소스 검색

Moved functionality from UtilityConfig to Config. MtaIntegrate is a

subclass of Utility.

git-svn-id: https://svn.microneil.com/svn/SNFUtility/trunk@7 aa37657e-1934-4a5f-aa6d-2d8eab27ff7c
adeniz 12 년 전

+ 11
- 7
Common/Makefile.am 파일 보기

@@ -12,19 +12,23 @@ CXXFLAGS = $(SNF_CXXFLAGS) -I@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti \

noinst_LIBRARIES = \
noinst_LIBRARIES = \

libUtilityCommon_a_SOURCES = \
@top_srcdir@/SNFUtility/Common/UtilityConfig.cpp \
libUtilityCommon_a_SOURCES = \
@top_srcdir@/SNFUtility/Common/Utility.cpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFUtility/Common/UtilityConfig.cpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFUtility/Common/MtaIntegrate.cpp \

noinst_HEADERS = \
@top_srcdir@/SNFUtility/Common/UtilityConfig.hpp \
noinst_HEADERS = \
@top_srcdir@/SNFUtility/Common/Utility.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFUtility/Common/UtilityConfig.hpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFUtility/Common/MtaIntegrate.hpp \

Makefile.am \
Makefile.am \


+ 22
- 0
Common/MtaIntegrate.cpp 파일 보기

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
// /file MtaIntegrate.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2011, ARM Research Labs, LLC.
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// This file contains the functions for MtaIntegrate.
// $Id$
#include <iostream>
#include "MtaIntegrate.hpp"
MtaIntegrate::MtaIntegrate() {

+ 64
- 0
Common/MtaIntegrate.hpp 파일 보기

@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
// \file MtaIntegrate.hpp
// Copyright (C) 2011 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// This file defines the MtaIntegrate interface.
// $Id$
#ifndef MtaIntegratehpp_included
#define MtaIntegratehpp_included
#include <string>
#include "Utility.hpp"
#include "FileBackup.hpp"
/// Base class to manage a Sniffer integration with an MTA.
// This class defines the interface to integrate and unintegrate with an MTA.
class MtaIntegrate : public Utility {
/// Constructor.
/// Specifies the operating system type.
// \param[in] OperatingSystemType is the value of SNF_OSTYPE
// specified when configuring sniffer for *nix, or "Windows".
virtual void SetOperatingSystem(std::string OperatingSystemType) = 0;
/// Integrate with the MTA.
// If the MTA is already integrated, this method does nothing.
// \param[in] SaveFile is the object to back up any configuration
// files.
virtual void Integrate(FileBackup *SaveFile) = 0;
/// Unintegrate with the MTA.
// If the MTA is not integrated, this method does nothing.
// \param[in] SaveFile is the object to back up any configuration
// files.
virtual void Unintegrate(FileBackup *SaveFile) = 0;
/// Determine whether the MTA is integrated.
virtual bool IsIntegrated() = 0;

+ 325
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Common/Utility.cpp 파일 보기

