
Restored from Alban's working copy, 4/17/2010 4:12 PM.

git-svn-id: https://svn.microneil.com/svn/PKG-SNF-SDK-WIN/trunk@12 7d91e7c8-5a61-404e-b06a-95855fde9112
adeniz 12 年前

+ 180
- 0
BuildDistribution/BuildDistribution.cc 查看文件

@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
// BuildDistribution.cc
// Program to build a zipfile containing a distribution of
// (C) Copyright 2010 ARM Research Labs, LLC See
// www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// Usage:
// BuildDistribution -d DistPath -t TempPath [-h -v -i]
// where DistPath is the path of the distribution
// (e.g. SNFMultiSDK_Windows_3.1, and TempPath is the name of the
// directory to use for temporary storage. TempPath must be a
// directory, and must exist.
// The "-h" input causes the program to output help text and exit.
// Specifying "-v" causes the program to be verbose.
// Specifying "-i" causes the program to wait for user confirmation
// before proceeding. Specifying "-i" causes the program to be
// verbose.
// The program does the following:
// 1) For each directory DIR that appears in DistPath and also
// in DistPath\..:
// a) Delete the contents of DistPath/DIR, except for .svn.
// b) Copy the contents of DistPath\..\DIR to DistPath\DIR, except
// for .svn.
// 2) Create a temporary directory TempPath/DistName, where DistName
// is the directory name of DistPath (e.g. if DistName is
// c:\dir1\dir2\SNFMultiSDK_Windows_3.1, then DistName is
// SNFMultiSDK_Windows_3.1).
// 3) For each directory DIR that appears in DistPath except for
// .svn:
// a) Copy all files from DistPath to TempPath/DistName, except
// for .svn.
// $Id$
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Utility.h"
main(int argc, char **argv) {
std::string TempPath = "C:\\TEMP"; // Default temporary directory.
std::string InputDistPath; // Names of directories and paths.
bool Verbose = false;
bool Interactive = false;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { // Get command-line input.
std::string CmdArg;
CmdArg = argv[i];
if ("-d" == CmdArg) {
if (++i == argc) {
InputDistPath = argv[i];
} else if ("-t" == CmdArg) {
if (++i == argc) {
TempPath = argv[i];
} else if ("-v" == CmdArg) {
Verbose = true;
} else if ("-i" == CmdArg) {
Interactive = true;
Verbose = true;
} else if ("-h" == CmdArg) {
if ( ("" == InputDistPath) || ("" == TempPath) ) { // Check input.
std::string DistPath; // Names of the directories.
std::string DistParentPath;
std::string DistName;
std::string TempDir;
try {
TempDir = TempPath + "\\";
TempDir += DistName;
if (Verbose) {
<< "\nThe distribution will be built from the files in the source "
"directory "
<< DistPath << ".\n\n"
<< "The files in the directories that exist in both "
<< DistParentPath << " and the source directory will be copied into the "
<< "distribution.\n\n"
<< "The temporary directory is " << TempDir << ".\n\n";
if (Interactive) {
std::cout << "Enter <cr> to continue: ";
(void) std::cin.get();
StringContainer ExcludeName; // Create the list of file names
ExcludeName.push_back(".svn"); // to not copy.
UpdateCommonDirectories(DistPath, DistParentPath, ExcludeName); // Update files in directories
// common to both DistPath and
// DistParentPath.
PrepareTempDir(TempDir); // Delete any existing temporary
// directory.
CopyDirectory(DistPath, TempDir, ExcludeName); // Copy files to temporary directory.
if (Verbose) {
std::cout << "Distribution created in " << TempDir << ".\n";
} catch (std::exception &e) {

+ 21
- 0
BuildDistribution/README 查看文件

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
README file for BuildDistribution
Copyright (c) 2010 ARM Research Laboratories
This is the README file for the BuildDistribution application, an
application to create a zip file distribution of the SNF SDK for
To build BuildDistribution:
1) Install the MinGW compiler in c:\mingw.
2) Run the command file 'build.cmd' (for 32-bit systems) or
'build_64.cmd' (for 64-bit systems).
3) The executable file name is 'BuildDistribution.exe'.
For documentation on running BuildDistribution, enter "BuildDistribution -h"
at a command prompt.

