGE;

// All of the positions calculated below are guaranteed to be within the ranges checked
// above so we're safe if we get to this point.

// So, at this point it's safe to check and see if I'm terminated. Note that if I
// am at a termination point, my path has terminated and I have a symbol so I don't
// need to resolve any more characters - even the current one.

if(Matrix[CurrentPosition].isTermination()) return Condition = TERMINATED;

// NOTE: The above is written for sudden-death termination. Eventually we will want
// to support deep - filters which will show every rule match and this will need to
// be rewritten.

// Evaluation order, most-to-least specific:

int xPrecise = CurrentPosition + i; // Match Precise Character
int xNoCase = CurrentPosition + i_lower(); // Match Case insensitive

// Of course I may need to resolve some of the following
// wildcard characters.

int xLetter = CurrentPosition + WILD_LETTER; // Match Any letter.
int xDigit = CurrentPosition + WILD_DIGIT; // Match Any digit.
int xNonWhite = CurrentPosition + WILD_NONWHITE; // Match Any non-whitespace.
int xWhiteSpace = CurrentPosition + WILD_WHITESPACE; // Match Any whitespace.
int xAnyInline = CurrentPosition + WILD_INLINE; // Match Any byte but new line.
int xAnything = CurrentPosition + WILD_ANYTHING; // Match Any character at all.
int xRunGateway = CurrentPosition + RUN_GATEWAY; // Match the run-loop gateway.

// Try to match the precise character.

if(Matrix[xPrecise].Character() == i) { // If we've matched our path
Condition = DOING_OK; // upgrade to doing ok.
CurrentPosition = xPrecise +
Matrix[xPrecise].Vector; // Move myself along this path.

// Try to match the case insensitive character.

if(i_lower()!=i && Matrix[xNoCase].Character()==i_lower()){

// If we've matched our path
// with a compromized case then
if(Condition==FALLEN_OFF) { // check: if no matches yet,
Condition = DOING_OK; // upgrade to doing ok.
CurrentPosition = xNoCase +
Matrix[xNoCase].Vector; // Move myself along this path.
// If we more than one match then
else { // lets try to make a buddy...

// If there's no duplicate buddy like this already, then we'll create one.
// To create a buddy, add an evaluator at the top of the list (behind us) and
// set it's position as if it had been here all along and had matched the current
// character. Next time we evaluate it will be just like all the others.



// Start looking at wildcards... Here's where we must limit run length.

if(Condition == DOING_OK) // If we matched above we'll
WildRunLength = 0; // reset our wild run count.
// If not then we need to keep
else { // track of our run length.

++WildRunLength; // Count up the run length.
if(WildRunLength >= MaxWildRunLength) // If we exceed the max then
return Condition = FALLEN_OFF; // we've fallen off the path
} // and we do it immediately.

// If that didn't do it for us...
// Try to match any letter character.

// The way this next one works (and the rest of the wildcards) is we look into
// the token matrix to see if the wildcard is part of the current path... If it
// is then we compare the incoming character to that wildcard evaluation function
// and if it is true, then we've got a match.

if(i_isAlpha() && Matrix[xLetter].Character()==WILD_LETTER){

// If we've matched our path
// with any letter then
if(Condition==FALLEN_OFF) { // check: if no matches yet,
Condition = DOING_OK; // upgrade to doing ok.
CurrentPosition = xLetter +
Matrix[xLetter].Vector; // Move myself along this path.

else { // Otherwise make a buddy...

// If there's no duplicate buddy like this already, then we'll create one.
// To create a buddy, add an evaluator at the top of the list (behind us) and
// set it's position as if it had been here all along and had matched the current
// character. Next time we evaluate it will be just like all the others.



// If that didn't do it for us...
// Try to match any digit character.

if(i_isDigit() && Matrix[xDigit].Character()==WILD_DIGIT){

// If we've matched our path
// with any letter then
if(Condition==FALLEN_OFF) { // check: if no matches yet,
Condition = DOING_OK; // upgrade to doing ok.
CurrentPosition = xDigit +
Matrix[xDigit].Vector; // Move myself along this path.

else { // Otherwise make a buddy...

// If there's no duplicate buddy like this already, then we'll create one.
// To create a buddy, add an evaluator at the top of the list (behind us) and
// set it's position as if it had been here all along and had matched the current
// character. Next time we evaluate it will be just like all the others.



// If that didn't do it for us...
// Try to match any non-whitespace character.

if(!i_isSpace() && Matrix[xNonWhite].Character()==WILD_NONWHITE){

// If we've matched our path
// with any letter then
if(Condition==FALLEN_OFF) { // check: if no matches yet,
Condition = DOING_OK; // upgrade to doing ok.
CurrentPosition = xNonWhite +
Matrix[xNonWhite].Vector; // Move myself along this path.

else { // Otherwise make a buddy...

// If there's no duplicate buddy like this already, then we'll create one.
// To create a buddy, add an evaluator at the top of the list (behind us) and
// set it's position as if it had been here all along and had matched the current
// character. Next time we evaluate it will be just like all the others.



// If that didn't do it for us...
// Try to match any whitespace character.

if(i_isSpace() && Matrix[xWhiteSpace].Character()==WILD_WHITESPACE){

// If we've matched our path
// with any whitespace then
if(Condition==FALLEN_OFF) { // check: if no matches yet,
Condition = DOING_OK; // upgrade to doing ok.
CurrentPosition = xWhiteSpace +
Matrix[xWhiteSpace].Vector; // Move myself along this path.

else { // Otherwise make a buddy...

// If there's no duplicate buddy like this already, then we'll create one.
// To create a buddy, add an evaluator at the top of the list (behind us) and
// set it's position as if it had been here all along and had matched the current
// character. Next time we evaluate it will be just like all the others.



// If that didn't do it for us...
// Try to match any character EXCEPT a new line.

if(i != '\n' && Matrix[xAnyInline].Character()==WILD_INLINE){

// If we've matched our path
// with any byte but \n then
if(Condition==FALLEN_OFF) { // check: if no matches yet,
Condition = DOING_OK; // upgrade to doing ok.
CurrentPosition = xAnyInline +
Matrix[xAnyInline].Vector; // Move myself along this path.

else { // Otherwise make a buddy...

// If there's no duplicate buddy like this already, then we'll create one.
// To create a buddy, add an evaluator at the top of the list (behind us) and
// set it's position as if it had been here all along and had matched the current
// character. Next time we evaluate it will be just like all the others.



// If that didn't do it for us...
// Try to match any character.


// If we've matched our path
// with any letter then
if(Condition==FALLEN_OFF) { // check: if no matches yet,
Condition = DOING_OK; // upgrade to doing ok.
CurrentPosition = xAnything +
Matrix[xAnything].Vector; // Move myself along this path.

else { // Otherwise make a buddy...

// If there's no duplicate buddy like this already, then we'll create one.
// To create a buddy, add an evaluator at the top of the list (behind us) and
// set it's position as if it had been here all along and had matched the current
// character. Next time we evaluate it will be just like all the others.



// 20021112 _M
// Beginning with version 2 of Message Sniffer we've implemented a new construct
// for run-loops that prevents any interference between rules where run-loops might
// appear in locations coinciding with standard match bytes. The new methodology
// uses a special run-loop-gateway character to isolate any run loops from standard
// nodes in the matrix. Whenever a run-loop gateway is present at a node a buddy is
// inserted AFTER the current evaluator so that it will evaluate the current character
// from the position of the run-loop gateway. This allows run loops to occupy the same
// positional space as standard matches while maintaining isolation between their paths
// in the matrix.

// We don't want to launch any run loop buddies unless we matched this far. If we did
// match up to this point and the next character in a pattern includes a run loop then
// we will find a gateway byte at this point representing the path to any run loops.

// If we made it this far launch a buddy for any run-loop gateway that's present.
// Of course, the buddy must be evaluated after this evaluator during this pass because
// he will have shown up late... That is, we don't detect a run gateway until we're
// sitting on a new node looking for a result... The very result we may be looking for
// could be behind the gateway - so we launch the buddy behind us and he will be able
// to match anything in this pass that we missed when looking for a non-run match.

if(Matrix[xRunGateway].Character() == RUN_GATEWAY)

// At this point, we've tried all of our rules, and created any buddies we needed.
// If we got a match, we terminated long ago. If we didn't, then we either stayed
// on the path or we fell off. Either way, the flag is in Condition so we can send
// it on.

return Condition;


// EvaluationMatrix Implementations ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// EvaluationMatrix::AddMatchRecord(int sp, int ep, int sym)

// Most of this functionality is about deep scans - which have been put on hold for now
// due to the complexity and the scope of the current application. For now, although
// we will use this reporting mechanism, it will generally record only one event.

MatchRecord* EvaluationMatrix::AddMatchRecord(int sp, int ep, int sym) {

// 20030216 _M Added range check code to watch for corruption. Some systems have
// reported matches with zero length indicating an undetected corruption. This
// range check will detect and report it.

if(sp==ep) // Check that we're in range - no zero
throw OutOfRange("sp==ep"); // length pattern matches allowed!

MatchRecord* NewMatchRecord = // Then, create the new result object
new MatchRecord(sp,ep,sym); // by passing it the important parts.

if(NewMatchRecord==NULL) // Check for a bad allocation and throw
throw BadAllocation("NewMatchRecord==NULL"); // an exception if that happens.

if(ResultList == NULL) { // If this is our first result we simply
ResultList = NewMatchRecord; // add the result to our list, and of course
LastResultInList = NewMatchRecord; // it is the end of the list as well.
} else { // If we already have some results, then
LastResultInList->NextMatchRecord = // we add the new record to the result list
NewMatchRecord; // and record that the new record is now the
LastResultInList = NewMatchRecord; // last result in the list.

return NewMatchRecord; // Return our new match record.

// EvaluationMatrix::AddEvaluator()

// 20021112 _M
// This function has be modified to include a check for duplicates as well as setting
// the mount point for the new evaluator. This eliminates a good deal of code elsewhere
// and encapsulates the complete operation. If a duplicate evaluator is found then the
// function returns NULL indicating that nothing was done. In practic, no check is made
// since any serious error conditions cause errors to be thrown from within this function
// call. These notes apply to some extent to InsEvaluator which is copied from this function
// and which has the only difference of putting the new evaluator after the current one
// in the chain in order to support branch-out operations for loop sequences in the matrix.

Evaluator* EvaluationMatrix::AddEvaluator(int s, int m) { // Adds a new evaluator at top.

if(!isNoDuplicate(m)) return NULL; // If there is a duplicate do nothing.

if(CountOfEvaluators >= MAX_EVALS) // If we've exceeded our population size
throw MaxEvalsExceeded("Add:CountOfEvaluators >= MAX_EVALS"); // then throw an exception.

Evaluator* NewEvaluator = SourceEvaluator(s,this); // Make up a new evaluator.

if(NewEvaluator == NULL) // Check for a bad allocation and throw
throw BadAllocation("Add:NewEvaluator == NULL"); // an exception if it happens.

NewEvaluator->NextEvaluator = EvaluatorList; // Point the new evaluator to the list.
EvaluatorList = NewEvaluator; // Then point the list head to
// the new evaluator.

NewEvaluator->CurrentPosition = m; // Esablish the mount point.

++CountOfEvaluators; // Add one to our evaluator count.
if(CountOfEvaluators > MaximumCountOfEvaluators) // If the count is the biggest we
MaximumCountOfEvaluators = CountOfEvaluators; // have seen then keep track of it.

return NewEvaluator; // Return the new evaluator.

// EvaluationMatrix::InsEvaluator()

Evaluator* EvaluationMatrix::InsEvaluator(int s, int m) { // Inserts a new evaluator.

if(!isNoDuplicate(m)) return NULL; // If there is a duplicate do nothing.

if(CountOfEvaluators >= MAX_EVALS) // If we've exceeded our population size
throw MaxEvalsExceeded("Ins:CountOfEvaluators >= MAX_EVALS"); // then throw an exception.

Evaluator* NewEvaluator = SourceEvaluator(s,this); // Make up a new evaluator.

if(NewEvaluator == NULL) // Check for a bad allocation and throw
throw BadAllocation("Ins:NewEvaluator == NULL"); // an exception if it happens.

NewEvaluator->NextEvaluator = // Point the new evaluator where the
CurrentEvaluator->NextEvaluator; // current evalautor points... then point
CurrentEvaluator->NextEvaluator = // the current evaluator to this one. This
NewEvaluator; // accomplishes the insert operation.

NewEvaluator->CurrentPosition = m; // Esablish the mount point.

++CountOfEvaluators; // Add one to our evaluator count.
if(CountOfEvaluators > MaximumCountOfEvaluators) // If the count is the biggest we
MaximumCountOfEvaluators = CountOfEvaluators; // have seen then keep track of it.

return NewEvaluator; // Return the new evaluator.

// EvaluationMatrix::DropEvaluator()

void EvaluationMatrix::DropEvaluator() { // Drops the current evaluator from the matrix.