@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
// Utility.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2011, ARM Research Labs, LLC.
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// This file implements the common functionality for the configuration
// utilities.
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstring>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include "Utility.hpp"
using namespace std;
// Configuration. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
const std::string Utility::DirectorySeparator("/");
/// SNF user name.
const string SNFUserName = "snfuser";
/// SNF group name.
const string SNFGroupName = "snfuser";
// End of configuration. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Utility::FileExists(const std::string File) {
if (Verbose()) {
cout << "Check whether " << File << " exists...";
bool Exists;
std::ifstream Input;
errno = 0;
if (ENOENT == errno) {
Exists = false;
} else {
Exists = true;
return Exists;
Utility::Copy(std::string From, std::string To) {
if (Verbose()) {
cout << "Copy " << From << " to " << To << "...";
if (!Explain()) {
std::ifstream Input;
if (!Input) {
std::string Temp;
Temp = "Error opening the file " + From;
Temp += " to read from: ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw std::runtime_error(Temp);
std::ofstream Output;
Output.open(To.c_str(), std::ios::trunc);
if (!Output) {
std::string Temp;
Temp = "Error opening the file " + To;
Temp += " to copy to: ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw std::runtime_error(Temp);
if (!Input.eof()) { // Copy if there are characters.
// Copying an empty file causes
Output << Input.rdbuf(); // failbit to be set.
if (Output.bad() || Output.fail()) {
std::string Temp;
Temp = "Error copying " + From;
Temp += " to " + To;
Temp += ": ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw std::runtime_error(Temp);
if (!Input) {
std::string Temp;
Temp = "Error closing the file " + From;
Temp += ": ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw std::runtime_error(Temp);
if (!Output) {
std::string Temp;
Temp = "Error closing the file " + To;
Temp += ": ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw std::runtime_error(Temp);
Utility::SetOwnerGroup(std::string &File) {
struct passwd *SNFPasswd;
uid_t SNFUid;
struct group *SNFGroup;
gid_t SNFGid;
if (Verbose()) {
cout << "Set owner:group of " << File << " to "
<< SNFUserName << ":" << SNFGroupName << "...";
if (!Explain()) {
SNFPasswd = getpwnam(SNFUserName.c_str());
if (SNFPasswd == 0) {
string Temp;
Temp = "Error getting info for Sniffer user " + SNFUserName;
Temp += ": ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw runtime_error(Temp);
SNFUid = SNFPasswd->pw_uid;
SNFGid = SNFPasswd->pw_gid;
if (chown(File.c_str(), SNFUid, SNFGid) != 0) {
string Temp;
Temp = "Error changing group and owner of file " + File;
Temp += " to " + SNFUserName + ":" + SNFGroupName;
Temp += ": ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw runtime_error(Temp);
Utility::SetMode(std::string &File, mode_t mode) {
if (Verbose()) {
cout << "Set mode of " << File << " to "
<< std::oct << mode << "...";
if (!Explain()) {
if (chmod(File.c_str(), mode) != 0) {
ostringstream Temp;
Temp << "Error changing permissions of file " << File
<< " to " << mode << ": " << strerror(errno);
throw runtime_error(Temp.str());
Utility::MkDir(std::string &Dir) {
if (Verbose()) {
cout << "Create directory " << Dir << "...";
if (!Explain()) {
if (mkdir(Dir.c_str(), 0) != 0) {
ostringstream Temp;
Temp << "Error creating directory " << Dir << ": " << strerror(errno);
throw runtime_error(Temp.str());
Utility::CheckForString(std::string Line, std::string SearchString) {
string::size_type Indx;
Indx = Line.find_first_not_of(" \t"); // Trim leading whitespace.
if (string::npos != Indx) {
Line = Line.substr(Indx);
if (Line.substr(0, SearchString.length()) == SearchString) {
return true;
return false;
Utility::SetVerbose(bool Mode) {
VerboseRequested = Mode;
Utility::Verbose() {
return (VerboseRequested || ExplainRequested);
Utility::SetExplain(bool Mode) {
ExplainRequested = Mode;
Utility::Explain() {
return ExplainRequested;
Utility::SetHelp(bool Mode) {
HelpRequested = Mode;
Utility::Help() {
return HelpRequested;
Utility::OutputVerboseEnd() {
if (Verbose() && !Explain()) {
cout << "done.\n";
} else if (Explain()) {
cout << "\n";

+ 139
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Common/Utility.hpp 파일 보기

