소스 검색

Reworked rule voting code to clarify and bring the code closer to current standards. This was part of researching a potential problem involving the voting of panicked rules and this rebuild has verified that there is no problem --- panicked rules are indeed inert as intended.

git-svn-id: https://svn.microneil.com/svn/SNFMulti/trunk@35 dc71a809-1921-45c4-985c-09c81d0142d9
madscientist 13 년 전
1개의 변경된 파일43개의 추가작업 그리고 32개의 파일을 삭제
  1. 43

+ 43
- 32
SNFMulti.cpp 파일 보기

@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ using namespace std;

//// Version Info

const char* SNF_ENGINE_VERSION = "SNFMulti Engine Version 3.0.16 Build: " __DATE__ " " __TIME__;
const char* SNF_ENGINE_VERSION = "SNFMulti Engine Version 3.0.17 Build: " __DATE__ " " __TIME__;

//// Script Caller Methods

@@ -1283,6 +1283,20 @@ string snf_EngineHandler::extractMessageID(

const LogicFault FaultBadMessageBuffer1("snf_EngineHandler::scanMessage():FaultBadMessageBuffer1(NULL == inputMessageBuffer)");
const LogicFault FaultBadMessageBuffer2("snf_EngineHandler::scanMessage():FaultBadMessageBuffer2(0 >= inputMessageLength)");
const char Unknown_SNFMatchFlag = '-';
const char Panic_SNFMatchFlag = 'p';
const char Match_SNFMatchFlag = 'm';
const char White_SNFMatchFlag = 'w';
const char Final_SNFMatchFlag = 'f';
void captureMatchRecord(snf_match& M, MatchRecord* R) {
M.flag = Unknown_SNFMatchFlag;
M.ruleid = R->RuleId();
M.symbol = R->RuleGroup();
M.index = R->MatchStartPosition;
M.endex = R->MatchEndPosition;

int snf_EngineHandler::scanMessage( // Scan this message (in buffer).
const unsigned char* inputMessageBuffer, // -- this is the message buffer.
@@ -1590,37 +1604,34 @@ int snf_EngineHandler::scanMessage(

snf_match TmpSNFMatch; // We'll need a buffer for our matches.

while(NULL!=ResultCursor) { // We will run through the results.
if(MyCFGPacket.isRulePanic(ResultCursor->RuleId())) { // If we have a rule panic then
MyScanData.RulePanics.insert(ResultCursor->RuleId()); // add the rule ID to our panics list.
TmpSNFMatch.flag = 'p'; // Record the match as a panic.
TmpSNFMatch.ruleid = ResultCursor->RuleId(); // Fill out the details of the match.
TmpSNFMatch.symbol = ResultCursor->RuleGroup(); // and add it to our list.
TmpSNFMatch.index = ResultCursor->MatchStartPosition;
TmpSNFMatch.endex = ResultCursor->MatchEndPosition;
} else { // If we did not have a panic then
if(ResultCursor->RuleGroup()<S) { // if we find a better symbol we
FinalResult = ResultCursor; // can grab the result record and the
S = ResultCursor->RuleGroup(); // symbol value.
if( // Figure out what kind of match this is.
(MyCFGPacket.Config()->TrainingWhiteRuleHandler.isListed( // If the symbol is in the known white
ResultCursor->RuleGroup())) || // rule groups OR if the symbol is
(0 == ResultCursor->RuleGroup()) // zero (same as clean) then
) { // we will record this match
TmpSNFMatch.flag = 'w'; // as a white-rule... set the flag to w.
} else { // For all other cases we will
TmpSNFMatch.flag = 'm'; // simply record a match (m).
TmpSNFMatch.ruleid = ResultCursor->RuleId(); // Fill out the details of the match.
TmpSNFMatch.symbol = ResultCursor->RuleGroup(); // and add it to our list.
TmpSNFMatch.index = ResultCursor->MatchStartPosition;
TmpSNFMatch.endex = ResultCursor->MatchEndPosition;
ResultsCount++; // Count this result.
ResultCursor=ResultCursor->NextMatchRecord; // Then we keep looking.
while(NULL!=ResultCursor) { // While we have records to process...
captureMatchRecord(TmpSNFMatch, ResultCursor); // grab the next record and evaluate it.
bool isPanickedRule = MyCFGPacket.isRulePanic(TmpSNFMatch.ruleid);
bool isVotingCandidate = (false == isPanickedRule);
bool isWhiteRule = (
MyCFGPacket.Config()->TrainingWhiteRuleHandler.isListed(TmpSNFMatch.ruleid) ||
0 == TmpSNFMatch.symbol
bool isBestResultCode = (TmpSNFMatch.symbol < S);
// Set an appropriate flag.
if(isPanickedRule) TmpSNFMatch.flag = Panic_SNFMatchFlag;
else if(isWhiteRule) TmpSNFMatch.flag = White_SNFMatchFlag;
else TmpSNFMatch.flag = Match_SNFMatchFlag;
// Vote for best rule match.
if(isVotingCandidate && isBestResultCode) {
FinalResult = ResultCursor;
S = TmpSNFMatch.symbol;
// Move on to next result.

if(NO_SYMBOL != S) { // If a pattern match was detected then