Evaluator* WhereTo = CurrentEvaluator->NextEvaluator; // Where do we go from here?

// First step is to heal the list as if the current evaluator were not present.
// If there is no previous evaluator - meaning this should be the first one in the
// list - then we point the list head to the next evaluator on the list (WhereTo)

if(PreviousEvaluator != NULL) // If we have a Previous then
PreviousEvaluator->NextEvaluator = WhereTo; // our next is it's next.
else // If we don't then our next
EvaluatorList = WhereTo; // is the first in the list.

// Now that our list is properly healed, it's time to drop the dead evaluator and
// get on with our lives...

CurrentEvaluator->NextEvaluator = NULL; // Disconnect from any list.
CacheEvaluator(CurrentEvaluator); // Drop the current eval.

CurrentEvaluator = WhereTo; // Move on.

--CountOfEvaluators; // Reduce our evaluator count.


// EvaluationMatrix::EvaluateThis()
// This function returns the number of matches that were found. It is possible for more
// than one evaluator to match on a single character.
// 0 indicates no matches were found.
// >0 indicates some matches were found.
// If there is a problem then an exception will be thrown.

int EvaluationMatrix::EvaluateThis(unsigned short int i) {

AddEvaluator(CountOfCharacters,0); // First, add a new Evaluator at the root of the
// matrix for the current position in the scan
// stream.

// The new evaluator is now at the top of our list.
// If there was a problem then an exception will have been thrown.
// If our allocation worked ok, then we'll be here and ready to start scanning
// the rule set with our current character.

PassResult = 0; // Start by assuming we won't match.
CurrentEvaluator = EvaluatorList; // Start at the top of the list.
PreviousEvaluator = NULL; // NULL means previous is the top.

// 20030216 _M
// Next do some basic conversions and evaluations so they don't need to be done
// again within the evaluators. From now on the evaluators will look here for basic
// conversions and boolean check values rather than performing the checks themselves.

i_lower = tolower(i); // Convert i to lower case.
i_isDigit = isdigit(i); // Check for a digit.
i_isSpace = isspace(i); // Check for whitespace.
i_isAlpha = isalpha(i); // Check for letters.

// Next, loop through the list and pass the incoming character to
// each evaluator. Drop those that fall off, and record those that terminate. The
// rest of them stick around to walk their paths until they meet their fate.

while(CurrentEvaluator != NULL) { // While there are more evaluators...
// go through the list and evaluate
switch(CurrentEvaluator->EvaluateThis(i)) { // the current character against each.

case Evaluator::FALLEN_OFF: { // If we've fallen off the path
DropEvaluator(); // drop the current evaluator and
break; // move on with our lives.

case Evaluator::DOING_OK: { // If we're still going then...
PreviousEvaluator = CurrentEvaluator; // keep track of where we've been and
CurrentEvaluator = // move forward to the next evaluator
CurrentEvaluator->NextEvaluator; // in the list.

case Evaluator::TERMINATED: { // If we've terminated a path...
++PassResult; // Record our PassResult.

// Create a new match result using the data in the current evaluator.
// If there is a problem adding the match an exception will be thrown.

CountOfCharacters - 1,

// From Version 2 onward we're always doing deep scans...
// Having successfully recorded the result of this critter we can kill them off.

DropEvaluator(); // He's dead.
break; // Now let's keep looking.

case Evaluator::OUT_OF_RANGE: { // This result is really bad and
throw OutOfRange("case Evaluator::OUT_OF_RANGE:"); // probably means we have a bad matrix.

// The reason we don't throw OutOfRange from within the evaluator is that we
// may want to take some other action in the future... So, we allow the evaluator
// to tell us we sent it out of range and then we decide what to do about it.


// At the end of this function our PassResult is either an error (which is
// reported immediately), or it is a match condition. We start out by assuming
// there will be no match. If we find one, then we reset that result... so at
// this point, all we need do is report our findings.

++CountOfCharacters; // Add one to our Character Count statistic.

// Note that from this point on, the index in the stream is one less than the
// CountOfCharacters... for example, if I've evaluated (am evaluating) one character
// the it's index is 0. This will be important when we create any match records.

return PassResult; // When we're finished, return the last known result.

+ 546
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/snf_engine.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,546 @@
// snf_engine.hpp
// (C) 1985-2004 MicroNeil Research Corporation
// (C) 2005-2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
// Derived from original work on cellular automation for complex pattern
// reflex engine 1985 Pete McNeil (Madscientist)
// Derived from rapid scripting engine (token matrix) implementation 1987

// This is the header file for the sniffer pattern matching engine.

// 20080305 _M - Added FlipEndian() function to convert rulebases from their
// native little-endian format to big-endian format for CPUs that need it. See
// additional work in SNFMulti to call the FlipEndian() function AFTER the
// rulebase has been authenticated but before it is put into use.

// 20070606 _M - Refactored exceptions to use base std::exception and improved
// the evaluator code to reduce the strength of safety testing from 3 compares
// per byte to 1.

// 20060531 _M - Added evaluator caching to save a few cycles by not allocating
// new memory and performing a complete initialization of an evaluator if there
// is already one handy from a previous use.

// 20021030 _M - Created.

#ifndef _MN_SNF_ENGINE
#define _MN_SNF_ENGINE

#include <cassert>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cctype>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <exception>
#include "mangler.hpp"
//#include "../nvwa-0.6/nvwa/debug_new.h"

using namespace std;

// 20030929 _M SYMBOL_RANGE moved to snf_engine.hpp as part of augmenting the
// capability of a match record. Match records now can decode themselves.

const int SYMBOL_RANGE = 256; // Symbol result coding modulator.

// Let's create our utility classes and structures.

// The Token class.
// This class represents the structure of a token. The rule file is, in fact,
// a token matrix. Tokens within the matrix allow the sniffer to navigate through
// a state change matrix attempting to locate special positions that indicate the
// termination of a path, or more specifically, the recognition of a string that
// has been evaluated along that path.

// Token Declaration ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

class Token { // Token class for defining and interpreting nodes within the matrix.

public: // Beginning of Public stuff.

int Check; // The first int is a check character.
int Vector; // The second int is a vector.

// isUnused() Returns true if the token is in an unused state.

int isUnused() {
return (Check==-1 && Vector==0) ? true : false;

// isTermination() Returns true if the token is in a termination state.

int isTermination() {
if(Check==0 && Vector > 0)
return true;
return false;

// Symbol() Returns the symbol value for the token.

int Symbol() { return Vector; }

// Character() Returns the check character for this token.

int Character() { return Check; }

// End of Public stuff.
// Note that no constructor is needed because the default constructor will do nicely.


// Token Matrix Declaration ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// The Token Matrix loads, verifies, and maintains an array of tokens for the evaluators
// to live in. This class provides safe access to the token matrix.

class TokenMatrix {


Token* Matrix; // Where we hold the token matrix.
int MatrixSize; // What size is the matrix.


// Exceptions...

class BadAllocation : public runtime_error { // Exception for a bad memory allocation.
public: BadAllocation(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class BadMatrix : public runtime_error { // Exception for invalid matrix loads.
public: BadMatrix(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class BadFile : public runtime_error { // Exception for missing rulebase files.
public: BadFile(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class OutOfRange : public runtime_error { // Exception for indexes out of range.
public: OutOfRange(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}

// Standards...

static const int SecuritySegmentSize = 1024; // File Authentication Segment
static const int SecurityKeyBufferSize = 32; // Security Key Pad Block Size
static const int RulebaseDigestSize = 64; // Number of bytes in digest.

static const int MinimumValidMatrix = // Establish the smallest valid
SecuritySegmentSize * 2 / SecurityKeyBufferSize; // matrix size

// The first interface component checks the range and gives up the token.

Token at(int x) { // Get the token at x
if(x<0 || x>=MatrixSize) // Check to see if we're in bounds.
throw OutOfRange("(x<0 || x>=MatrixSize)"); // If we're not then throw an exception.
return Matrix[x]; // If we are then give it to them.

// The second interface component delivers the Matrix if it's valid so that other
// code can manipulate it more efficiently (without constantly checking bounds.

Token* getMatrix() { // Return the matrix.
if(MatrixSize==0 || Matrix==NULL) // If the matrix isn't ready then
throw BadMatrix("(MatrixSize==0 || Matrix==NULL)"); // throw an exception. If it is
return Matrix; // ready then send it out.

// For simplicity we simply extend the underlying Token functions by taking a
// position reference, checking it's range, and returning the result.

int isUnused(int x) { // Extend Token.isUnused()
return at(x).isUnused();

int isTermination(int x) { // Extend Token.isTermination()
return at(x).isTermination();

int Symbol(int x) { // Exetend Token.Symbol()
return at(x).Symbol();

int Character(int x) { // Extend Token.Character()
return at(x).Character();

// Utility functions...

int Size() { return MatrixSize; } // Returns the size of the matrix.

void Load(const char* FileName); // Loads the matrix from a file name.

void Load(string& FileName); // Loads the matrix from a file name string.

void Load(ifstream& F); // Loads the token matrix from the file.

void Validate(string& SecurityKey); // Validates the matrix with a key string.

void Verify(string& SecurityKey); // Verifies the matrix digest.

void FlipEndian(); // Converts big/little endian tokens.

// Constructors...

TokenMatrix() :
Matrix(NULL) { }

TokenMatrix(ifstream& F) :
Matrix(NULL) {

~TokenMatrix() { // The Distructor...
MatrixSize = 0; // Set the size to zero.
if(Matrix) { delete [] Matrix; Matrix = NULL; } // If we have a matrix, remove it.


// End Token Work ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// Having defined the token matrix, I now define the Evaluator class which
// be used to follow any matching rule threads as the program scans a a file.
// A new evaluator is started at each position in the input stream making all
// of the rules in the token matrix global.

// The following two values are returned by the Evaluator at every step.

const int WILD_WHITESPACE = 1; // Token code for whitespace wildcards.
const int WILD_DIGIT = 2; // Token code for digit wildcards.
const int WILD_LETTER = 3; // Token code for letter wildcards.
const int WILD_NONWHITE = 4; // Token code for non-whitespace wildcards.
const int WILD_ANYTHING = 5; // Token code for any character.
const int WILD_INLINE = 6; // Token code for any character except new line.

const int RUN_GATEWAY = 8; // Token code for run-loop gateways.

// Here are some tuning parameters

const int MaxWildRunLength = 4096; // Maximum span of "any number" wildcards.
const int MAX_EVALS = 2048; // Maximum number of evaluators.

// Evaluators and the Evaluation Matrix

class EvaluationMatrix; // We've got to pre-declare this for some compilers.

class Evaluator { // Evaluator class for following threads through the matrix.


EvaluationMatrix* myEvaluationMatrix; // The evaluation matrix I live in.
Token* Matrix; // The raw token matrix I walk in.
int MatrixSize; // Size of raw token matrix.

// 20070606 _M Optimized Evaluator code by reducing the strength of the
// safety check from 3 comparisons to 1.

unsigned int PositionLimit; // Largest CurrentPosition.

// 20030216 _M Optimization conversions

inline int i_lower(); // { return myEvaluationMatrix->i_lower; }
inline bool i_isDigit(); // { return myEvaluationMatrix->i_isDigit; }
inline bool i_isSpace(); // { return myEvaluationMatrix->i_isSpace; }
inline bool i_isAlpha(); // { return myEvaluationMatrix->i_isAphpa; }


// Standard Values...

enum States { // These are the posible coditions.
OUT_OF_RANGE, // We're outside the matrix - very bad.
FALLEN_OFF, // We've fallen off the path and are lost.
DOING_OK, // We're doing ok and following along.
TERMINATED // We've reached the end of our path.

// Attributes...

States Condition; // What state am I in? How's my health?

Evaluator* NextEvaluator; // Linked List Pointer.
int StreamStartPosition; // Indexes the position where we started.
unsigned int CurrentPosition; // Indexes the node we are surfing.

int WildRunLength; // Wildcard run length so far.

// EvaluateThis() assumes it is being given the next character along the
// path of a thread in the token matrix. It follows that thread and evaluates
// it's condition.

States EvaluateThis(unsigned short int i); // Follow the next byte.

// isNoDuplicate() is used to keep us from allocating identical evaluators. This is
// key to creating buddies when working with wildcards. It prevents us from recursively
// proliferating evaluators at each new character when running in a wildcard loop.

int isNoDuplicate(int Position) { // Returns false if there is a duplicate.
if(CurrentPosition == Position) // Obviously, if I match, then there's a dup.
return false;
// If I don't match and I'm the last one then
if(NextEvaluator==NULL) // it must be true there are no dups. If there
return true; // are more to ask then I'll let them answer.
return NextEvaluator->isNoDuplicate(Position);

Evaluator(int s, EvaluationMatrix* m); // Constructor...

if(NextEvaluator!=NULL){ // If there's more to this list then
delete NextEvaluator; // delete it.
NextEvaluator = NULL; // Always null on exit.


