@ECHO OFF REM This script updates and builds the Windows SDK REM Before moving to a new version this script must be updated. REM When properly configured this script does: REM REM 1. Update the source and project directories in SNFMultiSDK_Windows_X.Y REM from the same directories in SNFMultiSDK_Windows_X.Y\.. REM REM 2. Copy SNFMultiSDK_Windows_X.Y to C:\TEMP\SNFMultiSDK_Windows_X.Y REM REM 3. Remove the .svn files from all subdirectories in C:\TEMP\SNFMultiSDK_Windows_X.Y REM REM 4. Create the zip file SNFMultiSDK_Windows_X.Y.zip REM REM 5. Copy the SNFMultiSDK_Windows_X.Y.zip file to .. (back to the PKG-SNF-SDK-WIN root) REM REM 6. Empty the C:\TEMP\SNFMultiSDK_Windows_X.Y directory. REM REM 7. Pause to let the developer view the success and remind them to commit the revision to REM the repository. setlocal set PATH=32bitdll;%PATH% set DISTDIR=SNFMultiSDK_Windows_3.4 set TEMPDIR=C:\TEMP set ZIPFILE=%DISTDIR%.zip set TEMPDIST=%TEMPDIR%\%DISTDIR% BuildDistribution\BuildDistribution -d %DISTDIR% -t %TEMPDIR% @DEL %ZIPFILE% jzip -p -r %ZIPFILE% %TEMPDIST% ECHO Created zipfile %ZIPFILE% RMDIR /S /Q %TEMPDIST%