+ 716
- 0
BuildDistribution/Utility.cc 查看文件

@@ -0,0 +1,716 @@
// Utility.cc
// Utility functions for BuildDistribution.
// (C) Copyright 2010 ARM Research Labs, LLC See
// www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// $Id$
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <iterator>
#include "Utility.h"
static DWORD LastError = 0; // Last value from GetLastError(). Needed because
// GetLastError() doesn't return the correct value
// after an exception is thrown.
OutputUsage(std::string DefaultTempPath) {
std::cout <<
" BuildDistribution -d DistPath -t TempPath\n"
" where DistPath is the path of the distribution\n"
" (e.g. SNFMultiSDK_Windows_3.1, and TempPath is the name of the\n"
" directory to use for temporary storage. TempPath must exist.\n"
" The default value of TempPath is '" << DefaultTempPath << "'.\n"
OutputHelp() {
std::cout <<
"The program does the following:\n"
" 1) For each directory DIR that appears in DistPath and also in\n"
" DistPath\\..:\n"
" a) Delete the contents of DistPath/DIR, except for .svn.\n"
" b) Copy the contents of DistPath\\..\\DIR to DistPath\\DIR, except\n"
" for .svn.\n"
" 2) Create a temporary directory TempPath/DistName, where DistName is\n"
" the directory name of DistPath (e.g. if DistName is\n"
" c:\\dir1\\dir2\\SNFMultiSDK_Windows_3.1, then DistName is\n"
" SNFMultiSDK_Windows_3.1).\n"
" 3) For each directory DIR that appears in DistPath and also in\n"
" DistPath\\..:\n"
" a) Copy all files from DistPath/DIR to TempPath/DistName, except\n"
" for .svn.\n\n"
OutputErrorMessage(std::string Message) {
LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
if (LastError != 0) {
(LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
std::cerr << Message << ": " << (LPCSTR) lpMsgBuf;
} else {
std::cerr << Message << "\n";
/// Case-insensitive search for a specified string in a container of strings.
// \param[in] Needle is the string to search for.
// \param[in] Haystack is the container of strings to search.
// \returns true if Needle is in Haystack (case-insensitive
// comparison), false otherwise.
bool IsInContainer(std::string Needle, StringContainer Haystack);
/// Get a list of directories in a specified path.
// This function returns a list of directories in the specified path,
// excluding a specified list of names.
// \param[in] DistPath is the path to search.
// \param[in] ExcludeName contains the names to exclude.
// \returns a list of directory names in the specified path, excluding
// names in ExcludeNames.
StringContainer GetDirectoryList(std::string DistPath,
StringContainer ExcludeName);
/// Get a list of files in a specified path.
// This function returns a list of files in the specified path,
// excluding a specified list of names.
// \param[in] DistPath is the path to search.
// \param[in] ExcludeName contains the names to exclude.
// \returns a list of file names in the specified path,
// excluding names in ExcludeNames.
StringContainer GetFileList(std::string DistPath,
StringContainer ExcludeName);
/// Update the files in one directory.
// \param[in] SourceDir is the name of the directory that contains the
// files to copy from.
// \param[in] DestDir is the name of the directory to clear and copy
// files to.
// \param[in] ExcludeName contains the names of the files to not
// delete or copy.
// This function:
// 1) Deletes the files in DestDir, except for ExcludeName and directories.
// 2) If a directory in exists in both SourceDir and DestDir, then
// update that directory by invoking UpdateCommonDirectories().
// 3) If a directory exists in DestDir but not in SourceDir, delete
// that directory and all it's contents.
// 4) Copy the non-directory files SourceDir to DestDir, except for
// ExcludeName.