// A MatchRecord is created each time a new rule match occurrs. These records form a
// linked list within the Evaluation Matrix that can be spit out after the process is
// over for reporting purposes.

class MatchRecord {
int MatchStartPosition; // Where in the data stream did the match start?
int MatchEndPosition; // Where in the data stream did the match end?
int MatchSymbol; // What symbol was attached to the match rule?

inline int RuleId(){return (MatchSymbol/SYMBOL_RANGE);} // Decode RuleID
inline int RuleGroup(){return (MatchSymbol%SYMBOL_RANGE);} // Decode GroupID

MatchRecord* NextMatchRecord;

MatchRecord(int sp, int ep, int sym) { // When constructing a MatchRecord,
MatchStartPosition = sp; // you must provide all of it's data.
MatchEndPosition = ep;
MatchSymbol = sym;
// Since match records are always added to
NextMatchRecord = NULL; // the end our next pointer is always NULL.

if(NextMatchRecord != NULL) // If there's more list, then delete it.
delete NextMatchRecord;
NextMatchRecord = NULL; // Clean up our pointer before leaving.

// Now that we've created our utility classes, we'll create another class (with an instance)
// that builds a matrix to evaluate all incoming characters, manage the list, and keeps
// statistics and results from the execution process.

class EvaluationMatrix {


TokenMatrix* myTokenMatrix; // Token Matrix that I evaluate with.

Evaluator* EvaluatorList; // Linked list of Evaluators.

Evaluator* CurrentEvaluator; // Current Evaluator (when checking)
Evaluator* PreviousEvaluator; // Previous Evaluator (when checking)

// Evaluator Caching Mechanism.

Evaluator* EvaluatorCache; // List of cached, ready evaluators.
Evaluator* SourceEvaluator(int s, EvaluationMatrix* m); // Get a cached or new evaluator.
void CacheEvaluator(Evaluator* e); // Cache a used evaluator.

int CountOfEvaluators; // Current count of evaluators.

int PassResult; // Result of the latest evaluation pass.

MatchRecord* LastResultInList; // Keeps track of the end of the result list.

MatchRecord* AddMatchRecord(int sp, int ep, int sym); // Add a match result.

// DropEvaluator() is called by the EvaluateThis() method whenever an evaluator
// reports the FALLEN_OFF result. The EvaluateThis() method keeps two values up
// to date - one is the current evaluator (which will be dropped) and the other is
// the previous evaluator (which will be updated to heal the list).

// When we've finished this function, the CurrentEvaluator will be on the next
// evaluator node if it exists. Therefore, the caller should skip it's normal
// list itteration code when this function has been called.

void DropEvaluator();


// Exception classes...

class BadAllocation : public runtime_error { // Allocation failed exception.
public: BadAllocation(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class MaxEvalsExceeded : public runtime_error { // Too many evaluators exception.
public: MaxEvalsExceeded(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}
class OutOfRange : public runtime_error { // Out of range exception.
public: OutOfRange(const string& w):runtime_error(w) {}

// Attributes...

int CountOfCharacters; // How many characters have been evaluated.
int MaximumCountOfEvaluators; // Largest matrix size reached.

MatchRecord* ResultList; // List of match results.

int DeepSwitch; // true if we're doing a deep scans.

// 20030216 _M High Level Conversion Optimizers...

int i_lower; // Lower case version of byte under test.
bool i_isDigit; // true if i is a digit.
bool i_isSpace; // true if i is whitespace.
bool i_isAlpha; // true if i is alpha.

// AddEvaluator() is made public because the Evaluator object must have access
// to it in order to handle the creation of buddies as it evaluates it's rules.
// Similarly the getTokens is public because evaluators must use this when they
// initialize. In a later version we will clean this up so that all of this stuff
// can be handled somewhat more privately.

Token* getTokens() { // Deliver the raw token matrix
return myTokenMatrix->getMatrix(); // for use when creating evaluators.

int getMatrixSize() { // Deliver the raw matrix size
return myTokenMatrix->Size(); // for use when creating evaluators.

Evaluator* AddEvaluator(int s, int m); // Adds a new evaluator to the top.

Evaluator* InsEvaluator(int s, int m); // Inserts a new evaluator after the
// current evaluator. (Only called by
// an existing evaluator in process...)

// isNoDuplicate(int p) checks for duplicate evaulators

int isNoDuplicate(int p) { // If there's no list there can be no
if(EvaluatorList == NULL) // duplicates so we're true. If there is
return true; // a list then we'll let the list answer.
return EvaluatorList->isNoDuplicate(p);

// EvaluateThis() Moves each evaluator with the current character and creates a new
// evaluator for the current spot in the input file to make all rules global.

int EvaluateThis(unsigned short int i);

EvaluationMatrix(TokenMatrix* m) { // Constructor w/ pointer to Token Matrix...

myTokenMatrix = m; // Grab my TokenMatrix.

EvaluatorList = NULL; // Start off with no evaluators.
EvaluatorCache = NULL; // Start off with no evaluator cache.

CurrentEvaluator = NULL; // NULL means starting at the top.
PreviousEvaluator = NULL; // NULL means previous is the top.

ResultList = NULL; // Start off with no results in our list.
LastResultInList = NULL;

CountOfCharacters = 0; // The count of characters will be zero and
MaximumCountOfEvaluators = 0; // the maximum Evaluator count will be zero
CountOfEvaluators = 0; // and the current count will also be zero.

PassResult = 0; // Initialize expecting no matches.


~EvaluationMatrix(){ // Destructor to clean up memory allocations.

myTokenMatrix = NULL; // Stop pointing at the TokenMatrix

// Both of these lists konw how to delete themselves.
// 20060531_M Fixed possible crash by checking for NULL before
// deleting these lists. Also added cleanup for the EvaluatorCache.

if(NULL!=EvaluatorCache) {
delete EvaluatorCache; // Delete the evaluator cache.
EvaluatorCache = NULL; // Then clear it's pointer.

if(NULL!=EvaluatorList) {
delete EvaluatorList; // Delete the evaluator list.
EvaluatorList = NULL; // Then clear it's pointer.

if(NULL!=ResultList) {
delete ResultList; // Delete the result list.
ResultList = NULL; // Then clear it's pointer.


// 20060531_M Implementation of the evaluator cache is all inline.
// In place of new Evaluator() we now can use SourceEvaluator()
// In place of delete Evaluator() we now can use CacheEvaluator()
// The effect is to store previously allocaed evaluators in the EvaluatorCache
// list so that they can be reused. This avoids the frequen use of
// new and delete and allows us to skip a few extra cycles for initialization
// because much of the constructor work for a new evaluator is already done
// in any cached evaluator.
// In practice, at least one evaluator is likely to be created and destroyed
// for each byte that is scanned. This new mechanism significantly reduces the
// number of cycles that would normally be associated with those operations by
// eliminating them most of the time. Instead of returning used memory to the
// heap during delete, the evaulator is simply added to the cache list. Instead
// of allocating new space from the heap and initializing the object, a chached
// evaluator is simply moved from the cache into production. Moving into and
// out of the cache is roughly as simple as changing a couple of pointers.

// In place of new Evaluator, we do this...

inline Evaluator* EvaluationMatrix::SourceEvaluator(int s, EvaluationMatrix* m) { // Get a cached or new evaluator.
if(NULL==EvaluatorCache) return new Evaluator(s,m); // If we have no cache, use new!
Evaluator* reuse = EvaluatorCache; // Otherwise grab a reusable one.
EvaluatorCache = reuse->NextEvaluator; // Collaps the cache by one.
reuse->NextEvaluator = NULL; // Clean it up a bit.
reuse->StreamStartPosition = s; // Record our starting point.
reuse->CurrentPosition = 0; // Reset the Current Position.
reuse->WildRunLength = 0; // Reset the run length.
reuse->Condition = Evaluator::DOING_OK; // Reset the condition.
return reuse; // Return the reusable unit.

// In place of delete Evaluator, we do this...

inline void EvaluationMatrix::CacheEvaluator(Evaluator* e) { // Cache a used evaluator.
e->NextEvaluator = EvaluatorCache; // Link the used evaluator
EvaluatorCache = e; // into the cache;

// In the above, the first evaluator added will get NULL as it's NextEvaluator.
// When that first evaulator is used, the NULL pointer will return to the root
// of the EvaluatorCache list. In this regard the cache acts like a stack.


+ 21
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/snf_match.h Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/* snf_match.h
** (C) Copyright 2006 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
** 20060121_M
** The Engine provides detailed match results using this structure.

#ifndef _ARM_snf_match
#define _ARM_snf_match

struct snf_match {
char flag;
int symbol;
int ruleid;
int index;
int endex;


+ 146
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/snf_sync.cpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
// snf_sync.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// See snf_sync.hpp for details.

#include "snf_sync.hpp"

void snf_sync::construct() { // Encapsulate initial construction.
ClientGBUAlertInitializer.link(ClientGBUAlertHandler); // Link the alert configurators.
SNFWasParsed.setup(ReadWasGood); // Link our configurator to that flag.
SetupReader(); // Configure our reader.
reset(); // and initialize our data.

snf_sync::snf_sync() : // Construcing a blank snf_sync.
Reader("snf"), // The Reader looks for "snf"
ReadWasGood(false) { // There has been no good read yet.
construct(); // Internal wiring & initialization.

snf_sync::snf_sync(const char* bfr, int len) : // Constructing with a full buffer.
Reader("snf"), // Start with our blank construction.
ReadWasGood(false) {
construct(); // Internal wiring & initialization.
ConfigurationData Data(bfr, len); // Then build ConfigurationData from
Reader.interpret(Data); // the buffer and interpret it.

snf_sync::snf_sync(string& input) : // Constructing with a string.
Reader("snf"), // Start with our blank construction.
ReadWasGood(false) {
construct(); // Internal wiring & initialization.
ConfigurationData Data(input.c_str(), input.length()); // Then build ConfigurationData from
Reader.interpret(Data); // the string and interpret it.

void snf_sync::SetupReader() { // Configure the reader to recognize
Reader // the snf_sync protocol.
.atEndCall(SNFWasParsed) // Set flag to true when successful.
.Element("<!-- SNFWasParsed -->", ReadWasGood, false).End() // Trick using impossible element name.
.Attribute("text", snf_sync_challenge_txt, "")
.Attribute("nodeid", snf_sync_response_nodeid, "")
.Attribute("text", snf_sync_response_text, "")
.Attribute("message", snf_sync_error_message, "")
.Attribute("code", snf_sync_error_code, 0)
.Attribute("utc", snf_sync_rulebase_utc, "")
.Attribute("time", ClientGBUAlertHandler.Alert_time, "")
.Attribute("ip", ClientGBUAlertHandler.Alert_ip, "")
.Attribute("t", ClientGBUAlertHandler.Alert_t, "Ignore")
.Attribute("b", ClientGBUAlertHandler.Alert_b, 0)
.Attribute("g", ClientGBUAlertHandler.Alert_g, 0)
.Attribute("time", ServerGBUAlertHandler.Alert_time, "")
.Attribute("ip", ServerGBUAlertHandler.Alert_ip, "")
.Attribute("t", ServerGBUAlertHandler.Alert_t, "Ignore")
.Attribute("b", ServerGBUAlertHandler.Alert_b, 0)
.Attribute("g", ServerGBUAlertHandler.Alert_g, 0)
.Attribute("secs", snf_sync_server_resync_secs, -1)

void snf_sync::reset() { // Reset the reader for new data.
ReadWasGood = false; // There has been no read yet.
Reader.initialize(); // Initialize to the defaults.

bool snf_sync::read(const char* bfr, int len) { // To read from a buffer we
ConfigurationData Data(bfr, len); // construct ConfigurationData from
Reader.interpret(Data); // the buffer and interpret it.
return good(); // Return true if it looked good.

bool snf_sync::read(string& input) { // To read from a string we
return read(input.c_str(), input.length()); // get the strings buffer and hand off
} // to our buffer read()

bool snf_sync::good() { // True if the Reader finished the
return (true == ReadWasGood); // snf element successfully.

bool snf_sync::bad() { // False if the Reader finished the
return (false == ReadWasGood); // snf element successfully.

void GBUAlertHandler::operator()(
ConfigurationElement& E, ConfigurationData& D) { // Add an alert.
GBUdbAlert NewAlert; // Create an alert object.
SocketAddress IPAddress; // Grab one of these for a converter.
IPAddress.setAddress(const_cast<char*>(Alert_ip.c_str())); // Conver the IP address to an int.
NewAlert.IP = IPAddress.getAddress(); // Put the IP into it's place.
NewAlert.R.Bad(Alert_b); // Set the bad count on the record.
NewAlert.R.Good(Alert_g); // Set the good count on the record.
strncpy(NewAlert.UTC, Alert_time.c_str(), UTCBufferSize); // Copy the timestamp.
switch(Alert_t.at(0)) { // Use the first byte to set the flag.
case 'U': { // U means Ugly.
case 'I': { // I means Ignore.
case 'G': { // G means Good.
case 'B': { // B means Bad.
AlertList.push_back(NewAlert); // Push back the new alert.

void GBUAlertHandler::reset() { // To reset the handler,
Alert_time = ""; // clear all of the input strings
Alert_ip = ""; // to the empty string and all of
Alert_t = ""; // the input counts to zero.
Alert_b = 0;
Alert_g = 0;
AlertList.clear(); // Clear out the list.

