@ECHO OFF SETLOCAL REM ----- Edit This Section -------- SET SNIFFER_PATH=c:\SNF SET AUTHENTICATION=authenticationxx SET LICENSE_ID=licensid REM -------------------------------- CD /d %SNIFFER_PATH% echo Running SNF getRulebase.cmd > getRulebase.txt if not exist UpdateReady.txt echo No UpdateReady.txt >> getRulebase.txt if not exist UpdateReady.txt goto DONE REM The next line may cause trouble if your system stops while this REM script is running. It is not needed when this script is run REM from SNF's feature since only one copy will run REM at a time. However, if you are going to run a version of this REM script as a scheduled task you will want to uncomment the next REM line to make sure only one copy runs at a time-- just be sure to REM clean out any stale .lck files after a restart. REM if exist UpdateReady.lck echo getRulebase.cmd locked/running >> getRulebase.txt REM if exist UpdateReady.lck goto DONE :DOWNLOAD copy UpdateReady.txt UpdateReady.lck > nul if exist %LICENSE_ID%.new del %LICENSE_ID%.new echo. curl -v "http://www.sortmonster.net/Sniffer/Updates/%LICENSE_ID%.snf" -o %LICENSE_ID%.new -S -R -z %LICENSE_ID%.snf -H "Accept-Encoding:gzip" --compressed -u sniffer:ki11sp8m 2>> getRulebase.txt if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 del %LICENSE_ID%.new 2> nul if not exist %LICENSE_ID%.new echo New rulebase file NOT downloaded >> getRulebase.txt if not exist %LICENSE_ID%.new goto CLEANUP snf2check.exe %LICENSE_ID%.new %AUTHENTICATION% 2>> getRulebase.txt if errorlevel 1 goto CLEANUP echo New rulebase file tested OK >> getRulebase.txt if exist %LICENSE_ID%.old del %LICENSE_ID%.old if exist %LICENSE_ID%.snf rename %LICENSE_ID%.snf %LICENSE_ID%.old rename %LICENSE_ID%.new %LICENSE_ID%.snf if exist UpdateReady.txt del UpdateReady.txt if exist UpdateReady.lck del UpdateReady.lck :CLEANUP if exist %LICENSE_ID%.new del %LICENSE_ID%.new if exist UpdateReady.lck del UpdateReady.lck :DONE echo Done >> getRulebase.txt REM This is a good place to add a line that will email getrulebase.txt to REM yourself so that you know what just happened. ENDLOCAL