void UpdateOneDirectory(std::string SourceDir,
std::string DestDir,
StringContainer ExcludeName);
/// Delete a directory and all it's contents.
// This function recursively deletes the contents of a directory, and
// then deletes the directory.
// \param[in] Path is the path to delete.
void DeletePath(std::string Path);
GetDirectoryNames(std::string &InputDistPath,
std::string &DistSourcePath,
std::string &DistParentPath,
std::string &DistName) {
DWORD RetVal = 0;
RetVal = GetFullPathName(InputDistPath.c_str(), // Get the path name for the source.
LastError = GetLastError();
if (0 == RetVal) {
throw(std::invalid_argument("Error determining directory names"));
DistSourcePath = PathPart;
if ( (NULL != FilePart) && (0 != *FilePart) ) { // Extract the distribution name
// (last component of the source path.
DistName = FilePart;
} else {
throw(std::invalid_argument("Unable to determine distribution name"));
std::string::size_type DistNameIndex; // Get the parent directory of the
// source directory.
DistNameIndex = DistSourcePath.rfind("\\");
if (std::string::npos == DistNameIndex) {
throw(std::invalid_argument("Unable to determine the name of the "
"distribution parent directory"));
DistParentPath = DistSourcePath.substr(0, DistNameIndex);
IsInContainer(std::string Needle, StringContainer Haystack) {
std::transform(Needle.begin(), Needle.end(), Needle.begin(), ::toupper);
StringContainer::iterator iFile;
for (iFile = Haystack.begin(); iFile != Haystack.end(); iFile++) { // Check each file in the container.
std::transform(iFile->begin(), iFile->end(), iFile->begin(), ::toupper);
if (*iFile == Needle) {
return true;
return false;
GetDirectoryList(std::string DistPath, StringContainer ExcludeName) {
DistPath += "\\*.*"; // Create filter string.
HANDLE ListHandle;
std::string FileName;
ListHandle = FindFirstFile(DistPath.c_str(),
StringContainer DirName; // Container to hold directory
// names of the distribution.
if ( (FileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && // Is this a directory...
(! IsInContainer(FileData.cFileName, ExcludeName)) ) { // ...and not an excluded file?
DirName.push_back(FileData.cFileName); // Yes. Save the name.
while (true) {
if (FindNextFile(ListHandle, &FileData)) {
if ( (FileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && // Is this a directory...
(! IsInContainer(FileData.cFileName, ExcludeName)) ) { // ...and not an excluded file?
DirName.push_back(FileData.cFileName); // Yes. Save the name.
} else {
LastError = GetLastError();
if (ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES == LastError) {
} else {
std::ostringstream temp;
temp << "Error determining directory list of '"
<< DistPath << "'";
if (FindClose(ListHandle) == 0) {
std::ostringstream Temp;
LastError = GetLastError();
Temp << "***Error closing handle for " << DistPath;
return DirName;
GetFileList(std::string DirPath, StringContainer ExcludeName) {
std::string DirPathFilter;
DirPathFilter = DirPath + "\\*.*"; // Create filter string.
HANDLE ListHandle;
ListHandle = FindFirstFile(DirPathFilter.c_str(),
StringContainer FileNameList; // Container to hold file names.
std::string FileName;
if ( !(FileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && // Is this not a directory...
(! IsInContainer(FileData.cFileName, ExcludeName)) ) { // ...and not an excluded file?
FileNameList.push_back(FileData.cFileName); // Yes. Save the name.
while (true) {
if (FindNextFile(ListHandle, &FileData)) {
if ( !(FileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && // Is this not a directory...
(! IsInContainer(FileData.cFileName, ExcludeName)) ) { // ...and not an excluded file?
FileNameList.push_back(FileData.cFileName); // Yes. Save the name.
} else {
LastError = GetLastError();