+ 85
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/snf_sync.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
// snf_sync.hpp
// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// SNF engine communications protocol interpreter.
// Communications are well formed xml snippets.
// See snf_sync.xml for examples.

#ifndef snf_sync_included
#define snf_sync_included

#include <list>
#include <cstring>
#include "GBUdb.hpp"
#include "networking.hpp"
#include "configuration.hpp"

class GBUAlertHandler : public Configurator {
virtual void operator()(ConfigurationElement& E, ConfigurationData& D); // Add an alert handler :-)

void reset(); // Resets the list for a new run.

list<GBUdbAlert> AlertList; // Our list of alerts.

// Input variables.

string Alert_time; // time='YYYYMMDDhhmmss'
string Alert_ip; // ip=''
string Alert_t; // t='Ugly', Good, Bad, Ignore
int Alert_b; // b='0'
int Alert_g; // g='0'

class GBUAlertInitializer : public Configurator {
GBUAlertHandler* MyHandler; // Handler to reset.

GBUAlertInitializer() { MyHandler = NULL; } // Init safely with null.
void link(GBUAlertHandler& H) { MyHandler = &H; } // Link to my handler.
virtual void operator()(ConfigurationElement& E, ConfigurationData& D) { // Add an alert handler :-)
if(NULL != MyHandler) { // If I know where it is
MyHandler->reset(); // I hit the reset button.

class snf_sync {
ConfigurationElement Reader; // Our reader.
void SetupReader(); // Configure the reader.
ConfiguratorSetTrueOnComplete SNFWasParsed; // Configurator sets the ReadWasGood
bool ReadWasGood; // flag at the end of the snf element.
void construct(); // Encapsulate the initial construction.
void reset(); // Reset/initialize for the next read.

snf_sync(); // Construct empty.
snf_sync(const char* bfr, int len); // Construct from buffer.
snf_sync(string& input); // Construct from string.
bool read(const char* bfr, int len); // Read from buffer.
bool read(string& input); // Read from string.

//// And now the interpreted results ////
bool good(); // True if read was good.
bool bad(); // True if read was not good.

string snf_sync_challenge_txt;
string snf_sync_response_nodeid;
string snf_sync_response_text;
string snf_sync_error_message;
int snf_sync_error_code;
string snf_sync_rulebase_utc;
int snf_sync_server_resync_secs;

GBUAlertHandler ClientGBUAlertHandler; // GBU Alerts received from client
GBUAlertInitializer ClientGBUAlertInitializer;

GBUAlertHandler ServerGBUAlertHandler; // GBU Alerts received from server
GBUAlertInitializer ServerGBUAlertInitializer;


+ 138
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/snf_xci.cpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
// snf_xci.hpp
// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// SNF XML Command Interface
// See snf_xci.hpp for details / notes.

#include "snf_xci.hpp"

//// snf_xci Interpreter Object ////////////////////////////////////////////////

snf_xci::snf_xci() : // Construcing a blank snf_xci.
Reader("snf"), // The Reader looks for "snf"
ReadWasGood(false) { // There has been no good read yet.
SNFWasParsed.setup(ReadWasGood); // Link our configurator to that flag.
SetupReader(); // Configure our reader.
reset(); // and initialize our data.

snf_xci::snf_xci(const char* bfr, int len) : // Constructing with a full buffer.
Reader("snf"), // Start with our blank construction.
ReadWasGood(false) {
ConfigurationData Data(bfr, len); // Then build ConfigurationData from
Reader.interpret(Data); // the buffer and interpret it.

snf_xci::snf_xci(string& input) : // Constructing with a string.
Reader("snf"), // Start with our blank construction.
ReadWasGood(false) {
ConfigurationData Data(input.c_str(), input.length()); // Then build ConfigurationData from
Reader.interpret(Data); // the string and interpret it.

void snf_xci::SetupReader() { // Configure the reader to recognize
Reader // the snf_xci protocol.
.atEndCall(SNFWasParsed) // Set flag to true when successful.
.Element("<!-- SNFWasParsed -->", ReadWasGood, false).End() // Trick using impossible element name.
.Attribute("file", scanner_scan_file,"")
.Attribute("xhdr", scanner_scan_xhdr, false)
.Attribute("log", scanner_scan_log, false)
.Attribute("ip", scanner_scan_ip, "")
.Attribute("code", scanner_result_code,0)
.Element("xhdr", scanner_result_xhdr, "")
.Element("log", scanner_result_log, "")
.Attribute("ip", gbudb_set_ip, "")
.Attribute("type", gbudb_set_type, "")
.Attribute("b", gbudb_set_bad_count, -1)
.Attribute("g", gbudb_set_good_count, -1)
.Attribute("ip", gbudb_good_ip, "")
.Attribute("ip", gbudb_bad_ip, "")
.Attribute("ip", gbudb_test_ip, "")
.Attribute("ip", gbudb_drop_ip, "")
.Attribute("ip", gbudb_result_ip, "")
.Attribute("type", gbudb_result_type, "")
.Attribute("p", gbudb_result_probability, 0.0)
.Attribute("c", gbudb_result_confidence, 0.0)
.Attribute("b", gbudb_result_bad_count, -1)
.Attribute("g", gbudb_result_good_count, -1)
.Attribute("range", gbudb_result_range, "")
.Attribute("code", gbudb_result_code, 0)
.Attribute("class", report_request_status_class, "")
.Element("response", report_response, "")
.Element("command", xci_server_command_content, "")
.Attribute("command", xci_server_command, "")
.Attribute("message", xci_server_response, "")
.Attribute("code", xci_server_response_code, -1)
.Attribute("message", xci_error_message, "")

void snf_xci::reset() { // Reset the reader for new data.
ReadWasGood = false; // There has been no read yet.
Reader.initialize(); // Initialize to the defaults.

bool snf_xci::read(const char* bfr, int len) { // To read from a buffer we
ConfigurationData Data(bfr, len); // construct ConfigurationData from
Reader.interpret(Data); // the buffer and interpret it.
return good(); // Return true if it looked good.

bool snf_xci::read(string& input) { // To read from a string we
return read(input.c_str(), input.length()); // get the strings buffer and hand off
} // to our buffer read()

bool snf_xci::good() { // True if the Reader finished the
return (true == ReadWasGood); // snf element successfully.

bool snf_xci::bad() { // False if the Reader finished the
return (false == ReadWasGood); // snf element successfully.

+ 78
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/snf_xci.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
// snf_xci.hpp
// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// SNF XML Command Interface
// SNF clients communicate with the SNF server using one-line xml statements.
// The server responds in kind. This module uses the configuration module to
// interpret those communications. In practice, a line will be read from a
// connected socket and then passed to an snf_xci object for interpretation.
// The snf_xci object parses the xml and presents the results on it's surface
// in easily used variables.

#ifndef snf_xci_included
#define snf_xci_included

#include "configuration.hpp"

class snf_xci { // SNF XCI message interpreter.
ConfigurationElement Reader; // Our reader.
void SetupReader(); // Configure the reader.
ConfiguratorSetTrueOnComplete SNFWasParsed; // Configurator sets the ReadWasGood
bool ReadWasGood; // flag at the end of the snf element.
void reset(); // Reset/initialize for the next read.

snf_xci(const char* bfr, int len);
snf_xci(string& input);
bool read(const char* bfr, int len);
bool read(string& input);

//// And now the interpreted results ////
bool good();
bool bad();

string scanner_scan_file;
bool scanner_scan_xhdr;
bool scanner_scan_log;
string scanner_scan_ip;
int scanner_result_code;
string scanner_result_xhdr;
string scanner_result_log;

string gbudb_set_ip;
string gbudb_set_type;
int gbudb_set_bad_count;
int gbudb_set_good_count;

string gbudb_good_ip;
string gbudb_bad_ip;
string gbudb_test_ip;
string gbudb_drop_ip;

string gbudb_result_ip;
string gbudb_result_type;
double gbudb_result_probability;
double gbudb_result_confidence;
int gbudb_result_bad_count;
int gbudb_result_good_count;
string gbudb_result_range;
int gbudb_result_code;

string report_request_status_class;
string report_response;

string xci_server_command;
string xci_server_command_content;
string xci_server_response;
int xci_server_response_code;

string xci_error_message;



+ 54
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/tcp_watchdog.cpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
// tcp_watchdog.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2009 MicroNeil Research Corporation
// See tcp_watchdog.hpp for details.

#include "tcp_watchdog.hpp"

const ThreadType TCPWatchdog::Type("TCPWatchdog"); // Thread type.

const ThreadState TCPWatchdog::Watching("Watching"); // State when waiting to fire.
const ThreadState TCPWatchdog::KilledSocket("KilledSocket"); // Killed The Socket.
const ThreadState TCPWatchdog::LiveAndLetBe("LiveAndLetBe"); // Shutdown without incident.

TCPWatchdog::TCPWatchdog(Socket& SocketToWatch, int Milliseconds) : // Construct with
MySocket(SocketToWatch), // a socket to watch,
MyTimeout(Milliseconds), // a time limit,
StillAlive(true) { // and a true alive flag.
run(); // Run the thread.

TCPWatchdog::~TCPWatchdog() { // When we go away, we
stop(); // need to stop.

void TCPWatchdog::reset() { // We can be reset by
MyTimeout.restart(); // restarting the timeout.

void TCPWatchdog::reset(int Milliseconds) { // We can also be reset by
MyTimeout.setDuration(Milliseconds); // setting a new timeout and
MyTimeout.restart(); // starting fresh.

void TCPWatchdog::stop() { // If we are stopped then
MyTimeout.restart(); // we restart the timeout for safety,
if(StillAlive) { // IF we're alive when we get here
CurrentThreadState(LiveAndLetBe); // we are "calling off the dog".
StillAlive = false; // falsify our alive flag, and
join(); // wait for our thread to end.

void TCPWatchdog::myTask() { // This is the job we do.
const int OneSecond = 1000; // One second in milliseconds.
Sleeper WaitATic(OneSecond); // Set up a one second sleeper.
while(StillAlive) { // While we are alive,
CurrentThreadState(Watching); // we are watching the clock.
WaitATic(); // Every second or so we will
if(MyTimeout.isExpired()) { // check to see if we've expired.
CurrentThreadState(KilledSocket); // If the clock expires - we kill!
StillAlive = false; // To do that, we turn ourselves
MySocket.close(); // off and close the socket.

+ 45
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFMulti/tcp_watchdog.hpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// tcp_watchdog.hpp
// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2009 MicroNeil Research Corporation
// Watchdog timer for TCP connections.
// Closes the connection if it times out.
// Theoretically, when a socet closes, anything blocked on that socket
// will receive an exception and will deal with that appropriately by
// stopping what it is doing... Can't work on a closed socket ;-)
// This allows blocking sockets to be used safely in that the application
// won't "hang" on a stopped / broken socket.

#ifndef tcp_watchdog_included
#define tcp_watchdog_included

#include "timing.hpp"
#include "threading.hpp"
#include "networking.hpp"

class TCPWatchdog : private Thread {

Socket& MySocket; // Socket to watch.
Timeout MyTimeout; // Timeout value.

void myTask(); // Watchdog task.

volatile bool StillAlive; // True if we're watching.


TCPWatchdog(Socket& SocketToWatch, int Milliseconds); // Create with a socket and a time limit.
~TCPWatchdog(); // Destroy by stopping the task.

void reset(); // Reset the watchdog - everything is ok.
void reset(int Milliseconds); // Reset the watchdog - use a new time.
void stop(); // Stop the watchdog - all done here.

const static ThreadType Type; // The thread's type.

const static ThreadState Watching; // State when waiting to fire.
const static ThreadState KilledSocket; // Killed The Socket.
const static ThreadState LiveAndLetBe; // Shutdown without incident.



+ 27
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFServer/Makefile.am Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
## $Id$
## automake input for the MicroNeil SNFServer application (SNFServer directory).
## Author: Alban Deniz
## Copyright (C) 2008 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
## See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.