@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
// Utility.hpp
// Copyright (C) 2011 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// This file defines the interface used by the configuration utilities.
#ifndef Utilityhpp_included
#define Utilityhpp_included
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string>
/// Base class for the Sniffer configuration.
// This class provides capability common to the configuration classes.
class Utility {
/// Default constructor.
/// Check whether a file exists.
// \returns true if the file exists, false otherwise.
bool FileExists(std::string File);
/// Copy a file.
// \param[in] From is the name of the source file.
// \param[in] To is the name of the destination file.
void Copy(std::string From, std::string To);
/// Set the owner and group of the specified file.
// This function sets the owner and group of the specified file to the
// value specified in Utility.cpp.
// \param[in] File is the specified file.
// \see SNFUserName.
// \see SNFGroupName.
void SetOwnerGroup(std::string &File);
/// Set the mode of a file.
// This function sets the mode of the specified file. If an error
// occurs, an exception is thrown.
// \param[in] File is the specified file.
// \param[in] is the mode.
void SetMode(std::string &File, mode_t mode);
/// Create a directory.
// This function creates the specified directory. If an error
// occurs, an exception is thrown.
// \param[in] Dir is the directory to create.
void MkDir(std::string &Dir);
/// Check for a specified string at the beginning of a line.
// This function checks for the specified string at the beginning of a
// line. Leading whitespace in the line is ignored.
// \param[in] Line is the line.
// \param[in] SearchString is the string to check for.
static bool CheckForString(std::string Line, std::string SearchString);
/// Store the Verbose mode.
// \param[in] Mode stores the Verbose mode.
void SetVerbose(bool Mode);
/// Provide verbose output?
// \returns true if the application is to provide verbose output.
bool Verbose();
/// Store the Explain mode.
// \param[in] Mode stores the Explain mode.
void SetExplain(bool Mode);
/// Provide an explanation of the actions only?
// \returns true if the application is to provide an explanation
// of the actions without executing any commands.
bool Explain();
/// Store the Help mode.
// \param[in] Mode stores the Help mode.
void SetHelp(bool Mode);
/// Provide help?
// \returns true if the application is to output a help message.
bool Help();
/// Output the end of a verbose output line.
void OutputVerboseEnd();
/// Directory separator.
static const std::string DirectorySeparator;
bool VerboseRequested; ///< User requested verbose processing.
bool ExplainRequested; ///< User requested verbose processing but without actually executing the commands.
bool HelpRequested; ///< User requested help.

+ 14
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Common/UtilityConfig.cpp 파일 보기

