SNFClient Readme Copyright (c) 2010 ARM Research Laboratories Command line client for SNF. This utility formats and processes SNF_XCI requests through the SNF Engine working on the local machine. In general this utility can be used as a replacement for the earlier SNF command line scanner. It is also useful for other uses such as debugging and communicating with GBUdb. Note: Unlike prior versions of SNF, this command line utility does not need to be "branded" (renamed for the SNF license id). _________ Help Mode SNFClient.exe When called with no command line parameters the utility produces help and version information. __________ Debug Mode SNFDebugClient.exe When "debug" or "Debug" appears in the path to the program name or if the program's name is altered to include the word "debug" or "Debug" then the program will produce additional information about it's operation to aid in debugging problems. This includes the entire raw SNF_XCI request and response. __________________ Message Scan Modes These modes are used to scan email message files (the data part of smtp). This utility can be used as a drop-in replacement for previous verions of SNF (Message Sniffer) for scanning messages. However, this new version does not need to be "branded" (renamed for the license id) and will ignore the authentication string if it is provided. Also, since the newer version of SNF uses a client-server model and not a peer-server model, there is no need for a "persistent" mode. If "persistent" is passed to this utility on the command line as it would be used in prior versions of SNF then it will be treated like a file name and the scan will normally fail since a file named "persistent" is not likely to exist. SNFClient.exe Scan Mode: Scans and returns a result code. SNFClient.exe Compatibility Mode: Ignores then scans the and returns a result code. This mode provides drop-in compatibility with previous versions of SNF. SNFClient.exe -xhdr XHeader Mode: Scans and returns the result. Also outputs the contents of the X-Headers created by the SNF engine. If the SNF engine is configured to inject these headers then they will also have been injected into the . The SNF Engine can be configured to provide the X-Headers only to the API without injecting them. In this case the XHeader Mode will display the X-Headers that would be injected, but they will not have been injected into the . If the SNF Engine is configured not to produce X-Headers (none) then the XHeader Mode will not produce X-Headers because they will not have been generated by the engine. (note: -xhdr and -source options can be combined) SNFClient.exe -source= Source-IP Mode: Scans and returns the result. The provided source IP is injected into the scan as the first Received header so that the scanning engine will presume the IP is the source of the message. This allows you to pre-define the source IP for the message when there is no other received header or when the received headers may be incorrect or may not present the actual source of the message. (note: -xhdr and -source options can be combined) _____________________________ SNFServer Status Report Modes SNFClient.exe -status.second SNFClient.exe -status.minute SNFClient.exe -status.hour This mode returns the latest posted status report as indicated. Normally these status reports are also posted to files in the SNFServer workspace. In this mode the SNFClient will return a result code (error level) of 0 when the request is successful and 99 (or some nonzero value) when the request is not successful. This allows the SNFClient to be used to verify that the SNFServer is running. Note: In most other modes the SNFClient returns a fail-safe 0 result code to avoid tagging messages as spam when there are errors. ________________________ XCI Server Command Modes These features will expand as needed in later versions. SNFClient.exe -shutdown If the SNF Engine is running in an application that accepts SNF_XCI server commands then this mode will send that command. The shutdown command may have no effect if the application does not use the SNF_XCI server commnand interface or does not recognize the command. ___________ GBUdb Modes These modes are used to communicate with the GBUdb system on the local node. It is possible to test (read out) an IP record or make any of a number of changes to IP data in the GBUdb. SNFClient.exe -test Returns the current GBUdb statistics for the SNFClient also returns a result code that matches the GBUdb range for the tested IP. These ranges are defined in the SNFServer configuration file. By default they are: 20 - Truncate 63 - Black 40 - Caution 0 - Normal SNFClient.exe -set Creates or updates the data for as provided. The must be provided as well as at least one of , , and . If , , or are to be left unchanged then they should be entered as a dash "-". Examples: Set all data for an IP. The flag will be "ugly", the bad count will be 0 and the good count will be 1000. SNFClient.exe -set Ugly 0 1000 Set the flag to "ignore" and do not change the counts. SNFClient.exe -set ignore - - Set the good count to 400 and do not change anything else. SNFClient.exe -set - - 400 SNFClient.exe -good Creates or updates statistics for the . Increases the good count by one. (Record a good event) SNFClient.exe -bad Creates or updates statistics for the . Increases the bad count by one. (Record a bad event) SNFClient.exe -drop Removes all local data for the . Anything the local system "knows" about the IP is forgotten. Next time the IP is encountered it will be treated as new. ____________________ For More Information See Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Arm Research Labs, LLC.