LIBS = @SNF_LIBS@ -L../SNFMulti -L../CodeDweller -lSNFMulti -lCodeDweller @LIBS@
CXXFLAGS = $(SNF_CXXFLAGS) -I@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti -I@top_srcdir@/CodeDweller

sbin_PROGRAMS = \



rm -f *.gcno *.gcov *.gcda *~ $(CONFDATA)

+ 192
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNFServer/main.cpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <queue>
#include <cmath>
#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "unistd.h"
#include "timing.hpp"
#include "threading.hpp"
#include "networking.hpp"
#include "SNFMulti.hpp"
#include "snf_xci.hpp"
#include "snf_sync.hpp"
#include "config.h"
// temporary - proving base64codec
#include "base64codec.hpp"
//#include "../nvwa-0.6/nvwa/debug_new.h"
using namespace std; // Introduce standard namespace.
const char* SERVER_VERSION_INFO = "SNF Server Version " PACKAGE_VERSION " Build: " __DATE__ " " __TIME__;
static const string XCIShutdownResponse =
"<snf><xci><server><response message=\'shutdown in progress\' code=\'0\'/></server></xci></snf>\n";
class XCIShutdownWatcher : public snfXCIServerCommandHandler { // Shutdown watcher.
XCIShutdownWatcher():TimeToStop(false){} // Construct with shutdown flag false.
bool TimeToStop; // Here is the flag.
string processXCIRequest(snf_xci& X) { // Here is how we process requests.
if(0 == X.xci_server_command.find("shutdown")) { // If we find shutdown then
TimeToStop = true; // set the shutdown flag
return XCIShutdownResponse; // and let them know we got it.
} // If we get some other request
return XCIErrorResponse; // return the error response.
// Thread Status Analysis For Debugging.
void ThreadStatusToCout() { // Produce a thread status list.
ThreadStatusReport R = Threads.StatusReport(); // Get a report from Threads.
cout << endl; // Break the line.
ThreadStatusReport::iterator iR = R.begin(); // Loop through the report.
iR != R.end(); iR++
) {
ThreadStatusRecord& S = (*iR); // Take each status report and
cout // send it to cout on it's own line.
<< S.getName() << " (" << S.getPointer() << "), "
<< S.getType().Name << ", "
<< S.getState().Name << ", "
<< ((S.getRunning()) ? "Running, " : "Not Running, ")
<< ((S.getBad()) ? "Broken, " : "Ok, ")
<< S.getFault()
<< endl;
cout << endl; // Leave a blank line at the end.
// Here in the main thread is where we get executive tasks done.
int go(int argc, char* argv[]) { //// go() stands in for main(). main() catches any unhandled exceptions.
// Check for debug mode.
bool DebugMode = false; // This will be our debug mode.
string argv0(argv[0]); // Capture how we were called.
string::npos != argv0.find("Debug") || // If we find "Debug" or
string::npos != argv0.find("debug") // "debug" in our command path
) { // then we are in DebugMode.
DebugMode = true; // Set the flag and tell the
cout << "Debug Mode" << endl; // watchers.
// DebugMode = true; // Force it when needed.
// Announce Version / Build Info.
cout << SERVER_VERSION_INFO << endl; // Shout out our version.
cout << SNF_ENGINE_VERSION << endl; // Shout out the engine version.
// Sanity checks before we get going.
if(2 != argc) { // Check the command line args.
cout << "Use: SNFServer <path-to-config-file>" << endl; // If wrong, say how we work.
return 0;
if(0 != access(argv[1], R_OK)) { // Check the config file path.
cout << "Can't read " << argv[1] << endl; // If it's not accessible, punt.
return 0;
cout << "Launching with " << argv[1] << endl; // Tell them we're going.
snf_RulebaseHandler MyRulebase; // Create a rulebase manager.
MyRulebase.PlatformVersion(SERVER_VERSION_INFO); // Set the Platform version string.
XCIShutdownWatcher ShutdownWatcher; // Make a server shutdown processor
MyRulebase.XCIServerCommandHandler(ShutdownWatcher); // and register it with the engine.
MyRulebase.open(argv[1], "", ""); // Open a configured rulebase.
Sleeper WaitATic(1000); // Learn to wait a second.
cout << "Running." << endl << endl; // Tell them we're running.
char Tic = '\\'; // Tic/Toc indicator.
while(false == ShutdownWatcher.TimeToStop) { // While running, update the screen.
WaitATic(); // One second between updates.
// Animate the Tick/Toc Indicator
switch(Tic) {
case '\\': Tic = '|'; break;
case '|': Tic = '/'; break;
case '/': Tic = '-'; break;
default: Tic = '\\'; break;
// Format and output the screen update. At the end post a \r so that
// the line appears to update in place.
<< "M/min: " << setw(4) << (int) MyRulebase.MyLOGmgr.MessagesPerMinute() << " "
<< "SP: " << setw(6) << setprecision(2) << setiosflags(ios::fixed) <<
((0 < MyRulebase.MyLOGmgr.MessagesPerMinute()) ?
(100 * MyRulebase.MyLOGmgr.SpamPerMinute() / MyRulebase.MyLOGmgr.MessagesPerMinute()) : 0.0) << "% "
<< "LR:" << setw(7) << MyRulebase.MyLOGmgr.LatestRuleID()
<< " ["
<< MyRulebase.MyXCImgr.pollClientCount() << "/"
<< MyRulebase.MyXCImgr.pollLoopCount() << " "
<< Tic << " " << (int) MyRulebase.MyXCImgr.TotalQueue() << "] "
<< "W:" << (int) MyRulebase.MyLOGmgr.WhitePerMinute() << " "
<< "C:" << (int) MyRulebase.MyLOGmgr.CautionPerMinute() << " "
<< "B:" << (int) MyRulebase.MyLOGmgr.BlackPerMinute() << " "
<< "T:" << (int) MyRulebase.MyLOGmgr.TruncatePerMinute() << " "
<< "S:" << (int) MyRulebase.MyLOGmgr.SamplePerMinute()
<< " \r" << flush;
if(DebugMode) ThreadStatusToCout(); // Debug? Show Thread Status Report.
cout << endl << endl << "Shutdown Received." << endl;
// When this loop fails it is time to shut down.
// All the rest happens via XCI now.
cout << "Closing Rulebase Handler..." << endl;
// All done...
cout << "Bye bye." << endl;
return 0;
class DebugExceptionHandler { // Hand wrapper for exception handler.
DebugExceptionHandler() {
static DebugExceptionHandler TheDebugExceptionHandler; // Global exception handler.
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
try {
go(argc, argv);
catch(exception& e) {
cout << "Unhandled Exception: " << e.what() << " Thrown!" << endl;
catch(...) {
cout << "Unknown, Unhandled Exception Discovered!" << endl;
return 0;

+ 97
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/Scripts/Makefile.am Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
## $Id: Makefile.am,v 1.30 2007/10/26 17:50:49 adeniz Exp $
## automake input for the ARM Research SNFServer scripts.
## Author: Alban Deniz
## Copyright (C) 2008 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
## See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.

sbin_SCRIPTS = \
getRulebase.sample \
snfSniffer.sample \
snfSnifferFilter.sample \

rcexec_SCRIPTS = \

if OpenBSD
snf-server.in: snf-server.openbsd Makefile
cp @top_srcdir@/Scripts/snf-server.openbsd snf-server.in
chmod +x $@

rcexecdir = @sbindir@

if FreeBSD
snf-server.in: snf-server.freebsd Makefile
cp @top_srcdir@/Scripts/snf-server.freebsd snf-server.in
chmod +x $@

rcexecdir = @sysconfdir@/rc.d
rcexecdir = @sysconfdir@/init.d


if Ubuntu
snf-server.in: snf-server.ubuntu Makefile
cp @top_srcdir@/Scripts/snf-server.ubuntu snf-server.in
chmod +x $@

if RedHat
snf-server.in: snf-server.redhat Makefile
cp @top_srcdir@/Scripts/snf-server.redhat snf-server.in
chmod +x $@

if Suse
snf-server.in: snf-server.suse Makefile
cp @top_srcdir@/Scripts/snf-server.suse snf-server.in
chmod +x $@

getRulebase.sample: getRulebase.in Makefile
cat @top_srcdir@/Scripts/getRulebase.in | sed -e s+PREFIX+@prefix@+ -e s+PACKAGE_NAME+@PACKAGE_NAME@+ > $@
chmod +x $@

snf-server: snf-server.in Makefile
cat @top_srcdir@/Scripts/snf-server.in | sed -e s+PREFIX+@prefix@+ -e s+CONFFILE+@sysconfdir@/@PACKAGE_NAME@/SNFServer.xml+ > $@
chmod +x $@

snfSniffer.sample: snfSniffer.in Makefile
cat @top_srcdir@/Scripts/snfSniffer.in | sed -e s+DATADIR+@datadir@+ -e s+PREFIX+@prefix@+ -e s+PACKAGE_NAME+@PACKAGE_NAME@+ > $@
chmod +x $@

snfSnifferFilter.sample: snfSnifferFilter.in Makefile
cat @top_srcdir@/Scripts/snfSnifferFilter.in | sed -e s+DATADIR+@datadir@+ -e s+PREFIX+@prefix@+ -e s+PACKAGE_NAME+@PACKAGE_NAME@+ > $@
chmod +x $@

snfscan-standalone.sample: snfscan-standalone.in Makefile
cat @top_srcdir@/Scripts/snfscan-standalone.in | sed -e s+DATADIR+@datadir@+ -e s+PREFIX+@prefix@+ -e s+PACKAGE_NAME+@PACKAGE_NAME@+ > $@
chmod +x $@

pkgdata_DATA = \
junkmsg.txt \

getRulebase.in \
snfSniffer.in \
snfSnifferFilter.in \
snfscan-standalone.in \
snf-server.openbsd \
snf-server.freebsd \
snf-server.redhat \
snf-server.ubuntu \
snf-server.suse \

rm -f *.gcno *.gcov *.gcda *~ $(sbin_SCRIPTS) $(rcexec_SCRIPTS) snf-server.in

+ 8
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/Scripts/cleanmsg.txt Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
From: test@domain.com
To: test@domain.com
Subject: This is a test message

This is a plain message for testing the

+ 51
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/Scripts/getRulebase.in Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# Script to download a rulebase for SNFServer.
# Copyright (C) 2008 by MicroNeil Corporation. All rights reserved.
## See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.

# Replace authenticationxx and licensid with your license info.


# Do not modify anything below this line.


if [ -e UpdateReady.txt ] && [ ! -e UpdateReady.lck ]; then

# Uncomment the following line if more than one process might
# launch this script. Leave it commented out if this script will
# normally be run by the <update-script/> mechanism in SNFServer.
# touch UpdateReady.lck

curl http://www.sortmonster.net/Sniffer/Updates/$LICENSE_ID.snf --output $LICENSE_ID.new --compressed --user sniffer:ki11sp8m --remote-time --fail

if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then

if [ -e $LICENSE_ID.old ]; then rm -f $LICENSE_ID.old; fi
if [ -e $LICENSE_ID.snf ]; then mv $LICENSE_ID.snf $LICENSE_ID.old; fi

if [ -e UpdateReady.txt ]; then rm -f UpdateReady.txt; fi
if [ -e UpdateReady.lck ]; then rm -f UpdateReady.lck; fi


if [ -e $LICENSE_ID.new ]; then rm -f $LICENSE_ID.new; fi
if [ -e UpdateReady.lck ]; then rm -f UpdateReady.lck; fi


+ 51
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/Scripts/junkmsg.txt Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
Received: from c-69-251-204-89.hsd1.md.comcast.net [] (HELO c-69-251-204-89.hsd1.md.comcast.net)
by inbound.appriver.com (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 5.1.5)
with ESMTP id 488834279 for timarsh1@example.com; Mon, 17 Mar 2008 19:46:13 -0400
Message-ID: <000601c88888$04d58eff$9bb664a3@xytlg>
From: =?koi8-r?B?8MnXztHL?= <jsanghvi@peoplepc.com>
To: <timarsh1@example.com>
Subject: =?koi8-r?B?Rnc6INzUzyDNz9bF1CDQ0snHz8TJ1NjT0Q==?Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 21:56:52 +0000
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.3138
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.3198
X-RCPT-TO: <timarsh1@example.com>
Status: U
X-UIDL: 493986027

<TITLE>Bondage Bulletin</TITLE>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<TD COLSPAN=3><A HREF="http://pillagemypussy.com/"><IMG SRC="http://sex-mails.com/bb/im/bb_logo.gif" WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=35 BORDER=0></A></TD>
<TD COLSPAN=2><A HREF="http://pillagemypussy.com/"><IMG SRC="http://sex-mails.com/bb/im/bb_2.jpg" WIDTH=369 HEIGHT=194 BORDER=0></A></TD>
<TD ROWSPAN=2><A HREF="http://pillagemypussy.com/"><IMG SRC="http://sex-mails.com/bb/im/bb_3.jpg" WIDTH=131 HEIGHT=343 BORDER=0></A></TD>
<TD><A HREF="http://pillagemypussy.com/"><IMG SRC="http://sex-mails.com/bb/im/bb_4.jpg" WIDTH=122 HEIGHT=149 BORDER=0></A></TD>
<TD><A HREF="http://pillagemypussy.com/"><IMG SRC="http://sex-mails.com/bb/im/bb_5.gif" WIDTH=247 HEIGHT=149 BORDER=0></A></TD>
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<MAP NAME="bb_6_Map">
<AREA SHAPE="rect" COORDS="303,54,484,73" HREF="http://shavekitty.com/">
<AREA SHAPE="rect" COORDS="149,56,288,73" HREF="http://mygyno.com/">
<AREA SHAPE="rect" COORDS="13,55,143,73" HREF="http://scatattack.com/">
<AREA SHAPE="rect" COORDS="315,31,487,51" HREF="http://peepersxxx.com/">
<AREA SHAPE="rect" COORDS="169,31,308,52" HREF="http://fuckmyfist.com/">
<AREA SHAPE="rect" COORDS="22,33,162,51" HREF="http://weeonme.com/">

+ 73
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/Scripts/snf-server.freebsd Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
# SNFServer This shell script takes care of starting and stopping
# the ARM Research SNFServer daemon for FreeBSD systems.
# Author-- Alban Deniz
# Copyright (C) 2008 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
# See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.