@@ -71,9 +71,7 @@ const std::string UtilityConfig::SampleRulebaseScriptFile(SBIN_DIR "/getRulebase
#ifdef WIN
// Windows OS.
const std::string UtilityConfig::OperatingSystemType("Windows");
const std::string DirectorySeparator("\\");
const std::string DirectorySeparator("/");
// *nix, SNF_OSTYPE is specified on the compile command line.
const std::string UtilityConfig::OperatingSystemType(SNF_OSTYPE);
@@ -84,12 +82,6 @@ const std::string UtilityConfig::OperatingSystemType(SNF_OSTYPE);
/// SNF user name.
const string SNFUserName = "snfuser";
/// SNF group name.
const string SNFGroupName = "snfuser";
/// Verbose command-line input.
const string VerboseKey("-v");
@@ -103,46 +95,13 @@ const string HelpKey("-h");
// End of configuration. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
UtilityConfig::UtilityConfig() :
ExplainRequested(false), VerboseRequested(false), HelpRequested(false) {
UtilityConfig::FileExists(const std::string File) {
if (Verbose()) {
cout << "Check whether " << File << " exists...";
struct stat StatBuf;
if (0 != stat(File.c_str(), &StatBuf)) { // Error checking whether file exists.
UtilityConfig::UtilityConfig() {
if (ENOENT == errno) { // Doesn't exist.
return false;
string Temp; // Other error from stat().
Temp = "Error getting info for file " + File;
Temp += ": ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw runtime_error(Temp);
return true;
UtilityConfig::CheckAndLoadConfigFile(const std::string DefaultFile[], int NumDefaultFiles) {
@@ -311,192 +270,6 @@ UtilityConfig::GetRulebaseScriptName(void) {
UtilityConfig::Copy(std::string From, std::string To) {
if (Verbose()) {
cout << "Copy " << From << " to " << To << "...";
if (!Explain()) {
ifstream Input;
Input.open(From.c_str()); // Read the contents.
if (!Input) {
string Temp;
Temp = "Error opening the file " + From;
Temp += " to copy from: ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw runtime_error(Temp);
string Content;
string Line;
while (getline(Input, Line)) {
Content += Line + "\n"; // Copy this line.
if (!Input.eof()) { // Should be at end-of-file.
string Temp;
Temp = "Error reading the " + From;
Temp += " to copy from: ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw runtime_error(Temp);
if (Input.bad()) {
string Temp;
Temp = "Error closing the file " + From;
Temp += " to copy from: ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw runtime_error(Temp);
ofstream Output; // Write the contents.
Output.open(To.c_str(), ios::trunc);
if (!Output) {
string Temp;
Temp = "Error opening the file " + To;
Temp += " to copy to: ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw runtime_error(Temp);
Output << Content;
if (!Output) {
string Temp;
Temp = "Error writing the file " + To;
Temp += " to copy to: ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw runtime_error(Temp);
if (!Output) {
string Temp;
Temp = "Error closing the file " + To;
Temp += " to copy to: ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw runtime_error(Temp);
UtilityConfig::SetOwnerGroup(std::string &File) {
struct passwd *SNFPasswd;
uid_t SNFUid;
struct group *SNFGroup;
gid_t SNFGid;
if (Verbose()) {
cout << "Set owner:group of " << File << " to "
<< SNFUserName << ":" << SNFGroupName << "...";
if (!Explain()) {
SNFPasswd = getpwnam(SNFUserName.c_str());
if (SNFPasswd == 0) {
string Temp;
Temp = "Error getting info for Sniffer user " + SNFUserName;
Temp += ": ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw runtime_error(Temp);
SNFUid = SNFPasswd->pw_uid;
SNFGid = SNFPasswd->pw_gid;
if (chown(File.c_str(), SNFUid, SNFGid) != 0) {
string Temp;
Temp = "Error changing group and owner of file " + File;
Temp += " to " + SNFUserName + ":" + SNFGroupName;
Temp += ": ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw runtime_error(Temp);
UtilityConfig::SetMode(std::string &File, mode_t mode) {
if (Verbose()) {
cout << "Set mode of " << File << " to "
<< std::oct << mode << "...";
if (!Explain()) {
if (chmod(File.c_str(), mode) != 0) {
ostringstream Temp;
Temp << "Error changing permissions of file " << File
<< " to " << mode << ": " << strerror(errno);
throw runtime_error(Temp.str());
UtilityConfig::MkDir(std::string &Dir) {
if (Verbose()) {
cout << "Create directory " << Dir << "...";
if (!Explain()) {
if (mkdir(Dir.c_str(), 0) != 0) {
ostringstream Temp;
Temp << "Error creating directory " << Dir << ": " << strerror(errno);
throw runtime_error(Temp.str());
UtilityConfig::StartOrRestartMta(std::string Mta) {
@@ -516,29 +289,6 @@ UtilityConfig::StartOrRestartMta(std::string Mta) {
UtilityConfig::CheckForString(std::string Line, std::string SearchString) {
string::size_type Indx;
Indx = Line.find_first_not_of(" \t"); // Trim leading whitespace.
if (string::npos != Indx) {
Line = Line.substr(Indx);
if (Line.substr(0, SearchString.length()) == SearchString) {
return true;
return false;
@@ -594,14 +344,17 @@ UtilityConfig::UpdateIgnoreListFile() {
IgnoreListFile = IgnoreListPath + DirectorySeparator;
IgnoreListFile += "GBUdbIgnoreList.txt";
SaveFile.CreateBackupFile(IgnoreListFile); // Save any existing file.
if (!FileExists(IgnoreListFile)) {
Copy(SampleIgnoreListFile, IgnoreListFile); // Use SNFMilter.xml.sample.
Copy(SampleIgnoreListFile, IgnoreListFile); // Use SNFMilter.xml.sample.
SetMode(IgnoreListFile, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); // Set permissions.
SetOwnerGroup(IgnoreListFile); // Set to sniffer user.
SetMode(IgnoreListFile, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); // Set permissions.
SetOwnerGroup(IgnoreListFile); // Set to sniffer user.
@@ -628,17 +381,17 @@ UtilityConfig::ProcessCommandLineItem(std::string OneInput) {
if (OneInput == VerboseKey) {
VerboseRequested = true;
ValidCommand = true;
} else if (OneInput == ExplainKey) {
ExplainRequested = true;
ValidCommand = true;
} else if (OneInput == HelpKey) {
HelpRequested = true;
ValidCommand = true;
@@ -647,27 +400,6 @@ UtilityConfig::ProcessCommandLineItem(std::string OneInput) {
UtilityConfig::Verbose() {
return (VerboseRequested || ExplainRequested);
UtilityConfig::Explain() {
return ExplainRequested;
UtilityConfig::Help() {
return HelpRequested;
UtilityConfig::HelpCommandLine() {
@@ -691,18 +423,3 @@ UtilityConfig::HelpDescription() {
return Desc;
UtilityConfig::OutputVerboseEnd() {
if (Verbose() && !Explain()) {
cout << "done.\n";
} else if (Explain()) {
cout << "\n";