if (ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES == LastError) {
} else {
std::ostringstream temp;
temp << "Error determining directory list of '"
<< DirPath << "'";
if (FindClose(ListHandle) == 0) {
std::ostringstream Temp;
LastError = GetLastError();
Temp << "***Error closing handle for " << DirPath;
return FileNameList;
UpdateOneDirectory(std::string SourceDir,
std::string DestDir,
StringContainer ExcludeName) {
StringContainer DestDirFileList; // Files in DestDir.
DestDirFileList = GetFileList(DestDir, ExcludeName);
StringContainer::iterator iFile;
std::string FileToDelete;
for (iFile = DestDirFileList.begin(); // Remove the files.
iFile != DestDirFileList.end();
iFile++) {
if (! IsInContainer(*iFile, ExcludeName)) { // Check if this file is in ExcludeName.
FileToDelete = DestDir + "\\"; // It is not. Delete it.
FileToDelete += *iFile;
if (DeleteFile(FileToDelete.c_str()) == 0) {
std::ostringstream Temp;
LastError = GetLastError();
Temp << "***Error deleting " << FileToDelete;
StringContainer SourceDirFileList; // Files in SourceDir.
std::string SourceFile, DestFile;
SourceDirFileList = GetFileList(SourceDir, ExcludeName);
for (iFile = SourceDirFileList.begin(); // Copy the files from SourceDir.
iFile != SourceDirFileList.end();
iFile++) {
if (! IsInContainer(*iFile, ExcludeName)) { // Check if this file is in ExcludeName.
SourceFile = SourceDir + "\\"; // It is not. Copy it.
SourceFile += *iFile;
DestFile = DestDir + "\\";
DestFile += *iFile;
if (CopyFile(SourceFile.c_str(), DestFile.c_str(), true) == 0) {
std::ostringstream Temp;
LastError = GetLastError();
Temp << "Error copying " << SourceFile << " to " << DestFile;
StringContainer SourceDirDirList, DestDirDirList;
std::string SourceUpdateDir, DestUpdateDir;
StringContainer SourceDirExtraDirList, DestDirExtraDirList;
SourceDirDirList = GetDirectoryList(SourceDir, ExcludeName);
DestDirDirList = GetDirectoryList(DestDir, ExcludeName);
for (iFile = DestDirDirList.begin(); // Check that all directories in
iFile != DestDirDirList.end(); // the destination directory are
iFile++) { // also in the source directory.
if (! IsInContainer(*iFile, SourceDirDirList)) { // Not in source directory?
DestDirExtraDirList.push_back(*iFile); // It is not. This is an error.
for (iFile = SourceDirDirList.begin(); // Check that all directories in
iFile != SourceDirDirList.end(); // the source directory are also
iFile++) { // in the destination directory.
if (! IsInContainer(*iFile, DestDirDirList)) { // Not in source directory?
SourceDirExtraDirList.push_back(*iFile); // It is not. This is an error.
if (!SourceDirExtraDirList.empty() || !DestDirExtraDirList.empty()) { // Check for error.
std::ostringstream Temp;
if (!SourceDirExtraDirList.empty()) { // Extra directories in source.
Temp << "***Error--There were directories in " << SourceDir
<< " that are not in " << DestDir << ":\n\t";
std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(Temp, "\n\t"));
if (!DestDirExtraDirList.empty()) { // Extra directories in destination.
Temp << "***Error--There were directories in " << DestDir
<< " that are not in " << SourceDir << ":\n\t";
std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(Temp, "\n\t"));
for (iFile = DestDirDirList.begin(); // Update each directory.
iFile != DestDirDirList.end();
iFile++) {
SourceUpdateDir = SourceDir + "\\";
SourceUpdateDir += *iFile;
DestUpdateDir = DestDir + "\\";
DestUpdateDir += *iFile;
UpdateOneDirectory(SourceUpdateDir, DestUpdateDir, ExcludeName);
UpdateCommonDirectories(std::string DistPath, std::string DistParentPath,
StringContainer ExcludeName) {
StringContainer DistDirList, DistParentDirList;
DistDirList = GetDirectoryList(DistPath, ExcludeName); // Distribution directory names.