# KEYWORD: shutdown

. /etc/rc.subr

# Location of programs.

# Location of programs.

# Name of config file.

# Name of daemon.

# Name of client.

command_args="$configFile > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
required_files="$dir/$prog $dir/$clientProg $configFile"


$dir/$clientProg -status.second > /dev/null 2>&1
return $?

echo "Stopping $name."
$dir/$clientProg -shutdown > /dev/null 2>&1
sleep 10


SNFPID=$(check_process $dir/$prog)
if [ -n "$SNFPID" ]; then
kill $SNFPID
return $RETVAL

load_rc_config $name
run_rc_command "$1"

+ 111
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/Scripts/snf-server.openbsd Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
# SNFServer This shell script takes care of starting and stopping
# the MicroNeil SNFServer daemon for OpenBSD systems.
# Author: Alban Deniz
# Copyright (C) 2008 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
# See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.

# Location of installation.

# Location of programs.

# Name of config file.

# Name of daemon.

# Name of client.

# Name of user to run as.

# Start command.
snfStartCmd="$dir/$prog $configFile > /dev/null 2>&1 &"

SNFPID=`ps -axww | grep $dir/$prog | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`
echo -n " $prog "
if [ -n "$SNFPID" ] ; then
echo "already running"
return 1
su -m $userName -c "$snfStartCmd" > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then
$dir/$clientProg -status.second > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then
echo "started "
echo "failed "
return $RETVAL

echo -n " $prog "
SNFPID=`ps -axww | grep $dir/$prog | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`
if [ -n "$SNFPID" ]; then
$dir/$clientProg -shutdown > /dev/null 2>&1
sleep 10
SNFPID=`ps -axww | grep $dir/$prog | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`
if [ -n "$SNFPID" ]; then
kill $SNFPID
echo -n "stopped"
echo -n "not running"
echo ""
return $RETVAL


SNFPID=`ps -axww | grep $dir/$prog | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`
if [ -n "$SNFPID" ] ; then
echo "$prog (pid $SNFPID) is running"
return 0
echo "$prog is not running"
return 0

# See how we were called.
case "$1" in
status $prog
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart}"
exit 1

exit $?

+ 125
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/Scripts/snf-server.redhat Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
# SNFServer This shell script takes care of starting and stopping
# the MicroNeil SNFServer daemon for RedHat systems.
# Author-- Alban Deniz
# Copyright (C) 2008 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
# See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
# chkconfig: 345 80 30
# description: SNFServer provides email filtering (anti-spam) services \
# See www.armresearch.com for details.
# processname: SNFServer

# Source function library.
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

# Source networking configuration.
. /etc/sysconfig/network

# Location of programs.

# Location of programs.

# Name of config file.

# Name of daemon.

# Name of client.

# Name of user to run as.

# Name of lockfile.

# Start command.
snfStartCmd="$dir/$prog $configFile > /dev/null 2>&1 &"

SNFPID=$(pidof -s $dir/$prog)
echo -n $"Starting $prog: "
if [ -n "$SNFPID" ] ; then
echo -n $"$prog is already running"
return 1
su $userName -c "$snfStartCmd" -s /bin/sh > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then
$dir/$clientProg -status.second > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then
touch $lockFile
return $RETVAL

echo -n $"Stopping $prog: "
SNFPID=$(pidof -s $dir/$prog)
if [ -n "$SNFPID" ]; then
$dir/$clientProg -shutdown > /dev/null 2>&1
sleep 10
SNFPID=$(pidof -s $dir/$prog)
if [ -n "$SNFPID" ]; then
kill $SNFPID
echo -n $"$prog is not running"
if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then
rm -f $lockFile
return $RETVAL


# See how we were called.
case "$1" in
status $prog
echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart}"
exit 1

exit $?

+ 252
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/Scripts/snf-server.suse Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
# SNFServer This shell script takes care of starting and stopping
# the MicroNeil SNFServer daemon for SUSE systems.
# Author-- Alban Deniz
# Copyright (C) 2008 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
# See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
# chkconfig: 345 80 30
# description: SNFServer providing email filtering.
# Provides: SNFServer
# Required-Start: $syslog $remote_fs $network $named
# Should-Start: $time ypbind smtp
# Required-Stop: $syslog $remote_fs
# Should-Stop: $time ypbind smtp
# Default-Start: 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6
# Short-Description: SNFServer providing email filtering.
# Description: Start SNFServer to filter email for spam,
# blacklist IP addresses, etc.

# Location of programs.

# Location of programs.

# Name of config file.

# Name of daemon.

# Name of client.

# Name of user to run as.

# Name of lockfile.

# Start command.
snfStartCmd="$dir/$prog $configFile > /dev/null 2>&1 &"

# Check for missing binaries (stale symlinks should not happen)
# Note: Special treatment of stop for LSB conformance
test -x $SNFServer_BIN || { echo "$SNFServer_BIN not installed";
if [ "$1" = "stop" ]; then exit 0;
else exit 5; fi; }

# Use the SUSE rc_ init script functions;
# emulate them on LSB, RH and other systems

# Default: Assume sysvinit binaries exist
start_daemon() { /sbin/start_daemon ${1+"$@"}; }
killproc() { /sbin/killproc ${1+"$@"}; }
pidofproc() { /sbin/pidofproc ${1+"$@"}; }
checkproc() { /sbin/checkproc ${1+"$@"}; }
if test -e /etc/rc.status; then
# SUSE rc script library
. /etc/rc.status
declare -a _SMSG
if test "${_cmd}" = "status"; then
_SMSG=(running dead dead unused unknown reserved)
_SMSG=(done failed failed missed failed skipped unused failed failed reserved)
if test -e /lib/lsb/init-functions; then
. /lib/lsb/init-functions
if test ${_RC_RV} = 0; then
log_success_msg " [${_SMSG[${_RC_RV}]}] "
log_failure_msg " [${_SMSG[${_RC_RV}]}] "
# TODO: Add checking for lockfiles
checkproc() { return pidofproc ${1+"$@"} >/dev/null 2>&1; }
elif test -e /etc/init.d/functions; then
. /etc/init.d/functions
#echo -n " [${_SMSG[${_RC_RV}]}] "
if test ${_RC_RV} = 0; then
success " [${_SMSG[${_RC_RV}]}] "
failure " [${_SMSG[${_RC_RV}]}] "
checkproc() { return status ${1+"$@"}; }
start_daemon() { return daemon ${1+"$@"}; }
# emulate it
echo_rc() { echo " [${_SMSG[${_RC_RV}]}] "; }
rc_reset() { _RC_RV=0; }
if test -z "$1"; then
elif test "$1" != "0"; then
return ${_RC_RV}
return rc_failed $?
rc_failed $?
if test "$1" = "-r"; then _RC_RV=0; shift; fi
if test "$1" = "-s"; then rc_failed 5; echo_rc; rc_failed 3; shift; fi
if test "$1" = "-u"; then rc_failed ${_RC_UNUSED}; echo_rc; rc_failed 3; shift; fi
if test "$1" = "-v"; then echo_rc; shift; fi
if test "$1" = "-r"; then _RC_RV=0; shift; fi
return ${_RC_RV}
rc_exit() { exit ${_RC_RV}; }
if test -z "$RUNLEVEL"; then read RUNLEVEL REST < <(/sbin/runlevel); fi
if test -e /etc/init.d/S[0-9][0-9]${1}; then return 0; fi
return 1

# Reset status of this service

# Return values acc. to LSB for all commands but status:
# 0 - success
# 1 - generic or unspecified error
# 2 - invalid or excess argument(s)
# 3 - unimplemented feature (e.g. "reload")
# 4 - user had insufficient privileges
# 5 - program is not installed
# 6 - program is not configured
# 7 - program is not running
# 8--199 - reserved (8--99 LSB, 100--149 distrib, 150--199 appl)
# Note that starting an already running service, stopping
# or restarting a not-running service as well as the restart
# with force-reload (in case signaling is not supported) are
# considered a success.

SNFPID=$(pidof -s $dir/$prog)
echo -n $"Starting $prog "
if [ -n "$SNFPID" ] ; then
return 0
su $userName -c "$snfStartCmd" -s /bin/sh
if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then
$dir/$clientProg -status.second > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then
touch $lockFile
rc_failed 1
return $RETVAL

echo -n $"Stopping $prog "
SNFPID=$(pidof -s $dir/$prog)
if [ -n "$SNFPID" ]; then
$dir/$clientProg -shutdown > /dev/null 2>&1
sleep 10
SNFPID=$(pidof -s $dir/$prog)
if [ -n "$SNFPID" ]; then
kill $SNFPID
# Process is not running.
if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then
rm -f $lockFile
rc_failed 1
return $RETVAL


case "$1" in

# Remember status and be verbose
rc_status -v

# Remember status and be verbose
rc_status -v
## Stop the service and regardless of whether it was
## running or not, start it again.
$0 stop
$0 start

# Remember status and be quiet
echo -n "Checking for service SNFServer "
checkproc $SNFServer_BIN
rc_status -v
# Not supported.
echo -n "$0 $1 "
rc_failed 3
rc_status -v
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart}"
exit 1

+ 194
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/Scripts/snf-server.ubuntu Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
#! /bin/sh
# snfServer. This shell script takes care of starting and stopping
# the ARM Research SNFServer daemon for Ubuntu systems.
# Author: Alban Deniz
# Copyright (C) 2008 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
# See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
# Provides: SNFServer
# Required-Start: $syslog $remote_fs $network $named
# Should-Start: $time ypbind smtp
# Required-Stop: $syslog $remote_fs
# Should-Stop: $time ypbind smtp
# Default-Start: 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6
# Short-Description: SNFServer providing email filtering.
# Description: Start SNFServer to filter email for spam,
# blacklist IP addresses, etc.

# Location of installation.

# Location of programs.

# Name of config file.

# Name of daemon.

# Name of client.

# Name of user to run as.

# Name of lockfile.

# Name of client.

# Start command.
snfStartCmd="$dir/$prog $configFile > /dev/null 2>&1 &"

# Do NOT "set -e"

# PATH should only include /usr/* if it runs after the mountnfs.sh script
DESC="SNFServer providing email filtering"

# Exit if the package is not installed
[ -x "$DAEMON" ] || exit 0

# Read configuration variable file if it is present
[ -r /etc/default/$NAME ] && . /etc/default/$NAME

# Load the VERBOSE setting and other rcS variables
[ -f /etc/default/rcS ] && . /etc/default/rcS

# Define LSB log_* functions.
# Depend on lsb-base (>= 3.0-6) to ensure that this file is present.
. /lib/lsb/init-functions

# Function that starts the daemon/service
# Return
# 0 if daemon has been started
# 1 if daemon was already running
# 2 if daemon could not be started
start-stop-daemon --chuid $userName --start --quiet \
--exec $DAEMON --test > /dev/null 2>&1 \
|| return 1
start-stop-daemon --chuid $userName --start --quiet \
--background --exec $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_ARGS > /dev/null 2>&1 \
|| return 2
# Check that process started.
$dir/$clientProg -status.second > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then
return $RETVAL

# Function that stops the daemon/service
# Return
# 0 if daemon has been stopped
# 1 if daemon was already stopped
# 2 if daemon could not be stopped
# other if a failure occurred
# Check whether SNFServer is running.
start-stop-daemon --chuid $userName --start --quiet \
--exec $DAEMON --test > /dev/null

if [ $RETVAL -ne 1 ]; then
return 1

# Issue shutdown command
$dir/$clientProg -shutdown > /dev/null 2>&1
sleep 10

# Check again whether SNFServer is running.
start-stop-daemon --chuid $userName --start --quiet \
--exec $DAEMON --test > /dev/null

if [ $RETVAL -eq 1 ] ; then
# Send TERM signal to stop SNFServer.
start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --retry=TERM/5 --exec $DAEMON
[ "$RETVAL" = 2 ] && return 2
return "$RETVAL"

# SNFServer isn't running.
return 0


case "$1" in
[ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC" "$NAME"
case "$?" in
0|1) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 0 ;;
2) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 1 ;;
[ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC" "$NAME"
case "$?" in
0|1) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 0 ;;
2) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 1 ;;
start-stop-daemon --chuid $userName --start --quiet \
--exec $DAEMON --test > /dev/null
if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then
# Stopped
echo "$prog is stopped"
# Running
echo "$prog (pid $(pidof $dir/$prog)) is running"
# If the "reload" option is implemented then remove the
# 'force-reload' alias
log_daemon_msg "Restarting $DESC" "$NAME"
case "$?" in
case "$?" in
0) log_end_msg 0 ;;
1) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Old process is still running
*) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Failed to start
# Failed to stop
log_end_msg 1
echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|status|restart|force-reload}" >&2
exit 3

+ 121
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/Scripts/snfSniffer.in Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@

# 20040508 _M Modified for snfrv2r3 release.

# 20040102 _M Modified for snfrv2r2 release.
# Also improved file collision avoidance using DATE functions.

# 20021204 _M Modified for sniffer2 release. No other changes.

# sniffer - 20021106 _M ##############################################
# This script is a template for using SortMonster's Message Sniffer
# on Postfix systems. It is derived from the FILTER_README distributed
# with Postfix.
# This script accepts the message, writes it to a file, scans it with
# the sniffer utility, and then delivers the message if there is no
# pattern match. If a pattern match is found then there are a number
# of options included in this script.
# The default action is to write a header to the message indicating
# the symbol for the pattern match.
# In practice, the system administrator should adjust this script to
# interpret the response from sniffer and take some appropriate action.
# In that respect, this script is only a good starting point.