+ 8
- 90
Common/UtilityConfig.hpp 파일 보기

@@ -9,28 +9,26 @@
#ifndef UtilityConfighpp_included
#define UtilityConfighpp_included
#include "SNFMulti.hpp"
#include <string>
#include "SNFMulti.hpp"
#include "Utility.hpp"
#include "FileBackup.hpp"
/// Base class for the Sniffer configuration.
// This class provides capability common to the configuration applications.
class UtilityConfig {
class UtilityConfig : public Utility {
/// Default constructor.
/// Check whether a file exists.
// \returns true if the file exists, false otherwise.
bool FileExists(std::string File);
/// Object to back up and restore files.
FileBackup SaveFile;
/// Load the specified or default config file.
@@ -102,47 +100,6 @@ public:
// \returns the rulebase script file name.
std::string GetRulebaseScriptName(void);
/// Copy a file.
// \param[in] From is the name of the source file.
// \param[in] To is the name of the destination file.
void Copy(std::string From, std::string To);
/// Set the owner and group of the specified file.
// This function sets the owner and group of the specified file to the
// value specified in UtilityConfig.cpp.
// \param[in] File is the specified file.
// \see SNFUserName.
// \see SNFGroupName.
void SetOwnerGroup(std::string &File);
/// Set the mode of a file.
// This function sets the mode of the specified file. If an error
// occurs, an exception is thrown.
// \param[in] File is the specified file.
// \param[in] is the mode.
void SetMode(std::string &File, mode_t mode);
/// Create a directory.
// This function creates the specified directory. If an error
// occurs, an exception is thrown.
// \param[in] Dir is the directory to create.
void MkDir(std::string &Dir);
/// Restart the MTA.
// This function starts or restarts the MTA.
@@ -152,17 +109,6 @@ public:
void StartOrRestartMta(std::string Mta);
/// Check for a specified string at the beginning of a line.
// This function checks for the specified string at the beginning of a
// line. Leading whitespace in the line is ignored.
// \param[in] Line is the line.
// \param[in] SearchString is the string to check for.
static bool CheckForString(std::string Line, std::string SearchString);
/// Operating system specification.
enum OperatingSystemSpecEnum {
OpenBSD, ///< OpenBSD OS.
@@ -185,7 +131,7 @@ public:
/// Postfix main.cf file path.
std::string PostfixMainCfPath;
/// Postfix main.cf file path.
/// Postfix master.cf file path.
std::string PostfixMasterCfPath;
/// Create or update the ignore list file.
@@ -210,42 +156,14 @@ public:
bool ProcessCommandLineItem(std::string OneInput);
/// Provide verbose output?
// \returns true if the application is to provide verbose output.
bool Verbose();
/// Provide an explanation of the actions only?
// \returns true if the application is to provide an explanation
// of the actions without executing any commands.
bool Explain();
/// Provide help?
// \returns true if the application is to output a help message.
bool Help();
/// Output the legal command-line input.
std::string HelpCommandLine();
/// Output the description of the legal command-line input.
std::string HelpDescription();
/// Output the end of a verbose output line.
void OutputVerboseEnd();
bool VerboseRequested; ///< User requested verbose processing.
bool ExplainRequested; ///< User requested verbose processing but without actually executing the commands.
bool HelpRequested; ///< User requested help.
std::string ConfigFile; ///< Configuration file name.
static const std::string SampleIgnoreListFile; ///< Sample ignore list file.
static const std::string SampleRulebaseScriptFile; ///< Sample rulebase script file.