DistParentDirList = GetDirectoryList(DistParentPath, ExcludeName); // Parent of distribution directory names.
#if 0
std::cout << "Directory list of distribution--\n";
std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, "\n"));
std::cout << "\nDirectory list of distribution parent--\n";
std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, "\n"));
StringContainer::iterator iDistDir; // Update direcotries with the same name.
for (iDistDir = DistDirList.begin();
iDistDir != DistDirList.end();
iDistDir++) {
std::string SourceDir, DestDir;
if (IsInContainer(*iDistDir, DistParentDirList)) { // Check if this is a common directory.
SourceDir = DistParentPath + "\\"; // This is a common directory.
SourceDir += *iDistDir;
DestDir = DistPath + "\\";
DestDir += *iDistDir;
UpdateOneDirectory(SourceDir, DestDir, ExcludeName);
PrepareTempDir(std::string TempPath) {
DWORD LastError;
HANDLE DirHandle;
std::ostringstream Temp;
DirHandle = FindFirstFile(TempPath.c_str(), &FileData); // Check whether the directory exists.
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == DirHandle) { // Directory doesn't exist.
if (!CreateDirectory(TempPath.c_str(), NULL)) {
LastError = GetLastError();
Temp << "***Error creating the temporary directory " << TempPath;
// If the path is a file, delete it and create a new directory.
if ( !(FileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) {
if (CloseHandle(DirHandle) != 0) {
LastError = GetLastError();
Temp << "***Error closing handle for " << TempPath;
if (DeleteFile(TempPath.c_str()) != 0) {
LastError = GetLastError();
Temp << "***Error deleting " << TempPath;
if (CloseHandle(DirHandle) != 0) {
LastError = GetLastError();
Temp << "***Error closing handle for " << TempPath;
DeletePath(TempPath); // TempPath is a directory. Delete it.
PrepareTempDir(TempPath); // Create an empty directory.
DeletePath(std::string Path) {
StringContainer DirList, FileList, ExcludeName;
StringContainer::iterator iName;
std::string NameToDelete;
DirList = GetDirectoryList(Path, ExcludeName);
FileList = GetFileList(Path, ExcludeName);
for (iName = FileList.begin(); // Delete each file.
iName != FileList.end();
iName++) {
NameToDelete = Path + "\\";
NameToDelete += *iName;
if (DeleteFile(NameToDelete.c_str()) == 0) {
std::ostringstream Temp;
LastError = GetLastError();
Temp << "***Error deleting " << NameToDelete << " in " << Path;
for (iName = DirList.begin(); // Delete each directory.
iName != DirList.end();
iName++) {
NameToDelete = Path + "\\";
NameToDelete += *iName;
if (RemoveDirectory(Path.c_str()) == 0) {
std::ostringstream Temp;
LastError = GetLastError();
Temp << "***Error removing directory " << Path;
CopyDirectory(std::string SourcePath, std::string DestPath, StringContainer ExcludeName) {
StringContainer DirList, FileList;
StringContainer::iterator iName;
std::string SourceName, DestName;
BOOL FailIfExists = true;
DirList = GetDirectoryList(SourcePath, ExcludeName);
FileList = GetFileList(SourcePath, ExcludeName);
for (iName = FileList.begin(); // Copy each file.
iName != FileList.end();
iName++) {
SourceName = SourcePath + "\\";
SourceName += *iName;
DestName = DestPath + "\\";
DestName += *iName;
if (!CopyFile(SourceName.c_str(), DestName.c_str(), FailIfExists)) {
std::ostringstream Temp;
LastError = GetLastError();
Temp << "Error copying " << *iName << " to " << DestPath;
for (iName = DirList.begin(); // Copy each directory.
iName != DirList.end();
iName++) {
SourceName = SourcePath + "\\";
SourceName += *iName;
DestName = DestPath + "\\";
DestName += *iName;
if (!CreateDirectory(DestName.c_str(), NULL)) { // Create the directory.
std::ostringstream Temp;
LastError = GetLastError();
Temp << "***Error creating the temporary directory " << DestName;
CopyDirectory(SourceName, DestName, ExcludeName);