# Localize the inspection directory, sniffer installation, and
# sendmail command. It is VITAL that the sniffer utility is named with
# a .exe extension so that it can rewrite it's file name to produce it's
# log file and to read it's rule file. Both of those must be in the same
# directory along with the binary.

SENDMAIL="/usr/sbin/sendmail -G -i"
MSGFILE=$INSPECT_DIR/`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`_$$_$RANDOM.msg

# Define Exit codes from <sysexits.h>


# Clean up when when aborting.

trap "rm -f $MSGFILE*" 1 2 3 15

# Move to our filter directory where we perform our inspections.

cd $INSPECT_DIR || { echo $INSPECT_DIR does not exist; exit $EX_TEMPFAIL; }

# Copy the message to a temp file for processing.

cat > $MSGFILE || { echo Cannot save mail to file; exit $EX_TEMPFAIL; }

# Now that we have the message as a file we can process it with
# Message Sniffer. The sniffer utility will return a nonzero value if
# it finds a pattern match.


# If we're here, we know sniffer found a match. So, what do we do?

# #
# #

#### Uncomment this section to reject (bounce) the message.
# echo Message content rejected, symbol = $?;
# rm -f $MSGFILE*;

#### Uncomment this section to eat the message.
# echo Message content destroyed, symbol = $?;
# rm -f $MSGFILE*
# exit $EX_OK;

#### Uncomment this section to hold the message for review.
# echo Message Content Held For Review, symbol = $?;
# exit $EX_OK;

#### Uncomment this section to add a header to the message.

echo X-SortMonster-Msg-Sniffer-Match: Symbol-$? > $MSGFILE.x;
rm -f $MSGFILE*;
exit $EX_OK;

# NOTE: The value returned by the sniffer program is an integer
# representing the rule/group that was matched. That value may be
# any integer from 1 through 64. The value is derived from the
# matching rule's symbol (mod 64)+1. The actual symbol will be
# accurately recorded in the log file. This is a correction from
# the demo version which uses an older code base.


# At this point we want to deliver the message as-is. We reinject
# the message with our sendmail command and then clean up our temp
# file(s).

rm -f $MSGFILE*
exit $?

+ 118
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/Scripts/snfSnifferFilter.in Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@

# 20081216 AVD Modified for use with procmail as a filter.

# 20040508 _M Modified for snfrv2r3 release.

# 20040102 _M Modified for snfrv2r2 release.
# Also improved file collision avoidance using DATE functions.

# 20021204 _M Modified for sniffer2 release. No other changes.

# sniffer - 20021106 _M ##############################################
# This script is a template for using SortMonster's Message Sniffer
# with procmail. It is derived from the FILTER_README distributed with
# Postfix.
# This script accepts the message from standard input, writes it to a
# file, scans it with the sniffer utility, and then sends the message
# to standard output if there is no pattern match. If a pattern match
# is found then there are a number of options included in this script.
# The default action is to write a header to the message indicating
# the symbol for the pattern match, and send the result to standard
# output.
# In practice, the system administrator should adjust this script to
# interpret the response from sniffer and take some appropriate action.
# In that respect, this script is only a good starting point.

# Localize the inspection directory, sniffer installation, and
# sendmail command.

MSGFILE=$INSPECT_DIR/`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`_$$_$RANDOM.msg

# Define Exit codes from <sysexits.h>


# Clean up when when aborting.

trap "rm -f $MSGFILE*" 1 2 3 15

# Move to our filter directory where we perform our inspections.

cd $INSPECT_DIR || { echo $INSPECT_DIR does not exist; exit $EX_TEMPFAIL; }

# Copy the message to a temp file for processing.

cat > $MSGFILE || { echo Cannot save mail to file; exit $EX_TEMPFAIL; }
chmod 444 $MSGFILE

# Now that we have the message as a file we can process it with
# Message Sniffer. The sniffer utility will return a nonzero value if
# it finds a pattern match.


# If we're here, we know sniffer found a match. So, what do we do?

# #
# #

#### Uncomment this section to reject (bounce) the message.
# echo Message content rejected, symbol = $?;
# rm -f $MSGFILE*;

#### Uncomment this section to eat the message.
# echo Message content destroyed, symbol = $?;
# rm -f $MSGFILE*
# exit $EX_OK;

#### Uncomment this section to hold the message for review.
# echo Message Content Held For Review, symbol = $?;
# exit $EX_OK;

#### Uncomment this section to add a header to the message.

echo X-SortMonster-Msg-Sniffer-Match: Symbol-$? > $MSGFILE.x;
cat $MSGFILE.y;
rm -f $MSGFILE*;
exit $EX_OK;

# NOTE: The value returned by the sniffer program is an integer
# representing the rule/group that was matched. That value may be
# any integer from 1 through 64. The value is derived from the
# matching rule's symbol (mod 64)+1. The actual symbol will be
# accurately recorded in the log file. This is a correction from
# the demo version which uses an older code base.


# At this point we want to deliver the message as-is. We send the
# message to stdout and then clean up our temp file(s).

rm -f $MSGFILE*
exit $?

+ 41
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/Scripts/snfscan-standalone.in Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# 20080314 _M Simplified from sniffer script.
# This version simply creates a temp file, scans it w/ SNFClient and
# sends it on it's way - presumably with headers injected.

# Setup These Variable. The rest of the script should be fine as is.

SENDMAIL="/usr/sbin/sendmail -G -i"
MSGFILE=$INSPECT_DIR/`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`_$$_$RANDOM.msg

# Define Exit codes from <sysexits.h>


# Clean up when when aborting.

trap "rm -f *$MSGFILE" 1 2 3 15

# Move to our filter directory where we perform our inspections.

cd $INSPECT_DIR || { echo $INSPECT_DIR does not exist; exit $EX_TEMPFAIL; }

# Copy the message to a temp file for processing.

cat > $MSGFILE || { echo Cannot save mail to file; exit $EX_TEMPFAIL; }

# Scan the mesage w/ SNF. SNFServer will inject headers.

$SNIFFER_EXE $MSGFILE # Scan the message
$SENDMAIL "$@" < $MSGFILE # Reinject the message
rm -f $MSGFILE # Remove the temp file

# All done.

exit $EX_OK;

+ 0
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/TODO Datei anzeigen

+ 15
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/cleanForDist Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# Script to clean the developer distribution.
# This script removes all files that can be created. After running
# this script, you'd need to run 'autoreconf --install' before
# running './configure'.
# Copyright (C) 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC
make distclean
find . -name '*~' -exec rm {} \;
find . -name Makefile.in -exec rm {} \;
rm -rf config autom4te.cache configure config.h* aclocal.m4 snf-server-*

+ 9
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/config_files/GBUdbIgnoreList.txt.sample Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# List of IPs to Ignore on startup
# Each IP in this list is set to Ignore in GBUdb when
# The configuration is loaded.
# Hash mark on the beginning of a line indicates a comment.
# Comments after an IP are also ignored.
# One line per IP. Sorry, no CIDR yet.
# Be sure to list ALL of your gateways :-) # ignore localhost, of course.

+ 51
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/config_files/Makefile.am Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
## $Id$
## automake input for the MicroNeil SNFServer config files.
## Author: Alban Deniz
## Copyright (C) 2008 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
## See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.

SNFServer.xml.sample \

if OpenBSD

if ForPackage
sampleconfdir = @datadir@/examples/@PACKAGE_NAME@
sampleconf_DATA = $(CONFDATA)
sampleconfdir = @sysconfdir@/@PACKAGE_NAME@
sampleconf_DATA = $(CONFDATA)


sampleconfdir = @sysconfdir@/@PACKAGE_NAME@
sampleconf_DATA = $(CONFDATA)


SNFServer.xml.sample: SNFServer.xml.sample.in Makefile
cat @top_srcdir@/config_files/SNFServer.xml.sample.in | sed -e s+SYSCONFDIR+@sysconfdir@+ -e s+PREFIX+@prefix@+ -e s+PACKAGE_NAME+@PACKAGE_NAME@+ > $@

identity.xml.sample: identity.xml.sample.in
cp @top_srcdir@/config_files/identity.xml.sample.in $@

pkgdata_DATA = \

SNFServer.xml.sample.in \
identity.xml.sample.in \
GBUdbIgnoreList.txt.sample \

rm -f *.gcno *.gcov *.gcda *~ $(CONFDATA)

+ 150
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/config_files/SNFServer.xml.sample.in Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
<!-- SNFMulti V3.0 Configuration File, Setup: Typical of *nix Client / Server -->
<!-- http://www.armresearch.com/support/articles/software/snfServer/config/snfEngine.jsp -->

<node identity='SYSCONFDIR/PACKAGE_NAME/identity.xml'>

<log path='PREFIX/share/PACKAGE_NAME/'/>
<rulebase path='PREFIX/share/PACKAGE_NAME/'/>
<workspace path='PREFIX/share/PACKAGE_NAME/'/>


<rotation localtime='no'/>

<second log='yes' append='no'/>
<minute log='yes' append='no'/>
<hour log='no' append='no'/>

<identifier force-message-id='no'/>
<classic mode='none' rotate='yes' matches='unique'/>
<classic mode='file' rotate='yes' matches='all' performance='yes' gbudb='yes'/>

<output mode='inject'/>

<version on-off='off'>X-MessageSniffer-Version</version>
<license on-off='off'>X-MessageSniffer-License</license>
<rulebase on-off='off'>X-MessageSniffer-RulebaseUTC</rulebase>
<identifier on-off='off'>X-MessageSniffer-Identifier</identifier>
<gbudb on-off='on'>X-GBUdb-Analysis</gbudb>
<result on-off='off'>X-MessageSniffer-Scan-Result</result>
<matches on-off='on'>X-MessageSniffer-Rules</matches>

<black on-off='off'>X-MessageSniffer-Spam: Yes</black>
<white on-off='off'>X-MessageSniffer-White: Yes</white>
<clean on-off='off'>X-MessageSniffer-Clean: Yes</clean>
<symbol on-off='off' n='0'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: OK</symbol>
<symbol on-off='off' n='20'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Truncated</symbol>
<symbol on-off='off' n='40'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Caution</symbol>
<symbol on-off='off' n='63'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Black</symbol>
<symbol on-off='off' n='62'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Obfuscation</symbol>
<symbol on-off='off' n='61'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Abstract</symbol>
<symbol on-off='off' n='60'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: General</symbol>
<symbol on-off='off' n='59'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Casinos-Gambling</symbol>
<symbol on-off='off' n='58'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Debt-Credit</symbol>
<symbol on-off='off' n='57'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Get-Rich</symbol>
<symbol on-off='off' n='56'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Ink-Toner</symbol>
<symbol on-off='off' n='55'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Malware</symbol>
<symbol on-off='off' n='54'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Porn-Dating-Adult</symbol>
<symbol on-off='off' n='53'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Scam-Phishing</symbol>
<symbol on-off='off' n='52'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Snake-Oil</symbol>
<symbol on-off='off' n='51'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Spamware</symbol>
<symbol on-off='off' n='50'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Media-Theft</symbol>
<symbol on-off='off' n='49'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: AV-Push</symbol>
<symbol on-off='off' n='48'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Insurance</symbol>
<symbol on-off='off' n='47'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Travel</symbol>


<sync secs='30' host='sync.messagesniffer.net' port='25'/>
<update-script on-off='on' call='PREFIX/sbin/getRulebase' guard-time='180'/>