+ 4
- 2
SNFMilterConfig/Makefile.am 파일 보기

@@ -22,10 +22,12 @@ sbin_PROGRAMS = \

SNFMilterConfig_SOURCES = \
@top_srcdir@/SNFUtility/SNFMilterConfig/main.cpp \
@top_srcdir@/SNFUtility/SNFMilterConfig/SNFMilterConfig.cpp \

noinst_HEADERS = \
@top_srcdir@/SNFUtility/SNFMilterConfig/SNFMilterConfig.hpp \

Makefile.am \

+ 303
- 0
SNFMilterConfig/PostfixIntegrate.cpp 파일 보기

@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
// /file PostfixIntegrate.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2011, ARM Research Labs, LLC.
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// This file contains the functions for PostfixIntegrate.
// $Id$
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include "PostfixIntegrate.hpp"
// Configuration. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
const std::string SnfMilterMainCfSearchString("Added by PostfixIntegrate");
const std::string SnfMilterMainCfIntegrationString("smtpd_milters = unix:/var/snf-milter/socket $smtpd_milters # Added by PostfixIntegrate");
// End of configuration. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
PostfixIntegrate::SetOperatingSystem(std::string OperatingSystemType) {
if ("OpenBSD" == OperatingSystemType) {
PostfixMainCfPath = "/usr/local/etc/postfix/main.cf";
PostfixMasterCfPath = "/usr/local/etc/postfix/master.cf";
} else if ("FreeBSD" == OperatingSystemType) {
PostfixMainCfPath = "/etc/postfix/main.cf";
PostfixMasterCfPath = "/etc/postfix/master.cf";
} else if ("Ubuntu" == OperatingSystemType) {
PostfixMainCfPath = "/etc/postfix/main.cf";
PostfixMasterCfPath = "/etc/postfix/master.cf";
} else if ("RedHat" == OperatingSystemType) {
PostfixMainCfPath = "/etc/postfix/main.cf";
PostfixMasterCfPath = "/etc/postfix/master.cf";
} else if ("Suse" == OperatingSystemType) {
PostfixMainCfPath = "/etc/postfix/main.cf";
PostfixMasterCfPath = "/etc/postfix/master.cf";
} else {
std::ostringstream Temp;
Temp << "***Error from PostfixIntegrate::SetOperatingSystem: Invalid value of OperatingSystemType: "
<< OperatingSystemType;
throw std::runtime_error(Temp.str());
PostfixIntegrate::Integrate(FileBackup *SaveFile) {
if (IsIntegrated()) {
if (Verbose()) {
std::cout << "Add to postfix file " << PostfixMainCfPath << ": '"
<< SnfMilterMainCfIntegrationString << "'...";
if (!Explain()) {
std::ofstream Output; // Append the configuration.
Output.open(PostfixMainCfPath.c_str(), std::ios::app);
if (!Output) {
std::string Temp;
Temp = "Error opening the postfix configuration file " + PostfixMainCfPath;
Temp += " for writing: ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw std::runtime_error(Temp);
Output << SnfMilterMainCfIntegrationString << "\n";
if (!Output) {
std::string Temp;
Temp = "Error appending to the postfix configuration file " + PostfixMainCfPath;
Temp += ": ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw std::runtime_error(Temp);
if (!Output) {
std::string Temp;
Temp = "Error closing the postfix configuration file " + PostfixMainCfPath;
Temp += " after appending: ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw std::runtime_error(Temp);
PostfixIntegrate::Unintegrate(FileBackup *SaveFile) {
if (!IsIntegrated()) {
std::ifstream Input;
if (Verbose()) {
std::cout << "Remove integration in postfix file " << PostfixMainCfPath << "--\n";
Input.open(PostfixMainCfPath.c_str()); // Read the contents.
if (!Input) {
std::string Temp;
Temp = "Error opening the postfix configuration file " + PostfixMainCfPath;