+ 97
- 0
BuildDistribution/Utility.h 查看文件

@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
// Utility.h
// Header file for utility functions for BuildDistribution.
// (C) Copyright 2010 ARM Research Labs, LLC See
// www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// $Id$
#include <string>
#include <vector>
/// Output the usage message.
// \param[in] DefaultTempPath is the default directory to build the
// distribution.
void OutputUsage(std::string DefaultTempPath);
/// Output the help message.
void OutputHelp(void);
/// Output a formatted message describing the last error from WINAPI.
// \param[in] Message is the message to output. The system error message
// is output after Message.
void OutputErrorMessage(std::string Message);
/// This function returns the various paths and names for building the
/// distribution.
// \param[in] InputDistPath is the source path specified on the command line.
// \param[out] DistSourcePath is the source path determined from
// InputDistPath.
// \param[out] DistParentPath is the parent directory of the source
// directory.
// \param[out] DistName is the name of the distribution (without any ".zip"
// appended.
void GetDirectoryNames(std::string &InputDistPath,
std::string &DistSourcePath,
std::string &DistParentPath,
std::string &DistName);
typedef std::vector<std::string> StringContainer; ///< Container to hold a set of strings.
/// Update the files in the distribution.
// \param[in] DistPath is the name of the directory that contains the
// distribution.
// \param[in] DistParentPath is the name of the parent directory of DistDir.
// \param[in] ExcludeName contains the names of the files to not
// update.
// This function updates the directories in the distribution:
// 1) For each directory DIR that appears in DistDir and also
// in DistParentDir:
// a) Delete the contents of DistDir/DIR, except for ExcludeName.
// b) Copy the contents of DistParentDir\DIR to DistDir\DIR, except
// for ExcludeName.
void UpdateCommonDirectories(std::string DistPath,
std::string DistParentPath,
StringContainer ExcludeName);
/// Prepare the temporary directory for the distribution.
// This function creates a temporary directory for the distribution if
// it doesn't exist. If the temporary directory does exist, the
// contents are removed.
// \param[in] TempPath is the path to the directory that is to contain
// the distribution that will be zipped.
void PrepareTempDir(std::string TempPath);
/// Copy a directory tree, except for specified files.
// \param[in] SourcePath is the directory to copy from.
// \param[in] DestPath is the directory to copy to. This directory
// must exist.
// \param[in] ExcludeName contains the names of file to not copy.
void CopyDirectory(std::string SourcePath, std::string DestPath, StringContainer ExcludeName);

+ 14
- 0
BuildDistribution/build.cmd 查看文件

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
REM Command file for building BuildDistribution
REM Usage: build
REM (C) Copyright 2010 ARM Research Labs, LLC
REM See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
set path=c:\MinGW\bin;%path%
set CXX=g++
set LIB=c:\MinGW\lib\libws2_32.a -loleaut32
%CXX% -g -o BuildDistribution.exe Utility.cc BuildDistribution.cc -Wl,--enable-auto-import %LIB%

+ 14
- 0
BuildDistribution/build_64.cmd 查看文件

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
REM Command file for building BuildDistribution
REM Usage: build
REM (C) Copyright 2006 - 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC
REM See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
set path=c:\MinGW-64\bin;%path%
set CXX=x86_64-pc-mingw32-c++
set LIB=c:\MinGW-64\x86_64-pc-mingw32\lib64\libws2_32.a -loleaut32
%CXX% -o BuildDistribution.exe Utility.cc BuildDistribution.cc %LIB%