<xci on-off='on' port='9001'/>


<condense minimum-seconds-between='600'>
<time-trigger on-off='on' seconds='86400'/>
<posts-trigger on-off='off' posts='1200000'/>
<records-trigger on-off='off' records='600000'/>
<size-trigger on-off='on' megabytes='150'/>

<checkpoint on-off='on' secs='3600'/>


<white on-off='on' symbol='0'>
<edge probability='-1.0' confidence='0.4'/>
<edge probability='-0.8' confidence='1.0'/>
<panic on-off='on' rule-range='1000'/>
<caution on-off='on' symbol='40'>
<edge probability='0.4' confidence='0.0'/>
<edge probability='0.8' confidence='0.5'/>
<black on-off='on' symbol='63'>
<edge probability='0.8' confidence='0.2'/>
<edge probability='0.8' confidence='1.0'/>
<truncate on-off='on' probability='0.9' peek-one-in='5' symbol='20'/>
<sample on-off='on' probability='0.8' grab-one-in='5' passthrough='no' passthrough-symbol='0'/>

<training on-off='on'>

<!-- <header name='To:' find='spam@example.com'/> -->
<!-- <header name='Received:' ordinal='1' find='friendlyhost.com'/> -->

<!-- <received ordinal='0' find='[12.34.56.'/> where we want to ignore -->
<!-- <received ordinal='0' find='mixed-source.com'/> -->
<!-- <received ordinal='1' find='mixed-source-internal.com'/> -->

<!-- <header name='X-Use-This-Source:' received='mixedsource.com [' ordinal='0' /> -->
<!-- <header name='X-Originating-IP:' received='hotmail.com [' ordinal='0' /> -->

<result code='1'/>
<!-- <header name='Received:' ordinal='0' find='.friendlyhost.com'/> -->



<rule id='123456'/>
<rule id='123457'/>


<msg-file type='rfc822'/>


+ 4
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/config_files/identity.xml.sample.in Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<!-- Change 'licenseid' and 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' to match your license info -->
<snf><identity licenseid='licenseid' authentication='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'/></snf>

+ 119
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/configure.ac Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
dnl $Id: configure.in,v 1.33 2008/02/08 15:10:17 adeniz Exp $
dnl autoconf input for the MicroNeil SNFServer distribution.
dnl Author: Alban Deniz
dnl Copyright (C) 2008 by MicroNeil Corporation. All rights reserved.
dnl See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.

AC_INIT(snf-server, 3.0.2)




dnl Check for programs.
AC_CHECK_PROG(haveCURL, curl, true, false)
if [[ $haveCURL == "false" ]]
AC_MSG_ERROR([The CURL program was not found]);

dnl Load the user-specified OS.
[where TYPE is OpenBSD, FreeBSD, RedHat, Suse, or Ubuntu])],
[SNF_OSTYPE="${enableval}" ])
case "$SNF_OSTYPE" in
AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid OS type: "$SNF_OSTYPE".
You must specify a valid OS type with --enable-os-type=TYPE, where TYPE is one of:
AM_CONDITIONAL([Suse], [test x$SNF_OSTYPE = xSuse])
AM_CONDITIONAL([RedHat], [test x$SNF_OSTYPE = xRedHat])
AM_CONDITIONAL([Ubuntu], [test x$SNF_OSTYPE = xUbuntu])

dnl Load whether this is for a package.
[enable if building for a package])],
[FOR_PACKAGE="${enableval}" ])
AM_CONDITIONAL([ForPackage], [test x$FOR_PACKAGE = xyes])

dnl Check libraries.

dnl pthread library.
AC_CHECK_LIB(pthread, pthread_create,,
AC_MSG_ERROR([libpthread is required to build AC_PACKAGE_NAME]))

dnl Additional compile-time and link-time flags.
SNF_CXXFLAGS='-O3 -pthread -Wall'


dnl Output the makefiles.


echo "
Type "make" to build the system using the default (optimized) parameters.

Type "make SNF_CXXFLAGS='-g -pthread'" to build the system for debugging.


The software will be installed in $prefix.


+ 85
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/notUsed/V2-V3-Upgrade-Readme.txt Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
SNF V2.x to V3.x Source Distribution Readme

Version 3.x of SNF is a departure from previous versions of Message
Sniffer on many levels. Though the core scanning engine and rulebase
files are the same, the new version uses a client/server model.

The client and server programs connect via TCP/Localhost port 9001.

If this is your first experience with SNF in a *nix environment then
please use the snfv2-3.5-PostfixExample as a guied.

The new SNF engine and client are designed to work in parallel
with prior versions of SNF so that it is easy to switch back if
neede. In general all you need to do to switch between versions is
to swap out the client executable in your scripts that scan messages
with SNF. Be careful to read and understand your configuration!

The SNFClient program is compatible with the old snf program when
used as a scanner.

The SNFServer program takes the place of a persistent instance of SNF
and is required for the new version.

The old program will generally ignore the new program and the new
program will generally ignore the old program.

The easiest way to convert a system from the previous (2-3) version
of SNF to the new version is:

* Copy the source distribution to it's own directory.

* Run . compile in each of the client and source directories.

* Copy the working files to your /var/spool/snfilter directory.

cp SNF_Service/SNFServer.exe /var/spool/snfilter
cp SNF_Client/SNFClient.exe /var/spool/snfilter
cp identity.xml /var/spool/snfilter
cp snf_engine.xml /var/spool/snfilter
cp GBUdbIgnoreList.txt /var/spool/snfilter

* Follow the SNFServer_readme.txt instructions and carefully
configure your snf_engine.xml, identity.xml, and GBUdbIgnoreList.txt

When you are ready to go, launch the SNFServer.exe program with
the full path to the configuration file.

/var/spool/snfilter/SNFServer.exe /var/spool/snfilter/snf_engine.xml

If you run this from the console you will see a handy real-time

To cleanly shut down the SNFServer use:

SNFClient.exe -shutdown

IF YOU ARE USING THE snfilter SCRIPT or something similar:

* Modify your snfilter script to call the new SNFClient.exe


* If your script is designed to inject headers then you could use
the new xheader feature in the new engine. To do this:

** Comment out the section of your script which modifies the message.
** Turn on xheader injection in the snf_engine.xml file

<!-- X-Header formatting and output options -->
<output mode='inject'/>

IF YOU ARE USING THE SpamAssassin Plugin:

Adjust your snfilter.pm to point to the new SNFClient.exe

my $sniffer='SNFClient.exe';

Note: The SNFClient.exe program will accept and ignore the
authentication string so there is no reason to change your

+ 175
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/notUsed/V3-Fresh-Install-Readme.txt Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
# Setting up Message Sniffer with Postfix

# You should already have an SNF license ID and authentication string. If
# you don't then sign up for a free trial first and they will be provided:
# http://www.armresearch.com/products/trial.jsp

# This procedure assumes you're running Linux.
# If you are using BSD please substitue the correct distribution directory.

# Follow this procedure logged in as root!
# Download and unpack the distribution files.

wget http://www.armresearch.com/message-sniffer/download/SNFSourceClientServer.3.0.1.zip
unzip SNFSourceClientServer.3.0.1.zip

# Compile the SNFServer.exe, SNFClient.exe and snf2check.exe programs.

cd SNF_Source_Distribution/SNF_Service
. compile
cd ../SNF_Client
. compile
cd ../SNF2Check
. compile
cd ..

# Create the /var/spool/snfilter directory.
# Copy the necessary files to the snfilter directory.
# The Linux distribution is assumed below.

mkdir /var/spool/snfilter
mkdir /var/spool/snfilter/msg
cp SNF_Service/SNFServer.exe /var/spool/snfilter
cp SNF_Client/SNFClient.exe /var/spool/snfilter
cp SNF2Check/SNF2Check.exe /var/spool/snfilter
cp GBUdbIgnoreList.txt /var/spool/snfilter
cp snf_engine.xml /var/spool/snfilter
cp identity.xml /var/spool/snfilter

# Copy the control and update scripts to the snfilter directory.

cp scripts/* /var/spool/snfilter

# Copy a couple of test files to the snfilter directory.

cp cleanmsg.txt /var/spool/snfilter
cp junkmsg.txt /var/spool/snfilter

# Create an unprivleged user with no shell or home directory.
# Set Permissions and ownership of the files and directory.

groupadd -g 93 snfilter
useradd -g 93 -u 93 -c "Spam Filter" -d /bin/false snfilter
chown snfilter /var/spool/snfilter /var/spool/snfilter/msg
cd /var/spool/snfilter
chown snfilter *
chmod 460 *
chmod 770 msg
chmod 500 SNFServer.exe
chmod 570 SNFClient.exe SNF2Check.exe
chmod 570 getRulebase snfscan-spamassasin snfscan-standalone
chmod 070 snfctrl

# Modify your getRulebase script (input your license information)
# Simulate a ready rulebase update and download your .snf file.

touch UpdateReady.txt
chown snfilter UpdateReady.txt
su snfilter -c "/var/spool/snfilter/getRulebase"
ls *.snf

# SNFServer_readme.txt will guide you through the next step:
# Make the appropriate adjustments to your GBUdbIgnoreList.txt,
# identity.xml, and snf_engine.xml files.
# Test your SNFServer installation

./snfctrl start
./SNFClient.exe -status.second

# If successful you should see XML data. If not, an error.
# Upon success, set up SNFServer to run on startup. We will
# test the link by shutting down snf from init.d.

ln -s /var/spool/snfilter/snfctrl /etc/init.d/snf
/etc/init.d/snf stop

# Tell chkconfig that we want SNFServer turned on.

chkconfig snf on
chkconfig --list | grep snf

# Congratulations!!
# If you've gotten to this point then you have successfully installed
# SNF on your server! The next set of instructions assumes you will
# be using SNF with postfix and simply injecting headers that will be
# used later to remove, quarantine, or otherwise redirect messages
# detected as spam. There are as many ways to use SNF as there are
# systems using it -- so the following is just a good starting place
# for postfix users.

# Be sure to restar SNFServer before trying to use it ;-)

service snf start


# Copy the snfscan-standalone script to sniffer and set the correct
# access rights.

cp snfscan-standalone sniffer
chown snfilter sniffer
chmod 570 sniffer

# The snfscan-standalone version of the sniffer script creates a
# temporary copy of the message, scans it with SNF, and then reinjects
# the message. It is presumed that SNF is configured with x-header
# injection turned on and that the x-headers have been customized
# to suit your needs. Check the <xheaders/> section of your snf_engine.xml
# file to verify that SNF is configured to do what you want.

# Edit the sniffer shell script, and uncomment the action you want
# the script to take. The default action will only to add a
# "X-SortMonster-Msg-Sniffer-Match:" header to messages that
# match the filter. This default action will not stop spam from
# getting through.

# Changes to /etc/postfix/master.cf


smtp inet n - n - - smtpd


smtp inet n - y - - smtpd
-o content_filter=snfilter

also add:

snfilter unix - n n - 10 pipe
flags=q user=snfilter argv=/var/spool/snfilter/sniffer
-f ${sender} ${recipient}

to master.cf

# At this point You could just restart postfix, and hope nothing
# goes wrong. Instead, it would be smarter to first test the
# installation from the command line by injecting a message directly
# into the filter script "sniffer". We can issue a command like

./sniffer -f sender recipient <junkmsg.txt

# Where junkmsg.txt is a spam test message. We should also test
# a clean message to make sure that this script is working as we
# expect it to. In this case we would issue a command like

./sniffer -f sender recipient <cleanmsg.txt

# If you've done everything correctly then all you have to do
# is reload postfix to start the content_filter working.

postfix reload

# If something goes wrong you need only comment out, or remove
# the line

-o content_filter=snfilter

# in /etc/postfix/master.cf, then reload postfix as shown above.

+ 42
- 0
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/notUsed/snfscan-spamassasin Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# 20080314 _M Simplified from sniffer script.
# This version simply creates a temp file, scans it w/ SNFClient and
# sends it on it's way - presumably with headers injected.

# Setup These Variable. The rest of the script should be fine as is.

SENDMAIL="/usr/sbin/sendmail -i"
MSGFILE=$INSPECT_DIR/`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`_$$_$RANDOM.msg

# Define Exit codes from <sysexits.h>


# Clean up when when aborting.

trap "rm -f *$MSGFILE" 1 2 3 15

# Move to our filter directory where we perform our inspections.

cd $INSPECT_DIR || { echo $INSPECT_DIR does not exist; exit $EX_TEMPFAIL; }

# Copy the message to a temp file for processing.

cat > $MSGFILE || { echo Cannot save mail to file; exit $EX_TEMPFAIL; }

# Scan the mesage w/ SNF. SNFServer will inject headers.

$SNIFFER_EXE $MSGFILE # Scan the message
$SPAMC < $MSGFILE -e $SENDMAIL "$@" # Reinject the message through SpamAssasin
rm -f $MSGFILE # Remove the temp file

# All done.

exit $EX_OK;