Temp += " for reading: ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw std::runtime_error(Temp);
std::string Content;
std::string Line;
while (getline(Input, Line)) {
if (std::string::npos != Line.find(SnfMilterMainCfSearchString)) { // Check for integration line.
if (Verbose()) {
std::cout << " Remove '" << Line << "'...\n";
continue; // Do not copy this line.
Content += Line + "\n"; // Copy this line.
if (!Input.eof()) { // Should be at end-of-file.
std::string Temp;
Temp = "Error reading the postfix configuration file " + PostfixMainCfPath;
Temp += ": ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw std::runtime_error(Temp);
if (Input.bad()) {
std::string Temp;
Temp = "Error closing the postfix configuration file " + PostfixMainCfPath;
Temp += " after reading: ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw std::runtime_error(Temp);
if (!Explain()) {
std::ofstream Output; // Write the updated contents.
Output.open(PostfixMainCfPath.c_str(), std::ios::trunc);
if (!Output) {
std::string Temp;
Temp = "Error opening the postfix configuration file " + PostfixMainCfPath;
Temp += " for writing: ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw std::runtime_error(Temp);
Output << Content;
if (!Output) {
std::string Temp;
Temp = "Error writing the postfix configuration file " + PostfixMainCfPath;
Temp += ": ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw std::runtime_error(Temp);
if (!Output) {
std::string Temp;
Temp = "Error closing the postfix configuration file " + PostfixMainCfPath;
Temp += " after writing: ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw std::runtime_error(Temp);
PostfixIntegrate::IsIntegrated() {
if (!FileExists(PostfixMainCfPath)) {
return false;
bool Integrated = false;
if (Verbose()) {
std::cout << "Checking for any SNFMilter integration in the postfix file " << PostfixMainCfPath << "--\n";
std::ifstream Input;
Input.open(PostfixMainCfPath.c_str()); // Read the contents.
if (!Input) {
std::string Temp;
Temp = "Error opening the postfix configuration file " + PostfixMainCfPath;
Temp += " for reading: ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw std::runtime_error(Temp);
std::string Line;
while (getline(Input, Line)) {
if (std::string::npos != Line.find(SnfMilterMainCfSearchString)) { // Check for integration line.
Integrated = true; // Found it.
if (Input.bad()) {
std::string Temp;
Temp = "Error closing the postfix configuration file " + PostfixMainCfPath;
Temp += " after reading: ";
Temp += strerror(errno);
throw std::runtime_error(Temp);
return Integrated;

+ 44
- 0
SNFMilterConfig/PostfixIntegrate.hpp 파일 보기

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
// \file PostfixIntegrate.hpp
// Copyright (C) 2011 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
// See www.armresearch.com for the copyright terms.
// This file defines the PostfixIntegrate interface.
// $Id$
#ifndef PostfixIntegratehpp_included
#define PostfixIntegratehpp_included
#include "MtaIntegrate.hpp"
/// Class to manage the SNFMilter integration with postfix.
// This class implements the MtaIntegrate interface for postfix.
class PostfixIntegrate : public MtaIntegrate {
virtual void SetOperatingSystem(std::string OperatingSystemType);
virtual void Integrate(FileBackup *SaveFile);
virtual void Unintegrate(FileBackup *SaveFile);
virtual bool IsIntegrated();
/// Postfix main.cf file path.
std::string PostfixMainCfPath;
/// Postfix master.cf file path.
std::string PostfixMasterCfPath;

+ 24
- 17
SNFMilterConfig/SNFMilterConfig.cpp 파일 보기

@@ -208,14 +208,16 @@ SNFMilterConfig::UpdateConfigFiles() {
std::string ConfigFileName = GetConfigFileName();
SaveFile.CreateBackupFile(ConfigFileName); // Save any existing file.
if (!FileExists(ConfigFileName)) {
Copy(DefaultSampleConfigFile, ConfigFileName); // Use SNFMilter.xml.sample.
Copy(DefaultSampleConfigFile, ConfigFileName); // Use SNFMilter.xml.sample.
SetMode(ConfigFileName, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); // Set permissions.
SetOwnerGroup(ConfigFileName); // Set to sniffer user.
SetMode(ConfigFileName, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); // Set permissions.
SetOwnerGroup(ConfigFileName); // Set to sniffer user.
@@ -228,15 +230,17 @@ SNFMilterConfig::DoIntegrationCommand() {
switch (Command) {
case IntegrateWithNoneCmd:
case IntegrateWithPostfixCmd:
case IntegrateWithSendmailCmd:
// Sendmail.Integrate(&SaveFile);
@@ -244,7 +248,8 @@ SNFMilterConfig::DoIntegrationCommand() {
ostringstream Temp;
Temp << "Internal error in SNFMilterConfig::DoCommand: Invalid value of command: " << Command;
Temp << "Internal error in SNFMilterConfig::DoIntegrationCommand: Invalid value of command: "
<< Command;
throw runtime_error(Temp.str());
@@ -255,25 +260,27 @@ SNFMilterConfig::DoIntegrationCommand() {
SNFMilterConfig::UnintegrateWithAll() {
SNFMilterConfig::UnintegrateWithAllExcept(std::string Except) {
if (Except != "postfix") {
#if 0
if (Except != "sendmail") {
// TODO: Restart MTA.
// Do not remove the socket directory; users might have placed
// files in it. This happened with the /tmp directory; it was
// supposed to be only for files that would be deleted on reboot.
// However, admins stored files that they wished to be persistent
// across reboots in /tmp.
SNFMilterConfig::IntegrateWithPostfix() {
UnintegrateWithAll(); // Remove any existing integration.
// UnintegrateWithAll(); // Remove any existing integration.
if (Verbose()) {

+ 19
- 1
SNFMilterConfig/SNFMilterConfig.hpp 파일 보기

@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include <string>
#include "UtilityConfig.hpp"
#include "PostfixIntegrate.hpp"
/// Class to manage the SNFMilter configuration.
@@ -71,6 +72,8 @@ private:
void CreateSocketDir();
PostfixIntegrate Postfix; ///< Postfix integration object.
void IntegrateWithPostfix(); ///< Integrate with postfix.
void UnintegrateWithPostfix(); ///< Unintegrate with postfix.
@@ -79,7 +82,22 @@ private:
void UnintegrateWithSendmail(); ///< Unintegrate with sendmail.
void UnintegrateWithAll(); ///< Unintegrate with all MTAs.
///< Unintegrate with MTAs.
// Unintegrate with all MTAs except the specified MTA.
// \param[in] Except is the MTA to not integrate with. The
// acceptable values are:
// <ol>
// <li> "postfix" </li>
// <li> "" </li>
// </ol>
// The default value is "", which specifies unintegration with all
// MTAs.
void UnintegrateWithAllExcept(std::string Except = "");
CommandEnum Command; ///< Specified command.
